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<br /> � ` TO(iBTHER WITH alt the improvementa now ar hercaller crcrted on the propedy,nrKl all u+xementr,appurtcnuua. and
<br /> " fixwres naw ar hereafter a purt of thc propeny. All replucemenis �uul uJditinns r�hull alx�� bc cuvera! by thir Saurlty
<br /> lnctrument. All of the faregaing Is referrod to in this Security lnstrument ux the "Pmpeny."
<br /> BORROWER COVENANTS tlwt ec�rrower ia lowfully ceisod�f the eata�e hereby conveyed und huti�he rlght to gront and
<br /> �_� � .�'' convey the Propeny and that the Propeny is unencumbered,except fur encumbrance� af record. &�rmwer w�ntc and will
<br /> „ defend gener�lly thc title ta the Proptrty agoinat ull clAims und demands,subjcct to ony enrumbranccs of rec�►rd.
<br /> �`r � TFIIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combfoes uniform covenants for nutional use und non-unifom�cuvenums whh Ilmited
<br /> .�;,,,p,;� ;:� vori�tion5 by Ju�isdiction to constitute a uniform securiry instrurnent a►vering real propeny.
<br /> 4 � .. UNIFURM C.'OVENANTS.Bormwcr und Lsnder covenun�an.l agree us fiiUuwh: L-
<br /> 1. Payment af PrinripAl wnd Interestt Prepvyment und Late Charges• &xruwcr �hull prumptly puy when due �he,
<br /> �k�•'"'n' �s., principal af and interest on the dcbt evidenccxl by the Nnte an�l nny prepayment und lotc rharges due uixler Ihe Ncxc.
<br /> �.�°
<br /> ��'�"�'•��`°�'• � 2. Fund��ur Taxea and Ir�surance. Subject to applicuble law or to u wrltten wu�vcr by Lencicr, Bom�wer tihall puy to
<br /> —�`:s:�!'� r I.ender on the doy monthly payments arc due under the Notc,until the Notc is paid in full,u sum 1"Funds"1 far: lu)yeurly t:uces ---
<br /> a�Ar,ini,,,:✓�.
<br /> and asscssments which may ultain priarity over this Security Instrument a�u lien on thc Propeny;(bl yeurly Iea.tichalJ puymenls
<br /> ��'�'° ur mund rents on the Pro n if un lc►yeurl hozual ur n� n intiurunce remium+;IJ1 wrl flaal inwrance remiums,
<br /> � ��� . .r ,,•. 8 Pe Y• Y: Y p pe Y P Y' y P —
<br /> � �-� �,;'�, if uny: (e)yearly murtguge insurance premiums, if uny:und(f1 uny sums puyable by &►ROwrr to L.ender, in accordar� wilh
<br /> : '� ' the pmvisions of paragroph 8, in lieu of the puyment of mangs�gz intiurance prcmiums. The.tie items nre culled "Escrow I�ems.'
<br /> � • -:-
<br /> � �' " �� ;;' � Lender may.at any time, callect und hold Funds in an amount not ta exreed the maxiinum umuunt u lender Por u federuily
<br />� �`-`' �'' , ;``*
<br /> �„ . n. relatal monguge laan nwy require for Borrower's escrow uccaunt under the federul Real Es�ute Settlement Prncodurcs Ac[of ne;+;_;,
<br /> �z;. `��;....... � -
<br /> �,. :,;,:•. •_ 1974 as umended Gom time to time. 12 U.S.C. Section 2601 et seq.("RESPA"),unless unother luw thut applies t�►�he Funds
<br /> _ �f�:�:_.. �; sets n lesser arnount. If w, Lcnder may,ut any time, col lcxt and hold Funds in an amaunt not to exreed the lesser amount.
<br /> ��� • "' Lender mny estimate the urtwunt af Funds due on�he basis of current duta and reawnuble estimates of expenditures oi future `
<br /> -_ ' � Escrow Items or otherwise in acrnrdance with applicuble law.
<br /> �_.� �. � � The Funds shall be held in an in,titution whose depu�its ure insured by u fedcrol ugcncy, instrumcntality. ur cnti�y °-
<br /> _� •• -+�'�•� (including L.ender,if Lender is such un institulion)or in uny Federal Nome Loan Bank. l.ender shull upply the FunJs�o pay thc
<br /> _ �;.
<br /> ��F' ,��'=`''-''���' Escrow Itema.l.ender mAy not chArgc 8onower for holding und upplying the Funds,unnually unalyzing the escrow accuunt,or =_
<br /> ��.�",
<br /> � ��,,? �• - verifying Ihe Escrow Items,unless Lender pays Borrower interesi on the Funds and upplicuble law permits I.ender to muke such
<br /> ��;�' " � � � Y,.Y a chsirge. However.Lendcr mny requirc Borrower to pay a one-time charge for un independent reul estute iux repcming xrvice _--�
<br /> r
<br /> =:�� .;,,^,;�,, _:.�;,._ �� ., used by Lcndcr in cannection with thiti I��un, unless applicuble IAw provides atherwise. Unlcss un agreement is m�de or _—
<br /> '' � A I�cnble Inw r uires interest to 6e aid, L.ender shall not be r uired to a Borrower an intemst or cArnings on�he Funds.
<br /> -.�_ - , ,,,.•�,•, • pp' ey ' P �1 P Y Y
<br /> _� � '�� Borrower and L.ender may ugrce in writing, howevcr, thut interest shall be paid on�he Funds. I.rnder shall give to Bormwer,
<br /> _:s� . -�; •
<br /> - -;,! ��,��;„„r;�,�. without charge, an unnual accounting�f the Funds, showing crodits unJ debits to�he Funds und the purpose fiir which ench
<br /> - '' ; � debit w the Funds was made.The Funds ure pledged s�udditionnl securily for all sums rerured by this 5ecurity Insuumcia.
<br /> "� <<,, �, �.;�., '' If the Funds held by Lender ezceed the umoums pem�it�ed ta be held by applicable luw.La nder shall account to Bom�wer
<br /> �"•`� � !��`:. �.;%•:s�� ° for the excess Funds in uccordunce with Ihc requirements of upplic�Me law. If the umouM oi�he Fwxis held by Lender at nny ��_
<br /> `7�.w � � " �. t!, ;�'1'_�.. 4 _
<br /> _�; _,.1 ;.;,;�n.� time is not sufficient ta pay the ErcroN� Itcros whcn due.Lender may so nntify Banower in writing,und, in such c+►sc B oROwer
<br /> _� -• shall pay to Lender the amuunt neressury to muke up�he de�ciency. Borrawer shull muke up the deficiency in nc►morc than
<br />°1`- � :'' twclvc monthly puyments,at I.encter'�solc discre[ion. .m-�
<br />�. ' '�i'Y` '.i� .
<br /> •>�•:�; ;:.,. Upon payment in full of ull sums secureJ by this S��curity Instrument, Lendcr shall prumptly refund w Bortuwer :u�y
<br /> � • • . � Funds hclJ by l.ender. If,undcr pur,►graph?I. L.enJcr,hull ucyuirc ur ull the Property,l.cnder,pnur to thc ucyuisitiun or sule
<br /> y� � _ of the Property, shull�pply any Funds held by Lender at the t ime of ucquixitiun ar salc ux a crcYiit uguinst the sumx secured by ;�;:'
<br /> j`�•' ,._,,.. this S�xuriry Instrument.
<br /> '1 ' a.A icallon of Povments. Unlcs,a lirable law rovidc+othcrwisc,All poymcnts reccived by Lrnder under parugraphs �_�,.
<br />;:�.. , PP� Pp P _.
<br />>�; .M I and 2 shall bc appli��d: fint, la uny prcpayment rhurgc, due under the Note: tiecond, to unwunts payable under parug�aph 2;
<br />-r=. . .- third.to intrrc�t due:Pi�urth,lo principal Jur:w�d la�t.a►:u�y lute rh•rrgcti duc undrr the Nute. _-
<br />' '� • -••• �` .� 4.Ctuirges: Liens.&�rcower shall pay uU taxe�,usses�menls,rhurges, Gncs utK1 impusitianti attribuwbl��o thc Propeny _--
<br />�-� whirh may •rn�in pri��riry aver�hi. S�.�urity Intitrumenl, and Ic•r�chold payments or grounJ rrnt., if any. Borrower sh�ll pay
<br /> � ,,;�' - d"`� . thes�:obligatianx in the manne�pru�•ided in pam�.r�ph 2.ur if nat paid in thut munner. Burrawer shall pu�•�hem on timc direcUy =�':=.
<br /> to the penon ow��l paynxnt.&�rco�vrr,hull pmmptly fumi�h ta l.��xirr•rll notire���f amaunt+tu t+e paid under Ihis parrgraph. �:.�s'=
<br /> � If Borrower makc��hc.c a m�nt.Jimctl•. Borcuµ•cr,hall n�m dy furni�h ti�L�:nJer r�cei t�rvidencin�the r n�ents. •��`=`:
<br />!.•, p'Y ) p P P b P'Y
<br /> .,, :�`" '' Burrua�er shall p�umpd}�JisrharFe any lien which ha.priariry avcr thi,S�tiurity In�lrunknt unl�sti&�ru►wer: la1 agrcct�in
<br /> � ;,,;��� `� writing tu the payment uf the��bligrtion x�un�i b�•�he lirn in a manner arc�ptublr tu Lrndrr;!hl cunte.t.in F�xxl Luth Ihe lien -_-;k.
<br /> �y. or d�fe�xl. again.t enti�rcemrnt ul' thc licn in, legal pnx�Y�lin�ti ��hirh in thr l.�nJer'. upiniun operut�t�, prevent �he r-"
<br /> ""�°"`+*.. enfi�itrment uf thc lirn:ur Irl titiun+Irum Ihc huldrr nf thc 1 ico an agr�rment,ati,l'a�tuq• �o I_ender.uhanli»ating thc lien tu
<br /> �. W-
<br /> � � thi� S�tiurity Imtrument. If I.��xirr drtrnninr•Ihat:my pan af ih� Pro�xny i,.uhj��t tu a lien w�hirh may attaiu priurity u�•er
<br /> _, this S��uritc In.trun�nt. Lrnd�r ma� gi�c f3��rc�n�rr a n„u.r�Jrntit'�in�q�r h�n. Hurr�,urr .I�all .ati.t�• thc lirn ar�akconc or �:
<br /> ; ,� more ot'the:ktiuns set furth alxn•e within 10 Ja�.af thc gi�iu�:of n��ur�. �
<br /> '� so.m 3ose 9��0
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