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<br /> epplicuble law may speciFy for reinst�emcnt)befbre eute of the Propeny pursuant to�any puwcr of�xle contalned ia lhis
<br /> - Security Inshumen�:or(b)enay of u judgment enforcing this Security Insuument. Thouc conJitions u�c�hat Bartow�r. (al
<br /> 'o paya Lender aU sums which ttxn would be due undcr this Secur�ty Inatrumcat and thc Note As if no acccictuian had
<br /> occurrcd;(b)cu�w any defuuU of eny aher covenAn�s or agreements;(c)pays all expensev incurted in enforcin�thic Secu�ity
<br /> ";� lnsuumcnt.including,but nW limited to,rea.conable auomcys'fecs: w�d (d) takes euch�ctjon us L.ender m�y rcas�xwbty
<br /> ' :• �. .� rcquire W uasure that the licn of lhis S�rurity Instrumcnl,Lcnder4 righ�g M�hc Property und Born�werk ubllga�fon lo pay tF�e
<br /> -=. S � �uma secured by Ihis Sccurity Instrument Fhall conlinue unchanged. Upon rcin�latemcnt by Bc►rrower. �his Secudty
<br /> -" ''�` Instrument and the ubiigutionx se�ured hereby shall rcmain fuily effective as if no acceleraUon iwd accwred. Hawever,�his
<br /> , ..,,,_,; • :�.
<br /> •�`p •� ';�'" ri�ht lo r�inslate slwlt not apply in the cuae af accelerntion undrr�rugruph 17. -
<br /> ''����� 19. 3ak o�Note;Ciwn�e of l.oan Servlcer. 71ie Note or a partial intcrest in�he Notc(togcther with�hic Sc�curity
<br /> _,,,.. Instrumenq may be sold one or more�imes without prior notice ta Borrawer. A sale rnay rerult in•r chAnge ia the en�ily
<br /> _.�w��.�;�� (know�av the"Lain Serviccr'1 thal cullecis monthly payments due under the NWe und this Security Instn�ment. There also �
<br /> �"�"'��,;,,�-�L may be ane or more changcs uf the Loan Scrvicer unreluted�o u sule of the Nute. li ihere is a rhange of tbc Loan 5ervicer.
<br /> y�` ,a „ Borrower will be given wdtten notice of 1he change in uccordance with p�rugrAph 14 atwve nnd upplicable luw. 'll�e natice
<br /> -�'�_,: .<•:,��� � will statc thc namc und address of the ncw Laan Scrvicer und the widrera la which payments should be made. 'I'h�iwtice will
<br /> � "' nlso conlain any olher informa�ion reyuired by applicnbte Inw.
<br /> �-,: A�. 20. Huardous Substaaces. Bom�wcr shall not cuuse or permit the prescncc,use.disEwsal.storuge,or release of ar�y
<br /> ���•.�"�"�'�: . Hsu.ardaus Subs�ances on or in the Propeny. Borrower shull nw do,nor allow anyone clsc to do,unylhing uffec�ing 1he
<br />� '."'i`" ' ' Propeny that ia in violutian oi uny Environmenwl l.aw. Tlic prcceding two sentenccs shall not apply�o�hc prcsencc,use.or
<br /> � `��._... .. awrage on the Propeny of small yuantidcs of Huzntdous Substances that urc generully rccognized ta be npp�opriate to oamal
<br /> '� "•' , �rsidential uses und ta muintenunce af the Property.
<br /> �±• `--+� �• dernand,luwsuit or oth�r actian by Any
<br /> �,. s :, Bomowcr shall promptly give Lcnder wrilten naice of any investigAtion,claim,
<br /> -- �--° • � govemmental ur regulatory ugency or private party involving the Property und any Hnuudous Substance or Environmental
<br /> ::��j,.,.•:�' � L.nw of which Borrower hus acwal knowledge. If Borrower Icarnx, or is notificd by:►ny Bo�emmenlul or rebuluory
<br /> � .. , ;.:,�„ Authoriry,that uny removal or other remedintian of uny HuzurJous Subslunce AI'fecting the Propeny fs necessary,Borrower
<br /> ����- ' .•y' shAll pramptly take all necessury remediAl uctions in uccordnnce with Environmemal Law.
<br /> — _ " ,� As used in this pa�ugrs�ph 20,"Hazurdous Substances"are tha�e subzlnnces detined us toxic or hnxnrdous,ubstunces by
<br /> -x�'� . � '':.�'• Environmenlal Law nnd the follawing subs�nnces: gusoline,kerosene,other flummable or laxic peuol�vm products,toxic
<br /> '��:�,,,,,,�_ . pesticides nnd herbicides,volutile s�lvents,materials containing usbeslos�ir fbrmuldehyde, and radioactive materi�ls. As
<br /> — ' �� used in this parngruph 20,"Environmenml Luw"meuns fedeml Inwx and lawti ai'thc juri�iiclidn whcre the Propeny is lavted
<br /> "�� �, thwt relure ta heulth,safery or environmental protectian,
<br /> _y� .;�� . -�• "' NON-UNIFQRM COVENANTS. Borrower ond Lendcr funhcr covenant an�agree ac folluws:
<br /> -- � �. 2 1. A c c e l e r a d o�; R e m e d i e s. I.e n d e r s h a l l�i v e n o t i c e t o B o r r o w e r p r i o r t o�c c e l e r a t io n i'ollowin g Borrower's
<br /> .::,�� ��", � breach of any rnvenant or agreement in this Security In.4trument Ibul not prior tw accelerAtion under paragraph 17
<br /> unless applkable law provides othenvkel. The notice shall specii'y: (al the default; Ib1 tbe Actlon required to cure the
<br /> _ �-c'-�;�'• ` -�`.-�--=° dei'�uitc ic)�d�ie,�vt i�s ih�n 30��ys frum ikr dalc thc so!!ce�S g1Yrn tu Bnrrower.bv which the default must be
<br /> .:,?F� .. .. � ,nr
<br /> ' � cured:and Id)tluit fAilure!o cure lhe dePault on or before the date specifled in the noNce may�esult in acceler�tion oP
<br /> ."� r�."+'�: . the sums secured by this Securfty Instrument s�nd sale of the Property. The nolice sshAll further inform Borrower af
<br /> -�'^ t`�� �°'�" •„ the right to reinstate aRer accekration and the risht to bring u court action to assert the non-existence of�defaWt or
<br /> �}�,,,. �,, � eny other defense of Borrower to acceleration and sale. lf Ihe default is not cured on or before t6e dAte specified in _
<br /> � � the not(ce.l.ender at its option may require immediate payment in full af ull sums secured by this Security Instruw�ent
<br /> :;�:;; , " without furthe�demand and m�y invoke the po��rr oP sale and any Mher remrdies permitted by applkpble Ipw _
<br /> -, _ s�tk , Lender shall be entitled to collect all expenses incurred in pursuing the remedies provided in Ihis purpgreph 21. �
<br /> • . �, including,but not limited to,rea�►nable attorneys'iees und cost4 of title evidence. _
<br /> 'w , IP the power oP sale is invoked,71�ustee sBall record a nulice of defaWt in each couMy in which any part aP the t
<br /> �•� . ., � Property is localed ond shall mail copies of such nodce in the manner pr�cribed by applicable IAw to Borrower and to �
<br /> �;.,� � the other persons prescribed by upplicable law. Af1er Ihe time required by uppllcable law.7lrustee shall give public
<br /> notice of sale to Ihe persons and in the manner prescribed by applica6le Is�w. 7lrustee.withouf demand on Borrowe�.
<br />=,. _,F�_,,.t,,, Aholl sell the Property at public auction to the hi�hest bidder at the Hn�e und plece and under the terms deslgnated in _
<br /> -�p�,Q.�r : --�, the notice of sale in one or more parceis and in any order'I�ustre delermines. 'Irustee may poslpone sale of all or any
<br /> ` •. �t: . parcel oP the Property by public unnouncemenl at lhe dme and place of any prevtously scheduled swle. Lender or its �
<br />�.. . �.,°;.
<br /> .,,,k;' � ' derignee may purchASe the Property at any sale. =.
<br /> , �''.xt Upun receipt oi'payment of the price bid,'I�ustee shull deliver to the purchu+er '11�ustee'.s deed conveying the -
<br /> . ' Property. The recitals in the'll�ustee's deed shall be primu Pacie evidenre of the truth of the statemeo�s ms�de therein. ,
<br /> � ° _s � ' 7lrustee sholl apply the pruceeds of Ihe sale in the fblluwjng urder: lal tu ull costs and expenses of exercising the power i
<br /> �. �,,, � _.
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