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�"�.{l,,i^'��f:+�G:- .. °f ;.� .r`tilr;t,• .. ._.:,.a. ,,..� <br /> "'Y:'.�:..• <br /> E:; '�i(:_- -_ - - ,., <br /> ,�. „�-- , ._.�. <br /> V - Y _.�. _.--...___.. <br /> , •Ay :!T• n _ . <br /> . � . :.\ . MfY • ' ' . <br /> ..7� ' . ; 1 ,,.�����'�,t�i.� '•,i� ',Y`��.' :-_ <br /> /': .J�J�-: <br /> � d .yn . . .._ . _. <br /> - - -�-� . 92- 1OS97'� <br /> , �.- <br /> , �.��.. <br /> periadx that Lcrxirr reyuirev. The irnurunce carrfer provlding the insurance shall bc chaun by Borrower subjcc�to Lcnder's <br /> approval which chull not bc unrcu�o�ubly withheld. !f Burrower fuils to malntain covemge de.uribed abave,Lender rtwy,at <br /> ' � L.Cnder's option.oMpin c�veragc to protect Lendcrk�ights in�he Property in accardancc with p:uugr�ph 7. <br /> _ �, :�:+�_, All insurunce polieicti and renewals Khnll be aceeptable to Lender und shall includo a wtundord mortgage clause. l.ender <br /> ��r<�- xhall have the tlght to 1wW�he poliries and rcnewals. if Lendcr rcquiree,Borrower ehull promp0y give lo Lendcr all Rcei�t.v <br /> ,,, �• of p�id prcmiumK und renewul notice�. In the rvent of loss.Borrower shall give prompt na ic��o�h e insurance ca�rier a n d <br /> • �°� "�•'" Lender. Lender may muke praof of loss if nd mude prompUy by BoROwer. <br /> ����' � Unlesx�ender w�d Borrower othcrwisc ogrce in writing,insur.u�ce praceeda shull he �pplled to restomli�n ur ropair of <br /> � -�'• ' �he PropeAy dnmageci, if�he rc��nrnti�n or rrp�ir ia eeonamicadly Feacible and Lender'+ security is na lessened. If the �___ <br /> ��• r,.aR"`-� °�,�y„c rc�tauti�n or rcpair is not economicully feasible or Lenderg Fecudty would be le�ened.ihe insurunce ptaceedg shall be <br /> � ���''��� uppiied�o the sums srcured by Ihi�Securiry Insttument, whether or nw then due, with any excess paid to Bwrower. IP <br /> ��=i'""'�`` Bortower ulxindons the Propehy,or d«s nat unswer within�U dayq a naice from L.ender thut the inaurunce ecurier has <br /> 1�;:..�;�,:" offercd la icettle a claim,then Lender muy collect the insurunce proceedc. Lender mAy uce Ihe prnceeds to repufr or resrore <br /> � �a�, � the Pn�perty or to pay sums secured by this ScY;urity Instrument.wh�iher or not then due. The 30-duy period will begin wlun <br /> _��"'y� �:.� Ihe notice is given. <br /> . . Unless Lander and Borrower a�henvise agree in writing, uny applicu�ion of pmceeds�o principal sh�ll nw extend or <br /> � y, _ . pos�pone the due dute af the monthly p�yment�referred ta in pw�ugruphs I und 2 or chunge the umount of the payments. If <br /> '�:� �•• �� ' =4 under paragraph 21 the Prapert�i+� ucyuirzd by Lender,Borrower� �ight to uny insw�anre palicier and praceeds rcsulting <br /> x.._�..�. '�� • � Prom clumage to the Property pnor to the ucquisition shall pass ta Lender to the extent of the sums secured by this 5ecurlty <br /> 4 a Y• Insuument immediately prior to[he ucquisition. <br /> i�. •.-.�` ," ' " 6. Occups�ncy� Preservwtbn, MalMenance and Protection oP the Property; Borrowe�'s Loan Applkatlon; <br /> � ' ' '' Leaseholde. Bortnwer shall occupy,estublish,and use�he Rnpeny us Borrower's principal residence within siaty days af'ter -- <br /> � <br /> =r: .�, . �he ex�;cution of�his Securiry Instrument und shull continue to occupy�he Property as Borrower's•principul residence far ot <br /> —` �. ,;.ie, . �- leusl one yenr after the dnte of acupa�cy, unless Lender ulherwisr ugrees in writing, which consent xhaU not be -- - <br /> .• unreationably withheld,o�unlexc ex�enuoiing circumstt►nces eaist which nre beyond Borrower's control. BoROwer shall not <br /> ��� -� .' desuoy,dumage or impair the Propehy,allow the Propeny to deteriorn�e,or commit wucte on the Pmperry. Bortower shall <br /> — ' defnult if uny forfeiwre acNon or pmceeding,whe�her civil or begun thut in l.ender's good faith judgment <br /> ��,r, �^� `- could result in forFeiture af the Property or ahenvise materially impair the lien created by this Security Instrument or _ <br /> _�n: . � �` ~ Lender�sccurity intems�. Dorrower mAy cure such a default und reinstute,as provided in purugraph 18,by cuusing tlu uction <br /> ' or proceeding to be dismissed wi�h a ruling thut,in Lender's good fuith determinution,precludes forfeiture of the Borrower's _ <br /> _ � interest in the Property or other malerial impuirment of the lien created by this Security Instrument or Lender's security <br /> — `�"` ` �` � intercst. Borrower shull also be in defuult if Borrower, during the loan application process, guve materially false or <br /> _ ":�s,� inaccura�e informution or xwtements to Lender(or fuiled to provide Lehder wi�h any mutcri�l informntion)in connection with <br /> •�, ��?•- ' the loiu►evidenced by thc Nute, including, but na limited to, representntions concemiag Borrower� occupancy of the <br /> - � • +� Property us a principal rexidence. If�his Security Instn�ment is on u leu+ehald,Bomower shall comply with ull �he pmvisions <br /> -- �".'=�._,.__`_:�.t_=`_. of�he lease. If Horcower acyuires fee tttle to the Property,the leusehnld and the fee tide shull na merge unless Lender ugrees <br /> = _-_— - <br /> � x� :" .. to the merger in writing. - <br /> ,,� 7. Protection oP Lender's Rlghts in the Property. If Borrower fnik to perform the covenants and a�reements <br /> ,'�` =�� 6 conwined in this Security Instrument, or there is a Iegal praceedin�ihat muy sisnificanlly ufi'ect Lender's rights in the _ _,. <br /> _,:!� Propeny(such a�a praceeding in bsankruptcy,probate,for condemnution or forfeiture or to enforce laws or regulutians),then _ <br /> '� Lender muy do und pay Por whakver is necessury to protect Ihe value of Ihe Piroperty and Lender's rights in the Praperty. _ <br /> �".��`. �'!.' " Lender�actions mny inelude paying any sums xecum d by u lien which hns prioriry over this Seeuriry In.r•trumem,a p p euring — <br /> =� ' � in court,puyins reasc�nable attorneys tces und enlering on�he Property to muke repuirs. Although Lender may take action � " <br /> ,T',i� . <br /> '-..`� , ' �:. under this pamgrnph 7,Lender daec not have to do,a. <br /> 1 Any�mounls disbu�ed by Lender un�ier this p�uagruph 7 st�ull hecome udditional debt of Bortuwer sc.�cured by this �-_� <br /> " i �.:•,:�.. <br /> : • • • Security Instmment. Unless Borruwcr unJ LcnJer ugree to other tcrnis u(puymcnt,thesc urnounts shall bcnr interest irom the ` <br />-.�.. ''"*.�• � " date of disburscment ut�he Note ratc and shall be pAynble,with inlerest, upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting <br />_s i� y^' payment. � <br /> 8. Mortgage Insurunce. If Lender reyuired mortgage insurarne u,u condition of making the loun secured by this <br /> �'� �s'".,":- ° Security Instniment. Borrower tihnll puy the premium.r•reyuir�d to maintain thr mongage insurunce in effecl. If,For any �: <br /> �"� r;'�`!"•'' } reawn, Ihe mort u e insurunce coveru e re uired b L�:nder lu ties or reu+es w he in etfect. Bortower shall puy the �L=� <br /> -�.. 8 8 S 4 Y P� <br /> —� � �-'"���'�`+ � premiums reyuired to obtain coverage sub�tnntiully eyuivalent t�the mortguge insumnce pr�viou+ly in effect, m u wst �� ' <br /> `_;�; - :�.i��� , sul�ctantinlly eyuivulem to the cost to Borcower of the monguge in�u�unce pr�evicwsly in eifcct, fram ur►ulternule mongoge =__ <br /> - �� „ insurer approved by Lender. If substuntiully eyuivalent mongugc imurnnce coveruge i+not avail•rble, Borcower shull puy to <br /> ��.: Lender euch manth a sum eyual to one-tweltih of Ihe yeurly mongu�r in.uruncr premium being paid by Borrower when the � <br />--_.e� , ...., _ <br /> �.�_.� insurunce covernge lup�:d or ceused io be in eifert. Lender will uccept,u�e;mJ re�oin thr��payments i�+a loxc reserve in lieu �_ <br /> of mnngoge insurunce. Loss reserve puymrnt+muy no louger hr rrywRd,ul the option of Lender, if mort�uge insurunce <br /> ' coverage(in the umount and for the period tha�Lender rcyuire.l pravided by un in,urer approvrd hy Lender ragain becomes ,.,� <br /> �' ""� � nvailuble and is obtnined.Borrower xhall pay Ihe premiumx reyuired to maimain mongage imurance in effecl,or lo provide a <br /> _ ;,�'` „ . loss reservc,until the rcyuirement fix mortgage inxurance enJs in uccordnnre with uny wriuen•rgreemem he�ween Borrowcr ��,_ <br /> � � w- <br /> _��'_ . . .. , und Lender or upplicuble law. �� <br /> - 9. Inspection. Lcndcr or it�a�;ent m;iy makr rcu,onablr enlries u�n und intipection,nF the Praperty. Lendrr shull �; <br /> - - � .. give Bormwer naticr ut the time of�x prior to an ins{xctinn specifyin�reaumi►hle ruu.e for thc inxpection. •��- <br /> , 10. Condemnatlon. The pnx:eed���f uny awurJ ar claim fiir dumages.Jirrrt ur con+equcnliul,in cunnection with•rny .►::= <br />_ , � ,' . <br />-- 0 SinFlc Fmmly--Finnle 11ae/Frcddk�fuc UNIFlINM INtiTRUMkNT--Unifi�m Co�enum� 9/9p i��u¢r?���n���ccl , <br />:,.:,:' . . � <br /> . �:Ral Inkn Bu+lnrs tanr.In[� <br />_ � Tn�M�W��II I�OD6.1D07l3 C1 YAX BI&7B1•1131 , <br /> � � <br /> . � <br /> �_ ��.. -r--'- ��--�-+-- -- -•--._ .. .. .. - , �+�� � -.. -. -.. -- � � . . . rs�. .„ .. . a _. <br />_ ' t ' , <br /> `,� . <br /> .A , <br /> .. . .� � .,� . ' � <br /> � <br /> � . I / <br /> � �j .-.--.— _ . <br />