� 96- i(1�3?1 °°
<br /> 'Prc;.eetls')in ronnedion wi�h contic�mnation or other t�king oi Iha PropoM or pa:t lhereo(or br comeyance in lieu o(mn0emneGOn. __
<br /> nr,�er sh�ll be ent tle�'�.at its oplion ta commerw.re,a{+p�r in arM pro:ecute in iG am name eny ac6m or proceed�gs,erv1 shali aLSo
<br /> be enl�letl to ema4e any cam➢�omis<�ot s?PoemeM in wmus40n wilfi wM'aking O�damaqs.in I�e evenl eny pONCn W Ae P�op2M1y is
<br /> w taken or aame5etl, Lender shall have Ne op0on in ils sole eM aESOi:Re tliscretion, to a,qly al�s�ch pioccetls, at�er dotlucling ,_
<br /> Lherehom all costs ana expenses irwvrteC by it in wnrac[ion witti such Pr9v�tls,�pon amr intleDt[dness sncur.J heeGy arM in suc�
<br /> orCer as L=nder m>y tle�artnine,or to appty e!I suM Proc�etls.atter such deaucEOra,lo U�e renoration u!ihe PrepeM upon such con- __
<br /> tli;ions as Lentler may tle�emine.4my applitafion o�Prxeeds ro�MeOfetlnes5 shall nW,axterM o�posipona ihe due Oale W any pay- __
<br /> msntsunderToNOte orwreany<#tauNihereunderorhereumkr.MyunapplietlluMSShallbepaiEtoTmstor.
<br /> B. Perlormence Uy LenUer. Upon Ne occurteMe W an Evant ol OdaWt MreuMe�,or il am/x2 Is�akan or legal Proceedi!g __
<br /> commencM which materiaily ai;ecL LerMefs inlems�in the Pro�rly.Lentler may in its own Ciscrelion,but wiLho�1 oDliga!bn to tlo so, __
<br />�'' antl witM1OUt notice!n or ecmand up�n Truslor antl wi0iout re:easir�q Tmstor trom am'd„yelion,tlo any aci vhich Tmstor lu-.a9read
<br /> but lailetl ;o tlo antl may also tic any olher atl iI deems necessary�o F•otM 1Fe securi;�tierect Tnisbr shall, immetlutoly upon __
<br /> da�nantl inereior by lentler,pay m LerMer ali cosis emi axpenses IncunM a�eums eaperMed by Ler.tler in tonneC.ion wM�the exer-
<br /> cise by Lender ol ih=Inregoing nghh,tago7�er wtii in[eresl H^rron a[ihe defautt teM ptovked in Me Note,which sliaii Ee aEtletl to __
<br /> Ne inCebtedne;s securerl ho�eb/.LerMer shall rct ine��any liabili�y becnuse ol anytt�ing k may Eo a omit to tlo�erember.
<br /> 9. Hazartloua MaleHels. Trusto� shall keep Me Pmperly in co:npliaixe wiN a:appliraEle laws, crtlinarces ua regulations
<br /> re;a;ing;o intlusrdal hygiena or envimnmantal OrotecUOn(colleclivety referted to herein as'Emi�onmaGS!!<xs�.Trustor shail keep __
<br /> !h� Pmex .ry'ree irom all subst�nces Ceemed to be hazardous or foxic under any errvironmental Laws(wlfactively relened to harein
<br /> as"Ha:ardous Materials').?rustor hereby werrenis ai M rep�esenLa to Lender fiat lhere are ne Hazardouc Natenals on cr unde���e __
<br /> Proper;y.Tmster here�y agrees to intlemnif�antl hutl Yani,ess L4nie! @5 tli�ectors,olfcers,empbyees a:M egenb,arW any:ucces-
<br /> sors ro Lentlefs inlerest,Wm enC egainst any a�tl ell clzms,tlamages,losses ark liaEililies adsing In connacuon with Ne presance. __
<br /> cp,tl:_ J rn n>nzqotl M any Haia^+o_�Ma:env!s oq un:ar,irom or about he ProOartY�TiE POREGOING WAfiRMlflcS AND
<br /> 10 Assionmens ot Rants.Tn.sror herehy assigns to lentler,and gan�s Lentler a secunry in!erest in.all presenl,IuNm antl
<br /> a!ter ans np ren6 issues antl pmRS oi Ihe Prope:ty;prrn�ided fiat irustor sha!I,un6i the occurtecca oi a�Event of Delault.hereuntler.
<br /> have fie ngM1t ro collecl antl re�ain sucli rents,issues znE profts as they become tlue a�d paya0le-U�^�h^^^'orrerce ot an Event of -
<br />� Gelault Lender nay,eilher in Oerson or by aqer;, with or witM1OU[�nnging ony action or proceMing.or by a receiver appoin�etl by a
<br /> court antl wiUOUt reqartl to the a6eooary e�its seccnty,enter upon ane takc possession ot ihe Property,or any part:hereoi,in its own
<br />� nane or in Ihe name oi the Trvstee, aM do eny acts whic� il tleem�necessary or Cxsi2Ge to preserve fie vzWe, marketability or
<br /> reCaeiliy of ih2?mperly,or any part thereol or in!eres�!herein,or!o incrc_se,he income Nerelrom nr pmteci Me secunty hereot antl,
<br /> � with cr wi!h�ut taking posaession ol the Properry•sue for or ofieiwise coHec;Ihe rerfs,issues znd pm(ts Naraol.ir.clutlinq those past
<br />�� tlue ane unpaiq by nolitying tenar.�,to make payments to!entlec LenGsr mzy eopty rents,issues and pmlits,less wsts antl exper�s-
<br /> � es ol aper2:on antl mlledion inclutling attomeys fees,to any Indebiednes securetl hereby,all in such ortler as Lentler may tl=terv
<br />�, rr.:oe T en�eing upon entl:zkino possession ol Me Pmperty, the mllation of sucA rer,ts, issues antl pmfits, eM the ap0lication
<br /> !he;eal a=_aluresaitl sha0 not cure or wpive anyAelaull or noGCe ot tlslaWt hareun0er or�nvalitlate any act tlone in response:o sucM1 ;_
<br /> cefaul: or pursva.it to svc� co6ce ot tlefav!t anq noMilhsanCing �he coNinuan:z ir. possession o(tM1e pmDerty or [he mllection,
<br /> :eceipl anG application o`mNS,issues or pra9is,Tmstee and lentl°r shall be enV!letl m ezercise every rig�t pmvi0etl for in any ol�he ,_
<br /> Loan Instrumentc or by la:r upon occurrence of z.ny Event o�OefaWt,indutling wii�aut Lmita[ian 1he r.gh�lo exemise the pow?r of sale.
<br /> Furher,Lenders righls and remetlies untler IMS paragraph st�al!be cumulative'��ith,antl in no'.vay a!imiia(crz oq Lacde/s riqh�s antl __
<br /> remed'es unCFr any assiynment ot lezsns and ren5 rewrtled against ihe PmpeM�Lendeq Trustee and!he receiver shail�e tub!e fo
<br /> account only?or ihose renes atlualry receivea.
<br /> 11.Evenis oi Defcult.'te tollowing shall coretiWte an Event ol De'aWt am!e:ihis Deetl ot Tmsi:
<br /> (a)raiWre to pay any installmenl ul p:incipal or interesl oF any ofier sum secured hereby when due;
<br /> (b)A�reach oi or CetauH untler any provision comaineE in Ihe Noie.this OeeE of Trusq any ot�he Lo¢n insWments,or any
<br /> ether lian or oncumbrance upon Ihe Prope ,ry; __
<br /> ;c) A writ ot execvticn or aflachment or eny sir.i!a:promss shell ba cnlered against Trus�or which sh31 becomx c lien on
<br /> ihe PmFerty or nny potlion Ihereof or inlerest�heroin;
<br /> (d)Them shrll be flled by or against Twsmr or Borrowar fln aclion untler any yesent or future ledeml,state or o!her s�aiute,
<br /> !arr or regvlatlon relaimg to bankruptty,inwhrency or o�her reliel Ior tleblors;or�here shall bo eppolntetl any Wstee,receiver nr __
<br /> �� i ywdetc ct Tmstor or Eortower or ol ell or any patl af Me PropeRy,or Ne renis,issu5s or pmliLS Nareof,or Trustor or 8onaver
<br /> sha,l make any gene2l assiqnment�cr t�e beneid of�tors;
<br /> (eJ The sele. Irens�er, !easa, essignment, mrneyancu u ivrLher enco.�-`rance ot all rn any part ol or eny in�erASt In the
<br /> Proocrty,either votun[anly o�invo!ontarily,wittwut ihe express wntlen consc-ef Lentler,provitleA t�at Trusbr s0all pe pertni4 __
<br /> tetl m ocecute a lease ol:he Propo.ry that tloes rot confain zn op'von to pwc!+asa and Ihe tertn ol whic�tlo¢s nM excasd one
<br /> yoaq ._
<br /> (Q Abantlonment o!the Properry;ar SS
<br /> (a) !f Trustor is no:an irMivitlual,�he issuance,sale,��nsier, 3ssignmen;,wnveyance or ercumbance ol more Ihan (il a ;_
<br /> wrynraticn)a to!al ol__percent of ils IssueO arW outstar.tling sixk,o�(it a paMership)a to21 0l per
<br /> cenl ol panne>hip interasis,or(it a limtled liahili�y mmpany)a btal oi _pema^t of tha iimitetl liebitity compa� "
<br /> ny in:eresis or voling�ignls tluring tha oenod ihis Oaed ol Tms!rem��ins a lien on Me propa:ty. SS
<br /> t p.�ly�m.tllas;AcceleraLOn Upon�efaul�In Ihe¢ven�o!sny Event ef Deiautt Lentle�mey,wiiha:t nofce ezcept es:equircd SS
<br /> �y Izw,dnclaro al!i�tleb;�Cness securetl�ereSy W be�iue and payaLle aM tha:ame shali fiereupon become due aM Dayable wi�h- :_
<br /> out any presenMent,damaoC,proV st or nolice ot any kind.Thereafter Lentler mzy:
<br /> (a)Demantl�hs�Trustea axemise iha POWER OF SALE gran�ed hareln,antl Truslee chail ItreaaHer causn Tmslors inter-
<br /> est in Ihe Property�o Oe soltl a!W fie pracaeds W bs Cisttlbuteq aA in iha menne�p:ovl6etl In Mo NeEraska Tmst DeeQS Act: ;_
<br /> (b) Exercise arry and all tlg�is proWtled br In pny of Ihe loan Insivmenis or by lew upon oceurmr¢e ol eny Fvent ef ;_
<br /> DetaulF antl '_
<br /> 'c)Commence an ecllon to forziosa Ihis�eotl of Trust es a motlgege,ep;+oint a recaiver,or spaciikally eniome zny ol the S=
<br /> w�:enank hereof. "
<br /> �JO remetly herein conferred�pon or r�servetl lo Tmstea cr Lender is i�tended Ic be exclusive oi any othor rarnedy M1erein,in Me Luan SS
<br /> Inc!mmen5 or Ey law pmviaetl or permittod Cv[each�.�hali be cemulative,shali bo in adtlipon to every ol�er remetly 6N9�hemuntler. SS
<br /> in t1e loan Instvmen!s or now or herea9er oxlsGng et law o!In¢qutty or by statuta,am1 mey be 5xomisatl IXmcurrently,Intlepen0anliy SS
<br /> or se!cesively. SS
<br /> .3.Tfus:ee.The Trustee may reslqn eP any time wi!hout cause,antl LenJer moy et any�ime antl willqut rausa eOWint e su<- SS
<br /> ces�or or substitu:e Trusteo.Tmstee shall nol ba liahlo to any party,incl Wing wit�o�h Ilmitetlon Lantlar,Eormweq Tms�o�or eny pur SS
<br /> chaser o!tha?ropeM��or any loss or damaca unless tlua ro reckless ot wli9ul mis�ntlu�Y,end sha'I nol[�a rPQU1rM to teke eny acllon SS
<br /> in cennection wiih ti�a enlorcement ot this Daetl ol Trust onlesa in0emnllicd,in wnGng,lor elt cos:�_mmgansetbn or expensos which SS
<br /> may�v associated�herev�ith.in atlaitlon,Tms�ea mey b¢xme e purcF,eser nt eny sale al ihe Prcperty QWkiel o�untler Me power ol SS
<br /> � .=ala granled hereln);rosipcno N�f sale ot al!e�any poeflon o�the Proporty t+s 0�'��by law;or sell Mn Pmperty ng o whola,or In
<br /> R922fQ�1dfLEl9 0(�0[6 E�TNSIg2 3 tli9Vl�3bM1. __
<br /> 14.FBCB 811d FJt�Ib0509.�0 tYB BVBOf TNt�BB 50��9��18 PlOPBlIy hY B%Eff.ISB O/POWBf O�98�9.TNS�BC 61NI1 bB B(tll��¢tl f0 tlpply $5
<br /> eny sale F�oceed,frst to paymon[al all m=is�ntl axponsas ol xxe¢Ising power af sala,Ir�clutling e0 Trus!ea's fees,antl Lontlels and S=
<br /> ?:�. TmSee�etlomey's iaos, ectuatly Incurtetl to a#anl parmifled by appliwbla law. In ihe event Bormwer o�Tmslor examisas eny dabl
<br /> promtle+l t��law to curo an Everl of�ulault,Lcntler shali be enlN�ad to recovar Imm Trustor e0 wsN nna expenses eclualy inwrtotl es _
<br /> erocwtoiTmetofaticlault,irtalutlin.�wilhou111mi1aflonallTn:s�ee'sentlxtlomzy'slees,lo;heextantpertnitleC�ynpPllcaLlo�uw. z_
<br /> 15.Fulure AGVan.:s.Upon request of 0orrowar,Lentler may,al iL^oplion, meke aCtlillonal.�nE NWro eWarmes antl reaa�
<br /> va�u;es tn Bmrow=c Such ad+anec�xnd readvances,wit�in:e,rest Ncreon,shall b�securetl by ifila Deerl ol Tmsl.A:no tlme shall t�o
<br /> 1 �
<br />�3' I
<br />�' . . � - , � .'
<br />