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<br /> %��� 213 Lake3lde Dr GranC Ialind �'�at-g5'_t5
<br /> k��, .,'�us ma�:ir:�aUress�s _P.ert+n ��h9are orgorrt:xa).
<br />'` tie im teo_ .
<br /> -£1�e-Roint° n"` A 0 k�6 p Li
<br /> n;�csema:i:ngatldressu_ 'P•�. Box 1507 GcaM IB1soC, HE 588g2 {MreinTrustee�,ane
<br /> ch�Bene(Kia�y,_Five Painte Rank
<br /> whosemeilingaCdre>s's �015 R. Broatliell Gruid Islsad, H& 68q@2-1507 ��y�,��
<br /> FONVAWA6LECG?lSI�EWIT16N,ir�Crzfuv3LC�efserterx;mctca,i{e:�:�.Mtrereinb ��SP9`� F Lepiak
<br /> --3-EH�--- —
<br /> _(!ie�ei:'BC.*owe�.'w:.etMrme a r.aue)r-^,tl+e",v�ct:arein aeaz¢E.the rece�Pi
<br /> of wh ch is �ereby ar,Wwwted3ed. Tri,sbr�eee�y inero�aN� grpms, hz�5e'S. cavcjs anE asvgr� � TnSee, IN TAUST, WfT?t
<br /> PO`/:ER OF SALE.lor;�e�errefii a�C sew�iy cf LeeiEe:.wqer yb su+,.:mR:a C»:e.+m arq m�6hpny hcr�uylter s¢t Io�ftM.Ne reai
<br />� prope�}'tlescribetl as Ioliows:
<br /> toSeNer wrth all b�ilCinys,imprvuemenis,fMUra,steel.c,aR¢ys,fx�ays.eav�'.enCa,rghis,ryivieges a�C epyurt¢nar�s
<br /> loc;ed cnerecn or in anyrrise per!airJig tfrer¢lo,arM Ca 2n.t,i�u�aM p�of:tr reveivps mtl�Brt�nE¢�s�yW.�q y���.
<br /> sonal PrcpeM that is ahactretl to Ce impwertienis ep ec�p p,�yspy�.a f•s6n_.tr..AM3ny,py�rp(�rn{�y ta.M1eelirg aM mp(r�y equp
<br /> m�nt:and tcgeNer vAN the homestea7 or nar'ral u,+,^n„�.�y�y.wS:M m:eresfs are herep�.rekv,setl xrA w�i�¢�:ep y�;y�.�p�-
<br /> ing.eClacements antl aCdtions theroto.ts hemby tletlar¢z:;:„aµart d the re�J eqy)e Seairep py qg&m a Tg p�q T�yy�yd
<br /> nll al ihe loreyaing being relereb�o I�erein asth¢`PmpCmf,
<br /> Th'is Deetl ol Trust s�all setu�g(a)Na paymenl G he qi�opat wm nrq iM¢ ,rest¢�.pe��y�.g���p�,�p�e a R�g��
<br /> ment aaeM__�b4ex �41� }^^��----.�^�+9 s mannMy ea�e of
<br /> �9etv�r'YVt'`2BYY-'
<br /> in ih3 orir�inal pnncipal amount ot S_1t5�236fw . aM vry arq gp�pW{Key�y, eztensiens aM rae�wais
<br /> t�ereoi or Mer�tc and any atW ail 1uN�e ppv9rceg any m5Q�2n.V3 b 6a�OwBr(a any d Piem tt rtiwa tlyn p�g�liprappq�p�,y�y��
<br /> lo cnv or ma�promisscry rrotes w c+afit ay.�eunenro(tuxem�epgy�}�qa���p)p�pg����y�y�,���,����b
<br /> protec[Ite secunty ot Ne Nole:(c)tM p��rtpmancg o1 e8 ran�ngMy yq g�p�TMip get���:yb���P�u�t�
<br /> I�Wre intleb�edr.ess end o�!igetirnss of Bcnvn¢r(or am W tliem il mwa tt�u!on¢)Po terMer whap�n 6re,cy,q�r¢c�e¢sqWe a cmtin
<br /> geni antl whether er.sing by ro(e,g�.�etan!.y,overdraX w o"J�¢`wise,TSa hqq,llris pEy�a 7r�q�q yy g�g�oy���� �y�
<br /> secure �Ae No;e or oth�mise executed ;n con!iecpo,i�-,v�y�, �{y��y p��y�pR� ���,gy y�,e���n�
<br /> assignments o!leas¢s arttl rents,shep Ee re(ened ro hemin a51M tngn hsLU��•,
<br /> Tru.�er mwnan5 afM agrees rr,th Lender as Ictlbws:
<br /> i. PaYmant ot Imie6teEnesa..11l im',epicMrtass searetl itere'�y stiall pe pa�C wM,,�dy_. '
<br /> 2. Titie.TNStor 5 Na ovmer ot Vre PmFeM.has L'�rgM'yy autlwr;ry ro mrvey�proppriy.aM w�rt��p�yt Ne lien crea�.
<br /> eC h>rcby is a first antl pfior 6en on lrya Property,psrepl fcr liens arH e�mb;,ayes u�{oM Dy Tru�br in we2rg a�C E¢Iiver,•4 to
<br /> LenC beforr execvtion o!w s Oeetl c!Tr�st,arM LM eseuup�arM tlefirEy�({h� p�d����ay.�1���,���
<br /> eth_r oCl .(ion tc whinl Tms•c:is sut}ect
<br /> 3.Tsies.Asses.^.menis.To paY be;ora tleli�Guc iry yi pxns._ryecial ass¢ymsmis yM ai�oNer chartps agains�tleg Pro�eM
<br /> itrnv o;�creafler ievietl.
<br /> 4 Inrv�nrn.To keep Ilie Pfox;ty insumtl ayain5[3am3c¢ryy;me,tazyry��i�h�y mry�y��ertn'aHenCcc�cpv¢rage',ary
<br /> s�ch hazartls as Le�der may reqti r=, �n amounls arM vmh comcenes arepiapk ro Lentlex,naminq LenE¢r aa an adlUOrW narr¢p
<br /> insuretl ti loss;a�atie to me Lentler. In case ol bss uM¢r sirti pplitie5,p�y�¢���5 z�ry�,-Q��o yry, � �y y��a�
<br /> m:e n I cl�ms�ereunCe-tntl s^;+p�ave;he eph,n of a�tying aL'or part W Me insurarce p�pc¢els(i)!o arry trp��s ycc��ro
<br /> nerchy tl ,:�cn ob..r es Lantler may dete(m ne,(nt to dx T�ustor to Oe:ti�e�In ITe:epairo;re.s(ora6pn of fie Propetiy or(iii)�or
<br /> any o.�er pur'wse or obj�;t saVSiactory to LeMOr xinewt attecvr�g p,e 5en of ttvs Deetl of Tr�s;fu Y,u fu{I amount uwreA nere�y
<br /> beicre si.ch p�ym�ni ever ta�kµa:v Srry app!ica0or�s of prc¢¢GS ro iWebtedn�cs sha'!rrot u»erd w�:qwr�e Ihe d�¢[ale o!any
<br /> Oaymeil�..ntlerNe�o;e orcures:vd,a,tauttlhereuMerortiereuMer.
<br /> 5. Escrow.Upon wnNen tlemarM 5y Le�Mgr,Tius!_a y�yi pay tc Le�Mer,in suci�mamier az LeeWer may aes�wm,sW�.rwnt
<br />*, sun�ro en ble Len_er�a F�y es t�eY�e�ona w more of ttre 1c�1'ievving:n yp 3res.asxs„�en�y�y p�ry�y�rRS 25tinst
<br /> h..A Ler,�c�'�e::�.��1 No promiums on ihe PropeM insuar�eeQyireE herg�euler. in Me prertnumg p�g�y rtrorlyag¢�.y����reC hy
<br /> 6. !.ipintenence, Kepalra antl Cempllanca wiifi inxy, Tnis(or siy�li keep(t,e prppErty �� g�W iy.,�yqi �p�epzir, sM1ail
<br /> goW
<br /> prompify mpar.or reVlace any improv¢rrKnt whirt maY b5 tlamagxtl or Oes[royetl:shaA�qt cmunit pr p¢rtM any yr�g���w pe�'�,�-
<br /> t�on ol th�Preperry;sha i rwt remova,tlemdish ar:aiSStan!ialty a'Ier arry oi It�e'erKxpv¢mmg p�p�
<br />�� or Fe .'t ar act!r be 'o�ie i�or upcn Ihe 9mpar PfO���11OtroTM'�r.�er
<br /> N�n vplation cf arry lew,adraMe,cr reguieaon;xnp sryaC pr�,a�p..pey�+y aG-
<br />; `:�'S - �..usl�:s rnst a�tl exFense sli 1:_ns.errcumbrun�es yrb Mar�¢�I����.�pp��e�xgavut tlre Prqnrty.x yy
<br /> (d6 N o(.
<br /> � t � C�omalrt. L�nder��s hereby assig�f til compert.<zUOn,rxartls, tlamases yy eUg;pay��o�rer���rom zrter �
<br /> .. o�m�' . ..,....o�..�i...w.�,m.i.�,.�..
<br />