� �1fi° �()83&S
<br />- l t I1TriCR W IiH I.�I . ' P o men�s now oe M1erwtmr e mtal on thc pmpenY.e r� I e .- iena, p e ._. nd
<br />� I uvu� . �. Ni .(mo ro.e P rt feereA ro m his SaeuntP�lutrvmen:ss tha Pmpeeth�� �iso be ewe'ed by .. �u�k�
<br /> �,�,ins�s y y "
<br /> 90kROW GP COt'ENANTS�hat Horzowcr is lawfvliy sei<¢�uf�he esmtc hereby mn- }d�and hu the rizF.t m gaot and
<br /> v br Propeny ond iha[ Ihz Pmpetty i� un?nruTibered. exceo� for cncumbrences oi remrd- Go�ou-e� ^�r..cL and n'Ji
<br /> . !�Ne Gtl,:m ihe P�ope-:y xgains�aIl elaims and deman�,s�bjen m en; eneumbmnca of recorc�.
<br /> ��T � .CUA1T�"S�STRUJIPNT comFine� unifnm� ca�e�av� br m6oeal use and nomunifomi m� �.0 ui�h . f'.r.f
<br /> _ � i '. 's<Liction t< ea�s�iwte v�niform secv�iry :n,awment eovenng rc�l pro�rt�.
<br /> rvti
<br /> �
<br /> i:NfnK,U COV FIc"ANTS. Bortower and Lender mvenaet a�d ag�ee aa[oilous:
<br /> 5 Pavme�.t nC I'encipaf arctl Interest: ?re➢aymenk and 6ate Cha.�ges. Bormx�e, shJl pmoqPy us�� whcn .irc '.h<
<br /> ,r_i� �.� Intcrot�r thc oebt endenced by the Note erd�ry�mpati^c�t a^.d ia!e ch±�ges duc ovdzr Ne.`:om.
<br /> 7. Fm�ds for 'Laxis and [nsurance. Subjcd to npphcable law ar ro a �nuen w-aivec by Lende;. kl� iv-er chal! par Io
<br /> . ..,., _ -.ion�Iil�-paymcna are Ace ender thr Note.imtd G e tioie Irs paid fn CuII. o sum('Funds'}fnr-!a)�udp iato
<br /> . � �a _ . i i�.a�h:ch m a�enin prionty o^c�m's Sec�cip Inshumcnt u a lirn on Ihe Property; (b)yeady�easehold pacmcvic
<br /> .1 e.. . c P.opea} if,ny lol}ca-ly hmmd or omyenr m;urnr!ce parriums:�d7 yeady Oeod in�urance pre ium>.
<br /> i �( nJ: [<) .'udy moetg F ' an pnmm�n,. �f avv, a�d @ av>sums P�Y'able by Hortower m I.onder. m aceordan�e �el�h
<br /> ihe pva.. .o s oC p�rngroph B, in lieu of tne Fnyr_r!of norcgagc Insuravice�:em�u'^s Tn u �m;ns are ca!IN "ECrow I:emz.'
<br /> LenAcr ma�n a� an/ ti.ne, milect and hold FunEs m n� ano�ot not io ^aeced the m�iimum :,mount a@nder for a trAevally
<br /> j 'rca�ed n..r,gnee loan may rcucirc fer Borrewer's escrow xccovnt under ihe fedeal Rca! Esut^ Senl-ment Yro:edures Act of
<br /> 19/a a�nenAed fro�v time to :imc, 12 U.S.C. xetior. 2W7 er seq. (RE5PA'), uvius eno�her Iaw tha!applies ro thc Ponds
<br /> ... _ .-s.cr anour. If.m Ler ucr may, n zny �im�, colleet snd hold P� nd+ in an amou:�� ntt :o e:c^d �he Ieuer xmnuu_
<br /> ivdcr saiim:ne�hc �moi•n[ of('uads Ave o� the bes. of wrrem dam er<. mcsoreblc�s6mates of expc�dilurc of (umra
<br /> -,..,. t� :.or owa�v':e in accorda�ce ��nh appllcable lnu�.
<br />' 1 Is :F,all bc 4°IA in an In. it�lian whoce d f�`�' -� 'n<i.i�7 hy- � .ede:ef enq. �.nc�r m�ni�l�rc. o .
<br /> .i.. � L ndcr. if L _�v's .uci �r.irstimtien)er in anv PeAeml Homc Ln=n Bank. Iznde-sha'I apph��h� Fuo�s . �,
<br /> �. , : us. LenGcr r av n � ihurgc 13orro��e-for hold r�and appl;�n� h� F���ds. am�.u�il � a�.a�p�ing�h� e _ um. �x
<br /> .c �.: -. ... . 'vle,¢Lecder�.�ys soro�+cr ieterest on the Fi�nds and e�p3cable law permfn I�.�cr to makc vC�i
<br /> . .�.�� . H�wa�cr. I.cnder emey mqulrm Hormwer to p:n n ove fime cha.ge to: x� iweF+:ndrn� rea e� am m� re�r,'n• z;r.:cc
<br /> .? h � I . '.n �oiuc�ien .vi�h �h�s Ie_�v imlcss appllcablc low� p .:i.les othttwlce- l, I-cs :n ng x�� is i. ._ �
<br /> �-.,
<br /> applic Iuv i9�' _'mere�t m be paid_ LenAer cb�if no te-c9�ral '. n� � Bort.�+er a � � .. � 'nE��n h. P� m�_
<br /> B�nm� �.r a d l,<'<.er m� . �, i�i, horoecer (F, rrot c�..- e e^itl o^ th �u � - .r sh� _ r m & � . ...
<br />' „ � . . �.,..
<br />� e�'nho� �42�ge an onn vc<oi � -. oC the Fun�is.sha�'me credls ond ic-rtF ro t!v fv .f oi ih; p�q .. Co a�h'„� c�dh
<br /> .b¢t.11.l��ids.�nv J . ?'icFunus ¢� p� dgcd 'vsui�lo-J_'�...r:. f •aJ �umsccc� �cbc �h: accv - � I� _ruv;,r.
<br /> y' !;.:,clincchzuh� .�Jira..cdth��imeenl?r in„A .�bche .� � , .pofc}�ie'm � L�n.... .a.: - � �v.nftor_,�vr
<br /> for ihe� -�.+ . mid. r m c xdance�cith t e r � -rr.-c�. �f..ppl:cah,e I�-�. If the amenn o(ihc Fonds b�k ..v I.�nJer vt v:i;
<br /> tl:nc i= ia,suff=,.n. i, p.� h: Cccraw Irems w4en aiz. L., ,�r a<_ sn o C v Fo-,m:c- n :Cn . vnu. '�w.n.�m Bormv:cr
<br /> sbull p' � _ .�dcr '�.c � , r, n,�c.0 � � �ivA_ �p ' �e Jeficicnq'. 9e^oucr .hall m.Fe up .lic defcirn ; i.i n� morc �.b:m
<br /> i. _ tl I � em� � ,snder's�o iscrednn-
<br /> i,�`.� .
<br /> I nc . In 1'uil M ?ii sunu na.d h: nia � c.r'n i�s� _ �. ••ide� stsail promptl� refund ro Fk�r u r-. an:
<br /> Fun�c I� hy I.c .dcr. If u���r p�ruc�a h L :edcc c ia l acqmre or�-I` [1z Y npcm�. 1�;der p ar ro;he u��G� c::i��i�- ci_
<br /> of ihc �r snr. .h.�!I zp��y u��y 1'vnAS h.lA hy I enACr a� the�ime �(=mu vtino nrsalczti ' . u it �enln.� �I�:v m xan:d 6.
<br /> :hI�S.' 't� .anuncnt.
<br /> 3 11�t Lcalwu of� �mec`.e. �Ne �p` h:e tax 1 � ..�,s ot�_n 'r Fl�4�R'�rts ��e cW tz Lende u �c�p�r.�e�<p:'..
<br /> 1 m . 1-i he aoplieA�. rtsl. m aey prt a��n�rnt charge �e u�Eor ihe] e, xcord, u umoums pay:�bk uml^r pa ura�n �._
<br /> ,i�
<br /> i JN, c�- icre,a tluc (n t i_ �� pn_c p�. Ii�'m..i e.s[,m anv m.e c'�n sc Aue vnQer�t¢Fotc_
<br />� A (_ :r�ti: !.cns 40 ��ser sl:el� E � :!' ¢as s m.vts. �v.te . �: a � im� _ �... .,_ ::.u. SI� m f.c P�op-;rvc
<br /> �.hlch n � �t.a.i pr or _ . r.h; Si .lp [vsuu��:.at urd lease.hefd onyments m crou d re�e, i;nny. Po-rowc- *-z 1 p.i.
<br /> J�ese i'� �<<.s'.n.Ir . � pro�:d,d- pa�crvph Z.or'. ru pniA '.i.h-t �:anner. Bo:r c_r_I;I p�ay th:n m i i e Alrccil:.
<br /> n .6c i _ .. �'W p cm� 6oao..�er:l.�V p mpth' furni_I� �o lrnCcr a! a'c,s rf amnuma m bc paid u�dcr iF s �nn.�roph_
<br /> I![inr � . � .1i. p 'nen..�'.metly Surmwer shall prenp;ic fu�-'.-1 t�LevJer rett pi-c 'A_�cing ihe pa. c i[c.
<br /> r onu<v II pro�ip;i.'A pch-rEC a }' I'in.chld. 1 a. P - -[p mc�thls�-cunp� Instmmcnt un@as M rmlo)+grcc. , ,
<br />� .'i'n � h I � t Ci t I- :C . d h � �h i �n . rra �r a pubie u Isod _ (`�) ' icct< n �, �J -lh�bc I�ii
<br />� L�. er I fe ..� ��at ��.itnt a�� il Grn n, leenl pro�eaii�,c whi�h ir the Len er s opl cn oprmie to prerent t:,�
<br /> cn(m�c, .c.n � f tl. Ilcn. o�(cl sa�-�-� I'mm �hc noldr of:he lien ai u=:mment saticfacmn m Lenuer suH�rd'r atine .he Ge�. m
<br /> �'n�5� vf c _-,n.�wn. i Le�.ier de ern'ms'ht ony� p^n o' ;he 2r�prrt� -a xuhi-ct to a Ii n c.ikh may ,�eln p inrlt. �-�._
<br /> ,tsS�., i�. . ,_men Le I � R.. o'ar�.��fc 'd�vd;:'n,th. I. . NaroNC hali .etrs�y �hclleno��akcoccor
<br />�' .no��o the.stlons sr� i�t i �bo�e �ithin 10 daqi of the ervine o(no!ice. �
<br /> , .a:m3026 9�30
<br /> 5 3-...n
<br /> � _
<br /> 5�' � _.
<br />