s�- ze•��,��
<br /> �;:ecipc�, �^�e Indeb:etlnes;secureC by tnis Deed oi`vst,not ir,tluaing svms aP+ana'd to pmtxt the secunly o� s ed o1
<br /> �n�q,=x cl-,eorigina!pr.ocipJamountstetetliixieln,or3 q0�11t..pn ,whiche+erlsgreatet.
<br /> ix
<br /> � e:nnrovsProvislons.
<br /> fz7 Bortev.•or Mot Relaasev.EatFnsim of Ne time�er yayment cr moCi icttion of amoRiutix o!�he sums sevre0 Oy Nis
<br /> �eC o+`rust gmr.<etl by L^ntler.o any s�cessor in interest ot Bortoxer sha:l(rot ore2fe to reieass,in any manneq Me Ia�iG
<br /> q .i `.S� miginai 2arower aotl Rorcowefs succCSSOrsin interesL `.?:Mer slWi rrot Oe requirsd to commerice preceedings - _
<br /> aga�nst s��ch soccessor cr relusc!o enend tima,for oayrt'snt or olnemise rtwEily amoNm�of Ne sums secumd by Vus
<br /> Dzetl of Trusf by reascn cf ary tlemar�CS matle bv the original Bortowe�aM Bortowe(s wccessors in inierest.
<br /> � f )Lentler'S Powees.`!J!hout a9ecting the liahility ot am/o:her pzrson 12C:a tor ttw payment o'any o�ligation Ixrein men-
<br /> ti neo, an�rinhovt af'ecGn�the Iien or charge of Nis Deetl ot Teust upcn any portlon of Cre Prop2M^o��en or Nererororo
<br /> re eassG as sca:cry tor Ne tull amnun:of all unnak obligaibns,Le�er may.lrcvn time to time antl vnMOUt nolice(i) re!Aas_
<br /> �ny person w liabie,{'ii)nztend ihe m3!urity or aiter any ol LM:ertns of any such obii�a^'ons.(iii)grant oMar kKNiyexes. (n')
<br /> re:ease or comey, or cause to De releazetl or reconeyetl a[ arry 5mc ei Lentlers opUOn any part:ei, poNion o�atl oi fi2
<br /> °m;aM,(v)!ake or re;ease any other cr ao0�tional securlly or recarneyvd at any tim?at Lentlets op6on any Parcel,portion or
<br /> ali o!the Proo�tly,iv!):ake or reie35e any otl�er or eddi5onal sewrM for dny oSlgaCon L¢reln meitinned or(vii)make rompo- =
<br /> s�.on°o'ofier arrarn7emen15 wi�h tleb�ors in relaficn themto.
<br /> fc)`rcrbearznre by Lerber 4at a YlaMer.My�orbearnce Gy LeMer in exemising any right or remeEy hereuMer,oroth-
<br /> enrse aNOrdetl by applicable sw,shail rro'pa a waiver of o�precluM ihe ezercise oi any such rv�M or remzvy-TTe protur?�
<br /> �n=n!ol Insumnce cr ihe payment oi tax¢s or ot�er!lens or chart�e3 by�entler sha:l rat be a warver or lmdefs rig�t ro acceVer- _
<br /> a�e!h>ma!uny of!he inGebtMnass secure.W by th'�c�eed ef Tn�st
<br /> !d)Succeysc:s entl Asslgns Bound;Jdnl and Saveral L'ebiilry:CnpBOna.The covenants arN agr_em¢nis herein con- _
<br /> taineS shzll 5irid, antl the nq�!s her¢ende!shall inure:o, tlit rspective succeswrs arM assgns o!LeN.er eM Teustoc Ali
<br /> covznaN..s and aareemer,ts oi Tvstor shali be;�int ark several.The captions a�heaGngs o1 Ns parngmplvs ot this D?etl cf _
<br /> Tmst are Ior convnnience enly and are not te b?u�tl to iMerpret o•defr�e Ne prmisi�ns hzmof.
<br /> (e)Rer;u�s!!or NoUce:.Tha paNes hareby req�est iha:a cop}e"any twtlte ef tlelaWt�ereuntlsr a�a cooy ci any wUCO _
<br /> oi sz>h=revnCar be mailetl 10 each pmry b Nis �eetl ot Trust at Ne aCtlress set IoM aMve in Ue manner prewn�ttl Oy
<br /> app cz.�e law.ExcepY lor any other no6ce reG�imtl mWer applicaCla law N Da giuen in arwther manner,eny notite provib�tl ior
<br /> ".is Deetl ot Tmst a1a!I be piven by mailing such notice by ce:tifetl matl atldre:sod to the c!her par9es,at ihe etldess set =
<br /> ic^h zbeve. ony neUCe pmv�detl for in this Deed of Trust shali�e eHective upon mailing in Ne manner tlesigmtad nerein. It
<br /> Trusb is rc�ore!lTan one persoa,notice ser,'to:he aCtlress set�orth abrn�e shatl Oe imtice!o ali suM persons.
<br /> irj �rsp^_c?lon. LenGer may make ar cause tc be maA=:eazonatle emies upon aritl inspectioos o�Oie °ro{arty,pmvided
<br /> that�entler shzil g ve'mstor r�otire onor to any sucl:insp?ction spzoMng reamnaDle cause Nercfot relai?tl b LenCers in:er-
<br /> estin�he properry. �
<br /> (g)Recortveyence.Upon Faymsn!oi aii Sums settred 0�/iNS Oe¢G o�Tr�st,Lerqer shall reques;Tmstee lo recvnvey��e
<br /> prOpnrty 0ntl Sh311 suRf•Otl2�fiiS D¢EG OI TNSI Ond all OOI¢5 cvida�C�ng intlebte0ness secmW by th s DeeC oi Tms: �o
<br /> Tris:=_e.Trustee shall reconvey t;�e�royeM1y,wittrout warz�nty and wi1M�R charge to�he person legalty enL•tlea u�orero.Tvsto: _
<br /> shzl�G�Y all cesis cr recortlation.if any.
<br /> (h,) ?ereonai Prop^_Ry; Securi,y Ag2emeat. As atld3ionai secvriry for tti_ Oayment ol iho Naie. Trustor hereby yranis
<br /> Lender untler tha Nab:aska Unitorm Commerciai Cotle a secunry iNerest in ail fixW!es,epuipment,cr.d oth�e�persa d pmperry =
<br /> useC in conneclion with�he seal estatv or imqrovements Iecated Vrertcn,aM no[ottierwise Eeclaretl or tleemed lo be a par!ol
<br /> ;he rez °olate secureC hereby.l'Fis ins'�ument sha11 tre wnsGVed zs a Setmiry Agretment anc'vr said CMe,a�M the Le�tler
<br /> sha!I bave al:the rights antl remedies o�a sec�retl paM un3er e :7 Code in atlCiuor.to the n9h15 antl remeGie=under Yhis
<br /> pamgraph shall Se cumulxtive with,ar.0 in�w way a limifation en,Le .-,Ms n¢hts arW remedies uMer any other secunry z9ree-
<br /> mont=_ignetl by Borrowo�or Trus:oc . .
<br /> (i) Liens antl EncumGrences.Tms?or hureCy wartants arA repres^_nts that Ihere is nc d^fautt under Ne prm'�s!ons of any
<br /> Tonga,�,deed oi trust, lezv_+�r putc:wse ccne2rt tlesc�bi�q ali c, any part of�he Prcycrry,or other co�VZa, instn:men!or
<br /> agrenment consliWting a lien or encuirbian;e ogainst ali a' any part oi tne Prop¢M(cclle,-tivety, 'I:ens^, eiisting 2s ol ihe
<br />'� daU. ol�hu�ecd o(Tmsf,and that ony and ail exlslinq Llen.^,remain unmo&fed^xcepl as disclosed to Lender in Trusror's wd;-
<br /> len Aiscb,ura of liens end encumbrances provldoC loe herein. Tmsbr shail timety peACrm ali oi TruStoYS o011gelions,
<br />� covr,nans rep�eseY,anens xntl warranties vntler any ana�91 exis;ing sM luture Liens,shali promotly iorwartl co Le.riCe!mpies
<br /> ef all noCCes ol tlefault sert In connectlon with avy aeM ai.exis6ng or fuW:e Liera,aM stu11 noi wi�MUl lerMefs pdor wntl=n
<br />� conscnt n any manner-�odi'y the provisions ot or allrn�anytvture etivarw,'es ur�tle+any exisFng or�uNre lier5.
<br /> y !'! AppCCat!ons of Peyceants. Vnless othe�wise requtred by Ixw.sums paid!o LeMer hereur�tler.�nclWing withom imiu- _
<br />' - n paym^n�s of pnncipal antl itrteres!.�ns�rd�ce preceeds,m�emna!ion prasetls arA rents anE pmtits,sha:l be applied by
<br /> i L .G-r m!he amounts due arro oni�g trcrn Tn.smr arA bormwer in such ordcr:s LeMer in iis sole Giwre6on tleems�lesi:-
<br />� able.
<br /> (k) Severablitty. I!any pmvision ef this Deed ot Tmst�Snflicts vifh a�picab!e!aw or i5 Eeclaretl invalid or o!hem'ise uncn-
<br /> y ce�hle, sxh conflict or inva!iCiry slvali not aHecf IM:o4her p:evis:one o!Utis�eeC of Tmsl cr the Not"xhich�n.n '�e gn�sn =
<br />� e"cet w I�out IDe mnll cfng pmvision,arW lo Nis erxi Ure pmN,lerrs o/tnis'JeeC ol Trvst aM Na Nata era a?claretl to bs rsv-
<br /> arable
<br /> (It Te-ms. R�e i^rms'Trusiof artl"BCrtowel'shNl inciude OoM z�ular an0 p1u21,arx:whee Iha Tivsior arM Bo�mver are
<br />�� Me sarne per�on{s),Ihese tem�s as�setl in Nis Deoc ul T�ust shall�e In�ercha�geable.
<br />� (^)Gcverning Law.This Deed ol Trust s�all bo govemed by Ne lews ot Me StatS of Nebreska. _
<br /> 4 '
<br />�
<br />'�
<br />�;r
<br />"Lti
<br />�1
<br /> 'fmsi�h,--s exen!fed lhis Ca�tl ot Tm=t as ot ihe eats�vntten above.
<br />'�5 C h C Homes. .nc� � (�
<br /> i / � )
<br /> /f ..��sv � ./"!�<�—;�--_ 7
<br /> ,;. J�_— .—_— —lL�t� _�
<br />�,'� —(:hns ne i. `mitii, Presiden2 Trusmr Curtis l. Smith, Sec./Treas. Trusicr
<br /> H� —---_ — °
<br /> Tmst.t Trus�ar
<br />#
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