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<br />� �H�SDEEDOFTRL+ST,ismodeasoiMO 275t Ea�oF October __,�g96 ,py��,.�^ ��',
<br /> �JJ
<br /> meTm a-._.__F-8-6 H r-In —. ` a
<br /> � v,hosc�n ;ingatltlressis 639 L'nden .4��ge. Gr���land. NE 62807(�ereir,Trusmr,wheCwror�eormore), \�
<br />^;
<br /> IhCTN5i9¢ F'
<br /> "- v:l:esemaiPngEdtlresSis�. R S�>^(' IS��[I.yGRB lSp (heR�n'TNStea�.e:W
<br /> :q
<br />�'; lFS�pie6nary i bc Pn'nfe Rwnk
<br /> y� _
<br />�,��, �xhasemzilinpetltlra�sls �01c N. Rrnadwell pvw l'rantl �eland NF 6PR0� (hereinlentlen.
<br /> '� FORVAlU.4ElECON5IDERATION,i��EingLeMer'senensionofcretli[iOenM'wtlhareinro f a f Hnme<� Inr. _
<br /> a '—_
<br /> � (hCrein'9ortewer,"wheMe�me or more)aM iha Wsl herein created,iha recaipt
<br />� nf whbh is he�ehy acknowletlgetl, Tvstar hereby!rtevocfbty grar.is, Lansfars, com:eys aeM a;siqns to Trustee, IN TA�ST, WfiH
<br /> PCN:ER�F SALE, lor Ihe Oenpft pntl secvnry of Let'Aet,urcler en0 su�ject to Ne N�mS eritl frvW�ions iiaieinatler s5P IoM,Np real
<br />� p�ipe,ry CeuriMd as tollows:
<br />� LotsOne (7) and Two (2?, Hemmingsen Subd'evision in the City af Crand Island,
<br /> Half County, Nebraska.
<br />� Tuqelher with nll Euiltlings,improvemenLS,fivtures.stree5.xlleys,passageways,eesomenh,nghts,privilegos erM eppunenancea
<br /> y��.,�Y� !xa:etl hercon or n anywse pettaining Neralo.and;he ranis,�ssues eeM O�fits. reversions end remaiMers thareof,arci such per
<br /> Y,F��$ sonal pmpe�y�hal s aY.er,pea�o Ne improvemen5 so u:a toratRNe a fisNre,IM!uCirg,pvt rrot IimiteJ to,heah�g aM cooling eyalp
<br />� menl: . o toq lF.cr w ih[he homesteaa cr mari[a!inte�ests J any,which inter¢sLS are herelry released aM warve0;ell ol wY ch,inr.lud-
<br /> in9 rep a.em nt�and atltl�ons Memm,�s hereby deciaretl ro bo a pan ol rt�e real estata securetl by Ifre lisn of th�s DeeG of'mst aM
<br />� an e!t5 tor o�ng deing re'ertetl tc her?in as the'Pmperty'.
<br /> Ths Ceetl a!Tmst s�an=4�.�re(a)the paym¢nl ot tne pnrx,tipel eum ar,C inleres�evir,enced by a promissory nota or cretlit agsa-
<br />�"4� menlualctl OrFnhar � lqq6 _,hyvi�gamaW�ity(18Ie0f A�nNI �0� lqo>
<br /> p In ihe o ',ntl ptlncioal amovr�ol 5 ��afl0.00 , entl any end all m�"capons, eMensions anA renewale
<br />'�"X therec ot th?Rio antl ae. =.��.tl dll�uW�e 2tivdntes a�M�Ba4YeiKaS to B4rtOwa�(o�any ol Mem d mpra fian One)he�eoM6r�ursoaM
<br />� o one o mo a p�cn s.cpry nolss or creC't agraemenfs(M1erem nlied'No!e�;(L)V�e payment o(a�her sumg aWancea py LerMer m
<br /> v�.M�t r secu�ty ot.na ho�e (cj�he perlom�arice of al!covenanls anC egreemenis W Tmstor sct�onh Ferein;aiW(�el;prasent arM
<br />� lulvre iCebtetl ess a�tl obligal orts of 0orrower(or eny of t�em d more Pan rra)N Le�e-whMher direct,iMn¢cq aC:a�ute or contin-
<br /> oert s tl� he her ansl.ag b9 rote,guaanry,overdrett or cNerwise The twte,Mis UeeA ot Trust arM any aM eli cNe!Qotumenls Y a�
<br /> � sccure Ih^ Neto ot olherwiso exetNetl in connecfion Iherew�th mcWdine w�thevt 'imitelion gua2niees, sewnfy egreemon's entl
<br /> �c�' as;ynTCnt.ol!easasantlren!s,shallbereterretltnhAreinastne'LOa�fns'.�Umfnls'.
<br />� TmstormvenaruentlugreaswiMLantlerazfoibws:
<br /> t'a . nt ol Intleb eUn ss All'ntlettxdnass szcurcd hare0y shall be pa�:when ti!!e.
<br /> 2 T t e Trusto is iTe o er ei t�e Pmperty,has ihe nyht aM aufionry Iq v�nvay tM1e Pra�aqy,aitl wd nn6 ihat Ihe lien cro;.4
<br /> M�e by�s e frst a A prror I'en on ine Properly'. ea:ept for liens erW er¢vmOmnae sp��orih by TrusM in watirg aeW tlelire�eC:o
<br /> Lcn�e be o ecu:c�ol th's Daed of Tivst,antl fM1e execulien anE Ceiivery ol Nis DeeE o�Trust tlaos no['.�Gate arry cpntrep or
<br /> osar�tiiga�on to whlr�h ,n,stor is s�b�ecl.
<br /> e� 3 13res,Asusemcnis.To pay Celore tlzliryuency oll Wces, special a�•,ssmenli arM ali otlrer chames agalnsl the f'rope.ry
<br />� nox o 0 1 e lovlsd
<br />+ �ra. c To keep(he Prc.orty irsuretl a3ainsi d.mage by fre hazartls irclWeU vnihm ihe•am'e#entleA coverzpe',srW
<br /> s�<h Y�.e C.. z Lentle�mny require, in amaun!s and wi±h compxoies atte0'��a lo Lender,nar :g LerWer es�n sCtlOional named
<br /> 'lt Ofi-0 ��h 105'00vd�E IO Illp LBfIQQf. �!1 C25B O��055 VIiOP!$OC:1 p011rvP5�II12 L¢Odpt IS 9UIh012.M. :O dOjL'St�LpI1fCI ppd WfP.Prp-
<br /> m . i. a m �ber_under=ntl sh21�hava I�e optien ol apply-g a,l cr part of Me insu�^..'�ce pm^,ee0s(?�o any i�Aebtetlness secureo
<br /> b .=:v c�''i.,.oy ortl�r ts�entler may tlaterm ne. (ii)lo the Trustor[e Ce use�!o: tho repair or r�lora;lon ol!ho?mperty or(iii) tor
<br /> ��c c M1_ _.pase or oS ec:=aiisle<tory to Lentler aiL^,oqi sfleclinp Ihe lien ol l,�ds Deed ot Tmst for iCe lull emnvnt securetl heiabv
<br /> L .vc „f.paymenl ever took plcce.Any applicalionc o�prateMS Io i�Eeb!eG.-a.s shall noi e#oriE or pasiponn Oie tWe date o�any
<br />.,`� paym�: ucC�r�heNOfa,orcvreanytle'auliihereuMferorhaeontlec =
<br /> �. �scrcw. Upen wtltls,i tlomantl by lertleq Trustee sAail pay to Lenaeq in such manner as LeMOr may Designate, su(litlent
<br /> J� ums ro . c Lentler to pay as ihey bemme duo orw or mcre ol Ne iol!ow�ng:(i)ell texes,assessmenis arM ol�er c0arpes egainst
<br />� f1 A:(✓�.ry (-').i�c�premiums on��a�ropery insufsr�cg re+uired hereuMer,(�i�)the premiums m enY morl9ege��surancro raquired by
<br /> 0 l9aintartsnca, Repaire antl ComG��ence wlth Lawt Tmstor aRail keep t�e Propeety In goM condiHon eM repair, shail
<br /> rs
<br /> vc nr,ty .pair o eplace��ny'mpmvement wh tl�may yo damagetl or dashoyeQ shall(wt commi�ur pemrit e�y wasle or tleterbra-
<br /> �0 O� ha Pro1 !y'[hg I nGl IP,`�pvE d911101 Sh IN SL'Il5@llHnlly BIICI dllY 0�IhB ITplpV@f1�Qi1Lq pfl�II6 PfOpB��hB11 MI Cp�ltl�:(�9:MEf
<br /> 5 cr ,enn y �ct la be +nr.e'rn or�pon the ?ropeM in"iolation ot any law,o�naxv.r regWehon:gry yig�l peY�G�'�Y�'g-
<br />� F��'q e rus ofs cost and oxpen=o all I xns.e�umbrznces enC chergas'svieC,Im�osM or ec:essetl agoinst tlre Proper{y w nrry
<br /> l Emlr�ent pon:ai. L dsr is nsreEy cssignaC nIi wmpansetion,swartla,tlameges aM othsr peymanls or rallel(harelnztle:
<br /> V: �.��
<br /> .���.. . . .�v.,... ..,�,.,...a,........ : .; ��� .
<br />