, . .. . �s. . .. �.: ...�.
<br /> �� --..:' _ __._` ._._... ., _ . .. .._ .. .. .. ._ ��. ' '�._:
<br /> ---� . g�� � ,-.,:-..:_�, _. �-. .. _ __
<br /> , � , � �<.....�. _ _
<br /> 9�. �Or�ower'8 Right ta Reln33�il. 14 8orrower meets eerttiln concf�tlons. Borrow�er s��har��e tFie�$ht to hara - -
<br /> ". . � entoreeme�i ot 4his Secuttty Insuument�kseantinuad at a+ry tme prior to the ��ower•ol8sale contaned tn�thlseSecudry Instrumen�a � ' , � . •. `��
<br /> •� (��r may spedty for reinstatement) before sale of the ProF�Y D���t to any P Lender all sums whlch then . '
<br /> �nstr�crter.t Thase condtlons are tf+aY Ho�rower. (a) pays �,—
<br /> . � (b) entry ot a judgment enfardng tfile Securfty ,.+._.r
<br /> „� vrould be due under this SeeutftY �nstrument and the Nots as ff no ac�+ntien hnd oearred: (D) cures t�nY detault of any other �
<br /> covenar►t or egre�menta: (W PaYs ail e�enses Incurred In eMorctng this S..'cu��'e th tethe ti nuof t!� S�curirymnstrument l.enderts .. . , , ,`��_
<br /> --- attomsys'fees: and(�tekes such adion as L���ie�ms�r��b+y r�u:re -..�.---_---- -
<br /> e�
<br /> rights in the PropertY end Bartower's obUgatian to pay the sums secured by this SecuritY��sUUment sheil continue unchanged. Upon ,
<br /> �• . ' rdnsffitemEnt by Bortower.this Seeurity Iestrument and the om�gations secured hereby shali rema(n tufty eftectiva as H no aceeleratloe ��.�-
<br /> ; had occurrei!• How�rer.Us�s tl9ht to►emstate sheU not app�y in the case of aeceleration under paragraAh 17. �:;
<br /> � 1g, $8!B of NatO; C�anSe of Loan Sarvicer• The Note or a parUa� (nterest in the Note (together with thls Security -
<br /> i InsDUmzrrt)may be soid one or more t'mes wi3haut Prior notice to 8ortower. A sate maY rcauR ir►a chan9e in the entiry pmown as the
<br />-" _.;.,{ •Epy��,�� thsi �o!tec;s monthry payments dua under the Note and thts Security InsGument There also may be one or more � .- _
<br /> c�anga of the Loan Servfcer un�e�ated to a safa of the Nota tt tfiere is a chenge af the Loan Servicer.8orrowe►wPJ be giv�tt vftitten - -
<br /> noflCe of the ehange in accordattca with paragraph 14 above and appQcable Iavr. The notice wiU state th ther fnt rtnaL'on�Ued by . . .
<br /> n2�v Loar�Servtcer end the addre�s to which paymer►ts sAou.d be made. The notice rn'0 aiso eontain srry ,� �
<br /> aPPQcabte law. .. I ,.,;`;:� . ..--
<br /> 20. 1•l�i�oitS Subst&�tC09. 8orraw� shat not cause or permR the presence.use, d�sposel, storage. ����� ,., __�N,:
<br /> ' Hazardous Substances on or(n the Property. Borrower sha➢not do.nor allow enyorte else to do.anythtng affecdr►g :.;::'� s � _
<br /> • ts in vIolstton of any Erniron,�e►rtal Law. The preceduig tv�o sentence3 shall not ePPly fn the presence, use. or stotage an 34te ? ,a�_
<br /> eaL r�cogntzed Lo Ite sPtrraprtate to nortnal rps.d�tiel uses and to t:.;•:; '•'..� �"�'��;,,L,:
<br /> �:}.� �p�fl of sma7 quant�es of Ha�ndous Substances that are g�n Y � .. ' �.,
<br /> msa�i�.st!ce ot the ProperN• :�r. . ,_
<br /> ''. � e Lender written rtoYice of an7/(mrr�s+�TQn,daQn. derr�nd. {�w�uii cr other adlen bY anY�ovanmentet -_,;�:,-..�,.�.,•-.----
<br /> �ortow�shn0 promptty giv �..i ,��-
<br /> ,•� •�°,--.:--
<br /> or regutatory agen�y or pdvata pady fivo(wig the Pmpc�ty artd any Hazardous SubsffincE or Emriranm�rtel Law ot which Bortower has '�,__..,•..;_�.
<br /> H��I imowtedga lt Borrower leams, or is notified by srs�f gove�mmenffiI or regutatory autY►orftY.that anY removal or oiher renediatton .: �,
<br /> ,'i j of arry HaTSrdous SubsSanee aftecting the Rmp�ty ts aecessarY• Bortower sha9 promptlyr take aD necessery tanedial adions in • . .. . k ,,j
<br />- .., 1 accordance wP�h Er►viranmental Law. � �`��",�''`"`_-�
<br /> Qs used in this pata�aPh 20, 'H�atdrnts Substances' ere ffiose substances d�fned as tox'c or ha�ardous substances by ,` . .
<br /> � Envtronmettta!Law and the to�owfig� Sasoifne.kerosen�ather flammable or twdc peVOte�an praducts.toxic pesddd A F0, : s::`.'���'_;- �_
<br /> herbiddes. vafatile soNents. tnateria►s ecRtaUslrtU asbestos or tortnatdehyde.and radioacttve mat�d �°��e to hea:th,�� or - . -- �--'.���
<br /> •Envlronmental law' means fedaal taws anct taws af ttc� jurisdictton wh¢re ffia Property -:•_,-=•:E�•.°
<br /> . environmer�ffiI protection. • � J,.�� '�-
<br /> t10N-UNIFORM COVEPVANTS. Borrower and Lend�turther covenant and agree as toitows: • � - �_-
<br /> "' 21. Acceleraiton; Remediss. Lender shal{ gtve aattc� to Borrowar prtor to actslerat�on follovving .. t�:�.�•1=; .�_� -_
<br /> RarrowePs breach of any covenant or agreement in tirts Security lnstr�ment (but not prl�� to ,�_�,. "
<br /> accetera4lon undes �aUagraph 17 unless a��gt�..a6fe law Provides otherwise). Yhe nottce shall s��a�&y: .; :i_ � ,^�.. :.. �
<br /> .: �a ,.
<br /> •'';�- (?�)4hs defaul� lla�Sxlm sctton required tm c�,tr�the dm$aut� (c) a d.�te, not less than �� af.ays firom tiie
<br /> � �"%`�i4 by vfi�1r.�:y the default mu�tt i��ured: and (d) tha��i�tr�re to cure �` �s ;.� ,,� r
<br /> "'';;�( �3ate the nattce is gi�c,cdx to Borrower. 7-�, - 1�°
<br /> ' d
<br /> .;yf.,�. ,•� . �. ,._
<br /> � ,.: � the d e f au l t on or b�5.�s e t t e a �t e s p e c i#i e a� i n t h e no@ce m a� rar�t4 tn acaetar�Serm ai v�e sums ;�;,,� ., •., ,N,_
<br /> �s�;z;;!, The �a�� sh3[fl fsuti'�'er i n f�rm � �' �;��'�,.�'% ��_.
<br />;,;;,�,� secured by th�s Sec�ar=3y f��s�+�nt au�d sale of ffie Properdy.
<br /> �� �'' eorrawer of the right'3x era`�v�t� �er acceleration and tho �ight to brfng a �� acti� #�o assert� ,''�,"� , r������ .
<br /> �:�•�;":,
<br /> non-e�otstence of a ds�f"m�: or�r� �ther defense of Borrower to acceleratton andi sale, tf�he defauit�s .�',_ ::;�� �'_� . i=
<br /> � not cured on or bof� the date specified in the notice, Lenelor �t tts optio� may requi:� immediate �:Y. i�
<br /> --_ pay�ent [n full of ail sums sscuretD by this Socurity lnstrumeri3 withaut further der.��-:sd artd may ' .� �
<br /> imrake the power of sal� an� any other rernedtes permitted by appllcabte law. Lender sh�1 2 � ; �_:`:;: -
<br /> eMi�ted to caltect all expens� �n�urred in pursutn� �a�d��of U�e Bv dence,this paragrap
<br /> `� �.-:
<br /> " inctudtng, but not limited to, a�us�na6te attomeys'fe� `
<br /> � � 1�the pawer of sate is i�1r,�d, Trustee shaU rec� a notice of defautt In each cc�...^�ty in which .. �� ; �=� �
<br /> ,:z:: • ..�___.
<br /> a n y p a r t of fhe Pro parly Is Q��ed and shall mail cop':�of such asotice in the man��e�Se�ascribed by ��Y �
<br /> apQlicabte law to BorroR-r�� ��'J 4o t f ne o t hor pe r s o n s 1����s c r l b s�i b y► a p p l l c a b l o l a v v. /d 9 S�a r t fi e t i m e ;,.7 . .
<br /> ':. Uwbla Is�,'Cr�us�ee shall give publtc rnaii►� o! sale to the persons enc9 i�� the nea�erter . W,; ..�".. �T.±-..�,
<br /> , ' raqulrad by apP :
<br /> "''�: pr�scribed by applicable�ar. '1'ea�stee+v+►ithout dema�i vr� Bnnoy+►er, shall s�La the�operty at publte ,�,� �v•; .. ,
<br />„�l.saj��- . at.��� t tr.,,.
<br /> auctton to the highes�t bldda� a't the time and piace and under ths terms ds:�g�aded 1� the nottco of r ,,.� -' � ;
<br /> eate in ona or more parcels and in arry order Trustee detoPmirr�. Trustee may pas�m�B sala of all `{4ti,`;ts;,,lS,,t�,f}f< . •,�;_,._._
<br /> or any p a r c e l 0 4 t h e P r o p e r t y b y p u b f i c a n n o u n c ement at ttva �me and place af �► previously � .
<br /> �rt,� �xt� .� �tr,
<br /> scheduled sale.Lender or its designee may purchase the Property at any sate• � "���F,�:�� r-
<br /> + ��...- ' ;'Y�•
<br /> Upon raceipt o! paymo�t ot the price bid, Trustee ahall deliver to the purchasar �wstees deed ;.;},,,}•;ki����., ' _
<br /> . , com►oying t he Propo r i y. The r e c t t a l a i n t h e T r u s t e e'e d e e d s h a l l b e prima facte evidence af tho tndh ',,, �����t �-
<br /> of the statements made therein. T►ustee st�all apply the proce�cls of the sale in the tollowing order. "���'�a°:''���.���,'� .,
<br /> � � � (a) to all costs and e�enses of exerc6si��t�ho power of sale, arn� the sale. Including 4lhn payment of ,:. ::.x;=-r;;=_. .�r�,. .
<br /> � tfie Trusteo'�fea9 actualty incunred, na3 ta�rxcsed Ten g6 +s?the princfpai arna+u�:! of ffie note , -, ���
<br /> ; -, .:. �a,
<br /> �;>`�::i?�' ' at th�t�mo of the declu�tloro as� defaus�, �d roasnn�bto attome-�'s tees as permtt4ed by larw, (b) to afl _� f:�, . ,, —
<br /> '�'e,� sunos s�eurad by this SecaaeTiy� fr�struenenl+ and (e) any exeeaa to tt�e �e�an or persons t9g�ity ,�,'��`y ,, ._
<br />°�;�",'�: '• . entitled to iL .
<br /> . � . 22.Reeomrayucc� llgon ps,t�rr�nt of e11 sums secured by thts Secu r i t}/(n�;un:�r�t,1.�:^'�;�-.'.a H r e q u e s t T r u s t e e t o r e c orn e y .•;1�:: ' _ _
<br /> ' � the PtopeRy end shaD sutmn�fh�s{Ut�ur(tY��sUU�arnd w thout Charge tod he pe�t persa syey�(y en�d�'��ch Pe on o . , , , --:
<br />��' Trustee aha0 reconvey the Pro�c�st1. , •; �
<br /> , '4. .. '
<br />:i�,,.,��; :. persons shaD pay eny recorda�iccs cont� ."•i,'
<br />,�:�;,�� ;�Sti� �� �' __ -
<br /> . . �`h�������y�. ..
<br /> . . ', � ...i .i'�I '!' ',_'.)va
<br /> • • � 23. SubS't�ttuft�gruIItflitQ. I:�i1d�x, et ics opifan, may from time to time remove Trustee and appaint ¢�uxossor trustee to �;. ,;;.;,...,t'���t�,;,1.;,
<br /> � { any Tnistee appoirtted haroimda by an inslrument rae+srded in the counry in wh[ch this Securiiy Instrum�a►t fs recorded. Without „t ��} ._��
<br /> '���.'� cameyranee ot the Properiy, succassa•trustee shaD suaeed to all the tiUe, power end duUes conterred upon Tnistee herein end by '.` �` ;�f�fsi}� �
<br /> ��;.`. applirabte law. ' .��u,,...
<br /> ,��t;,
<br />� ' 24. Request for Noticoa. Bortovrer requesta that oop:es ot the notices ot defauft and sele bo sent to BonowePs address �'.�•r,, .�.�,
<br /> • whieh is tfie Property Address. ., •
<br /> 28. Riders to thts Seeurity Instrumen� If one or more riders 6re c�cecuted bY Bortower and recorded together v�ith .
<br /> this SecuritY instrumen�the covenants ond agreements of each sueh dder sha0 be irtcorpamted into and shall umend an�supptement . �,�,t:
<br /> , the covensnts and a�eements a1 this Security Instrument as H the dder(s)were e part o1 thi3 Security InsUument : � _
<br /> , • Fam 3028 9/90 . .
<br /> . ' � F1029.LM0(2f9G) P3ge 4 oi 5 , . � ' _ �'.�
<br /> L
<br />,.." ',_'_' �_____�_ . _
<br /> 1000W66 I � ,. �'.
<br /> �
<br /> _ 1 . ...----•�—.�-.—.-.++.-�ctrr.,_,..�, �=H— .�—�:.--"^�;^"�"`:,.�_`:_'_"' _ . ^;r,r -�+h�s�.: •;
<br /> —'`t— .�. �. ..� � . c. -� .
<br /> f . . . . !}1 : .. . .. . � ' , ' ' • ..t , •:�p�� ` i.•�t
<br /> :N , , �i�' , yl;�,' . , -� '.3..: -
<br /> .���+ . • � .�. . _" �t t� � - �;�.� ' .
<br />. _ � ...,..... .. • �.\?n/�. ,.�.. �s:�.r... ., . . . _. '�r . . . , . . . �- �r ,. a . � .. � � . . .� s. . � .. . � .�. .. ..
<br />