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<br /> ______ my attocney or proxy� with power of substitutian, in respect of any
<br /> stocks. shares. bonde� debenturea, or other evldences of ownership� or
<br /> J ' aecurities. now or hereafter held by me and issued by or on account of „
<br /> said corporation or cumpany and for that purpose to execute any
<br /> proxies� limited or general, or other instrumente.
<br />_ 11. To execute deedss bills. notes, and similar instrumenta.
<br /> � � �� For all or any of the purposes herein stated to enter into and sign, -
<br /> _ _,.- - ----_ seal. execute� acknowledge. and deliver any contracts, deeds, or other
<br /> - - instruments whatsoever. and to draw, accept, make� endorse, discount, -
<br /> - or otherwise deal with any bills of exchange. checks, promissory notes.
<br />-------
<br /> ���,��,w;,,�,w or other commercial or mercantile instruments. _
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<br />—;. � 12. To do all other things necessary in connection herewith.
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<br /> In general to do all other acts, deeds, matters, and things whatscever
<br /> a,-:,„� ,,.{�r
<br /> ���� .� _- in or about my estate� property, and affairs, or to concur wit persons
<br />'s+_+wi3�M���,,u;
<br />�`�'.'.i�::�: `•�; jointly interested with myself therein in doing all acts, deeds, matters,
<br /> ��'" ���;zar�:v.�3�.
<br /> ,�h •�'_ •„��, : y� and things herein, either particularly or ger►erally described, as fully
<br /> � .��: • and effectually to all intents and purposes as I could do in my own
<br /> ,:�.��,,�;�--�--�— proper person if gers�nally present. it being my intent to qrant to my
<br /> ;�;n�- . , said attorney a general power to act for me and in my behalf, and not
<br /> � •�;, � ' f• ~�, a limited or special power� limited to the specific acts herein described.
<br /> ���� 13. Power of attorney effective notwithstanding disability of
<br />. . .. . ,,.�.ia'iT;:
<br /> ',�;, �"�` , , ~ � principal: continues in effect after principal's death until notice.
<br /> t���:
<br /> �. -n-J ,,.w s Pursuant to the provisions of Nebraska Probate Code Sections 30-2662 and
<br /> "-�" ° ` '"'��" torne shall not be affected b
<br /> �„ 30-2663. I declare that this power of at y Y _
<br /> '"� ��� ��+� my disability or incapacity, and that the authority granted herein shall _
<br /> ' ��"'�•�?�'�•� continue during any period while 1 am disabled or incapacitated.
<br /> � o ..P.._...
<br /> ����' :
<br /> ��9�,,;^t_�-. ••..� .° Further� pursuant to said sections� all such suthority shell continue
<br /> �:... _.C+}_„�.
<br /> ��� - after my death, until notice of such death shall have been received by
<br /> 'n�hVi�.+1T• ,
<br /> �..:,..� � � my attorney so that he has actual knowledge of the fact that 1 have
<br /> �•'�:'`3=���`'" ` , died. Any action taken in good faith by seid attorney during any
<br /> ��• �� ., � period while it is uncertain whether I am alive, before he receives
<br /> � � actual knowledge of my death. or, in any event, taken during any
<br /> ''��" . '�''"�, � �� period while I am disabled or incapacitated, shall be as valid as if I
<br /> � A.ti.
<br /> were alive, competent. and not disabled.
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