... . • .n,.enr �r:�� rrt•.r.I�r;��t.l� ;�,.4.y,�^► �•,,,;•'�'{l�!•t � . p;i'�/r'...'•'�� �r�(j�������� �,,�j'tt�hj+�.-
<br /> � � �''tA�l�l�•'„""'.."'�'`� �[,t� ��;Fti;5'�:,"r�Y � - _
<br /> . t•.����*�+''�^ �`r''rr. � _ _
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<br /> � • . ;f..��n.�b f+.+�:..,.. . ._ —
<br /> '.i`,•�.:•
<br /> t , _ -"
<br /> G_..�.. -
<br /> � . . � ' � MORT(iA�iE 9G�OS�S1
<br /> � � °�:�'
<br /> � _
<br /> ti' ,���4 y�Va��� Pa�ri nlr �._ NN tsn�rw7A wnA R�Pa �, Bi�aer l�d._
<br /> 1, '� �- � huaband and wiE� ----(Mhla"Mo�yyot"1�,d °'"�-=—
<br /> � @'iv� Foin�e Benie• Grand Ialemd, Nebraeka ry,n�n"Monp�").
<br /> ,�;t�:.� - � �
<br /> � ..� ;
<br /> liat/�or W pideOMd fo Yottp��+la tM�el�clp+J wm ot� �•2ai.O� �.,�a.nae ey Mort{yor'�not� _
<br /> �; � � JulY 3, 1992 �In"�y"!�for p�yaMnu of p�lndpal wd in��st,�IW th�b�lana ot th�
<br /> _ .. . � -._.�u� -
<br /> � � bMM�i��If�01�ooM�pld�aue and oyraEb a� �ember 1� 1992 ,
<br /> �. :� r 7b�N tA�p�yw�nt ot tM[�1M�.w{IM I�tsmL�ProNd�d tMRln�NK pyment ofYl oth�r�ums,with Int�re�t�
<br />. �. °'' Mhna�d dy►MarliyN to pM�c<<M Maudty W tUi�1lay�.�nd tM prfotaw�e ot tls�to�enuitt�nd yn�menk ot
<br /> ;�t(� , " `y� �� tlw Mo�p�or 000WnM Ma�rW. Me�RpLa Aa� I�bS' a►aysp �nd eoar�y�o Mor�iyw�tb� tdioRla�daerib�d
<br /> �� , , �• �„a,�y�oeaue�n .BaL',_ _..—aow�ey, H.en.W: � -
<br /> � Lot Six (6), Blocic Qna Hundred Thirty�lt�raQ (133), [Goenfg 6 Wi�'s Additiar� to
<br /> °�' .. -+ Grar�d Islend. Hsll Ccunty� Nobraaka.
<br /> •_�
<br />.- . '' }J � �
<br />", . �.
<br /> ��; • � �.1 "�.: �, t,ot Forty�Eight (48), WQat H�ighta Ad�ition to th� City of Grard Ieland� Hell
<br /> ..,. . . � Cowf�y� N�caeka. � _ _--
<br /> }
<br /> . . ;,y �--
<br /> . 1;..
<br /> r ti. rt
<br /> . —
<br /> .:.: .
<br /> � To�ether with all buildlnp,lmprovemenp,iixtura,�tn�ts,dley�.p�w�wnys, ewrt►enu.ti�hk,prlvlle����nd _
<br /> — ---- appurt�nancet iacaud ther�on or in anywi.e�tr�{�+ing i.i►��ia,�3th�nntt,tswss �sd ptoA�:.x+rrsslQns end temelnd.n ------
<br /> N�reot;Includfn�,but not Ilmfted to�1►eatin��nd coolln��quipm�at and aucA pnsond property th�t fs�et�ch�d to tAe _ _ _
<br /> � " la�ptov�m�nt�so as to canstitute a t7�ttuee;vl ot ahfch�fncludln�replaem�n4�nd additlau th�rHo.�b�nby declued �_ - -
<br /> •>>•,'.. ` , to be�part ot tu�nd atate�ecu�ed by the Ifen of Nts�loetp�e md�II of tA�ton�oln�btl��Mt�md b henjn n the
<br /> +�i�� Nvww�Mai���
<br /> •��q��.�
<br /> {4 ___
<br /> � � ' Mortp�or WrtAer conv�nants�nd�pees,with MortpQee.�follo�vt: ��
<br /> o �`Y.' _
<br /> y •� . 1. P�ynant. To p�y tbe indebtedneu and t1u interest thereon n provided in tbis Mott=qe�nd th�Not�. �� '"
<br /> u •s
<br /> 7 Z. Title. MortQa�or i�the owner ot the Property,has tAe d�ht�nd�uthority to nrort��e the Ropert�•,�nd �
<br /> �` w�erants th�t the lien cnaud hereby 4 a llRt and pdor lim on the Rop�rty.exnpt�may otbe*�I�e be at torth herefn. .;;��;.:
<br /> ( . Tl+a Frn�itahlra R��i7Airv� aG T.rwn Lp�_ � �'�: --
<br /> �71�e Roperty it�ubject to�Motlp�e wrherein . � .
<br /> . . . It the Mortp�ee,t+ecord�d�t Book .Pqe of th�Mortp�e Reead�ot r-�At 7 County.� -=.
<br /> �, • p�b�ka,Mhfch Morip�e 1��Ifen prior to Wt li�a cmud henby. •• ..
<br /> � Q9 Otl�er pdor liena or eneumbrance:: �"West Mortaaae �in�a�v I ° .
<br /> � ' �=
<br /> . `�' � � [ 'i`s;_:
<br /> �.
<br /> E -
<br /> .. 3. '!'�xe� Aw�n�nts. To p�y when due all taxa,sqcl��eumenLs md dl otherclur�es��in�t the Ropetty '
<br /> �nd.upon arltten dtmand py MortN�ce�W�dd to the paymen4 r�quiKd under the Note ucured hereb��tuch�tnount�t �
<br /> ' �� p�y be wtAdent to�a�We th�Nortp�ee W pay w�h taYe�.�is�aeeu or other ch�eC�tAey Eecome due.
<br /> ' 4. le�aa. To te�p the Impm�ements now�or henatler loc�t�d on the ral eqate descelbed herefn in:ured '
<br /> � � �pfrut d�o�e by en'and�uch other awed�a�Itott�a�e�m�y r�quln,in�uowts�nd with�ompuiies�cceptable to the
<br /> Mortp��tnd with lo�p�yebte to We Yoryqee. In we of las under wcA polides tlie Idort�qee u�uthorized to !
<br /> �dJu�t,cdlect �nd oompromtw,ln i4 dl�c�etion. �!I cWmo thereund�r at{4�ole optlon,�uthoriud toelther�ppl�the ,
<br /> proceed�to fbe erstor�tion ot the hoperty or uoon the indeMRdness��red Aereby,but p�ym�ats henunder shdl con•
<br /> • tlpue�YAtil Ne wau weund h�reby ane p�fd in tnll.
<br /> . . ,
<br /> 6. O B�sov For Taxes�nd Inwr�na. NohvithctandlnQ�nyehin�cont�f ned in pu�Qnphs 9�nd�Aereot to the �
<br /> i eoetrary�MotC�t�ot rb�ll p�y to the 1►'lort��t tAe time of payln�tAe monthly lnstdlaMnb ot princfptl�nd intrre:t,
<br /> : � one.twelttl►of tAe yeatfy tax�s,we�men4,hwrd iruuru�ce pnmiunu.and�round renu(it�ny)w�hich mp•�ttafn�
<br /> , pelorlty owr tb4 Mott�qe.dl�i n�onably atltnated trom time w time by the MotgaEee.TAe�mounts w pdd:hdl be
<br /> bNd by We Mort��4ee wiNout Interait and�pplled to tl►e p�ym�nt ot the Items in retpeM to vhich�ucA�mounts were
<br /> _ _ -----�...� 7�����wu w�{d fn�..�..�..p.�.und.� an d.d.ed is�dditlo�ul�ecuritr for tlu ind�btednes��ecured by th�s _
<br /> _�. _' •�ww� •����.w��.�...�� T _.
<br /> Yortp�e.lilortp�onhdl p�y W Morya�er the amtwat of�ny deticieney petMt�n tAe�etud taxs.�sessmentc, insunnce
<br /> ptaNumt�od pound r�au�nd Ne depaiv he»undet wltAin 10 d�y��tt�t dnnand fs eude upon Mort�aQor reque�tlnQ
<br /> pym�ot t6�rrot.
<br /> ,� �, Repair,MNnMn�nce�od Ure. To promptly npdr,rnton or repuild rny bufldfn�s or improvements now or
<br /> Aeteaff�er on the Property;to teep the Proprty In�ood condition�nd npalr,rvlthout M�ste,and tne[rom mech�nfc':or
<br /> o1�et Uen�not�xprealy�upordfnated to the lien henot;not to make��utter or pern►it�ny aulsuice to exlst,nor to d�min•
<br /> hh or Imp�lr the v�lue of the Propetty by�ny�et or omfuian W�ct;and W comply �ritA a1�requlrements ot lax•wlth
<br /> �� re�pect W the Propercy.
<br /> . �
<br /> � , , �
<br /> �, � '
<br />