. , , a '� r�-. ' ' . . . • . ; , � , . - '. .. � . �. . � ` `. < � - ' ` �'
<br /> . : ' _ � �_ ' ' � . .. . � ... . .� .-, ... ' � . i . , � . . •t . ,��yer� -- �_
<br /> . . . _ . < � . . . • . -
<br /> " - .� c } .. < ' , i . . • . . ." . . ; . .. ` � , f ,. : . .- r i� . . . ( .{ .�.
<br /> . _ . • . � ` ' . • .. .f: , . . .u:
<br /> � .' . . . , . . , . �. " � ` . . _ .. _ ' __.. ... .__ -- .-<.r:< ,.t,S�-
<br /> . . .. � . . _c. ..__ . . .. . .. .,_,._ _.__c .. . c� � � �� _ . _ —
<br /> $•
<br />" � � g�- i0��'� , . �,. � . *_
<br /> 5. Hs�ard or Property Iasurauce. Borrower shall keep ihe improveu�i� ac� er:sriag or h�after eze�ed o� �he -_-- T -��-��.
<br /> •� � Property insured against tass by fire.hazards included wi[hin t6e term"extende3 coverage" and any other ha7ards. including � ' -i'r'
<br /> floods or Raod�ing,for which lxnder requires insaraIICe• 'fhis insurana s�11 b�"'a'°t�,°�d 1°the a�°°unts�d for the periads . �, _
<br /> [hat l.ender requires. The insurance camer pm'nding the inswance sha11 be chosen by Borrower subject to Lender's approval � .�: �
<br /> � which shaU not be unreasonablY �vithheid. If Borrower fails[o maintain coverage described above, Lender may. at Leader's
<br /> �:,� option,obtain coverage to protect Leader's rights in tke Property ia accord2nce with paraBraFh 7. -,- -; -- -- -, -��-
<br /> < All insutancs policies and renewals shall be acxeptable to Lender and shaU inelude a standard mo�4gage clanse. L.eader
<br /> � shall have the right to hold the policies and tenewals.If L�ender reilustes•Borrower shall pmmgdy Bive to Lender all receipts of Y=
<br /> • ' paid premiums aad mnewal aotices.In the eveat of loss,BoTCOwer sha11 give prompt notice to the insuiance casier and Lender. _ . �, .. ;�:_
<br /> Ixnder may make proof 9f loss if not made prumptly by Bocrower. .�-:•7�� :.
<br /> Unless Leuder and Borrower otherwise agree in writiag,insurance Proce�s shall be aPPUed�°rest°rauon or repair of the
<br /> �.:�.' �
<br /> property damaged,if the restorarion or repair is economically feasible and Lender's security is not lessened. If the rescoratioa or - �___,__
<br /> � repair is not economically feasble or I.ender's sea�rity w�uld be lessened.the insutance proceeds shall be applied W the sums . ' �-.•r'^�-1:._:,•
<br /> secured by this Security Insuvment, whether or not then due, with any excess paid to Borrci�er. If Boirower abandons the .�:'R�:;�k:
<br /> ' •.,i.���;�',';` :,;.�,
<br /> _ .�,,••. s
<br />". - ' property.or does not answer within 30 c1aYs a nouce fron Lender that the insura�ce canrier�offered t°settle a claim,then ,�,;5,'-y''•�R�� -��=,�
<br /> ' L.ender may coUect the insur•ance proceeds. LenQer�y use the proceeds to aep�r or restore tfle Praperty or to pay sums •��fst£=-<,.• , . _
<br /> 4�5.�_:- -L,r���:..`..:, �.1��
<br /> s�by this Security Instrument,ahecher or not thffi 3ue.The 30-day period vr,�begin when the aotice is given. ��,,..; ,�,;.#,S ,-;-
<br /> Untess Lender and Boaower ot�ervrise agree in writing, anY aPPUcaiioa of proceeds to priacipal shall not exteud oi ��., �,¢ <':.,.: �r.r::
<br /> _ s one che due date of the moathlY Payments referre�to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the payments.If under �. . ����`��°• '�".�.
<br /> Po tP fra� ," � t,�,�r..
<br /> is b I.ender, �orrower's right to any insurance policies and proceeds resu1tin8 f � . ���, �:: ,,'�-
<br /> p2Tdgc'dp$ 21 the PiOpel[y ' ac4u�red Y inatrnsr�r �`'":_;_�'g���••�..
<br /> . - damage to the Proper�y prior to the acquisidon shall ga�co Lender to the extent ef the sums secured bY this Se�ritY
<br /> �: . . �:i�ffS'
<br /> - _ immediaiely prior to We acquisiuon. �� ° • s� _
<br /> i
<br /> 6.Occopancy,Preservation,Meintenance a���otedIon of the Pro�eri�;Bosrower's Loan App�c�tto�;I.ea��olds. � . .� ���.�y-��� ��
<br /> Barrower shall occuPY,establish,and use the Property as Borrower's principal�dence within sixty daYs after the acecurion of ,�.� ..���v�: . .-�.
<br /> �k the Pro e as Borrower's^�eipal�esidence for si least one year after ~�.. ,4r:`�::
<br /> '.�t$�;::.., �j,q$�ty inatmm�*�t and shall contmue to otxupY P r►Y � �--,
<br /> cxn �`�
<br /> �,�.�.._�� Y :�.. .• r �-�_.�
<br /> ,:r�'�: the date of occupancy,uvt�s Lender othe�nse a„�in writing.which c°ns�sG�ll not be unreasonabl withh e ld,o r n n l e s s ��':f;
<br /> ;...:. �: , . ;...,�.
<br /> `"`-;-• z�tenuating cimumsstaac�� ��ist which are beyQns�. I��wer's conttol. Bora+a-weu shall not destroy, damage or impair the ;; , , ,;,. :�_�; �
<br /> imum
<br /> ,i�:�,�'� ..�.• '` � .'''�.��'c.t ---
<br /> .,,�.,��. 3'noperry, allow the Frc�'to deter_�r�:e. or co� waste on the Property. �rrower shall be in d e f a u lt i f azry forfeiture ° �
<br /> .•s;,t�i�..,. ac6ott or g�ing, whether civil or c�aunal,i s begun t h a t i n[r��e r's g o o d f a i t h jud g m e nt codd res�ilt in forfeiture af t�z ��;:�: ,�i,"„�,.: .,�,::.
<br /> ..:;:�`�`�'' or ot�erwise materially impair the lien created by this S�y Ins�or Lender's security interest.Botrow�m�y � ':�� '•�#1�
<br />�.i�ne'il; • �IO��
<br />:..t' . aue such a defa�ilt aud reinstate.as provided in paragrap h 1 8,by causing t he a c t i o n o r p m c e e d i n g w b e d i s m i s s e d w i t h a n il i n g �.�� � ':;;R ; �,
<br /> • . ; that, in Lender's goad faith determiaation, preciudes forfeiture of the Bomo�:'s interest in the Pmgerr�or other material ';�
<br /> tnr�,-�ent or I.ender's sec•urnj inter�t. Barmwer sbali �o t�e in default if ,,:�
<br /> impairmen[of the lien cceated by this Securiry '�:r.� ,.;6�;.� �'
<br />'::�:'�'• Borrower.during the loan application process.gave�aterially false or inaccur..�:snformarion or statemetus t�Lender(or failed __ .. r.,:..._
<br /> _.l��:
<br /> .�`1:`:?.- •: to provide Lender with any material information)in connection with the loan evidenced by the Note,inciuding,but not limited „-, � -•,,�.,.
<br /> � to.cepresentations conceming Bomawer's acrupancy of the Property as a princia�l residence.If this Secusity Instrument is on a �_.��:
<br /> • teasehold, Borrower sLall camply with a11 the provisions of the lease. If Er.ia�wer acquires fee dde to the Properry, the �,_,
<br /> leasehold and the fee title shalt not merge unless I.ender agees to the merger��a�rdng. •_;-�' � -a•
<br /> 7.Ptotedion of I.eader's Rights in the Pt�peity.If Borrower fails to pe::�rm the covenants and agreements cania�ned in .�_.
<br /> . . Securi Insuument, or there is a legal proceeding that may signifirandy affect Lea der's ri g hta in t he Pm P a rt Y(such as a '�;
<br /> this tY . . ,
<br /> •• pmce�ing in bankrupuy,probate,for condemnation or forFeiNre or to enforce laws or re�ulatfons),then I.ender may do and =•_-:�._�---_
<br /> �_•:
<br /> ' . pay for whatever is r.r��ary to protea the value of the Property and Lend�r'�rights in the Ps+opetty. 1�ender's actions maY �.. �;,
<br /> �en
<br /> in aourt, Payu►8 =•�.
<br /> .;�,.___
<br /> include paying any s-.:�rs secured by a lien whists Sas prioriry over this Sra�.�ty Insuvment, aPP� -
<br /> reasonahb:.�.'.omeys' fees and enteri�,y�n the Propeity to make repairs.Althoep Lender may ta"se action�'Er this paragrdph L:�*�f�;��_
<br /> '. 7,Lender daes not have to do so.
<br /> Any amaunts disbursed by L�rWe:under this paraBcaFh 7 shall become additional d�t of Borrower secured by this . � ,�.��:�?.,��
<br /> Security Instrument. Qnless Borrower and Lender��ee to other terms of pays�ent. these amounts shall 6ear intarest&om the , .rJ.rr�•++s,�:�: �?������
<br /> •�.;�•.�..-,t�i;:��'
<br /> "� � date of disbursement �s•,_"e Note sz:.aad s1�t1 �e paYable. with interest, �yv�� notice from Lender ta� �i'.amwer re�Nesting _,..:,,;�': .:�,:;v,f,,
<br /> • .. �...:.:.��;±', . �::
<br /> :,,,'. pay�. J�
<br />.}pli���. .. �6}'���1�..
<br /> ,,;; ;' � S.IYIQr�age Insurance.If Il�,�r required mortgage insur�c:as a conQiiion of maiasg:�e loan secured by this s¢+a'�ritS+ '. ,,nv�,�- :. �
<br /> �„•,��'.• " Insuumen:, Borrower shall pay [he premiums required to maintain the mortgage insurance in e4feci. If. for any re�, the .:;T '`.Jj�''�.d.;" �
<br /> to -;•�"��, : --
<br /> . ' mortgage insuraace ca�:=-age required by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effc�.Borrower shall pay the premiums required ;�,�.�.��.• .�. :.� _-
<br /> •- obtain coverage substw:.-211y equivaleat to the mortgage inswance previousIw�v effect,at a cost substancially equivalent to the �-• .: __��"�__-r::_•
<br /> . - ���,..•= ' ,:
<br /> cost to Boaower of the mortgage insurance pteviously ia effect, from an a::�rnate mongage inst*.�er appmved by Leader. 1f •���ya.� �.'�s�, �'--�
<br /> �`"..:.; '
<br />•;'.:.`., .: yvbstantially equivalent mortgage i:,aurance coverage is not available,Boaower shall pay to Lender each month a sum equal to . ����::r,1ii,�r"i�"�� �.
<br /> •'°.' '�` one-twelfth of the yeazly mosgage:�::zrance premium being pzic���Borrower when the insurance wverage lapsed c�r a��i to •,;:- ,�t�4;'.. • —
<br /> ,,. t�.�;;.. .
<br /> �� �, be in effect.l.ender will accept,cse and retain these payments� w:�ss rese.*be in lieu of mortgage ins�uance. 1.ass r�erve : :`:��'!``'`• _
<br /> Form 3028 9l90 �, ���
<br />.. - ," ���R(NEl�9z�y.at Page3of6 W���y \,C • ''_ . . - _
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