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<br /> .__..,.. °°� ,��E�'+r'� _ �� - �-- -
<br /> � 22. F�eCCJi�CeyBJIC@. Upon paymant ot all sums secured by this Security Instrumsnl, Lender shall reguest Truste2 to -=�r."�
<br /> . ':t:'+�3�:c�-.-.
<br /> ` reconvey the Properiy and shafl surrender this Securiry Instrumem and ell notes e�iidendng deht secured by this Se�uriry . -�� ,-w���-'.: .
<br /> '+'� Inswment to Ttustee. Trustes shaA reconvey the Property wi[hout wartanty and without charge to the persan Qr persons tegalty �' "���'- °
<br /> ._�.._��..�,_.
<br /> enlitled to it Such person or persons shall pay any recordaUon casts. � ". .�'"�'''�'•^�'^��
<br /> �--�.-�-.�-
<br /> 23. Substi3ute Yeufstoe. Lender, at its opUon, may hom time to time remove Trustee and ap�oint a sueaessor trustae 'r . � ;. �;:5..;�'�
<br /> ' to any Trustee appointed hsreunder 6y an instrument recorded in the counry in which this Security Inshument is racordad. ' .`,.�,s�� �4Y t`
<br /> VlfRhout cortveyanee o1 the Properry. the succeuor Vustee shatl succeed to al the titie. power end duties canfierra� upm� - "-�-"-`�s=_`''-
<br /> �(� Trustee hew_in and bY BPA�cabla law. .�,�. .K� '
<br /> • 24. Fiet�U83t fOf �10'ttCe9. 8arrovrer reqlests that cop�es of the notices of deFautt end sa�e be sent to 8orrowers , �_�.��..,
<br /> _:�.�.��'..
<br /> • address whfch is the Property Address. •
<br />� 25. i3lders 4o this Seeuri4y Instrumant. if one or more rtders are executed by Borrow�r and recorded together - ., ?� _': '.- • - :' .
<br /> - . .n., _ -.
<br /> � with this Securrly Instrurrsent the covenants and agreements of each such rider shail be incorporated into and shail amend and �
<br /> supptemertt the covenants and agreements of tfiis Securiry InsWment as if the rider(s)were a part of this Securily�nstrument °7�"�j.�`��,:-_-
<br /> . '�.:^-- �-r•\:�__-.
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<br /> [Check appi►cable box(es)] -�-�.���,' .� '�"�r.
<br /> ' ❑Ad;'ustaDle Rate Rtder ❑Condominium Rider ❑ T 4 Fam�yr Rider 't' �- �.s..R
<br /> ,.F- �p, "�"r?_ .-
<br /> ❑Graduated Payment Rider �Planned Unit Devetopmeat Rider []BrWeeldy Payment Rider . ;
<br /> Q Balloon Rider Rate Improvement Rider ❑Second Home Rider ` ��-.;.,.
<br /> ❑Other(s) Specity � j�
<br /> ��.
<br /> BY S[tiNiNG BELOW.Bortower accepts and agrees to the tertns and cavenants conta(ned fn this Securty fnstrumetri and in Lr. :"� --``
<br /> -�-°�-:��_:
<br /> - any�ider(s)executed by Bortuwer and recorded with it .s�"� T '�
<br /> � - ;�,.
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<br /> �'.�.;V•`. �c�:i. .
<br /> STATE OF Nebraska � `•�� :
<br /> ss: • ''"�:.,
<br /> ' COUf11Y'Y OF Hall • `
<br /> �� .�,. .�.
<br /> ' On this 22nd day of OCtobe� . 1996 .betore me.the undersigned,a Notary Publlo dufy °-� � ,o,,;
<br /> commisstoned end qualifled tar said courrty,personaity came Jeffrev C. KIn�1 and Mtielita M. iQn4 . I�usband __ • - ��
<br /> �,--::-•-:,,-
<br /> ' and VYife as Joint TAnants '"�`."""";
<br /> �:• .
<br /> • to me Anawn to be the IdenUcat person(s) whose name(s) are subscribed to the toregoing instrument and admowledged the ,
<br /> �� execuUon thereoi to be thol� voluntary act and deed. ��� J-
<br />.. '�!r��- ' � _ ____ fJ.I��
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