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<br /> porioda that L,ender requirex. Thc insurance cerrier providing tho incurance sh�l1 be chosen by Borrower Rubject to Lenderti
<br /> ' opptqval which�Iwll not bc unrcasonably withtkld. If Borrowcr fails�o maintain caverage described�bove, L.endu may.at
<br /> l,pideri�optioo.obtaln covero�e to pratect Lender c ri�hts in�he Property in accotdwnce wilh ppragr+ph 7.
<br /> All inRUrance polciea And nmew�la c�iwll be acceptoble to L.endar w�d:hall include�standerd mortgage clwse. Lender
<br /> � ctull lwve the ri�ht to hold the poltcier rnd renewals• 1f l.ender requircs.Borrower sh�ll promptly Bive to LenJer ull roceipta
<br /> � ot p�id premium9 and rcnewal natices. In the event of loss,Bamwer ehall give prompt nodca W the inrwance cortfer and
<br /> Lendc�. l.ender may make proof oF loss if not nwde prompdy by Borrower.
<br /> ., -�,--_��� Unleas Lender and Bortower otherwiso agroe in wdting,insuru�ce procecde shall be applied to restar�tion or rcp�ir of
<br /> - thep�e rry dama�ed, iP the restorution or rcpair i� eca�omicaliy fusible and Lender� securiry ig na Iessened. If the �_
<br /> restoratioo or reppi�is not econantcally feasible or L.ender� security would be lessened, the insu�nce procads shaU b�
<br /> �` , �pp�ied to the aums securcd by Ihis Security Insuumer�t, whetixr or not then due, wfth any excess paid to Borrower. lf
<br /> BomoWer�bandons the property,or does not anawer within 30 days u notice from Lendcr thac the insurauice curier has
<br /> — o�'crcd co settle A�m.then Lende y uy collxt�insurance praceeds. Lender may use th�proceedn�wil�l be in wi�en
<br /> c
<br /> — — theP�vj�tty or W y�ums socurad b thi:3ecuri Insuument.whether or not then due. 17x 30-day pe 8
<br /> -- - �he twtice is given.
<br /> T � ^ �� � Unless L.ender aad Bortower othenvise agree in writing.eny uPPliwtion of procecds to principa! shall not eatend or
<br /> postpone 1he due date of the monthly payments�eferted to in paragraphs � and 2 ar change�he amount of Ihe payments. If
<br />�� unde� 21 �he P�tiperty is acquired by Lender,Bomower's dght to any insurance policies and proceeds rcsulting
<br /> A�B�
<br /> irom damage to th�Pmperty prior to the acquisition shall pacs to Lender to�he extent of the suma secured by thie Seeur�ty
<br /> L�swment immediately priot w the ecquisit�on.
<br /> 6, pccup�pcy, preservadon, Mainteapace swd Pivtectbn ot the Property; Ba'rower's 1.aw4 Appliratioai
<br /> Le�cehoids. Borrower shall accupy.estabGsh.and use Ihe l�roperty es Borrower's principal residence within sizty days after
<br /> -_ --__- ---� tMe eaecutian of this Security Instrumen[and shall coruinue to accupy tha PropeRY as Borrowerk principel residenx for�t _
<br /> — — �east orte year after the dot� of occupancy, unless Lender othervvise agrees in wridng, whic6 consent shall not be
<br /> —'�""- - - unrcasonably wl�hheld.or unless extenuating circumstances exist which are beyond Bortower's control. Botrower shall not
<br /> � deswy,damage or impair Ihe Property.ellow the Propeny�o deteriorate.or commit waste on the Property. Borrower shall
<br /> ��"'�,�' . � be in default if ony forfeiture acdon or proceeding.whe►her civil or criminal,is begun that in Lender's good feith judgment
<br /> �:4— � could rcsult in forfei�ure of�he Property or atherw�se roaterial�Y impair ihe lien c�eated by thia Security Instrument or
<br /> --a'. �. � l,cnderk security interes� Bomower may cure such a default and r�einstate,as provided in paiagraph I8,by causing the action
<br /> �; or praceeding to be dismissed wiih a ruling ihat,in Lender's gaod faith determination,precludes forfeituro of�he Borrower's
<br /> .�� intenst in the Property or other material impairment of the lien crented by this Security Insuument m Lenderk securiry
<br />-�`N� �• 5 ' interes� Borrower shall also be in default if Borrower. during the loan upplication process, gave materially false or
<br />= • ineccurnte infomu�tion or statements to L.ender(or failed to provide L.ender with any material informatbn)in connection with
<br /> r.y��
<br /> '� the I�wn evidenced by the Note, including. but not limited to. reprcsentntions conceming Borrower's accupancy of tho
<br /> ___,� Qroperty as a principal residence. If this Secu�ity Instrument is on u IeasehoW,Borrower shall comply with all the provisions
<br /> �� of�he iease. ii Borruwrr+�;quires fee tEtiz ta th;.Ropcssy.the ltaszhold and the ftr t;de shall not merge unkss Lender aSras
<br /> �� ' ��,•, w the merger in writing.
<br /> � ' � 7, proteciion ot l.ender's Righta in the Property. If Borrower fails to perform the covenan�s and agrec�ntnts _
<br /> .:=��+' � contnined in thia Securiry Instrument, or there is a legal praceeding thnt may significantly nffect Lender�s righta in the
<br /> , �t*�.,r?' property(such as a praceeding in bankruptcy,probate.for condemnation or forfeitune or�o enforce luws or r+egulations),then
<br /> - ' ' ;�:��;�• Lender may do and pay for wha�ever is necessary to �xotect the value of the Property end Lender�s righu in the Property.
<br /> ti`, LenderF ections may include paying any sums secwed by�lien which has priority over this Security[nswment.appearing
<br /> . in court,paying reasonable anomeys'fees and entering on Ihe P�+nperty to make repatrs.Although Lender may tdce uctian
<br /> '.,�,,,�,,;��,;;�„,: under this parugmph 7.Lender daes not huve to do so.
<br /> „��„���,�, My umounts disbursed by Lender under this paragmph 7 chall become additional debt of Bortower sxured 6y this
<br /> Security Inswment. Unless Borrowcr and Lender agree to olher terms of pAyment,these amounts shall beu interest from the
<br /> �� '4;' .,� date of disbursement at the Note rute and shall be puyable,wi�h interest,upon notice from L.ender to Horrower roquesting
<br />-_ ,:�r.-�-:,a.": paymenc.
<br />' . ^ '"1 :�''�.,:: '�� 8. Mort�age Insurance. If Lender required rnortgage insurnnce as n condition of making the loan secured 6y this
<br /> - ,�,_� ',;�;�.,.�. Security Instrument,Borrowe�shnll pay �he premiums reyuired to maintain the mortgage inswance i�effect. If,for any
<br /> reusan. the �twrigage insunu�ce covernge reyuired by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effect, Borrower sball pay the
<br /> " V::.�`
<br /> premiums �equired to obtain coverage substantially equiv�len� to �he mcxtgage insurr�nce previously in effect,at s cos�
<br /> ` � '"� substantially equiv�lent to 1he cost to Bortower of the mongage insurance previously in effect,from nn altemute mortgage
<br /> ' ,y�"�' insurcr approved by Lender. If substantially equivalent mon�age insurance coverage is not availabk,Bonower slwll pay to
<br /> ta°*�'�'�, Lender es�¢h month A sum equul to one-twelfth of the yearly rnortgage insuronce premium being puid by Botrower when the
<br /> , ;��, ..�c.'7'.,r,: .. :
<br /> ,:Y.., ;:;� insurance coverage lapsed or cca�sed to be in effect. Lender w i 11 arcep[,u�e and retain these paymm�ts us a loss rcserve in lieu
<br /> �Li�� `�' of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve payments may no IonFer be requircd,at the option of Lender,it'mortguge insurunce
<br /> � '..�.�.�i�r��-� y coverage(in 1he wnount and far�he penod that Lender requiresl provided by an insurer uppivv��J by Lender ugain bccomes
<br /> � :..�� � � . uvailoble nnd is obtnined.Borrower shall pay the prcmiums myuired to maintuin mongage insurance in effect,or to provide a
<br /> �J'�'�- � loss reserve,until the r+equirement for monguge insunuue end�in uccordance with any written ugreement between Bomower
<br />. "�;r.,,t,�.��'_e� •r
<br /> +%_��� � and Lender or applicable Inw.
<br />• �., - - .,�,_. :�.� _
<br /> •:;,t- �::: 9. lnspection. Lender or its agent m•ry make rea.ona6le entrics upon and inspections of the Properiy. Lend�r shull
<br /> . ,,;;�:�;�; , give Borr�wer notice at the time of or prior to an in,p�kiiun+�ifying�rawnaBle cuuse for the in+pection. -
<br /> I0. Condemnetion. 71�e proreedr of any awurd or rlaim titt damage.,dircct or cunxeyuentiul,in connection with uny _
<br /> �D::.:.:►�.� . -
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