. ` . . . r -: _
<br /> .. . �� ,'_ - . • y', � - ��. `�. ..,:fi .F- ,.�"_-_"... ...... .....__L__.. ...._�__ �¢: - � . . -
<br />. ;-- ^ -- - -- -.._ _.. .. . . .. . . - - � . 4` . ._.
<br /> .. . .. .. .. _:` :`.
<br /> � to-��-�99s DEED AF TR�ST Pa�e 2 ,. , � • •
<br /> `.� �onn ko (C��n�Qd) 9�— ����� . _
<br /> � �
<br /> p�ra�nd ptpy3riy. 17�v�crQs"Persanal QropeAy'rr�san aU equt�mont,foRures.and other amdas o4 pe,sonsl propsrty now ar herealtar
<br /> f owned by Tnistor,flnd nort or h�r�lfl.ar at�ch9d m etfaced to t�te Rea1 Propertyr,togethar witt�all aecessions,paRs,and ad�iUOrs to.�.'i ` . � _
<br /> rept3ceman9s of,and eD subs�itutiors far,any of such proparty;and topathsr N�hh a.9 proceads UrtctuEtng velihout lirtutatfon flU Insurance j
<br /> --; procaeds and refunds o!premiur.isf tmm artiy sata ar atnsr dispa^,�tton ot the fi�ery. ' -- - - __�--
<br /> � i FTOpeAy. The wetd'�operty'm�ans cnf:setivety ll�e Real Preperty entJ!ha Personal ProPeAY• �. : . �.:'
<br />- Rrat prp�rty, The ward5'gisal PrapertY awan tha propa�tyr.�ntetttsts an0 dgh�dmscrtDad above!n tRe'Canveyartce and GranY sacUOn. • .
<br /> RtIa2ad DDCIir�E�2�t9. Tha wards'Related Documsrds'mzan and inGude Nntt�out timitatlon e11 prom�sory nat�, aedit agreementS.loan � . • ,
<br /> a�samanti,enwanmental agr�ements,guarantiss,sacunty agleemanis,mortg2gc�,d2eds ot trust,and e�other instruments,agreemer�is and � . ,
<br /> -�� doCC+manRS,whAY+ter rww or hereafE2r�xtsting,exacutBd in Connection vritN tho Ind..�btedness. ,
<br /> Renta. The war,'R9nts mear�s atl pr�ent and futum rents.ravenues,inccme,issuss.royaities.profiis.and other Cenefits dsrived from the , _
<br />, , ptppetly, -
<br /> Trusi�8. The word Ttus?80'mesns FlRST NAT10NA1 BAh9C OF MARQUE7TE end 8ny Substitttte ar sucoessor fitstees• ' ' .
<br /> ; Trw°t�s. The word'Trustor means any and a0 petsans and BrttiUes exeeubR9 tnis Deed of Tnis1.indudinp witfloat limitatian aU Tnsiors n8med , . � � .
<br /> , abova. • , ,.
<br /> ��f nausr�t�a��r ctorE,n�a�►rEO eocue�s.u�rr�s n�n of Tausr. Tr+�o�a�rnuss�s�ario acc�rEU � ,�;�+:;��;�:.
<br /> ,;� ON TtE Fp10Y�1n1*�T�1B�t£�: ' .. '^5; .
<br /> `. �;,...._""..;_
<br /> ;,-:,;,f..;,•�._
<br /> PAYMENT At�PFF�r'O�fA.�1C�. Exppt as otrtenvse provided m tnis Dead ot Tnui.Tru��iF p�%�ianc!er r.!!a�r�ar�^s�ec+sed by tt�'s Oeed �:,�., ;_,ri�,.,:���_�
<br /> . ,•� 01 Tn�t es Ui�ey become du&and shaU str�c�Y and in e llmery menner perfatm 8ll oT Trustor s ed's��.v c��er the Not9.this Oeed of Tn�t.Snd the � ��_
<br /> Related Dacumerds. �
<br /> ,,�S:.M ";��"
<br /> POSSESSIGN AtSfl t1AR[�'�'�E'CfQ[iCE dF Tt�PRQP�AT1►. Tn�stor agrees ti�at Trustars R�ai 8:ra�°-a of tAe Fre&c��ty ShaU 00 gov�Grned by , .
<br /> ` ;,j tt�e foAOwing prcv�.lans: �, • :
<br /> + Pos�fon�6l�e. U':��e owcmenc0 of an E�r�i af Datauit,Trustcr may {a)rn�tr.:�passesslon end corth�csL c��PtopeAy. (b)use. ' . ..�.'.x _�:
<br /> -.`-i op�ar martage L'.e�'Y.e�sd tc)catted arry�fram tha Pco�eRy- •- - � �;-�a.•,
<br /> ,::1�.:�:_..�=. ..„
<br /> �°';��.._
<br /> ..� Duty�n CeLahttsin. Trustcr s�:+.r��n th9 Praperty in tenar�;e�*�ion and OromP�Al Rerf¢r.r�at raDa'us�reAiacame�s.and rt�Srttenance _: r'�I�''` '
<br /> rt�'N b P�S�re+ls value. � -�:��`'-
<br /> !^"�;-.,�
<br /> H�oua SWCt�. rne terms'h�rdous was�,°'hemrdous sutstance,""dgras3l."Yet2asa"�.�14�rea�-rra�d�eteasa es�sed in tnis .
<br /> Oeed at Tntst.shs6 er��the sa►ne meaNnOs as sot forth in the ComC►ehensive Er.aeo�smerdal ResAanse.Cort+ , ``�n.and Liabi6lY Act ot ,,
<br />� 19�0,es artttlt�Qc3d,�:l.S.C.Secdon 9601,et seq.('CERpA�+1he St:yerhtnd A:r�rtdmerds and Reauthori�a-�ar'r./�d oi 1988.Pttb-L No. ,
<br /> 99-d99(`SAFi�►'1.tha F+azsrdaus Me�rials Trans�orta�on Aci.49 U.�.G Sec�on 1801,et se4�tha Resauroe Cors�cr�on and Ret�ti'sry 1�ct. ',. ...
<br /> 42 US.C.Sectian 6907,et seq„or other appfcak�le ssate ar Fed�i!cv:,n�tes.or regidations adop'�d parsuant to any of the torrq�.�ic�. The t,. ;
<br /> �, �
<br /> tetmg`iu�ardous w85tB e�d'hemrdous subsiAnCe"Sh911 elSO+n�i�t3'�+Ihout GmiffiUon,petroleum arr.l petroteum by-produc�or�.'ty fraaUon � ' �. , r_ `
<br /> tly�reo}gnd asIIgStos. Tntstor reyreserds and xrartaMs to Lender� (a)During ihe P�od of Trt��'s owner3htp of the Property,thera has ....;„ ' . .
<br /> been no usa.Sonaratlon,manuiacture.storage.tr�,7^2�,disPosa3.raease or threatenad retease of any ha�rdous waste or sUbst�nce by arry .�r,�si� `-; �.
<br /> nar
<br /> person on,unBer,ebout or irom t�e Praperty, (b)Trudrsr has no t.no�Wedge oi,or reason to beQeve tflat there has heen,�cept as prevfousty _� ;
<br /> . d1�.�er!to and acicnowledged by lsnder in wrf�:g. rFi 3:ry�e,generaUon,manufacture,stora8e,tre�tment,d.�'�.�.r�ease.arttueotened >.�. .
<br /> ' ' rr�uc�rrt any Mrardaus waste or substance on.u��.abeut cr'tr,c me Praperty bY erry Prior owness cr exuy�^:ts dr�ho Pro�eAy er (ii)any► e,:�.y � .°,4.-
<br /> ,�:4 r�:et ac lhra�tened IitigaUon a da1-s ot arry kir,d by any pe��JaHng to such matters:and i�)�s�.'t:.s[���aasty dls�osad to and + �'�h 5 �i..;•;
<br /> ��"', adc:u a�e d g e d by l en d e r in w r itl n y. f)neitAer Ttustor nor ar►Y ta�sant canhador.apant or ott�r�;.11.h�:es�=?the Prop�a:yT sha11 use. _ !,• ,� � � .,
<br /> - � penerata.manufac'hsra.stace.tres1.dsAose M.ar retesse anfr hazardous waste ar subsffince on,un9�r,:p���a�2ri PropoRy and @)anY ''..,.` :.� � ,«,,:f,
<br />.��`, ' sucA ac6Y:1Y ShuU tre Conducted in comp G anca ut#J��I ap p�c a b l e f e d e r a l.sinte.and Iocai lawsb reg.ii��:s s.�:�s.�Frrsa��s.ir�lu�without ..� � ',j��4
<br /> _ _ cfi
<br /> Iimttatlon those InwS,�eyutatiore,and ordlnanc��'6ed above. Tnulo►aufhw(z�s lender eRy�s s'o`r`a3�tm�a'upo^t�e��y� :
<br /> u!
<br /> � matce suah InspeCtior�s and tes15,at Tnutors e:,r�:-se.es Lender may deem epPtJp�+�to de�*ri�a oa--i7�►ss.'+the ProA�h��
<br /> sectton of tho Or3ad o}Trus� Any Ir�spactions or tesls made by Lender shall be far Len3ar's purprs�-�.'��-w�'a.'t:+=t be co►�trued to aeate ' "' . ; `'
<br /> a�ry respontiblGiy or Gab�Tity on the paA af Lender to Trustor or to arry other persan. The represe:�ha'�u�r3 w�r:an�as contelned hereln are i.�
<br /> pa5ld 0�1 TtItS4Are dllD dtIIQOtiCe In In1leStiQ8t1(s�tl1B P�OpOdy fOf h8�d0u5 WeSt9 etid he�IdOUS S�1`3S1Ei'!�3� Tr'JS10t h6I0bY(e)t0t99S6S and �-��.
<br /> � w�•�,�ny{���irrts agatnst Lender tar Indzr:^ity or wntribuUan in the eYer�Twtor becomes t��s t�=re�-'�a aiher cosh under any �
<br /> such law5,and (b}a�ees to indemnfty 8nd►;�dd hartn'.oss Lender apainst erry and el!cia�ms,t� �"ifr.�,'3u�aqes.Panaitlas.and . ",��.`
<br /> e�enses wtdch Lender may drecBY or ind'�i�l �n or suffer resulBng nom a breach ot ttils secHar�at''�o Deed of Tnist ar as a �;F,..,.;.:'�'
<br /> co��quBnoa of emr use.qeneraUon.manufactr.w s�orape.disposel.retesse or threatened rotease occur�ng isT►�r��Tnrstor's ownetsNP or —�---m=-,.
<br /> � IrJar.r�:.in the Fropefir.whett�er w not the sarr�wag a shoWd have been krtown to Trusta. The provlsions at this�aedon of 1ha Oead af TNSt, �YrA�._� -.
<br />. inc'ra�dc:p mo obugatton to IndemNry,shan survive the paymerd ot the Indebtedness and the satBfacHOn and raconueyance of ttw oen of ttUs �.,�.,�.;, __
<br /> - psed of Tnrs�and 5t�ell not be aHeated by Lendefs ecqutstuon of arry interest In fhe Proparty,whether by taeclo5ure or otherwise. �"'�"""�"�''
<br /> th ��y� F:;•
<br /> � ���;..
<br /> MAtlnes.Watte. Tntstot sheD nM cause.conduct or permit any nuisance nor commft,permq.or suftar any sbitFpinp of at waste on ot to tha �,.�w
<br /> properly or anyr porflan af the Property. IKdhouf Iimitlng the penetelity ol the broqoinp,Tntstor wiU not remove,cr�ant to arry ottwr paAy the ,:;�«_���i.
<br /> o �
<br />� .. ApM to remnvE+,arry Umber.m�nere►s Pndudie9 oU an0 gas),soil.aravel or rak prodads without the pria written cortsent ot Lendar. r,,,...,,�ti:-.�.�:-;--
<br /> fs. Trusta shaii not dsmo�sh or remova arty tmprovertrsns trom the Real Property+Nfthcul U�PAor wrlt�n consent ���` _
<br /> RemOVav ot Irt1pTOVemM '�, -� �.
<br /> of Lender. As a conditlan to tAe remaval of arry Improvaments,Lender may requUe Trustor to make artangemenb saHSfactaY to Lender to �';,..::::.::.�...,.,ar:a..
<br /> reA(aCe suCh Improvemerds with Improvemenb at at least eQuel veiue. • ��e���.�;� _�
<br /> L,andn'�Hf�t to Enter. Lender and ifs ayenb end represer�tives mey enter upon the Real Property at sU�sona6t�tlrrtos to attend to � �;'�
<br /> Lenckr's intoresl9 and to inspect the ProDerty for PurPases ot Tnutors corr�iianoe wlth the tertns and conddnns�'�Ihs Oeed of Tnat. . �,���,��
<br /> Cpmppaefcs wittl Gavem.:wnTr�R�uiren:ent9. Truslot shsU promptty Compty wlth ail taws.otdinances.en0�'.iafian9.naw Or Aeroafte►In ::'s�;4::�'�"%:c:._.�.
<br /> � ef(ec1.of a11 qau�tnmental autha(Uas ePPiicabte to the u:e a occWancy of tha ProD�Y• Trustor maY coctast in pood faith arry such taw. �•� .: :„.
<br /> ordlr�noa,or reputatlon and wilhhetd comp�ance during any Proceeding,tnclumng epDroPciate a9FaaLs.so lonp as Tnutor hos natffiW Lender �.�,,,��r.;...;.;
<br /> � In wrftl�prlw to dDi so end 5o tor►�as.in LorCefs so'e opinlon,Lenders interests in the Prop�^o�r.ot jeopardtted. Lender may re4� ` '� -_.r.�;• ,
<br /> np ..:it1�s.� • �:`:..
<br /> Tnistw to post uQequste seCtufly or a strtety bond,reasonahly sallsiacfory to Lender,to protect LenC�c�;r�amst i':•�.
<br /> �;�,„'.,.
<br /> D u t y t 0 F t o t e C t.T r u s t o r a g r e es n8ither to ebandan r,ar leave un8ttended the P�ot.��s",t. Ttustor shail tv 87 o��s�'M9,In additlon to those aCts �£�5���•
<br /> � s!t foAtl tbove in thb seeUoB,whlCh from the ch3cmdr•a'end use o1 the Ptoperty er��.usa�ebty rte�ssry to pratecl and preserve ih9 PirOp�rty ,,�,�y�„���`{
<br /> .,; p�fit�gplF-COTiSE!!tT BY LEHHE�. Lender may,at ib apUon,declara immediately duo artd�sgr.�Ke all sums secured by 1tJa D�ed otTntst ;'r�•`^.•^ -
<br /> g ..
<br /> upan ihaSCAa ar transTer.without d:e�r:er's pdor written conssnt.of s;!ar any paR ot the Reat C�r�rfir.or erryr inffir�l in the FGea1��sAy. A `'?;`�:;>;:�
<br /> • i .�y���{��s}��pnyeys.^.cp cp Real Prop6�rty or any rigld,titte cr int�rasi therein;whethsr tr�4 beneflclai ar equihibto;whafll�•aoluniary ; :'�'=.'•:,::� � �
<br /> or Imrdun4ry;whether h;+outripht sate,deed,InstaCm�r.i safe contract,Iund Contrect.contrflct fw deed,leasa4�old interest witfi e tarm Qreatat than ���
<br /> ' throe�3�ypdry,�eqqm.antlan cor�haci,or by sal3,a�Qt'rr'ent,or transfer ot any ben�al intnte5t In ar to 8ny tartd trust hoidinp tiYUe to the Reel • ��
<br /> prpperty,or py any etlx�rr.ett�otl of conveyance of ftem�'roperty interest. It any Trwa.s"�r is a corporadon.partneisRip or Itmited 11abWry company. :
<br /> ' tranHgr glso indudes ec'y chart9e in a��nership o1 cr.a.�U:an twent�-flve peroertt(25%)of the vOtlng stoCk,pertnatstUp lntgr�fs ot�trb`ted Oa0iG1y . . ,
<br /> ' ComCa�y�nteresb,as the cese mef I:e,c}Trustor. Hsvrever,thls opUOn shsilt not Ce exercissd by Lender i}such exerdse Is prahibited by tedsral . �
<br />' taw or bY Nebraske taw. .
<br /> YpXES�liD UElV3.TAe foitowing�c�nsians reiatirtg te the taxes and liens on the PropeRy sre e part of this Deed af TrusL
<br /> paym�nt. Tn►5tar sha11 pay when dua(artd in r�t c�^�enb p�iar to delinquency)all taxes,specal taxss.flsssssmei►ts,churgo3(inGudinp vratet � . . -
<br /> artd sewer).flnes and ImpaslUons tevied against ar on aCCOUnt ot the PropertY�and 5hail pay when dua eA claims for wark done on w tor
<br /> • SerNces renQered ar matertal famished to ihe Property. Trustor shail mainteln the Property free of all Ilans having pdaity ovor or eQua�b ihe .
<br /> IMerost of Lender under Mts Daed of Trusf,exoept tor the L�en of fexss and assessmenb not dua,oxcopt tar the e�dsEng indebteQnoss reisrced
<br /> to betow,and except as othenv�e provided in this Oaed of Trust. ' ' _
<br /> Ri(�ft To Contest. Trustor mtty withhaid payment of arry tax.assassment,or ctaim)n connection with n good taith dispute over the obligatton �
<br /> to pay.so{ong as Lender's intetest i�the Properly�s not jeopurdmad. tl a 6en arises or is fi!ed as e resuil of nonptryment,Ttustor shelt within ,
<br /> flitsen(151 d9ys after the tien anses or,i(a lien is fited,withtn fifteen(t5)days aftet Trustor hss not�cs of t�e filiag,Secure the dl5charge of Ihe . ,
<br /> -' 1 Iten,or it requ�"ad by Lender,dep�it wiih Lender casn or e sunc��ertt carparate euroiy oond ur uiler sycurity sa�fact�;!a L..�stC�!ss:n = _,._ -
<br /> Iemou�lStrFFcient to discharge the Iian pius any Costs and ettameys'foos or other chargfls thSt could ctCauo as a result Oi 8 tareCl�ure or 59l� ,
<br /> � � _ -_._ -,_r -- --,.--------- --- - ' j .
<br /> , --3--�_-,• �m.
<br /> -- ---••--•--- •- - --... . .. _ . �_.._��. --- - _ � , _�. � _... ..
<br /> . , . _
<br /> • -,-,_________.__. ------=--n-�--... . .
<br /> . -_._�---+r-�r�•..�.�.�....----r- . ., . � . . � - �y, . �
<br /> ` � ' . � t . . .. ' - . . ' `� .. � . . ' . � . .. +� ti .. .
<br /> . .,. . . . . . _ . _ . . , . . . . . . .. . .. . �f . . . ... - - � . .. . .., _
<br />