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<br /> . �: . . " . . 7� . - . . ti� .`,. •'..
<br /> - — `r. ` ..�`�... ..'�- •��P���.
<br /> < �� '
<br />� ' �-.v`-•."
<br /> �.oe�r�-.
<br /> Homrvrer shall prompdy give Lender written notice of any investigation, claim, demand, la�vsuit or other actian h}• any ±
<br /> guvemmental or regulatory agency or private party invohing the Property and any Hazardous Substance or Environmentaf law �`-
<br /> ��__
<br /> of which Borro�ver has a�,-tua! kno�vledge. If Earro�ver learns.or is notified by any�ovemmental or regulatory authuritv. that
<br /> any remova!or other remediation of any Nazardous�ubstance nffecteng the Pruperty is ne�.sary.Bonower shall promptly take �,.
<br /> ` :;j all necrssary remedia!actions in accorda.��with�n�ironmental Lativ. �:�
<br /> I As used in this paragrapt� ?0. 'Ha2aniotu Sub�tances" aie those substanees defined as toaic ar haz�ardous substances b�
<br /> _. 1 Environmental Lativ and the following substances: �oline, kemsene. other flammabte or toxir Qetro!e�ir. products, toaci �'� :
<br /> pesticides aad hetiiaicides,volatile solvents.mnterials containing asbestos or formaldehyde,and radioaaive materials.As u�ed in� '`°.y
<br /> ' this p,vagraph 20. 'Environntental Law° means Federal laws and la�vs of the jurisQiction whem the Property is locacad �hat
<br /> : relate to health,safery or eRVironmental protection. �
<br /> NOI�I-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrotiver and Lxnder further covenant and agrce as fo1loW�s: `r�-T�.
<br />, •`'� Zl.Accetesa4io�;EdemeifIes. Lead�r shaU give rtoYEce to Borroiver prior to acceleratIan fallovria�Borrower's Area
<br /> - of aoy covenaQt os agreemeat in thi§ �eCU�ity Instevmeat (but aflt prinr to acceleratEon uader gara�epb IT �.,�_� �
<br /> appl�cabie la�v provfd�alherevise).TEte not£sr s�a1!spedfy: (a)the default;(b)the uct�on reqnfred to cure the defauf `
<br /> (c)a daie,aot�e�than 30 days fmm the date the nolfce is given to B�rro�ver.by evhlch tha defautt must 6e c�t�ef;aII ���'��
<br /> (dy tDat failure tn cnre tBe defauit on or before she date speclf2d in t�nottce may resuit in acoeieratton of the
<br /> sQCUred by tdLs Security I�strument an�snle af tBe Property.The AolEte shali [urthEr inf�rm Borrower of tt�e e3ght to ��__-
<br /> - reinstate after uooe[eruf�on sind t6e dghi to bsin�a cenrt acUen to�ert th� non-eadsteace of a defautt or any o4her ��=--=�
<br />' BMensc of Boreower to accete�t[on nad§sie. If the defanit is not t�eed on or before the date sped�ed in the aotice.
<br /> ' l..endee.at its opttoa,may require Imnteddate pa��meat in faU of sU sums secured by Wts Secarity Iastsvment a�ithoat �`.�;r:
<br /> further demar,d and may tnvoke the power oP sate aad any otL�er eemedies pemaItted Dy appf�ca6le la�.Lender shall 6e ��"�'
<br /> entitied to codled al!expeuses In�rced in�'�'t�t6e remedles provtded'an this parugrapD 21,tact��,but ao4 Cw�iied �,,-;•r.z
<br /> � ' to.reasamnbte attarnefs'fecs and eosts oY title evidr�ce. �-�
<br /> - If tfte povrer ot sate i� in�olced. Trustee shall raord A a�t�e of�sfaalt tn each co:.�.tp in w�(r_T�;�y�of t�° - _
<br /> Psoperty is located and shatl mail capies of such notice in th2 manner prese�bed by apgiisab"e Eaw W Sarro�c:�'and Eo ���`
<br /> � the other pessoac prescribed by applicuble law.Afier We Wne required by appllcabie law,Trustee shapl give pu6lic notfce �•-�--r
<br /> : of sale to the persons and in the manaer prescrihee7 by upplicu6te law.T�astee,without dYmacYd on�oaaoner,shall sell ��_
<br /> the Properiy at pn6tIc anarlon to ihe higfust 6idder at We time und pfstce aad runder the terms d�ignaeed in tlte aotice of �_
<br /> ' sate tn oae or more p�reeLc aa91u any order Trustee determdaes.Trastee may pastpone sate of a11 or any parce!of tbe f=,T=_-�.::.
<br /> ." Pbaperty by �eaMk srmounce�nent at the time and ptace of any previoosly scheduled sate. l.ender or its desqgnee may --.
<br /> purchase ttt$Pcoperty at any sale. _ �.
<br /> _ Upon receipt of paymes�t of the price 6id, Tnlstee sltaU deUver to the pvachaser Trinstee's deed convzytag the _ -3i- �
<br /> " Property. The recItals in the T�ustce's dPed shall be prfma facte ev[deuce of t�a tnrth of tee stateme�c�made thereen. °- -
<br /> Trustee shaU apply t�e proceeds of the sale in t6e following order.(a)to all sa�and exper�scs of ea��s3ag ti:e power o8 =
<br /> � saie,and the sale,t�ladiag tfle pay�ent of tBe T�ustee's fees aci�saliy incurn�.t,aot to exoer� t h e� �5 0.4 0 o r'-�°f° —=-_
<br /> • oi the prSndpal amonnt of the uote at the time of thY declsisnt�n�a af defae�It,and reaso¢ra�i��4torneys fees as peamitted �--���
<br /> .. by law.N)to all sams secured by tWs Security Inslriunent;and ts)any excess to the pessa�cr pe�sar�legalty enti4ted to - --
<br /> �V,i�•
<br /> ���
<br /> • 2Z. Reoonveyance. Upon payment of all sums secured by this Sec�rity Instrument. Lender shal! ro;acut Tnutee to s.�; '., _
<br /> ,�� rezonvey the Property and shall surrender this Securiry Instrument and all aarss evidencing debt sec.vrat,by this Security ��.��•��.
<br /> barshumeut to'L'rustee.Tcustee shall recorney the Property withaut warranty and wi�iout churge to the pe�son or gersons le�ally `'���
<br /> . . entitled ta i�Such person or persons shall pay any cecordation coses. �;•� •
<br /> 73.St�2itmte 1'�vstee. l.ender,at iu oprion. may from time rA time remove Trastee and app4int a snc�ssor w..�t� - -----
<br /> ' any Tn�stee appointed hereunder by an instnunent reoorded in the county in which this Security In.s�trument is c�..vtded.Witi�out �;_..
<br /> conveyance of the Property,the successor tn�.uee shal) sucoeed to all the title,pawer and duties canfeRed upan:Tn�stee herein
<br /> ' and bY aPPlicable law. °=
<br /> . ' lA.Request for Notices. Borrower requests that copies of the notices of default and sale be sent to Bomswer's address ��•'
<br /> which is the Property Address. �•
<br /> 1S.Riders to tYils Secur�ty InStrumenE. If one or more riders are executed by Borrower and recorded to�:tther with this
<br /> .�' Secwity Insdument,the covenanu and agreements of each such rider shall be incorpotated into and shall am:nd nnd suppler►ient
<br /> .� �te covenants and agreemenu of this Security Inspuinem as if the rider{s)were a part of this Secvrity Instrumem.• '�y;•::�
<br /> r�Check applicabte box(es)1 —
<br /> . '$; �.>.-..,
<br /> '�; ❑Adjasta62e Rate Rid�r [�Condominium Rider y
<br /> 0��i Famil Ridea �°--. -
<br /> � � . 0 Graduated Puyment Rider �Planned Unit Development Rider �Bivleekly Paymer��Rider
<br /> � .�'t� O Battoon Rider C]Rate Improvement Rider �Second Home Ridcr
<br /> ❑V.A.Rider �Other(s)[specify] [` ; •
<br /> ,:''y NOTICE OF DEFAULT _ _
<br /> • � � .
<br /> � � BY SIGIVING BELUC�Y,Borrower accepts and i�to the terms and covenants contained in this Secerity Instrument and
<br /> in arry rider(s)executed l�y Borrower and recarded Ki*�:it. ��.�=- --
<br /> �;' Witnesses: �':-
<br /> , �nv�� �/ (Seal) �^
<br /> DAN J GR�4.F -��Wer __ _
<br /> ����E- --
<br /> . ' � • (S��I) �y--�
<br /> °i{;:,. •[inrn�w�zr �
<br /> � • �°�'=:
<br /> - ,.,� -
<br /> i Seal) (Seal)�• =_
<br /> -Bomwer -Borrotvee�, R��
<br /> - ! :..:
<br /> 4-•_,�
<br /> �'TATE OF IoJEBRASKA. HALL Cauue}•ss: ' _
<br /> f���___.._
<br /> The foregoing instrument was acknowledged beF tre me this 4 day of OCTOB�R . 199 6 .
<br /> by DAN J GRAY AND TgERESA GRAY � �� W
<br /> �Vitness my handand notarial seal at GRAND ISLAND, ASRA i 'd�ounty,the af �. ,�
<br /> , i 't:.T,
<br /> . Nty comm;ssio V 1 :;a;.�
<br /> �'F1t�Rltl�lj�el�wi�'tv��lir� ti�tasy W .c
<br /> � ' �lQArl LEtGH OILIEP�nACft �'.,�'..�
<br /> �E•...� `� �l�t Ei�Scp�20 iB49 z-
<br /> oa6o s o+a Form 3028 9140
<br /> ._� �; .
<br /> .___—„r�. ' .. � . . . , '` ..,1'v,l`1 t , . ' _ ,
<br /> . , , '� :.. ._ . . ..� . ,. t . , . .. . .� .. ... . _' , . .•kt�f� ,k.`' .. . � ' • .. _.. .. . .. _ .
<br />