_ . .. ... ' �'i_"o � � ` '._.....a._.—r.. . C„�_ • . .`(} 4 . . e- , �f, .F. 5�..._.. .—
<br /> , .tj`.. ;��4(���..-�.
<br /> � g�— �0�l�� ��� ,� s r � � :
<br /> i..h G .. ,- ..
<br /> The Fund� ,hall be held in an inatitution whose deposi:s arc ituured by a federai ngency. in+trumentality. or entity `'��a�',{.�
<br /> �induding LenJer, iF Lwnder is sucb an in�,titut4onl or in any Fedenl Hnme Lnan Bank.Lender sh311 appl�the Fund.to pay the � .•�: Y-� . .�`s
<br /> Escro�v Item�. L.cr►der tnay not ch�t'�c Burrrnver fi�r hi�lding and ap�►Iping the Funds,annually amlytittg the e�crow ar�vunt,ur _ _-__
<br /> venfymg the E+cro�o Item..unless[.ender Rnys Born�u�er intere+t��n the Funds and applicabie law permits l.endrr tc�make•uch "'t'"„ _
<br /> a charge. H��wcv��. I.ender may reyuirc B��rru�ver ta pay a.me-ume cbnrge fnr an�ndepend;nt ral estate taz rcpurt�n�;�enla • , ^_
<br /> u,tJ by Lender in ru�nti�tiun wuh tt�is luun, unless apptuable In��• prurides nthe�vi�e. Un lpa an sgr�mrn c i. m:uie ur « ,� �_
<br /> :� aPPlicablc la�c nyuin.w mtese.t[o b�paid. I.ender.hull rtot be reyuired to pay Bormwcr any intere.st or eamings on the Funds. F -F �`' •�..-p��.
<br /> Bnrrmtier;�nd i..ender m:►y agn.w in��ntm�s. however, tnac incere�shnll be paid on che Fund,. Lender shaii g�ve u►Sor.�nver, , , `,�_._
<br /> �cithnut charge, an annual :icc�c�untin�t��I'Ute Furtds, shawmg cn�iits:u►d debit�c to the Funds and the parpose for whieh�eh _
<br /> debit ro lin Fund,w•r.,mude.The Funds are plcYi�ed a�aJditiunaf sccurity far aU sumti+ecured by thi�Socunty lnstru:�nt. ��'+.�• "• -
<br /> If thc Fundc held by Lt:nder exceed thr�maunts Rern�itted ta b:heid by applicablc law, [.endet sh;ill ac��unt tu Burm�ser ,.�t�=._
<br /> fos the excesti Fund�in acrord:+nce with the ti�yuirements of applieable lu.�•. If the amuunt of the Furnis hcld by Lrnder at any
<br /> tits�i�not sufticicnt t���ay ihr Escru�v[tcmti when due.L.ender may w notify Borm��•er in writing.and,m tiuch ra+c Bunu«cr _ : r ;- '�,
<br /> �..
<br /> ,hall pay to Lender the amount neer�wury to mt�ke up the deficienc)�. Bormwer shaU make up the defi+:iency in u�► moK than - - ___
<br /> tµ•eh•e monthly payme��is.at Lender'-r sule dis��retion. .r�..: ` � , -
<br /> Upon payment in fuU af ali yums ticivred by Qtis Sc�:urit�� Inatrument. Lender tihall pmmpdy rsfund to Bunu�ver anY °�;�.�:��°��:+�,-•ri.�
<br /> Fund�hetd by L.ender.If,under para�traph 2L Lertder shall acquim or sell the Pmpeny.Lender.prior tu the acyuisitiun ur+ale ..,. _.•-:-.. �•w . . __
<br />, of[he Praperry.shali appiy any Fundc.held hy L,eader at the tim�of acquiaition or sale ss�a credit ag:un+t the sums,_s::s�re+i by ,::-:��---•:-z�r_�-;r _
<br /> this Securiry Instrument. ' •:•
<br /> 3.Appllrat�on of Payments.Unless applicable law provides othenvise,all paymeo[�rctieived by L�nder under paragraphs �
<br /> 1 and 2 shall be applied: frst. m any prcpuyrrtent cfiarge.Jue under the Note: second, to:unount,pay:�le under paragraph 2. _____ : .=Y._�•v"=.'
<br /> third,to intcre�t dne:1'ourth,to pnn�7pul due:and la�t,to any late chargts due urtder the Note. -'� ,r �,_.._ _
<br /> q,Chatg¢s; �tens, Eormwer shall pay aU taxes, asses.sments, charges, fines and impositionti attributable[o the Property �� ; _
<br />'r� which may attain pnarity o�•cr thi:: Security Isestruc:tent. and Irasehold payments or graund rents. if:uiy. Bnrtower shall pay { ;� >�,y � ,_
<br /> :� these obligauons in the manner prnvided in pxragraph 2,or if nat paid in that manner,Borrower shal!pay thcm an time directly , , . _ ' �/�.�:�,�:'
<br /> ta the per�un owed payment. Burrc►wer shull promptly furnisb to Lendcr all natices of amounis to be paid under this paragraph- ���`.,S � ��
<br /> � if Sorrower make.c these payments dimcUy.Eorrower sha;!promptly fumish ta[xnder receipb evi dencing t he payments. ;:��.�'
<br /> • Borrower shall promptiy diachurge any lien�vhich ha,pnority o�•er thi�Security Instrument unless Borniwer: 1:�)agrees in ,,;�.;:•,, �•:__-
<br /> writing to the payment of the abligutian secured by the lien in a manner acceptable ro Lender: Ib1 rontests in guud faith che lien ,,,�Sx, ��.-
<br /> ���'�:�
<br /> by, or defends agaiast enfor�emert ��f che lien in, legal proceedings which in the Lender's opinian operate ro prevent t8e `,; �-•,�, . :;. . ,
<br /> • eafarcement af the lien;or(cl secures from the holder of the lien an agreement satisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien to r ,-, .• ti„-�
<br /> ' �Jr..•�
<br /> ._��, �14i�Security Instrument. [f I..ender determine+that any� part of the Propeny ix,ubject to a lien which may attain pnarity over ;,,��,;,,�.a,,.,'�:.�,,�-.�.,v
<br /> t�is Scxurily tu�trm�xni.L.cndcr may giee Borrower� nn4i��e identih•inR the lien. Borrower shall satitiTy the lien or take one or ��,��, �sx
<br /> ��; more of the actions set fonh above wuhin 10 days of the gicing�f notice. `� �'' � r�
<br /> � 5. Havard or Pro�erty Lns-urance• B�rraWer shall keep the improvements now existing or herrafter erected on the , .,_�ha��,:�`�•7 �
<br /> C=mperty insured against loss by fire. hazards included within ths term "extended�uterage" and any other hazards, including : ".;%�.±i>�+�;i,��;; •� .
<br /> •� re�c�:
<br /> =; .... , ., , :�.:•; .
<br />.-'�� �ai*ds or flooding. for which L.ender requirts insurance. This insurance shall be maintained in the amnnnts and fur the periods `�. ,.:,, ,r. ,., ,
<br /> • `� thai Lender requirey. The insurance caaier providing che insurao:e shall be chosen by Borrower subject to Lender's approval � , t.•.
<br /> ,:;r!,f w#uch shall not be unm.usona�aly withheld. If Borrower f�ls to maintttin coverage 3�v.-ribed above, Lender may, at Lender's �"`��', , ;;`f�j � 4'':
<br />.:�f,�.v eption,abwin�ce<<erage to pratece Lender's rights in the Property in accordance with p�c~�raph 7. .,�':` �;�;.c'�'ft %%',, � �
<br /> All insumnce policitw and renewals shall be acceptable to I.ender and shall include a standard mortgage ciause. I.endec �?f;' ^
<br /> iw�s� .
<br />�:�„�,., shall have the ri�ht to hold the palicies and rertewals. If Lender requim�. Borro�ver shall promptly give to Lender all receipu ef � ,t.F �,,,i
<br /> paid premiums and renewnl notices. In the event of loss.Borrower shall give prompt notice to the�nsurance carrier and'Lender. ,•}
<br /> ;I.ender may mal:a proof of t�ass if not made promptly by Borrower. ' �'.� • �.",:�
<br /> . ' Unless l.ender and BQrn�wer othenvise agree in wr�rang,incurance proce�ds shall be applied ta restoration or repair of the _ .�.�t� '�:':.;-;
<br /> : .�j ,.� ,:: _:
<br />'`,�}:'• Property damagad.if thc restaration or repEeir is eeonomically fcasible and Lender's s:curity�s not lessened. If the restoration ar • . �,, .
<br /> c„;r repair is not ecatomically feasible or Le•���er', security would be.lessened.the insurance proceeds shall be applied[o the sums � -y�.r ,��..f.,•�, �,
<br /> tf'"'•" secured by this Securiry Instrument. whet::er or not then due, with any excess paid to Borrower. !f Borrower abandons the ,�.,.T .�� � .4��
<br /> �;•., . ..
<br /> .•• i Property,or daes not aiuwer within 30 days a notice from Lender that the insurance carrier has offered to settle a claim.then «�,,,.: ,
<br /> ; i..ender may wllect the insurance pmceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to rep�ir or restore the Property or to pay sums ±�;, _,
<br /> secured by this Securiry Instrament,whether or not then due.The 30-day period will begin when the nouce is given. • ,' � `
<br /> .�J,:,,.j Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing. any application af procceds to principal �hall not extend or ___
<br />�:if��: postpone the dua dutc af the manthly psyments referred to in patagraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the payments. If _ �' �, , :�•�';,.
<br /> ur.der paragmph•21 the Property is acquired by Lender, Borro�cer's right to any insur.uice policies and proceeds resulring from •:..,...;.�.�.�. , , .
<br /> • " damage to the Ptuperty pria-so the acquisition shall pass to Lender to the extent of th•.sums serured by this Security tnstrument �=`��":-'�°
<br /> �•;
<br /> immediately priar ta ihe a�}u:sitian. , — �`�"`'-_" ---
<br /> • 6,prcupAney,pc�esera•ar.ion,l�laintenance and ff4+ct�edion of the Pros►erty;Bocrower s l.oan Appltcadra:;.Leaseholds. __ ::,
<br />' Bonawer s1�u11 r.ccupy.establish,and use the Property�Borro�cer's principal resid�nce within sixty days after r�.,�cxecution of , f _'.,.
<br /> } •' this Security insttument and shall contir�::.to occupy the Propertp as 8orrower's principal residence for at least one year after �� �
<br /> rf�«; .t�.:.-
<br /> the date of oecupancy. unle.�s Lender o�1•�u:se agrees in writing. which cansent shall not be unreasonably withheld,or unless _•:._.� - {,• o �t.{•?,.,;.
<br /> ex4enuating circumstunces exist which .:�r�: `�eyand Borrower's control. Borrawer shaU not d.es�oy. damage or impair the �, • ,•�,'����';:_,:'"
<br /> , �.��s�;�;._-
<br /> Property. allo�v the Property to deterio�::. or com_T�* �vaste on the Properiy. Borrower shxll be in defan(r.if any forFeiture �Y �,�,,• ,,�.�.�.�,..: .`���
<br /> artion or proceedin�, whztt2�r civil ar cr'.,�-_'^af,is F,�:,;ur, that in l.ender's g�oJ f:�idt j�dgment ceitd result ir,.1�u�.*fenure of the �„�, � •�, _
<br /> �t t,
<br /> :��.!� Property or otherwi.Se materially impair�i1::'ien creat�d"cy this S�urity Instrumen�cr Lender's y��rity intere�i. 3orrower may ' 'y�'Ju 5�`. • .
<br />'�'����; cure such a def�ult and reinstate.as prcti��a�in paragraph 18,by c;x�rsing the action or prc�ceed�n,�to he dismissed with a rulus� . ;.��` i, •
<br /> �;t�t'�' that, in Lend�r's goad fuith determinut:.�.�. precludes forfeiture of the Borrawer's interest in the Property or other m�tr.-ri:.sl . ���..i. '�:_
<br /> impairment of the licn crr,s'ed by this Sccurity Instrument or l.ender's security� inrerest. Barrower shall also be in default if • . ,.,.
<br /> . �. Borrower,during the laun ����lication process,gavc materially false or inaccurate inturmation�or statements to Lender(or faiteal � ,,,.,,.,�„�.;'�;�.•� ..:' �;:
<br /> to provide Lender�vith any :nuttriul informationl in connection with the Ioan evi�lr��ed by the Note.including,but not limited • ';�` _
<br /> ' to.representatinns amcemmg Borrower's occupancy of the Pro��y as a princip�residence. If thi�Security Instrument is on a ,�;,�� ��� • ___.
<br /> :��?,�' leasehold, Hom»ver shnll camply WtliT .;11 the provistuns of th� leasa. lf Borrower acquires fee tiUe to the Property. rhe ,�;t���z,:. ',,.
<br /> ,},,�,�.. ., 14 , itk, :
<br /> _,,,3�•,, leasehold and tlte fi:e title shull noi mer��_unless Lendcr agrees to th:mr:rger in writing.
<br /> `.'.•; 7.Proteeikm of Ixnd�r's Ri�htv in the Piroperty. if Bonower f;•Sls to p�rform the covenants and agreements cont�invi'.n � �:f��F .
<br /> .. �� +.His Securiry in�nument. c=u`�ere is a legal proccedin�i::at na�y significantly affc+:1 L.ender'c right�in the Pmpr_rry(such as a —
<br /> } procee�in�in banl:ruplcry r���ate. far candemnatic,�r.r fnifeoture or to enforce la����or regulation�). then J�:ridr:r.:.ay do and
<br /> � Qay for whatever is nece��r..ry to pmtect the vnlue of ti:�; Pmpert� and Lc:nder'�rights in ihe Property. Li:r�dcr's actians may -*"»M .• �'
<br /> � •'� include pal�sng any sumr secured by a lien which has ptinnry user this Security Instrument, appearing in court. paying �;_,.,��;;-;;_, ��'_
<br /> ` reasonable auomey.s' fecs and entering un the Pmperty to make rep�irs. Althaugh Lendcr ma}•take actiun under this paragraph ,,:_��•- .
<br /> � .'� 7,Lender does aot have'�z�3o so. •�'�'•'• •'���'
<br /> Any amounts dis�.u•YyJ by Lender undcr tMs paragrxp.`� 7 chall t►:come edditiunal dc�t uf Bvtto�ver +ecurul by this -•°�"s'*�'�'-'=�
<br /> Security Instrument. Unlea� 8�+rnnver and Lender agree to o!t�:r lcrms of payment, these amountti�hall hear intcmt fmm the -- "�� —
<br /> date of disbutsement at �hr Note rate and �hall he pay�ahle. ��ith intere�t. upnn notire fmm Ixndcr tu BoTrnwer reyuesting ��:�%�`��•� " _
<br /> payment. °�;�,.�;
<br /> - S.AlortgaRe i�uurance.If L.ender n;yuirc;d mortga�e iR;:�12:n�cr:aS a conditiun of malcing the loan�ey:ured by thi�Serurity ; � . �
<br /> Inst�vment. Borro�ver ::hall ps�y the premiums reqwred t��rr��aiain the mongagc imurance in effe�:t. If. for any reawn, the � ' � ����
<br /> '���;-.: _�.
<br /> mongage incurance cn��r,rugc reqt►i�rd by Lender lap�e.or ca��:s ti�be in effect. Borraacr �hall pay thr prrmium�reyuired tv . _
<br /> oblain rovcr.�ge wbstantiuU��eytti�'alent to thr mungage �r.:�r�nrc previonsl}� ro cffcct. at a ro�t wb.wntiaUy eyui�alent tu�he . . —
<br /> . ,�__....,
<br /> co>t to 6orm�scr of the ntortgt�gc in+ur.�nce pm�•iau+ly in e`3t�c. from an altcrnate nu+riga�e m.ure� appmv�tii hy lunder. If , . _
<br /> � ,;.;�.1,,.3 Form 3028 9�30 � ' '.. .
<br /> :' � . =_r
<br /> -___,_��.--.-.--T--.--<---� - . _ ... -- - — � ' • . • .
<br /> . , .
<br /> -, . �.. . . ,...�_ .. _ .._ ... .. . , . • • � . � ,
<br /> .�;, . , _ , ` '•.;.` ,;.� ' .. • ,,. .. , f • .
<br /> . : � . . , '( t . . � , , , .
<br /> ' • • .... .. . . .��:x{: . '! . . . ' . . ' . • . .. . , ..._ • . . . ,
<br />