• , � . ` _ . ' . ' . . ` ' , r . .. . . ., :4�` t,..t . .. , . � <.
<br /> .. � : . . 'i. ,. . . ��` . ��£—...�-.-:..�...��. `Y.' ..;T'
<br /> - ` °�, '";,,_..._.- _.�..-..,--�_..._ �E_�.�_._....___y "_�..__ � .5 . ..�_
<br /> " ' - �.-4-,.s?a+vi"�•
<br /> CO�dEHANTS ^ e��m i��i��� _�f!_:4r'�,.':��v„�d'.�.'`.^.�'•
<br /> t, Pa�cn_c►ta. 8aaroyvcr ar.r8fls ta ntelsa.zllpty menis on the saeura!dobt whor+ duo. UNOSa Borrawer and Lvndcr agrea athorwise, any � �o� �`�•�E;,
<br /> paymerrto Let�der ree iv !(tpaf�qGN+d'f a+ a�Carrowm'e Dee�eflt wiil be eDPlied (iret to sny amounta 6arrowat nwes on tho seeur�d dabt :.:i t: z° `'
<br /> • excius�va ot.lnt6resY�r��rictpAI.as�and to ir�tar;st,flnd tAnn to prinClpal,If partiaf Drepayment of tt�a sacuroA d:bt occuro tor ony ronaon,it wiil � r • ��
<br /> � nat reduce or oxcysQ pnv ach�t�le�i•p�ymen�unUl the s9cured dobt is Daid In tutl. � • �t�
<br /> 2.Clsims AQ�inat TtBY.Bnrrowar w11f pey atl tmtam,osaassmente,artd other eharges ettributa�te to th0 propsrty wSion duo and will dotend titlo ; �• � __
<br /> to t410 proparty ngain4;any claima which wauid impair t4�e�ien of this 6aad of trust.lender may raquiro Borrowe�ta ess+gn eny righte,etaims or ':"�^� •
<br /> detenaea which Borrowor may hovcs 8gafn�t D�f���auDDly��or or materiais to improve or maintafn tho pro3rerty. , •_
<br /> 3.Inaursne�.Bottower wiu kaop Mn property inswed unQer terms aecoDtabta to Loader at H¢rrower's expenso artd tor Lendsr's benstii. Ati
<br /> insuranco poficios s�ai!inctudo a etattdazd mortgage ctause in favbr of Lendar.Londet will be namod as loss payee ar as tha insumd on any such , --
<br /> insuranca Ro���Y•Any insuranco proceeds may 6e appliad,within Lsnder's disaettan,to eitA9r tha restorotion or rey�r of the damaged proparty
<br /> ' - or to tho saeu►ed 6ahi.If londar reQuires mortgage insutance,Bo►rowef egtees to maintain sach insutance to►as tong as Leader requiros. , • • . ,
<br /> ��rt 4.9mysty.Bonower wiil keop thv proyerty�n good wndi6on and make all repaira reasonabiy neceasary. - _ _ � : i�.',_.,,,
<br /> `c•`� 6,E�ns��.Bonowar egrees to pay all LenQar's exQenses,inciadins reasonabte attarneys' feea,if Borrower hrezlcs any covenants in th;s deod �
<br /> of uust or in any obligatian seeured by this deed of trust•Borrowet will pay these amounts to Lender as provided in Covanant 9 ot this deed of __
<br /> • tfuSt. �`� -..� ' '... _
<br /> . . . . � . . ._ �
<br /> g,prtor Seeutfty tnbsnsb.Unlass Battawer fust obialtis Lender's writtsn tonsent, Bortovier e,riU nut make w pmnit any changes to any prior �.+ : �# , ,
<br /> serwitlr interests. Bartower witl perfarm sU ot Bortowar's o6ligations under any prior mortgage, deed of trust or othar securiiy agreemeM. ;T���R�-�': .
<br /> indudinp Bortower's covertants ta make oayments when due. �� '` ' .H..:u '
<br /> .��_` .x..�.�, _.�z.
<br /> � 7.AsBpnm�rtt o!Rtnb�nd Rofib.Borrowet assigna to Lert�er tlie rents and profits of the property.Unless Borrowe►and Lender have agreed • .��,_�,,..,__,_.•
<br /> oYtierw�se in vniting. Bor►ower may coliect and retain the rents as long as 8anower�s not m dafauR. If Borrower defauits, Lendet.Lender's ___ v-��-
<br /> � agant,or a court appointed receivar may take possession and manage tfia property and collect tha rer�_AnY rents Lender coGecu shail Oe -__,__ "
<br /> � ` apptied first to the costs of managing the property. includine caurt eosts and attomeys' feea, commissio�s to rental agonts,and any other ----
<br /> - necessary related expanses.Tha rema�rung amount ef renis will then apply to payments on the sewred de6t as provided in Covenant 1. :�.i�'.�.�--_ _
<br /> • g,uat�i�olds•Ccndnminiums;Ptann�d U�dt Oevelopme�.Borrower aArees to eomaty with tha provisions of any tease if this dged of trust is on _ :.:�,�-�"""
<br /> a IeaseRotd.I!tttis deed of trust is on a unit in a oondommium or a planned unit devetopmerrt. Bortower w�lt perform all of Borrowers duties � °�—�=__-__
<br /> under ffia covenartts.Dydaws,o►reguietions ot the condominium or ptannad unit developmen� � �- ---° -; _
<br /> 9.Autharity of iender to Porfarm for ticrmwa.If Borrower tails top3�torm any of Bortawer's duties undzr this daed of uust, Lender may �� �_
<br /> perform tha duties or puso them to be perfortned.Lender may sign Bottowafs name or pay any amaurR if neeessary for performanee.if any
<br /> consvuction on the praparty is�sconti�ued or nnt carried on in a reasonabte manner,Lender may do whatever is necessary to protsct lenders � ....`�r'�' ,
<br /> seauitY interest in the proparty.This maY inctude compSeting tha eossuuction. __ ;}� �_� .�.,x
<br /> . -- --,�.�:'-�rr�-n-•_�
<br />. Lende�'s failure to psrto►m will not preciude Lendar fram exercising any of its other dghts under the iaw or this daed of trust. �r^ #,,.Y
<br /> � Any smnuMs paid Oy Lender to protect Lenders securitY interest will be sacursd by thia de^.d of tru.,rL.Such amourrts wi��be due on demand ��y�—,y�=._
<br /> anq wip hear intstest from the date of the payment uMii paid in tu►1 at the interest rate in effect on the seaued QsbL ---
<br />_. . ;,,� 10. Oofwit nnA Aecde►et�on. If Borrower faiis to make any payment when due or breaka any covenants under this deed of trust o� any `-_
<br /> obtigation seared by this deed of trwt or any priaa mortgage or deed of trust.Lender may acceterate tt�e maturity of the searred Qebt and ' t '
<br />', .-;; demand immediate payment and may invoke the power of sate and any other remedies pemritted by aDplicabte law- � '•. ,: Y;
<br /> 1 L Ruti;eat tor HoBu of Detauit tt is hereby requestai U+at c=Gh"�af the notices of defauR and sala he sent to each person wAo ts a party ��e�.`, `�� � �'�
<br /> ' het�2a.�.2 tAe eddress of each such�ereon,as sst forth herein. � �`
<br />, • .••`,i�;.'� p
<br /> 12.Fn+uor of Sal�.If the Lender imiafs�s ti�o power of sate,tho 7�wFr,:a shall first record in tivs c1.�ir�of tha register of deeds 4f each courriy �'•� -• <�! •
<br /> wherein the trust D�oparty or sart�G p�:g:parce l m e r s o f i s s i t u a 4 e�a^o b c e o f c!�i z c o r t t a:^'�� d�i r�f O r m a t f o n r a q u i r e d b y G.-�+�. Th a T r u s t e s .�c '� • ;;•'r. �� •
<br /> shail also mail eop:oo of the notice cf defautt to the Bovower,to each psrson�rt��s a party�-r��sto, and to other percars��resc�n�bed by ;.,.i.- �," _�. ,
<br /> applipble law. Not tess than one month after tAo Trustes recwds the notieo at dr���or two months'rf the uust property�s not in an� __
<br /> ' incorporatsd clty or vittcSe and is used ia tarming operations cartted on by the tru�.+i^a Trustee ahall ptve pubiic nottce of sate to t�a persar.a X � ��� �
<br /> ` and in the manner presaibed bV apppticabte law.Trustee,wiihout demand on Bor,caa,shall sell 4he Oroperty at public sucdon to the higPncc . _� '•�
<br /> • ' bidder.lf required by the Farm Homestead ProtscNon Ac4 Trustfle Fhall offer the proparty in two separate sates as requirod by apalicable law. } .
<br /> '.. Trusff��ay postpane sale ot aIt m any parca l o f t ha proRe r t y 1 s y R�':c a n n o u n c a m e M a t t h e t i rc e a n d p!a c e o f a n y p r a v i o r:s��s c r.e d u t e d s afe. ;� ::,�.
<br /> . _ _ Landet c�its designee may purchase the property at any sate_ °
<br /> ' �� Upon receipt ot paym ont ot the prtee bid,Trustee shall de�'o�er tu the purcheser Trustee's deed conveying the propetty.The ra..:�la eontsined in
<br /> Trustee's deod shall be prima tacie evldiance of the mx'�at tha stataments contained tAarein.Tnutee shall apply th�P*aceeds of tho sale in tha —
<br /> � � ' followinp order: (a) to all expenses of the sala, i:::•r3r.Q, but not Ilmited to, reasonable Trustee's fees, re�::..�.abte attomelrs fees and - -
<br /> reinstetemerrt fees;tb)to afI sums secured by this deei of trust..end(r.l the balanCe,if anv,to the parsons IeBa��Y�'=�d m receive R. :. ,:�
<br /> 73.Fcc�taIIw�.At Lende�s option,thts deed of trust may bo torr�and in tho mannet provide by apylicahle law tor forectosse of mortgages �_ �, �,;^�`��;
<br /> swv .:
<br /> � onre��.r3perty. 'Bf',....., _ .__.._r.,;,_•_
<br /> ,,,; �•. 11,Insy�eUon. Lender may enter the property to inspect it if Lend�;ve�Borrower notioe Daforehand.The notice must stsr�N►a reasonabte '�-��"'_
<br /> • Cause for Lender's inspeciion. �•"•
<br /> --��t.r:.,:_
<br /> • �.'!� 16.Car�drmnatlan.Bcrsnwer assig�na to lender the�roceeds af eny award or dw�`�r damag e�s connected with a condemnatian cr other tahiistg _----_--�-.�_.
<br /> • t':�; of a11 w any part o!tfie prope►ty.Such proceeds will be apptied es p►cvl6ed in Cow�ant 1.This assi�rner►t is cubjea to the t�s o!enY prAr �'"`-„�;.,��: • �,
<br /> . seeutlty egroement.
<br /> .'.�::� . . . —.
<br /> 18.Waive�.BY exnrcising any remedy avaitablo to Lendar,leniu dace not give up any�ights to tater use en athar remedli.Qv not exerctsing '—'—"�
<br /> �+,.� any remfldy upon BoROwer'8 defautG Lender daes not waiva any�i�t co later cons�der the event a default if it Kappens agai�. '-`�"" w� -
<br /> �.: cy� p��
<br /> r�.s�
<br /> ��;'�'y.1�,�ib� BoROwa1er w�tw s�awsig�au hie deed o tru t�bvt d�s.�roi�c�tyn-i1:9 under�i.�1�nn� �Dt insmime�tfsl does so�t�ar �ant end convey tAhat .�:;t�t�'����=
<br /> BarrowePs interest in the propoRy to the Trustee urCev che tam:a cf t±�is deed of��st.In eddition,such a Bonov�er agreea tnat the Lender and L"' ����+••
<br /> • � eny c�r Borrower under this dead ct trust may extnnd,madity cr make any c�sr changes in ths terms ot thls Aeed of�:rst or the secured �,�`:"`
<br />- � , • dobt�e.'•hout that Bonower's consenS..�d vrithout reteasing the3 BartaK�2r trom the terms o!tAis deed uf Vust. ��
<br /> . ' �=•� .
<br /> Tho dutiofl and benofrte of thta deed of trust shall bind and bfln�fR th�::iccessars�.�J assigns of Landar and Borrowar. • 'Y.'-"•=` �.___
<br /> , . . �'gs:.. �,,.
<br /> 18.Hotic�.UNass ath�*wlse required by taw,any notice to Borrower sha11 be givc:�Dy dellvering it or by maitinp�Y bY cert;fied mail addrassed to _ • """���' ``�"' �-
<br /> Borrowet at tha pro��escy addtosa or anV otl�er address thQt @a�rower has givan to Lende►.Banower w+ll glve a�;4 noUce to I.enQer by eerti£ed ����"'�r�''�"
<br /> � mail to Londer's addresa on page 1 of this deed of Vust,or to ery ather addresa which Lender has designated.t�a�othur noUce to Lender shaU ���`
<br /> be sont to LonduPe addresa as stated on page t of this deed of tru=c. ��"�`P��
<br /> Any noSce shnll bo daamed to have baen glven to 8ortowar or LendFS�s::on given in tho mannor eteted above. � _
<br /> � � 19.Tramtsr ot tfia Drop�rty or a Banaflctal h�tsreat In th�Barmwee.�4 e1�or any part of the pro;erty or any lntnrc�t In it is sotd or uansterred o�'1u":,Y;•",
<br /> aos
<br /> witheut Lender's pnar writtm conserrt, Londer may domart�immef:3e payment ot tha sacured debt. LersQur may ntso demand immadiate — y*:=�-���.t;a.��,
<br /> payment if tho BoROwer le not e natural Oerson end a bona�isiaf interest in the Banor�er is sotd or Vansterred. Hov�ever, Lender may nat "� �
<br /> _ • demand paymor�t in the aCove eituatlons ii it i9 prohibitad by fo�nal taw as of the dete of thla deed of trust. �,���j��
<br /> � � 20.R�eanvsyanco.Wtfen the otrllgaHon securad by Mis doed nf trust has beon pald arrd LenQer has ao further obligatian to mako sdvancoa - .
<br /> . under tho instrumonts or ngraamorrts sacured by MIs deed of truzt,the Trustee shalt upon vvritten reQuest by the Lender,raconvoy She Vust • �,
<br /> property.Tha Londer shall delivar to the Barrower,or to Borrower's succcssor in intereet,the Vust daed and the note or other evidence o1 tha , —
<br />� � . obl�gat�on co satinfiad.Borrower bhall pay any reeordation eosts. � ,
<br /> 21. Succetsa Tru�tt�. Londor, at LondoYe option, ma•/ remove Trustee and aDDo��t a succeasor trustee by tirst, m�iling a copy of the ' ����
<br /> � substitution af trustoo as required bY epplieahlo Iaw,end then.by filing the substitution of trustee for roeord m the oftice of the register of deeds -. :- -�
<br /> ' of each county in which tho Vust proporty,or eome part th£roof,is situatad.Tho successor trustee,without tonvoyanco of the praperty,shall =•�'•" •` ••-�' ---
<br /> ` � succead to all the powor,duties,authanty end tiUe of the Trustoe named ln ihe deed o}trust aad of any successor trus2ee. '�'...'p��),t;��7_.
<br /> � • - ' � • • aa.
<br /> -- - ��i:.-� . - �.
<br />. .. is-am:r"-�'�_-"".�.
<br /> • lDdga 2 Of 2/ .
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