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<br /> - th�porrer and psocedure pravid�d foT by faw for ths su�stIWtfQn o4 e Truatee or Truste�ths p1aCe of the Trustes ;,�;_:,.,
<br /> .,. >;, or Trustees named A�rain. :•�'--��
<br /> 17. F¢rbaarerncs by Bsnc���dary or Trustea No!e 1►'dai�er. �i fiofbastsr►ce tay�aneftciery or�ru�tee in exerasing `�����
<br /> ry ;~i'`- .
<br /> . any right or remedy hereuRder, or othertivise a'fforded by&pptiae6le IeV� shafl not tss a +�valver of vr predude the �,:� ,:
<br /> exerciss ot any►ight or remedy heraurt�er. Ulcewtse,the w�ivor by Berte�ciary or Trustee of 8�►y�Mauft of'f�ustor : ,
<br /> ' under this Deed of'frust shal!not be deemed to be a v+aiver o��ou other or�imilar defauSts subsequemty occurring. i;.=
<br /> � 18. Trustor No4 Retsasecl. Extensfors of the time far p�ymont or modifEcaYian or arnortiz�tion of tho�ums Eecured � �
<br /> .by t��Qesd of Trust gr�ntsd by Benefidery to�ny su�a�aftnP!h intar�4 04 Trustcr nhall not'opsr�e�a release.in eny ��_.i`' .
<br /> <.`� mannar,4he liabiRity of the orlainat Trustor and Truster't� M�uQe�tsor in interest. Bsnoflciary�hofl not bo required to � �.�.-,.
<br /> ` � �commeRCa psacee�inga ega}nst such successor or refuss td uktmtd Ytmo 9or pnymont or othonvise maility omortizatian .` -_.-
<br /> Y �-:...
<br />��:.,,: of the sums securvd by the D�sed of trust by reason o$ enV damond mado by ths eriginat T�uator end Trustor'a � �"
<br /> 1 _-
<br /> - succesaors in interest. -i��='-
<br /> , , 19. O�t16s�to Fanct��. Upon tho occurroncv of ony ctMoutt itoreundor. Beneilclery ehe41 hovn the opti�n to �.��.;�:�_
<br /> �� foreclnsa this Deed of Tru�t in the mannor provided by law far tho fotetcloQUre of mortgaga�on ruot property. _„_�r.
<br /> ' Z�. T►u�tor's Riphtr.Ab�snt QN�uit. Until any delautt tn tho pr;ymant of fndabtedness ho�aby oocurod,or unti! �:_;_=
<br /> the 6reach oi any covenant havetn Contafnod the Yrustor, lt� tiUQCBitSd�& flRd 0881 ns. shoil poaBeae and en'oy tho `�'-�'
<br /> . 8 I Y�I`='�.,
<br /> - _ property and recetv� ths rents �n9 protiis the►eirom. ldpnn pa�mon4 of a{I auma seaurefl by th�9 De�oi of trust, -___ -.
<br /> ` Beneffclsry shall roquost TruBtee to racmnvey the prepetty�nd�itall ourraRder 4AIS Daad of Yruot and p1i notea and Lean �j._;
<br /> �� � Agraementa evidencinp tndebYariness e¢cured�y the OttQ�f�of,Yrus�t to T�ustee. Trustee shnil�aconvoy the property �_.-W.,_
<br /> without uvar�anty and without charge ta the persons legally enSitled thereto. The Grante�in eny restt�nveyance moy �'��=-
<br /> be dascribed as"the person ar persons entitled thereto", and tlte racitels therein of any mottero ar fact, sh�li be �"-='��
<br /> � cenatusive proof of the t►uthtulnesa thereof. Such p�rG�ctn.ar•poreann shali pay al!costs of recording,if pny: �_->
<br /> ". - 27. T�ansfer ot th� Proporty; Assumpt2on. If�aii�ur�atry•paft of the Property or an intoresY thorein is sold ar t�._ _� ----
<br /> us�sferred without Beneflciary's prior wrltten consenf► Q�caepY as otherv�tse provided by law, Bsneflclary may, et �-f
<br /> _ �.�f�a^,�•s Q�*t��►� lI�IA/O �� .Hp _ssess,! .°,�s:� f�•�S iHis D�a� a: 3cvsi iu i� immediateiy dua an� poyable. i��--.!
<br /> J,� Beneftciary shatt hevo waived such option to acceterate ifi q��r to the sala or transfer,Benefic+ary�rtd the person to �����_--
<br /> whom the Propertyr is to be satd or transterred reach ag�ement in wrlYtng that the credit of sucb ps�son ia setisfactory �-=�=�-
<br /> �� ta IB�r��`'�.tciary and that Me interest paya6te on the suma seaured by the Deed o4 Trust, shAfl be as such rate as '--_--
<br /> �.�.,,: ; Ba�esfi�;ary shati request. If Bene�iciary has waive tria aptfon to accelerate provEded in this Par�graph 21, and if ____ .
<br /> �'`'r ` �vt�s¢.r's successo� in interest has exec�a4�s� a tivritLOn ao�ump4lon agraement eccepted in �vriting by Beneflclery, .
<br /> � �
<br /> ;�:,,•;�� Ea:��!:ciary shall release Trustor ftom ail obligatians a�dac 2his Deed of Trust and the Loan Agreemen� i#Beneflciary -_—---
<br /> sx��:isss such option ta sccelerate. Beneffciary mey-imroY.a any remedies permitted by tha Oeed of Ttuoi. �r�--='.
<br /> 3�. Raquest tor Nottce. The Trustor reque&t•thac•a aopy o7 eny notice of defeuft and of any no�ice of sale - ---
<br /> ..�:.,;;+ hereunder be maited to Trustor at the address herefnNe��an+s set forth. -.��-•
<br /> .. <;.• ��..�
<br /> ti�WITNESS WHEREOF,the T�ustor has executed:tfi�ia�ee�f a�f TrusY the day and year first ebnve tivritten. j��s-=
<br /> � ����,,
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<br />�;::;'„ °�; . 8etore me,e Notery Publtc qua11fla0 tocsaid�o�nty, personalty came '7SRRY P `7ENSE�� 31`iD �UJtY I!JC6YSHli,
<br /> ' :.;' i� E'JSAAND AHD SQIHS ���
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