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�^.�-. r... :e�. ., � „ . , '. <br /> . t_, ..y. .� . `�`' <br /> � �+�- _ �Yi. , _�"�_-r�C`�. <br /> � �, - ._. .'' ___- ..��_- <br /> � 92— �,oss�� <br /> 7'OU67'HER WITH dl the improvcmcnta now ix hereafier erectcd an Ihe property,und ali cASemcnts,appurtenuncea. <br /> �utd tixturer now or tiereaf�cr a part oi'!he pmpeRy. All replacemenW u�d addNion�sholl alro be covcred by this Security <br /> - Inswmeet. All of tho fonQoinQ is rcfetred to in this Sccu�fly Inewmen�ar�he"Prapeny." <br /> BnRROWER COVENANTS tiu►t Borrower i�lawfully eeised af�he es�ate hereby canveyed and has thc right to grant <br /> — u�d convey Ihe Property uid tlwt 1he Property ix unencumbered,except forencumbran�:ea of rerord. Bormwer wamnt8 and <br /> wjll defend Qener�lly the d1�to the Propeny ogoinct All claims and dernanda,rubJect to any encumbraneea of record. <br /> THIS SECURiTY INSTRUMBhT combines unfPorm covennnts for n�tional use ond ncxi-uniform covenant4 wilh <br /> -- _--' limited variations by jurirdlctian lu cunstiwle a uniform ceeurity ina�rument covering real prapctrty. _ <br /> UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bomnwer and Lender cavenant and agiee as fallowa: <br /> 1. Paymeat of Pritkipfl�nd loterest;Prepayment Aad Late ChwrQes. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the <br /> princlpa1 of and intenest on Ihe debt evldenred by the Note and any prepuyment and late charges due under the Note. <br /> 2. Ftiadx tor 7'axes ind Insumaca SubJect to applicuble law or to a written waiver by Lender.Borrower shall pay to <br /> _ Lender on the day manthly payments are due under the Nate,untfl the Nrne is puid i�full.a s��m("FLnds")for:(a)yearly <br /> ____ -�_ _ tnxes and assessmento whkh may attain priority over this Secudry InsirurneM sw u lien on the Property:(b)yearly Icesehold <br /> - payments or ground rents on ihe Property. if any; (c) yeurly huzard or propeny insurrtnce premiums: (d} yearly flood - <br /> lnswanco premiums. if any: (e) yearty moRgage inaurance premiums, if a�y;and(�Any sums payeble by Borrower to <br /> - l.ender.In accordence wlth the provisiona of parngraph lieu of the payment ai mortgage inaurance premiums. These <br /> — items ane called"Escrow Items." Lender any time.collect and hold Fl�nds in an amount not ro exceed the mwcimum <br /> amount a lender for a foderally related mortgage loan may require for Hmrower's escrow account under the federel Rcal <br /> Esuue SetUement Procedurcs Act of 1974 as emended from time to Nme, 12 U.S.C.�2601 er seq.("RESPA"),unless another <br /> law that applies to the Funds sets a lesser�nount. If so,Lende� any time,collect and hold Funds in an amount not to <br /> - —..�__. = exead the lesser amount. Lender msy est�mete the amount of Ptmds duc on thc basia of cument data and reaAOnoble _ <br />=:_;�yi;��,�� esNmates of expenditures of future Fscrow Itema or atherwise in accordance wfth applicAble luw. <br /> --��_:� The Plmds ahall be held in an institution whosc deposits are insured by a federal agency, instrumentality, or ontity <br /> -='°":�� (including I.ender,if Lender is such an institution)or in any Federal Home Lonn Bank. Lender shull apply the Ftinds eo pay <br /> � the Escrow Items. Lender may not ci�erge Borrower for holdtng and applying the Funds,annually nnalyzing ihe escrow <br />��;�;- account.or verifyfng the Fscrow ltems, unless Lender pays Bortower interest�n the Fundc and applicable lew permits <br />,.�,� � Lender to malce such a chuge. However,Lender may require Borrower to pay u one-time charge for a�independent real _ <br />��� est�te tax reporting service uaed by I,ender in connxtion with this loan,unless applicable law provldes othernise. Unless an <br /> ���. agrcement ie madc or applicable law requires interest to be paid,Lender sbell not be rcquired to pay Borrawer any interest or <br /> ��tJh�iio� eamings on the FLnds. Borrowcr and Lender may agree in wridng,however,thal interest shall be paid on the Funds. Lender <br /> shall give to Borrawer, wilhout charge,an annual uccounting of the Funds,showing credits and debits to the Funds and U�e <br /> pwpose tor which each debit to tho FUnds was made. The FLnds are pledged as additional securiry fur all sums secured by <br /> ' this Security lnswment. <br /> _ §--•-rw==g«� if tiie Funcis held by Lencier exceed the umounis permii�cni tu bc iKiS Ly a�ii�eDtz iaw, L.ZiidCi SIidII dCCOUiii i8 <br /> ` Borrower for the excess Funds in accordance with the reyuirements of applics�ble law. If the amount of the Funds held by <br /> . �bt�;-:, �+;:. Lender at a�y lime is not sut'ficient to puy the Escrow Items when due, l.ender mny so notify Borrower fn writing,and,in <br /> ��„�+.:�;-.��.• such case Borrower shall pay to Lender the emount necessary to make up the deficiency. Borrower shall make up Ihe <br /> .:!� "'•�` � deticiency in no more�hen twelve monthly paymen� Lender's sole discrcllon. <br /> ��'' Upon payment in full af all sums secured by this Securiry lnstrumenl,Lender shall prompdy refund to Borrower any <br /> -":.;�r Funds held by Lender. If,under paragraph 21,Lender shall acquire or sell the Property,Lender,prior to Uie acquisition or <br /> �A sale of the Property.shall apply any Funds held by Lender A�the time of acquisition or sale as a credit against the sums - <br /> tecured by this Securlty Instrument. _ <br /> 3. Applieatbn ot Paymenta Unless upplicuble law provides otherwise, ull payments received by I.ender under ° <br /> q���. ,.,,I_ P�B P PP Y P p Y B PaY <br /> .a..,�.,..: ta hs t a�d 2 shaU be a lied:tirxt,to un rc a ment chur es due under the Note;second,ta amaunts able under <br /> � '„f,. par�graph 2:third,to interest due;founh,to principal due;und last,to uny late charges due under the Note. _ <br /> �-^*^' 4. Charges; Liens. Borrower shall pay all taxes, assessments, chorges, fines and impasivans ataibumble to the - <br /> "'''°"`. Pmperty which may uttain priority over this Securiry Inswment,and Ieasehold payments or gmund rents,if uny. Borrower - <br /> �-.� -. <br /> ��,.:.,�,• shell pay thesc obligetions in the manner provided in pnm¢ruph 2,or if not paid in thnt manner,Borrnwer shall pay them on <br />. ;,�, ti.,�, �" time directly to the person owed payment. Bo�rower sholl promptly furnitih�o Lender all notices of umounts to be paid under <br /> � ;;,��ry this paragraph. if Bomower makes these payments direcdy,Borrower shall prampdy fumish to L.ender receipts evidencing __ <br /> the payments. i <br /> Borrower shall promptly dischorge uny lien which hos priority ovcr this Security Instrument unless Borrower.(a)agrees _. <br /> �,���'"'. in writing to the psyment of the obligation secured by the lien in u mnnner acceptable to Lender,(b)contests in gaod faith Ihe <br /> lien by,or defends ugainst enforcement of the lien praceedings which in the Lender:s opinion opemte to prevent the _ <br /> ��� � enforcement of'the lien:or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an agrezment sutisiactory to Lender subordinating thc lien = <br /> � " to this Securiry instrumcn� I f Lender determines�hat any part of the Prc�peny is subject to a iien which mny attain priority �. <br /> over Ihis Security Inswment,Lender may give Barrower a nolice idenliFying the lien. Borrower shall sutisfy the liea or teke <br /> ��- �-�-'y!;-�:��; one or more of the uctions set Yonh above within l0 days of d�e giving of notice. <br /> � . 5. Ha�ard or 1'roperty Insurnnce. Bomower shull kecp the improvemems now existing or hemafter erected on 1he <br /> ��"'� � Property insured against loss by f re,hazards included within thc tcrm"ex�ended coverage"and any other huzards,including <br /> '�[.•~•1:�. 4;. <br /> , . .o;. . floods or flooding, for whfch Lender requires insurnnce. This insurance shall be maintAined in the amaunts and for the <br /> i . ` �'on 3Y28 9190 !lwR�=�I s lx+ars► <br /> +�• ' - <br /> �.. . . <br />-�.:......OF.�. .:.i. �. <br /> �, °.. . ... .kr�,t'-'�'4'��.',�---. - - ;� ;�. . .. j,; . . • , , . . r � ,,cs.*.6�t,�?•t�n,STa.�,'�:-,- ;� -„„t.�i�r.,�.+'�f+M�3G�9R <br /> .... , <br /> .� <br /> y � � �� � <br /> �Ytirf�ts�MtuiLiN` :t�. _ ------ - " •._. <br /> -_ i -_-_- --- — - - - - --- — — - - ---- <br /> -�--- -` - - - •- ---- _ - ---- - - - -�--. - - ------ _ -_ <br /> p ------- --. _ _. ... _. . . <br /> - MV�•• ♦V��.- •. � <br /> � ���..- . . ,. -. .. . <br /> '� e . . <br /> p;, ., .. • :.�L . , . <br /> �. �� , .. . • <br /> + �. i' � .•. � � ., � • ' <br /> i " `^ , �': . � .. .. -- � . <br /> � •. .. �� .' .. . . <br /> r ' <br />