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<br /> Pf�WFA OF ATTOIttV�X , ': � . .. �-.
<br /> � ��,
<br /> -- KN(FiJ A1.L I�N BY Z�S� PRF.S�: � ; _
<br /> �� , lhat I, HELEN G. PSILLIP3� a resiclent of Grand Island, Nebraska, do ' . . � _
<br /> b y t h e s e p r e s e n t s, m a ke, cons�itute, and. a p point my son, Keith M. Phillips, . .
<br /> and my son's wife, Jeunifer N. Phillips, AND EITHER OF THEM, as my Attorneys- � '.:; ,'_
<br /> in-Fact, ta do for m� and on my behalf, any of the following: . `
<br /> -��-�._�=-�-- --
<br /> � 1. To �aithdraw by chack or otherwise fran any ckiecking account or - �`"J':� "'�
<br /> � sav�;s accoumt c�hich I may tfawe. . :-� .'` -.. = �`y��.`` =
<br /> �. .� �, ,,,..;��,
<br /> • - . ' . �E-��:;��^��---
<br /> 2, To endorse checks for d�eposbt to my sheckin account or savings ,T
<br /> account and to receive anq property or cred�its awned by me, in- �. �`�`
<br /> cludin �q mvnies a ble to me b an over�nental a enc My '� ^ '_:` ,=:=r_�.-T:�:
<br /> g p Ya, Y Y � g Y• , '=��:=-�__,___..�.-_
<br /> � Attozneys-in-Fact�, or either of then, shall have full authonty to :.;,,;a;��. _
<br /> �de�+, �ave reae�nstered, or ttave reiss�ed any bv�d, note, bil�, - �_ -
<br /> � - xar�cant, certifica2� vac at..��-�c evidence of a�,szbtedness owned by '.:� � '^�`-°'�=_._
<br />,� me (incl�din� any suc.�s ��� �wned by me �s �, co-awner or joint • +k� ' _
<br /> tereantj and issued by t€� l�i�.t�. ��'tes, ,�ny ather country, any :�� �_
<br /> �2ate, municipali�, or othex gove-�ental subdivision or govern- ��r�''`�'���,=
<br />`4:"r�� �nental agency. ; . � �� , f
<br /> M '` lease an assets vHmed b me ��her real estate or A��;;��,,,.,��:'
<br /> s. To sell or y Y ,
<br /> persona� pr�perty,and incDuding hanestead prdperty nd stocks and ;�. � �`;� '�.�-
<br /> bonds, at such prices, on such tenns, for such leng�h of term; and `� '' k`'
<br /> in such manner, whether at parivate �L public sale or negoti.ation "`�``" : '"�; �. `-'�-
<br /> as my ,Attorneys-in-Fact deem advisable. They may convey any pra- �•� =� �
<br /> m
<br /> ert so sold b them b ns�Unaa.ents of can��yance with ctast�ary =�±,� �"�:�:
<br /> P Y Y Y • �
<br /> '"�� wananties. TQ�ey may en��� �y safety deg��at box I lease ���3 mtay �������; .'�t ��:�; `..±�.�
<br /> remove any items therefre� �rr� �2 emp��ced t�+ make gifts tor me. �-
<br />..J.S.•..- - .��i�.;�..'',,,7.:`..
<br />. .!: � .., ;__.
<br />�:�;�'�. 4. ko enter into ag�pnts per�aacr.n�r� �o any property or interest in . � 4_. : .
<br /> .I�';..
<br /> �' pro�erty aaned by �e and � such te=ms as my Attorneys-in-Fact dee� Y':: ' . �'-,:: °:,
<br /> advisable. 7tbis shall isn��:�Lde contracts for goods, repairs, imprdve-
<br /> • '���,�i� ;.�_;:�y��
<br /> , _ ments, replacanents, and �isvnal services for the maintenance of my :. .�n�'i��' � 'f"�
<br /> �.�`�<..,.:�_.�. ...�,:
<br /> . property; and-to borraw funds and mortgage properry therefor. .• �;.
<br /> 5. In general, to enter into any business transactions pertaining to °- _
<br /> my progerty and fo�r cay ��tenac�ce as fully.as I could do it m�- ��=�-��
<br /> � aelf. '�tiey are fully e�.�tsred to sign my incaae tau returns �� --- - ---_
<br /> f„s,,: s+slated documents. ,:��---.-,�..�_.:
<br /> �,�
<br /> ������'�;�� 6. xo entier into aaEy� contracts or agam�:e�ts £c�r any me�ical, danicil- �=�`'r`= �
<br /> ��� iary, or other a:are needed by me as dete�zd to be in my b��t ur � �"°��"'�'� ��
<br /> . terests by eithe� of my Attorneys-in-Fact, �nd pay all fees ��r�3 . °;� ,�'°�" �`, r
<br /> � charges necessa� for my maiatenance and case. To authorize aa�y - "` '�{�'���''°�^
<br /> medical procedur�s for me. .;'� ' ' -�;
<br /> `.��� .
<br /> � . I ratify and cvnfirni all ac� done by my Attorneys-in-Fact, or either of •`f• ` ,�`�:~�^
<br /> � then,un�er this Power of Attarney. �,ither of my Attorneys-ia-Fact are specif i- �'"=��� �'�•
<br /> cally enpowered to ack under this IP�;Jer of Attorney independently of the othex, '•, •� '.^ �``�''��:
<br /> and any decisioa� or action by either of t�c�an meed not be �oined in and conse�n+tr�i - -
<br /> : to by the other. 1 reserve the ri �t to s��r��ce this Pawer of Attorney by the �
<br /> filing of such gc�e��cation in Misc��Ilm:�ott� �.ecvrds in the Office of t he Register �����
<br /> :�' �" of Deeds of ta�aii County, �t���ska. Thia Power of Attorney slzabl renain � ������_���_��.
<br />�."s„�;�: in fu11 force ev���a though � may hezeaf te� Tic_�ane mentally or phys icaIl 13 inzomFe- `�Y�"'�``'`�`�` .
<br /> �: ... ., .
<br />`.71' !'�V';. `.tirp��l�.;n._:�-, —
<br />,c�.��;�-+�.F tent. . �:���j�;, �.,�_.
<br /> � � DATCD this f� day of ,,a�a.I � i9�r}} N•:..:.�
<br /> ��
<br /> . d � i ;��'-��°__
<br /> AELEN G. PHI PS ..:.y.,�,��:
<br />- � s�rA�r� o� t�ESansxA ) `""��,,�;'�`... -.-:
<br /> .. --ane�.�r*c�-
<br /> : SS.
<br /> �;.�r�;��.�,:s;.;.
<br /> . COUDTfY OF HALL ) ' . ' _.,
<br /> � On this f�day of �p�-i� , 19�, before me, the undersigned, �,�;_�.,. _. _, •
<br /> a Notary Fublic, withi4n and for sai County, personal y came Helen G. Phillips, , : .. � ,
<br /> . who is knvwn to me to be t he i den tica l pe�son a�hose n a m.� i s e f f i x e d t o t h e f o r e g o i t u, � —
<br /> �� Yower of Attorney, and sheacknowledged her execution thereof to be her • � . _
<br /> voluntary act and deed. � � �
<br /> . - �L�T�S�n� D�a d and Notarial 5ea1 the date Iast ebove written. �ty _, - - - � -.--, - ___-
<br /> res: �_�a_aa • C./ �-��z��= -
<br /> . Nvtari �S+��De01i[� . �I t l.�?.�- ' . ��:_
<br /> �L"J Oefl:�FiP!~J.aEb 1�.,3 • . ' , m.,°:
<br /> -� - . _ — - . . . . - - °-- � :
<br /> >.��•��_•;��-� •• � - .. � � . .,��. ,;. ' . �. :� �'-, ., . `. . - ' .
<br /> w1iW'.:_-r+.;}�a'.i'a't_ - � `N . - �o���- .. S � - i� , ' ' . . .
<br /> . . . � .. . i , . . . v �� .. . . . . . . • i ... . � •
<br /> . . r• ��- . . _ it5rtt'. . . �( - ... �.� . -. . _ . . .
<br />