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<br />-- Remm to: � '� , � � v D� CW � '"'-�,_
<br /> Tho�mv R.�Dstd� � O �
<br /> Fmgas:d.sc�au�-g f,rm � ro � � 2 �,,�_�-;�^*-
<br /> 1000 Waodam Torra
<br />, OmSa.Ne68IQ2 6 �1M''�.�..•.
<br /> � - -- - --- [SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR ItECORDING DATA] ---- --- - ��'__�':-�r
<br /> NORTCE OE D��AU�.'� � ��r,=_-;
<br />. ' �!' ���Y(A''�_�.
<br /> To�rxo� rr�►Y corrc�xiv: _
<br /> o �_'�:��-_
<br /> You are h�reby notified that Williaua L.G:�lzor�, a single p�eison,'I'nist�r>did on or about �_�,_u._
<br /> Novem6er 22, 1991,make,execute and deliver unto Columbus Federal Savings Bank,Truste,�, a �.��_^:,
<br /> Deed of Trust wherein said Trustor conveyed the following-descdbed real properiy: •� _; '.
<br /> r:;--�_
<br />. �a�Four(4)Western Heights Second Subdivision in th�City of Grand Island,Hall �
<br /> � ��mty,Nebraska �:
<br /> �-�.---
<br /> as secauity for repayment of a loan which t3�e Trustor obtained from Cotumbus Federai Savings �_
<br /> � Bank,�eneficiary of said Deect of Tn�st which was recorded on November Z59 1g91,in tflie office �
<br /> of the I.�ster of Deeds of Hail Coums}r,Nebrasks,as Instru�►ent No. 9I-�467910. � ,f
<br /> " Un or about November 27,1991,Caf�ambas Federal Savin;s�aak,�3�ueficiarY,assigned all �:;•--
<br /> � of its right, title and beneficial interest Y�ecembeeds 6,1991,in the�o�ffo�e c�tiz:e Register of Deeds __w_.._
<br /> .,,;;� �mF,a�: T�te Assignment was r�corded __
<br /> ,;'��`�'� �ca�� Nebraska,as Cn�trument No. 91-1��2.
<br /> ,.,_�� uf�Y�i�:: ty, . �`;
<br />.'w:fn ' _..
<br /> {',;
<br /> :� On oY �3�out January 11, 1994, Priacipal Mut�al life Insurance Compa�r, Beneficiary, K-
<br /> �:.: �
<br />� "'" assig�ed�11 of its right, tifle and beneficial interest in tIie Deed of Trust to Princigal Residential �
<br />;,f��, -
<br /> Mort�,�na• The Ass�gnr�eat was recorded May 13,1994,in the office of the Register of Deeds
<br /> of Hall County,Nebraska,as Imsuument No.94-103995. On or about January 25,1994,Principal —'..-_
<br /> Mutual Iafe Insurance Company,Beneficiary,assiSaed all o�ts n��a�and ent was�recorded �.
<br /> in the �?eed of Trust to Principal Residential Mortgage, � � ,:.�;,.�.-=
<br /> . Februa�.� 1994,in the offi�e mf the RegisteT of I�e�ds of Hall Counry,Nebraska,as Instrument '���v�_
<br /> . , � ,
<br /> �. � .:
<br /> � No.�21�1'�015.
<br /> .. �
<br /> �� Thomas R Ostdiek, a¢��ey at l�i�r, has been appointed Successor Trustee,��rzsuant W a �._,�
<br /> Substitud�n of Trustee filed fc�r re:���i+rith the Register of Deeds of Hall Coun'�iy I�i�braska.
<br /> . . �"_`
<br /> � You are furtt�er noti�✓� that there has occurred a breach of an obligation of tlae Tn�stor � <<:.; . -
<br /> � for wluch rche T�paogerty was com�eyed as security,to-wit,tlt�at tine Trustor has fa�ed to pay tiie �::
<br /> . Beneficiary pay���z�s whic�were contractually due from Ma� 1,,g996,through tius date,together • �
<br /> . with irtt��st accataing tDiereorl. .
<br /> . �;
<br /> You are ftu�&er no�i�ed that the Trustee has elected ta declare tTne entire unpaid principal ___
<br /> � balance,together cviffi interest thereon, at once due and gayal�le and has elected to sell or cause � _:-.
<br /> to be sald the real propertgr descn'bed in said Deed of Taust to satisfy said obligation. L__;,,
<br /> ��� DA7'ED: O�tober 17, 199b.
<br /> . Thon�as R Ostdiek, attornsry at law,Substitute TnLStee _ --
<br /> � �--- .. `.�_
<br />, � � ' ��`
<br /> .. _ Thomas R Ostd�e (#Z0131) ��
<br /> - For FI7ZGERALD, SCHORR, BARME7'fLER & -�..--.
<br /> BREVNAN, P.C. � �:
<br /> 1000 Woodmen Trnver �'•;:`
<br /> . Omaha,Nebraska 68102 F'�
<br />' (402)342-10(10 �:'�`
<br /> 1'TS ATTORNEYS �
<br /> ' 's".,;z�i�,t., -,:, . ' . ' ... �:� . .•a. , � . ' ..
<br /> .a,. . .:.... • � . .�; ' • .. . . . �. . � • . S. . .• ' �.
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