� f. C.4. . . .. . . _ . , , , � _
<br /> . '.. . . � 1� ..1 � . � � � . . _ .� . t�" i( . 4 C�. ..
<br /> .. ( . . t 1.� . A., ' . _ , �` �i , - . � - �`l` � � i t' ! � _j-_
<br /> � . 4 r <<� _ . � ..-. . r �C. , 1 f". .. . _.. ' L _.�.�' _ .. �. _ ,.._ - . c- '_�T . ' _. y _•F+�.
<br />� - . . , .. ' � "' . �'�` _ � ' _ _ . ' . . ��� . . -. .. . i7'� . `"'y�._'' ' •_
<br /> . . � � . . . . . �.t '�. x •. .. . . ...._ . -.. - - � y i•.� c �+
<br /> . . ` _ , c, .. .`Y - _ � : y �� - �: - - r - .
<br /> . . � . . . , y - . ' , . . ` .s,. _ _ v ' , � . - �f'- �- , . . .'.. < ' � _..
<br /> ` ' ......i�_..,`, .__ `�.._ �_._._.�.__.J_.T._.._�_..._.��...._. --J-�---..._---.._ ...__ .. _._.�� _ ._.....___.. ....v.., ,s�.._.___... -y .. . ( ' - ��7y .
<br /> ' c . ' . ` �• t�•.
<br /> � . r. � '
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<br />.. _ ���� . . r � .t. ,.f�
<br />. �w • - • .. - e
<br /> V
<br /> . ,`Lt
<br /> If the amounu held by Lendfs for Fscmw Items exc�d the amounts petmitted w be held by RI�SP?�, l.ender ' �_ _r �_
<br /> � shall aawunt to Banower for the excess fimds as requirEd IsY 1�SPA. If the emoun�s of fimds h�.td i�y I.ender at any ` „_ :<�- •. -
<br /> dms are not sufficient to pay th�Escrow Items when dne.LQnder may aotify the Boreower aad t�quim IIorrower to ^_ _ ` :, �.; yri::
<br /> .. make up the shOrtage as germitted by RESPA. ;r :-.. �_r;,ri...:.:-,; �
<br /> . far all sums se�red by this Se�urity Insmnmen� If ��:��%�.��-�..
<br /> . '1!u Fscrow F�ds are pledge� as addidonal security ,.:�'.`"'.�.
<br /> •. ,� �._:�._—.
<br /> Bormwer tenders w I.enfler the fiiil payment of all such sams,Boaower's acoount sha116e credited wIth the balam:� ,} ..`<"::.�.:.�., .:-:. . ,
<br /> rnmmming fot all inatallment i[emS(S),(b),an�(�)�d a�►Y mortgage insaranoe gremium ingtallment thut T�eader has ' *.�,:. -
<br /> not become obliga'�ct cT.�yy w the Secce�s�f•. �d Ixnder shall pmmgtty refimd any excess fimds to �ormwer. �.' . _ Y a :°
<br /> r�z 1_�perty or its acqoisitlaa iry I,ea�es,Batxow,�r's ao�ount shall be '��
<br /> im*nair,nAty prioz^.w�£`��-'�'�s�2<. •' �
<br /> s ` �i��i c�a�.y�-'...�^.x�g�ar a=;r;�_ents for ieems(a?,N).��(�)- .t, e,! ".
<br /> , .
<br /> ``�`�', -;�E�p�,;�ffits,9'.i�p�e���P�P�"°�hs i and 2 shall be applied by Lender as follows: � �:•'"`:y�; � � }
<br /> {`r�<<'• �'�*�' ce�,�� paid by Iender w the Seccetary or to the monthly ct�.;�e L'�� .��.�i;�=.' �`�'�, a . ' ;_
<br /> t li` �'�t0�2�ERL;y`�'3���1 —_-- °S i�C a. �� �
<br /> f.t1F�YP,!�,� �f{i -. .r t
<br /> � � �'. �.,$y�Li�2CL`.iT'�•�+F��L�pICIDN�+ ;s'".�,d' I.
<br /> �`:' �.Ieasehold gayments ot grotmd rents.a�a s�,nooa����� ,���� � , f-
<br /> :.xx�' T..,aa• to any taxes,s�s�a,� -�;,� -_ '.
<br /> .: ina►zra*�pI8mi1IIri4.2g IE��N� ` {��y�-:�
<br /> h = 1�?i�,d,to inte�est due under the Note; � y`
<br /> .. ..
<br /> �: Fourth•to amortization of the principal of the Notc.and "'`�,•°
<br /> s���.
<br /> _ Fifth,to late charges due mider the Nou. •_,_;.�-�'r.ia�.d__
<br /> . . 4.Fqre.�taod pnd Other Ha�sd Iasarance.Barcower ahall insur.:a11 improvea►e�uo on the Property+.ahether _
<br /> :...-'?:�--
<br /> � now in existence or subsequentlY erected,against anY hazards,�lties.aad conting��ie3.Including�,for which �.
<br />_. �d�r r�ui�es inswrance. �is tnsurasoe ahall be maintained in the aurouais and for the periade that Lender :T��W:.--.�.. �,:..
<br /> iequirw. Barmwer ahall alao insure sU impruvementa on the Property, whet�er nmv ta exi.�c�ae or su6c�quentlY . J -
<br /> Ail insuranrt tdtnll be cr�rtos w[th compaaies •- �;�.
<br /> e�cted.a8ainst toss by flaads to the extent re,quited by the 3scr�as5►. � . .
<br /> �� agproved by t,ender.'Ihe insuraace Dollctes aad any reaewata shali ba heid by Le�dar aad chtill i�elitde lo�a payable ...:,r, �::
<br /> ., cDauses In favor of.aad ia a form acceptable to,LEnder.
<br /> � . imiaediate nosIa by mall.l.easle�ms�r m�'ce prcof of[oe�if not _�: :. ^��:
<br /> � I n t h s e v e n t o f l o s s.B o s a w e r s h a l l g i v a i�d e r .;•�, y:.._
<br /> � made pmmptiy by Borrov�er.Each insuraace company conqemod ia haretry authori�nn fl d i i ace�3 w m n Y e p u y m e n t • . ; • -
<br /> for such loss dIrecctY to I.ender. �c�a or co sonoaM ana w �r 1om�v. �►11 ar a�y ptut of the insvrance r-�r�.1� °'�
<br /> pru�eeds tnay be applied hy I.ender.at ita opSon.�ithxt(a)m the reducdoa of thei indebiadn���dIIOt�1eP t�t .'_'� ''�, . -
<br /> ' t h i s�z c u r try I n s�m e nt,first to an y deliu g u e n t amounts�Flied in the osder in ps�eug�apb , ,:. ',. ,<E ,, �;r.._.-
<br /> . og Fmcipal, or(b)to the resr6ration or repair of the dama8ed ProP�Y• �Y ePP��ian of the pm e e e d a w t h e a; �
<br /> al si�all not extend or pe=�sone the due date of tha monthly paymenis wbich sue��ta itt p�agraph 2.or � •�..�'
<br /> � p�P mceeds oveT aa emaunt ns�uint3 to puy all outcGwdinB ,.:;.,�_ . :-
<br /> .. chzn��the amount af sur�pay�at�•�Y��insuiance p . . . ,_�'
<br /> in���3asss amder the Note�d t3�is Sesusia3►IIa.sorummt shall be paid to tbe emity 2ev,,nity entitle3 tttezeto. r „� . .. . ,_�..�.•„
<br /> ;; 1'is.IIhe eveIIt of foleClosm.7:oI tllis S.�.CU��rn�tne-nero�mT o1he�tidn.Yfer of titk�to IIIB P[OpE3t1►81At exd�$ulshes � �.y�• :� ° -
<br /> -„':. . �t�a�d iateress of Boaav� ia aad to insuraace poliaea in faree shnll pa�s to t�r 4;+�.. ... ;.1'
<br />�i:'.. . � - �� �,y, all rig�, .
<br /> ,ti'
<br />_ � �,,�ii'�'�81Wi[I.1�38s MHItJ1234isCt 8N�P1�Qt�IOD Of�t8 PL��CX4f's BOt�f71F�9 DAUA A$�IIC��'s J�� . :•';�;_
<br /> E��3�. L�.��er s�I.i:��y,establish,and vse the Pmpesty as Eotrocvez's prInciptil n:scQenoc witltht a�xty
<br /> ,°' r��:��r the e��don of�s�ec�uity lnsuument(or witbin siaty days of a l�:or salo or uans:ar of tuo Pt�ap�.�y) , � ' _-
<br /> n
<br /> . � a n d�shall contw�to uccupy t�e Pmpertlt�s Borrawer's pnacipal residence far at la�t oafl ycar�aftor tha dmE�f �.,r�.*� s—;, ,
<br /> t wiU cause mndue hardshiP for Botron��ar u n loa�ext e n t l a t�� uen��.-�
<br /> •',�t accuPancY,unless l.eader dotermiaes that a�eq� �"�`:;� ,� --
<br /> �yr�mstances exist whicb are beyond �i*awer's conirol. Borrowet ahall natify Leu�ar of�an9 e�roatuatin$ ,7�:s._s,:--
<br /> . circumstancea.Boaower shall not commit w�ste or d e s n'o Y,d a m a g e o r s u b s t a n t i a l l y c h t u►�e t h o P m p c t t Y or allow tha �'''-
<br /> the iY thc PtoportY is vBCant _� � '...,'�-. ---
<br /> . pmparty w deteriorate.reasonable aear and tear exoep�ed.Lender may insP�t P�°p�+ y.....�'_:..�::.:.;.�:,.:..�
<br /> � or abandoned or the toan is in default. Lender may take reasonable actton to pmtert anfl pm.sec�+e s�ch vacant or _
<br /> ��Z-•:—-
<br /> . �r.Wr)t•nK«wi�t„'ir'�,?.:_ .
<br /> � : � ----�'�7�[iK'�'.�_':
<br /> �..}.e�rv�:�c.�
<br /> ' _. P,o.aote wu ' W i.'
<br /> • �4RIN4 tsson "�a� _
<br /> . - _ •-'i , �;��-.
<br /> � �� -�-_.—r;..;s.�=--::.'-
<br /> �<-• � � .—.
<br /> ' . .'r!x°"_'—,,
<br /> .rT•:w� --- .
<br /> -,�-�:r- --
<br /> . . . . . - :an.:?. , . ,��; .
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<br /> ��, . . 4r`'�r� . y,t= . t,� ,� „�,�s �. . .
<br /> r- . ', cti rc � , . . .� _ � r 41 $1• . . __ ' �t 3 . � tA.� ��� n' �ti��t�. �c
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