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� _ ,_ <br /> ., ,,. . r, <br />,-�a�' ,,.,,.� - - ti�i_�...._, .� . - - �::. °{:..��--- <br /> � .. ' : a . ''r'• - � - -- <br /> t <br /> �1 r• ,-- �- <br />� .. . ,�„o � �. � y1�, � <br /> � � :;�:..,,,....: , <br /> ��,.�. <br /> .. • w • + V���, �0�� <br /> : l: <br /> ' o�r�lI11�R'S 1L98I(�l1MRNT OP MD <br /> ••---�•�� *ti +�ea���E/DSgD Ot TEtUST <br /> ��' � T1� R��olution Tru�e Corporatlon, a aorporatian orpanis�d �nd <br /> ,• ' �,�I`;�''"'�' ' �sistinq und�r th� law� o! th� Ueitod S�at�� o! ll�riea, in it� <br /> oapacity �� Rea�iv�r !or �quitsblo Savin9• and Loan lV�ooiatiion, l.A., <br /> f.. Coluwbu�, li�br��ka, a/k/a lquitabl� S�vinp• aad Lo�n 11��oelation, <br /> � ' �`°• ("Aeeignor") who�� wailinq eddre�� i• 3�100 ?ankN Dsiv�, ��qan, <br /> .�:'' .._ <br /> !linn��ate 551�1, doa� horaby �ell, a��iyn, tranoior and irrevoa�biy e ---- <br /> �°��� ��t nv�r to R��olutioo Trn�ti Corporetion, a aorporation orp�ni:�d �ed <br /> ==: ���-t. � . existinp undar Lh� laws oi th� Unitad 8tseos o! J1�riae, �� R�a�i.wr <br /> ;.��'� , ior Equitabl� Fod�rel Savin9• and Losn A��ociation, ColuMbw, tMbsa�ke, <br /> s, .t. . . (•As�i9n��") Mho�� wailinq eddre�� ie 3400 YankN Oriv�, �aqan, <br /> .� • llinne�ota 551�1, and it� euacaseor� snd es�ign�. Mithout raaous�� or <br />_ � :'�.:� , Warranty, axpr��• or implied, all riqht, titilo and inC�so�t o! F - l' <br /> s ` f-�"• "' J1�eiqnor, a� Itortqeqee/Baneficiery in end to aertain _ <br /> �� "�' �ortqeqe(�)/d�ed(s) o! trn�t oxeautod by (Bae Attaalu�ent I, <br /> -- ��` �~'j �.� incorporated by raference herein es if fully set lorth) and the not�� 4_ <br /> �, : '�� _, �nd obliqr.tion� th�rsin �p�iliod, and to tho dabt� thorobY ��cu��d• <br /> --—';. �. ��r .�: ig_�• — <br /> ���_� . DATSO thi� Z � day of M�y —• <br /> ��' "'i A :�r ' RBSOLUTION TRUBT CORPORI►TION, a• Reaoiver for Bquitsble <br /> -;���� -r'• ��` eavinq� and n 11��oaiat , !.1►., Coluo�bu�, Habraska, --- - -- <br /> .,.�'��" . d � Hy t <br /> �.� � , � .` its� <br /> "'—`�� '• ` _ .. pur�uant o Power of A torney Dated � <br /> '�_';� A '�` '= � and Recorded in Book at Pa9e �_• Reqi�tar <br /> _ . � , ot pQ�d�/County C1Qrk oi���- County, Nebraska <br /> �:�, . ,! <br /> -� ' ..e�voo�e saQTnqMRNT OF MOfiT(�*(3L+E/BBNBFICIAL <br /> --� �• �� ��.; �;TRR�ST IN MORTSis(;6/DB6D OF TRUBT - <br /> - �3. <br />-"vF3• , .i . Th� Ree�iution Trust Corporetion, a corporation orga�ised and <br /> , ;. � <br /> '�s � `*' sxlatlnQ undar the law� oE the United States o! America, in iE■ <br /> �,, °`- : �,�:+: <br /> �.• Y cepacity a� Receiver tor Bquitabie Federnl Savi.sys aa �an - - <br /> .. �. , �'�, � 11�soaieLion, Colwebus, Nebraeke, ("1►�signor•) whv�a �aailinq address is <br /> - 3�00 Yankae Drive, Lagen, Ninnesote 55121, doee hezeby �ell� essign, <br /> �� ��.+�•�.� "��� ���� transfer and irrevocably set over to Conserv�kiva Bevinqs Bank F•S•B•. <br /> �,;. r-� � � e federnlly chartered eavinge bnnk, ("A�taignee") whoee meiliny eddres� <br /> .�; <br /> is 11207 w. Dodqe Road, Omahe, Nebreeka 68154, and its succaseors and �,�x <br /> rt h�. _ • aeeign�, without recourse or v�arranty, exprese or implied, all riqht, �°__.:y_a� <br /> � title end interest of 11s�ignor, ee Hortgagee/6enefiaiery in and to <br />_� ��• certain mortqege(e)/deed(e) of truet executed by (See llttachment I, __�_ <br /> • • •• • incorporatod by referenco herein ae if fully eet forthZ and the notas �,,;,.���.--- <br /> ,:' . " and obliqetion� tharain speaitiod, end to !ho dobt• thora y �oaurod• y`�,�V <br /> , � � a . 19�.-• �� <br /> ` i:i'r�, .� ,�";�r, DATBD thio 27t day o1 _f y � <br /> � `�+,.� ,•. : ;. <br /> f�� '�,'r` RE30LUTION TRUST CORPOMTION, as Receiver for Bquiteblo �_,.,,-.;,�.._ <br /> ����`�';�. ,•`�Y F4doral S ge end Loa a iation, Columbua, Nebrerka, E`���� •. <br /> 'a�y� ;�i-; <br /> - ',; .;1`;r� eyt � :;�r: <br /> :.� , _ , . ''.i Ite: <br /> �,, - � Pursuant o Power of Attorney Dated ' 7 9� Re ister <br /> '�. 4+ � ' and Recorded in Baok at Page � 9 . <br /> i`•;�. ,�- , of Deads/Couney Clerk of��� County, Nebraska = <br /> �;�_v�-� <br />._ ,y. Y��� - � •' '�r��� <br /> ' . � � MINNESOTA � .�`'��.�-: <br /> ! - �. .- � BTATB OB ) a�. �r t':;1:.; <br />., � -..,.1: <br /> . COUNTY OF � <br /> . �� � og , 19�Z; betora me ; <br /> On th��s� to me perBOnally known and � <br /> - � ePpeared rson is eo �� <br /> ' eaknowledged under oath, to my� aatisfaction, that thie pe , <br /> � ' nemed end pereonelly eigned thie document= thforthReeolutien iTruet � <br /> � that e/he is ' <br /> Cvrporetion, e corporation organized end exiating under tl�e laaie of the <br /> . .� United Stetes of America, as Receiver of Equitable 3avings and Loan <br /> "' � Associal:ion, F.A. , Columbun, Nebr+�eke, and for Aoeolution Tsuet <br /> r a cor .�retion organized end exieting under the lawe of the <br /> CorporaEion, P <br /> United Stetee of Americe, as Receiver of Equiteble Pederal 8evinge an <br /> Loen Aosocietion, Columbue,_�Nebraeka�Qrandt endtdeed fornthv purpoeee <br /> _ T � siqned, sealed end oBiive..�� o� •• <br /> • � contained ther�nd�s/he gurther�acknowledgerthe�inetrument to�betthe free <br /> ' corporetLon, <br /> � • •• „ ect and deed of the corporation ag Receiver of e�ditae1eReceiver eof <br /> Loan Associetion, F.A. , Columbus, Nebraska. <br /> � Equiteble Federal 3avinqe end I,�an Aasocistion, Columbue, Nebraska. <br /> ' IN TESTINONY WtfEREOF, I heve hereunto eet my hand and affixed mY <br /> ' , � al thQ day end year leet above�t�; �Q-� <br /> �� • " � SHARaN R. CNASE� �� <br /> C-'; ;,��' Noary Puliic-����:�e�ota Notsry Public�_ <br /> � ���:►� Dakota Cc�►'nty► �: <br /> � ��y.r ...i'. . , :..,,_��.�,�'c � <br /> I 'V'!V'�'r�'Y', i:'.'1\' � <br /> � I <br /> i _ _ _ _ <br />