.. �: .
<br /> - ,a,=_:��
<br /> �6� ��� .�n9 �f�-`
<br /> ��""
<br /> � ' Untess�xhcnvisc agracd In wcet�p.n11 insumnce proce�ds sP�ati bs applied to the restoration or repais of the Praperty t
<br /> or to thc Seturcd Dcbt.t*rheth�t or no3 then d�te,at Le�tder's opiion.Arsy applicatio�a of praceeds to principal shall not �v,�.'_
<br /> catead ur postpnne ttte duo d.�tte o!the�sch�duled p�yment t�ar chunge tl�e amount of zny paymen�Any excess will be '�'�_
<br />_ � paid to the aruntor.If tho Fraperty is asquired by l.ender,G�antor s right ta uny insurance policies and praceeds . �
<br /> � resulting trom damuQe to tha Property befare tRe aaquisiUon shfl11 p�s�ta L.encter to the extent of the Secured Uebt `'�`".;'-
<br /> �� . immediuteiy before tha acqui�itior�. �`�'
<br />. �< . Tt�•�T�
<br /> : f � �� �r,�R�@y�OA Tt�C�.4,�[VD�l��1�iAi�iCT.Unless othenvize pto��ded in a separate agreecaent,Gtantor will nat -�_ ,
<br /> be required to pay to I.endar fuads for ta�:es and insurance in esrra�v ri�,.-
<br /> - ZL Elt�l�l�i�1•�E�p�§•�iVD��YfI�NAL DO�PYAS.Grantor v�vi(1 pmvide to Lendsr upon request,any
<br /> J �-° 6uancial statc�nent or iufasatati�n Lender may deem rea�►nabty nca:ssary. Grantor agrees to sign,deliver,and file •�`_':'
<br /> any additional d�cuments os cestifications that I.ender may cansid�sr necessary to perfect,continue.a�d prese�rve �.jy,
<br /> � Grantor's obG�a�aas undr.r th'ss Secuaity Insnura�ent and I.ender s Iien sYatus on the Property.
<br /> �--
<br /> zt. ddllV'r APTD i1�tIlIV�DUAI.LIABII.Yt'Y;CO-SIGPIL��4 9�I�CESSOR�ANb ASSIGNS BOUND.All duties �.,,�-:
<br /> � uader thts Security tastrument aze joint and individual.If Grantor signs this Security Instrument bnt dces not sign an �.-..
<br /> evidence of deb�,Ciranwr d+o¢s so only to mortgage Grantor's interest in the Froperty to secure payasent of the �,�
<br /> � Secured Debt azed GranWr daes nos a�ee to be pezsanalty liable an the��aared Deb�If ihis Secunty Instruzment �:r<
<br /> secures a guaranty between Lender aad Grantor,Grantor agrees ta waive any rights that may prevent I.eader from �_=,
<br /> . bringing any actian or cieim against Grantor or any party indebted nnder the abugation.These nghts may inciude.but ��_:�._ .'
<br /> are aot timited to,any anti-deficiency+or one-actian laws.Grantor agrees that L.ender and any party to th�s SeauitY
<br /> � Inshvment may extend,modify or make any change in the terms of this Se�rity Inswmenc or any evideace of debt =:____
<br /> without Grantor's coasent Such a change w�71 not relea.re Grantor from the terms of this Security Instniment'Ihe
<br /> duties an�beaefits of this Secusity Ins�ent shall bind and beneftt tbe succ�ssors and assigns of Crantor and Lender. �� �.
<br /> . ���.
<br /> .. �. ApPLICA��i�AW;SEVERABIL9'PY;Il�Pd'Ed�i�i�#T�O N.T h i�Security I n s u u men t i s g a v e r n e d b y t h e l aars of _
<br />..;.•,:±'; the jurisdiction in which l��:r is tocated,exc�pt to the extent oWenvi�e required by the taws of the je�risdictioa �,�,�;':
<br />-;_:;,' � vr��e the�iroperty is la�r,�'Ti�.�Secuity Instrnment is vnmgl�te an�fi il ly inte�te d T h i s Seci:ii t y I c s r r c r�"�m a Y ...r.,:
<br /> �=�s
<br /> `;�:;.f�.' En2 J}e ame��3 or modi�g i oy ora���eecnent. E#ny sectian in t6is Secut�tts�sstrumeei,a�.ack�e�!t�,�.�r• any -
<br />'::`. •. S..�emets::���c�to the Secured Debt rL��nflicts wiW app6rab181uw will not be eStective,�alws tu4::t F�•:. ��°ssly ��.:_._
<br /> or implied:y�sr•t�ria the variations by n;•r.�a agreemenG If aay seciion of this Security Is�smim��c�aot LVC e�a.''vrced �_.,�
<br /> '' ux.flrding to Y�•s::rms,that sectian wiII tz severed and wiU aot affect the enforceability cf u�p remai2��og this �.=,_..
<br /> ' S�e�rity Ias2r,�ent Wheaever�sed,the sin ar sha�!inc3ude the lural aad the pi�ral the si�gi:3r.'I'he c�i,,xss amd — t
<br /> � c
<br />��I:.�; .; E,�dings of W::s�ctions of thbs Secuaity Instnunent are Cvr convemence only and are not to�te tsed to s�2�rrzet or �_
<br /> -;=-".,;� de5ne the teu�as.�ttus Security Instnur��.Time is of tG�essencP itt tl�is Secauiry InstrumenL
<br /> `�'�'�• '}� Z4. SUCCES�mI�t2'�U�TGE.Lendea'_�:�..�der's option,may fmus time to time remove�rn�ee and appoint a =—�_-__
<br />,r�•<s =_�—
<br />'�x`:;.,f`• successor tr�s�rr�a arii�;��:�y �tl�.�[a�ality than ttte designasion in writing.The svcaessa.r trustee.wit out
<br />°_�:;';"'• conveyance of the Propes¢3�,yc�aa�nn��to aU tye title,Pawer and�nties wnfereed upon Tzzw-2ee by this Sectuity �..,_-.
<br /> ""� Instrument and applicable Ca�rc. - —
<br /> � 2§. N01TCE.Unless othemrise required tn��s3;;,any no�ia shall be given by detivering it or by ma�7ing it by fust dass
<br /> mail to the apg=optiate party's address an page 1 of this Security Tt�4tument,or to any othar address desigaated in ��
<br /> ' � writiag Notice to on�grantor will be deemed to be no9ic�e to all�gtantars.
<br /> Zb; �YAYVERS.Except to the extent proWbited by la�,Chuntor waives aU appraiseffient and hamestead exemption rights ��t=.
<br /> relating to the Property. p,=:
<br /> Y/, pTHEK TERMS.If checked.the follorving are applicable to this Security Instrument: =
<br /> ; � �l Liae of Cced[L 7'he Secured Debi includes a revolving IIne of credit provision.Although the Secured Debt �
<br /> may be reduced to a zero Galaace,this Security Instrument will remain m effect until released. -
<br /> ❑ Coa�4r�ction Loun.This Security Instrument secures an oBli�ation incuned for the consuuction of an �_�-�_,
<br /> unprovement on the Property.
<br /> , ❑ F'utare F�g.G�rantor grants ta Lendar a secvrity interest in all.goods tliat Grantor owns now or in the
<br /> future and that are or w�16ea�mo Rxturer rclatcd to tbn Pfroperty.This Securiry Instrument suffices es a
<br /> � � . financiag statemeat and any c�iis�n,photographic or other reproduction may be fled of reoord for purposes _
<br /> • � ��t�::le 9 of the Uniform Comsrt�c'tcial Code. r"'"""
<br /> i� l�ers.The covena�ts and agreements af each of the dders checked below are iacurporated into anc4 �_,_
<br /> . s�sL.�nent and amend the temts af this Se�ity Instrument. [Check aU applicable boxes) _ _
<br /> —--
<br /> � CZ C'✓;;a��'ominium Ridar ❑Pl�sned Unit Development F3ider ❑Other...................................»..»................. t► --
<br /> � ❑ l�dd�Pfi��al Term�. _-
<br /> � . e:: �a.
<br /> .;: �,�,
<br /> �LG�'dATi1RFS:By si�ing FieDcrvr,Grantor agrees to t�e terms�covenants contained in this See�arity Instru�ent and in �'�
<br /> rvv
<br /> aay attachments.Grantas al�o ac'�cnowledges receipt of a ca�y�f this Se�uriry Instrument on the date stated aa�age 1. y
<br /> . . /18 j96 ............... !'.',�!!,19� `
<br /> �� ..`. , � . . . ..... ... . . ........... . ..
<br /> .......... ............ ...... . ... ... . ...
<br /> � . (si�atee) �AL(3AR TNVESTMENT LLC��t°) (si ture) AFALGAR INUCSTME � L � •. • '��
<br /> . A����'�����NEBRASRA �`'
<br /> .. . . STA'F�OF............................................................ �OF.......HALL � ».............TS��...E ss. ° __.
<br /> ��a�,► T��3.�!�����s���'��'�b��'ii$�e����,9�,`�srn�.�`a�AtiB$a��i�s�c�..��i:::::::::::::::....��--:::..`4��: �°r—
<br /> ., .- My commission expires:...............»...................... . C r ................_. ._.....�.._._ �.
<br /> ...•
<br /> � (Seal) ... .._. _:.. ...l ................ ... .... .. _
<br /> � '. (NotazYPub}ic1.• � �
<br /> `.. .. �(�FJIER�t HOt�iT•St�;e d Ketds9a -
<br /> OAYID F.QOHMEH �-__
<br /> Ity O�mci FsR Aug.4.1fi�0
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