' . ' ' ' , - "!.r • _ �� . . . "�. .J(.v. y1�,�31'L� ..�..p'5...
<br /> y �r. --L' LL�..�'., wrl� v.tmac--
<br /> _ i.l�`•�4.� �1.tia-�\---,__
<br /> :'t— i�+.:�1!'°^!i,r�5`"____-
<br />' __ - � _— .�r_` — "
<br /> -.�...-;. -�c.- . .
<br />. . � �.4 - . ..
<br /> 6_ ��, . � �:-
<br /> " ,.. � �0��� �4ir� rfx�?�c..�,..
<br /> � . . . � . .� ----..
<br /> V 8. All future advanccs fr�m Lend.r to(intnt��r ot nthsr futurc ublig�tions of Grar,tor to Lc:ndcr under any pramissui}r - . ._:---,=�`,= �
<br /> � rtote,cvnkact,�s�aranty.ar other evidentr of debt executed hy Gra,itur in favur of Len�er executed�fter this __ _�_ ,�,;.:;,�;y,�,
<br /> Security lnstraamcnt whether or nut t6is Secunty Instrument is s�cifia�lly referenccJ.tf mure th;m c�nc persun ` .:� ;Y:�,;�;��T=;.i:
<br /> '. si�s this Security Instrument.cach Ga��ntur ngree9 thnt this Seturity In+trumcnt wili sc�vrc al!tutun:udvances and s�v,.;�._�...
<br /> " �"f�M'�
<br /> ' futuee ob�i€ations that ari givcn t��ar incurrcd by any onc or rt�rc(arnntor,or aRy onc or morc Grantm and ___ _ ,:�
<br /> � othcts.AU fulure advances and other fu1un oh1i�tion+arr sccured by this Sccurity Inslrumem even titough aU o� ',.� :•,,,`r�:�.�;. .-
<br /> , - part may not yet be advan:�d.All twnre advan�s anJ uther futurc ubfigations�re sccured as if made on thc daic _.:.• k, ,.,.�� „��*� .
<br />_�;'; of this Security Instrurn.nt.Nothing in this Security Instrument shal!oonstitute a commiwent to muke additional �4� �� •_,,.rt, ,s:,
<br /> � or future loans or advanxs in any amount.Any such oomrr.itsnent must be�greed to in a separate writing. � �.
<br /> ��I�� C ot�limit�ed to,ab�ties for overdrufts relating o any degasit account agreemenPbetween Grant r and Le deru� ��'���±i:�,_-�"
<br /> �'-Y'.:.--�,.-,._�
<br /> D. All additional sums advaaced and expenses incurred by Lxnd�r for insuring.preserving or otherwise pmYecting �- -����•_�_
<br /> the Progerty and its value and any other sums advanced aad expenses incurred by L.ender under the terrns of ��}y 4F^„' T _�
<br /> this Secu�i�tp�nstrumen� �___,,_ : --:�.._�.�:; -
<br /> �...�.,.v
<br /> 'This Security Instn�nent�vill not secure any odter debt if Lender fail�io give any required notioe of the right of rescission. �•��a�_.';�.
<br />� ' g, ��1Y14II�Ai'i5.Grantor agrees that all pay�ents under t��SecurPd Debt will be paid when due and in accorc�ance _;,,,;�_------_.
<br /> c.itt�aL�terms of t�a Secured Debt and t.Fus Security Ins�en� �,
<br /> t
<br /> • .: 6. t�AII3RAIN'�Y�s TpI1.E.Grantor warcants that Grantoi is ar wilt P�e lawfully seized of the estate conveyed by this ��-��,�."'.-2���"'--.�..
<br /> � e
<br /> `�•.< � Sevtrity Instru�e��and has the right to iaevocably grant,oanv�y.and seU the Praperty to'frustee.in tmst,wt�h �:�'�.-�--
<br />: .`. � �.. , ..:.....
<br /> :r�.�<i;, pa:�er of sale.Gra�EOr aiso warrants that the Property�,s uneQCUUt�ered.excePl for eacambrances of record. - �-• ' _ -
<br /> � � 7. PRIOR SECiJII�TP�Y�Pi'E�S'Y5•With regard to any other�r.nrt�u�e,deed of trus�security agreement or other lien
<br /> a° --
<br />.�x,. .
<br /> �r{:.;� . document that cr�?ed a prior secuiity interest or encumbrance oa th�Property, or agees: --����, i -
<br /> A. To m�e ali�aymenu when due aad to perform or co�iy witGi a!1 covenants. � ��� ��-�--�--.
<br />- •,_''; B. To pr�:lir��`3,��3eliver to Lender any n¢�s that Cnantor receives from the hoider. �,�.. .>: i�..'..�.��:� .
<br /> •�-t�'`-"�`•• G Not to�ox�any modification or exa��svn of,nar to reqw:st a�r future advances under an}+note or agreement
<br /> `''��r� secaue�i;T.ae lien dacument withou�".��der's gr�r.wTii;✓.�consenL --�
<br /> .,:saEYi��� "'__'----
<br />_, S (:p . _ i" _
<br />�;4�;'�j�� S. CLAIINS AG�i�'Y'TTY'LE.Grantor vuidl�av all taF.es,assesstGents.liens,encumbrances.lease payments,�und ._^.
<br />.�:.r=-�,�,�, reats,utilities.3n:vther charges relatiag to�e PrQ�er�}��iven due.L�cder may require Grantor to provide to Yxnder .� �___
<br />,`.k`'; ,,.. copies of aii��ri�rs that such amounts ar�e�::.e an-d►.E�x�ae%pts e�i'�:rr�anS Grantor's payment Grantor will defend �*- :�_=-
<br />:��zt;,':', titt�to ihe Pr�.�pex�•against any claims thac�,aai�£'ra�air�iieen of+��ecurity Insmiment.Grantor agrees to assign ";�- � —
<br /> ".-=�`,` r.i tu�n��s*,a:.raquested by Lender,any rigL�-,claims ci�d��:nses Gra*_:tor may hace a��ainst parties who sup�s�y�`�aT .:,.. ,`�:�,''`---
<br />-���,;`�:.:
<br /> ��a�.�:o.�aintain or un rove the Pro
<br /> .:" :'r. 4 ID3.���i'c�ti3E�Y��IC3JlN�1�ANC�.��r ma��,a7:ii�;uption,c�r.lare the eatire balance of the Secured ID�ebt to :'�-.`.'��
<br /> ��'�-=� :
<br /> be immediatc:�;r�r�ae and ppyable upon the�n:��on of,or vcr�'�fi�r ti;�:creation of,any lien,e�a�mbranee,transfer ��;�. _
<br /> or sale of the Prop�rty.This right is suhject°�:the restrictic:�i �m�;•rx:.�ut i�y federal law(12 GF�.591).as applicable. ' .,:;�;.� ;R •'�'ti
<br /> ,n: .
<br /> This covenant shall run with the Property and shall re�ain.in ef�'�t until the Secured Debt is paid in tull and this '< �.�,:•.
<br /> - Security Instrament is released. i�s.. � ,_
<br /> � 10. PROPERTY CONDTTION,ALTEEtATIONS AND I1�iS�EC170IV.Orantor will keep the Property in gaod ' �
<br /> . �� condition and make all repairs that are reasuna b ly necessary.Gran tor s h a l l n o t c o m m i t o r a U ow an y waste, ���•��
<br /> � • _ impairment,or deterioratian of the Property.Grantor wil?�keep the Property free of noxious weeds and grasses. ��"
<br /> ,"�V_4��.-.
<br /> � Granior agrees that the nature of the occupancy and use wi���ot substantially change without L.ender's prior written ``'
<br /> ,,... � :
<br /> � oonseni.Grantor will not permit any change in any license,resvictive covenant or easement withotst Lender's prior _,,.._,,,��,`_:
<br /> � �� written consenG Grantor will natify Lender of aU demattds,�r.roceedin�s,claitns.and actions against Grantor.and of _ ,._
<br /> any loss or damage to the Propercy. �'
<br /> • Lender or Lender's agents may,at Lender's option,enter tAe Property at any reasonable time for the purpose of � ,' � y -_;
<br /> inspecfing the Property. L.ender shall giv�C'rrantor nozice at the time of or before an inspection specifying a ,.;; ' .�;.;
<br /> : reasonable purpase for the inspection. Accy inspecticra�f t�ae Property shall be entirely for Lender's benefit aad �. - ----
<br /> Grantor arill in no way rely on Lender's inspecsion. .�,- FTM��y-� �' '
<br /> • "' ll. AIITHOR6TY TO PE�ORIN.It Grantor fails to periorm any duty or any of t6e covenanu contained in c[tis ��,�.,:-_:;;_�___
<br /> �� ' Security Instrumen�Lender may,without n��:ice.perfo:m or cause t hem to be pe r forme d G r an tor a�p o i n t s L e c d e� ___ __
<br /> as attomey in f::�t to sign Grantor's name�Qr���any air.o'iuit nece�.���for performance.Leader's right to perforcn far _-...��
<br /> .. Grasitor s�J�i���t create an obligation to,r�.<:r�orns,am3 Lender's farT�re to perform will not preclude Ler,ci�*frc� - � _
<br /> . exerrising�r:vf Lender's other rights under the law nrthis Security lnstrumen�If any consuuction on the Fg���rt,�� �.__�_--
<br /> ��ntir_ued�r not carried on in a reasoaable �nnec,Lender may take all steps necessa:.ti to protect L.��d�r's
<br /> . seeurity ic�ter��in the Prop�rty.including cam�letia.3 of the construction. ' {";_.,'�,���
<br /> �� _:.
<br /> 12. ASSIGIV''�I�F]4�S!'49F LE�ES AtVH)A1G147IT�.Grntor irrevocably�:r.s,conveys and se11s tU�*ustee,in m�st for the -_
<br /> �5l�
<br /> • . Geaefit of L.er�rue7,as additional security:�Jl�he right,title and inten.��7 and to any and all ex"rsting or future leases, �'Q"•""'�-"--''�;,.fi�,�:,�„�;.
<br /> � � � • �tl�l�:ases,and any other written or verlsa!agreements for the use and occupancy of any portion of the Property. • ` -.
<br /> , - +,r..:iuding any extensions,renewals,modi8catiens or sLJ�:titutions of such agreements(all referred to as"Lc�.�:ti�•.�')and ' ���tt�.`�';-`_=
<br /> ' ,; rev►ts,issues and profits(all refened to�.s"l�ents").�ran tor wi'.1�romp tly provide Lender with true aaef correct _ ' ",�,q,,,,�,.::'`' '
<br /> - copies of all ec��sting and future Leases.Cmintor may collect.r�ceise,u�,oy and use the Rents sa!nn as Grantor is not '�'°°"�"—""`°'""'""'
<br /> in ' S P-�°�prar��,';:=�`
<br /> �w�.u-'-�--- ..:._.:_
<br /> ' in default undes the terms of this Security Instrument. En"'��'`'���
<br /> Grantor acicnoivledges thai this as,signment is perfected upon the:�carding of this Deed of Tizist and that Lender is �'`'��:.
<br /> � entitled ta noilfy any of Grantor s tenants to make payment of Rents due or to became due to Lender.However, �-='�� =°
<br /> Lender aptees that only on default will Lendcr noti f y Grantor and Grantor's tenants and make demand that all future � �� ' °°.
<br /> � Reats be pnid directly to Lender.On receiving natice of defaul�Grantor will endorse and deliver to Lender any ��r .-�• ,;
<br /> ' � paym�nt of Rents in Grnntor's possessiun and w�ll receive any Rents in trust for Lender and will noi commingle the • '_�;.�_�..'-.`r
<br /> ` Rents�vith any oiher funds.Any amous►ts collected will be applied as provided in this Security instrument.Grantor ,�,y,`^";'•�,
<br /> '� �varrants that no default exists urtder the L.eases or any applicable landtord/tenant la�v.Grantor also agecs to mninttun -a���-_;
<br />, • � an9 teqttira any tenant to comply with ahe terms of the Leases and applicabie la�v. +w�t�.�`,_-
<br /> ��� _--
<br /> ' 13 LEASSI�I�&lD3t CO�QD�TIIVIWRIIS;PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMEM'S.Grantor agrees to comply with thc ;�:�;,�;:•,'.t?=ti=,• ��
<br /> _ _ provisions nf nny lease if this Secuvity instrument is on a Ieasehold.If the Property includes a tu�it in a condominium �".�:- �
<br /> ' � or a planne.�unit development, Grantor will perform all of Grantor's duties under the cuvenants, by-laws,or _.-.�:,�.._: .;,_ -
<br /> . regulations of ihe cornlaminium or planned unit development. r'�'"�="�r':�
<br /> 14. DEFAIJLT.Grantor w�ll be in default if any party obligated on the Secured Debt fails to make payment when due. • . .. .. . _-
<br /> . • Grantor will be in defauJi if a breach aceurs under the terms of this Securiry Instrument or any other document • � . •---
<br /> .
<br /> �
<br /> . : : , �.
<br /> __ _— (Paq82014) .•_■;:�:,:_ ., �
<br /> �,sgeaua�,sy�mn:au,e.s aa.a�au nEOo-��-nen F«�+ae-oT.u�saraa ___. _ . . _.__
<br /> . � .; ' .: . .��
<br /> ' . ��
<br /> • s,4 S� � . � . . . � . . � ;. ' ' . ��. .� � .. l:�r•�.C,::1S
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<br />