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<br /> .
<br /> � . , , . ,
<br /> . . . < .. , .
<br /> . . .. ,,. . .3"------ .
<br /> .. . r ... - --... .
<br /> �
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<br /> _ ., .,�. _ ;... _. __._ _. . _ . � . _� - • .
<br /> . _ . .. ---•�._:_ _
<br /> � �,. .. .
<br /> : -
<br /> , �_.��
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<br /> , _. _ . . ..� �
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<br /> :
<br /> -- -- -� �--• .,.��...:..:._— _�.____
<br /> �,._,.,y��. ___— �---i- _ . � .- •- -
<br /> 96°������ , . °�:ti:��
<br /> _ . � 1�. 6arfowa�'a Wl�ht tA ���us0 a�aay t�tns�o���a�c�*(�a)5 daYrgto`worer$cPwu�aerraa e�is��vv�� -_--
<br /> entOtC�t Of tnis S6ertn�Y lnst►umert4 Nst4urtsenx or : , � ,�
<br /> taw may spoery tar��stat�r�,..nt)bc4��o sab oi tAe Rroy�ty Guranant to anY Po�af sale contained M tt►ts Sacurly ,
<br /> instrua�t ThOSe cos�d3tona W that Borrowar: (a) Days 6ender e� svms wh{ct� tA9n . . "'r;.
<br /> (p)�try of a I��t�rtt�rehsp thb S�eur3ll . , . �
<br /> erouk!be dua undir thb 3ecudql InsWrr�nt and tho Nots es� no aeeeY�ratio tnsUUmon�d g but not Iin3a�to,a�reasms+abia ' '._
<br /> covenar+t ar agreartHnts: (e)DaYS a6 e�nr� fneurre6 In ee+tatiinp 47ls SecurTy � , _
<br /> attomaya'tae�:enA(d)tQicos such ectlon es LenCer may c�nsan�tsh re4ute to assu[e that ttie ts�of this SecurdY lnsGUment,L�+defs '
<br /> ' rtghffi in t1�o Prope�y►end 8orrovrsts ohtigafton to OaY�e sums s�wred by thL�Sec��il insUUment shaU canUnue unchanQeO. Upon ` , , '..
<br /> �w as e no eccei�aUan
<br /> cefnstntament Oy Bartowar.t N f a S x u n l l l 1�msnt end t�o abl�ttons sccur�d tr r�by sha�remah tUiy eft�tNe
<br /> had oCCUrted. However th��iGM to celnstate sha0 nai+iPAN in tho etse of scwiaraibn under P�G�Ph 1 7. . `�'-`.
<br />-- 19.Sate of NoYe: Citier►pe ot Lman Sepvtcer. The Ptol9 ot fl p8rti+11 Intetest � the Nota It00�thet w6h tfiL3 SeCUrdy `', � . _
<br /> tnsUumont)muy 6a sotd one or noia t��a�C[fat notiee to Hartower. A sa►e may resutt h a change in the sntitY lknown as tha .�z
<br /> 'Laan Servio�f')th8t co�to monthb P$Y�^� �o undor t�o Note and tt�is s^eeurdY InEtrumen� TAere atso maY Be osw as maro ..�- ------- —
<br /> chanQa�ot fhe Loan Servlcar unrettted to a aa4�ot the Notn. It tAr�a is n Chango o}lrie Loan Ssnrfcer�Borrower w�l Es g�van w�3ten ; • �{. �
<br /> notira ot ttio chu►pa In Qccordanca wB1� ParaC�Dh t4 abov�e and apP�te[aw. 7tt�not�o w0 stata the�ame and nddrsss af the '.:' •. - .-
<br /> tt
<br /> new Lasn s^ervfe5r aitd t?�o�6�s to which psyments SAOUtd ta m2d�. The notk:e w�atso eenmin eny otAat htarrr.atlon requi�ed by �:''.;
<br /> ' apP!'r:ab(e taw. . ' `� �,->�nz
<br /> 20. H�dous SubcZo.�tces. Borravrat Lhail not cau59 ot p9rm@ th�prasenCe. use. d�yo��.eu�e tA8 PragestYf that • 'rb�.,.,d.:.r.�._
<br /> Ha�rdcus blihstsness an w in the P'°R�Y• Bott°vror shalf not do,nar rSow anyono eL�e to do. anyth 9 , .� _ .:�_
<br /> ha e '
<br /> Is in vbleijon of any EnvYanmentrtl Law. 7R� Preceda�q two sec�tenees sha0 not aDRh to the P�ce. use� or sto+afle oe th9 .'r. � . -- -
<br /> imd to be apDmprtate to nortnal rosident�al uses and to � r "'�`��_
<br /> ` Praparty of sm�euantr'H�ot He�udous 5libstances thnt are genereNY�eca8� •. .
<br /> mni�tonanca of t4so PcaRerty • .h • �,�^
<br /> • Borrow�o s�a0 prompUy 8Ne l.ertder wr3fen notMs of any hvestiBeUon�e4tln.dsmand.tawsu�or other acUon by eny govemmeetat ° Y'-'
<br /> or reputainry t9ancY�0�����°���8�0��d any Hamr[ous Subsffince or Envimnmentel Law of whkh Bortawer has _ �_�,uV��
<br /> m
<br /> lf Borrower teains.or is noti�ed by any qovemmental or mflututary autho�3yr.Mat eny camoval or other remedlaUan �+4._.
<br /> • aCtuel knowi�dSa• � �p�pg�� Bor►ow� shall promptry tako aD aaceSSarU �emedial eCtions h ' • �:.��_��
<br /> of any Hasardoua S�ebstanee af[eetin9 the Pr�oyertY . ; .};�s=-: _:-�
<br /> ro
<br /> accordance w�h Envinonn�enta!law. � � � {�s��;►'!�_f._•
<br /> AS ussd h thFS p�BgniDh 20. 'HB�rQaus SUOstBnees' ere those substanCes daAneB os �m p oducts. �toxfc pe�ides and -- �,-
<br /> Emrtonmental taw an d t t i e to 6 ow i�g�u u►a s t a�css:pasoths,tcsrosene,other if�mnabie ot totttc saUB t�20. —1-=�•=�,��'�;�',
<br /> ' ra . _ :,7��:`
<br /> .",•.�-�: hesbfcddes.wi� saN+a�fs. materiels canta."t'ng esbostos Q�formaldehyde.and radioaciive mslm�iN�. As use d h t t i k R�B�P ,�T ^_ _
<br /> , --?���:==
<br /> ., °Emrironmenfatl Law" m�ms� fEderal taws end laws of the jurisdictian where the Property is tnc8ted that retate to heaRh� safetY af .. _ _ —
<br /> mm
<br /> envYantnei►ta1 Protec4ion• .. ��`;
<br /> . NON-UNffORr1A COVENANTS. Borrower end Lender furtlNr cwenant and�rae ss fo8ows: _ . .. :.,-i.: . ___
<br /> �1. AcceteraHon; 6teme8iet�. Lender sha11 �i�o� rt�otice to Borrower prtor to acceteratlon tolt��ulns .f... � .;._:.t.; ��
<br /> Borro�er's breach of eriy eav�e�ant or sIIreeest��.t �n this Security Insb ument (6u4 not pv��r tn .;::�,. , -°
<br /> � �� s acceleratton �nde� para�rapb 1� unteaa eppitcable ta�+r �ea�das mthe�+rise). The aotlee ahall a�eci4y: �-•�
<br /> - (a) the de9au{Y; �B th� actlon required to cure ihe detasat� ��p s+ date, rtot less than �a days frem the ;.�,� '..::7��..;,.�;
<br /> date the �otlrA aa pi��n� Borrower, by wht�n tfis deta�ult ru�:be cured; and (d��t�.^�'t 1'ailure to cure ., ..,. �
<br /> � the detautt on or boYore t�a date apecif[od in Elhe no4ice er��y resa�i4 ic� ac��c��n ot the suma ,`,:���::�.
<br /> � The �� s�a�l turther iniorm ° �.:�;t,
<br /> ' se�ured by tQ�i� Sec��it� I�urnQnt and ssqe �4 tl�e Properiy. „:, � > ... . . .�,;
<br />.:�.';�I: rrowe� of!�h$ r�Qht to �el�a efter azx�tora�fau�nd the vigM to brirt� rs c�urt actten to asseri thE -::,,y-,�:,��, ,��.y;,,�.,: :
<br /> Ba ...;,; �t.� �;,f.
<br /> `�'�' non-existenc2 ct4 m alo4�It or atiy o46��e d�tb����rrawer� aaceferatton and aa�� �i� Imrrradi�ies �"�'� ..�„;. �"�'
<br />- � daqe s�a� 0�e C� cs��tt�. Lendor at t4s op4�on may �eap .� }t¢�s,�. c•:.
<br /> ff�ro 41t.. � �:������_.-:
<br /> d on �r tt�z rther demAnd o�d rr��iy ..j��� -
<br /> not cur� Inatrumem4 witho� tu °: :;�}� ��t�
<br /> � paycnar�t in i�li �'f a!1 sur�ss secured by this �.viry ilcable law. Lend�r slttu�l �e F T`�`�''�:,�'�`��:'
<br /> is
<br /> . � tmrd�� �a po�rer of sat� �nd e�ry othsr �ern�d��rs p8�ettee d es�provided In this pata9ra�� �9, F�t.�. �.,c;�.�,��.. ,
<br /> :•;;..�
<br /> e��i to c�ldEet ail e�e�s�s Incurred in pu�� ;;�t ���`�;:'�._
<br /> tnc�uAinp.bui c��Iimlt�d to,rea�nabte attomey��ea and cos s of tltte evtdence.
<br /> . w�c�t sale is Invotced,Trustee sP�9i record a �ouce of detault In eac�e°Ur�ifbed�by .. _ .�T���'�.--��-
<br /> It the po - -------
<br />; . . any part of tha �$rhi ��o�ted and ahall m�il captvs ot cuch notiee tn the man __. ' •� _
<br /> �pAl�c�iz b�nr ta El�rrawer and to the other persons prescribed by appitcable tmw. Aftsr the Ume ..-Mx�.F,,— . , �J,.
<br /> r fiqbie fa�m,:�'QUStem a h a i l gtve pubiic nottce of sele tp tP�e persons end in the manner �°;;,;:.,;;,..-.-._ , �;
<br />.. roqutred by app a�1 setl the Properiy at puhtic �'9�
<br /> � �� pre�ribad �i apPttcabi� 4�. Teu�tee.without ct�and on Bono�ver� �*-.'.�_,'
<br /> ��� to tha h1flhest dfdder a4 tho Ume ana �F,�¢ and undor tha term� daslgneted �one sa e�of ell ��.
<br /> � eate in one or more p�rcols and in any order Yenc�tae deter��Q�. Tr+i�?ea ma��p reviousty = -`�"�
<br /> � or any pareel ot the Property by pubUc a�rtae�cr�e��t mtc S�a tlme end �fza�� �s` any p �.�_
<br /> urctsmrre t9.t�r���►hl at any sale� '""i'��������
<br /> , acCeeduled sats.Lender or Its desi�rtee may�t �� �! dcliver to t�e purchaser Tructe�°�dead ��.-�`'.�:�' ."'...,^
<br />; . . - l3pon receipt ef psyment of the ppice �1d, Y ��„ ---.
<br /> conveytn� tD�a �roperty. The �eait��s in the To��ru dee� ahall be prims tacie evldenca o4 i3�r�s�'iruth _ �__,
<br /> � o! the st�4e�� mado td�orai�. T¢� a7r.��e �,+tho Proceeds of the sat� in 4f�e 8oltoirin� arder. �.r�._�:�,�:
<br /> ent o4 �;;�.:_...:���-�,,..�. —
<br /> • (a)to all cm�m�i e�enaes of exeed.�isfl w'aa�ower o!=ate. �nd the sate� inctudin� the pa�ym � ,.,,., .,�
<br /> ' tho Trustee°s t�a�cbuvt�!incurred�a��s�� 3 % of the pNncl�al amount o!��� a�l ,�"�'"?"`�-`.
<br /> .- . at the time ot L�"� �eef�ra�fiar:� of dnt��ur�i Qa�Q�a�uexcese� to tho peraon�bPersons lesaity x���^�:.�:_
<br /> �.�. suma aecared tt�! �s �c�iry ,,-'��.�r;, .. -
<br /> � ��c-�...�• ;�--
<br /> :;:.';,: enttued tio i�. �-,.�r: • .�. , .
<br /> `• ;. 22. Fi8COR1LEi��C�. Upon payment af a3f.�Tr.s aocurad by this SocunTY InshumeM�Lendet Shn{l�vG�t Trostev to racomeY , _ .. ,._..:
<br /> � tha Property end cirs�surtandei thb Seeurity IncUwr�t and ap notet3 wtdmCinq debt seeured by thb Seau�iy 4nawment to Trustee. � .
<br /> te
<br /> ent�tfe�ta R. Such pYrBOn or ..„}�'!?.-:_
<br /> Trucwe shoB recartv�j tho ProR�tY withaut war�antv°^d wftRa:ct eharQo to tha Persan or persons tegaDy . :,:.. -._
<br /> , _;.,.',
<br /> pe�satrs shnB pay cny recordetbn costs. • •� - � '. _____
<br /> . '• . ...':�'L-.'�. ,.—
<br /> 23.Subs4ltnT,�T►u�'tee. Lender. at its option. mny Nom time to Urne removo Tn,stee end epPa�t a cucccjsv:4 U��tae ro � ' . , �
<br /> any Trust9e eDPotnted hereundarc�b� trustas s aN Su�cceed o a0 tho utRia, P wer andhdutb3 coafemEd upcn Ttusttiearhedren und bY ' • .
<br /> convsyanco o}tha PrapeRy.
<br /> ePDliCable�w. � . :+ "�
<br /> 20. Reques4 tor Nottt�a. BOtrowet te�ests that eopb3 ot the notiCas of d9ffiult fl�d sitle Ce sent to 8orro�n�s eddtess ' `''
<br /> ' wnich b tho ProDortll IWdress. .
<br /> � � 25. Rlders to thls Seau�ity Inttrument I1 one or moro rtders rue Eixecuted by Borrower and recorded toesther witn
<br /> Ex9C
<br /> � thb Security insuurtient,tAe cov&nant9 and agreeinents ot each such rider shaU be incoryorated hto and shall ernend and supptement
<br /> ' tho cmrenenta ar�d apreert�ents ot tt�b SecurByt instrumant es N th��id�r(s)ware a D�of this Securily Inswment- r�-
<br /> ' ' . .�.
<br /> Form 902D VI� , � _. _ . ---
<br /> -• --_ .
<br /> .� Faye:ct� -...'—_ � . ---
<br /> FtOYALMO(2/99J - — _.—
<br /> . .I . �•
<br /> '� .. •. .
<br /> _ _� 393 . ... — .
<br /> ... , � . . . . _ � - - ��� . � - - �, ... , � : _ , �
<br /> � `,: ;.� , , .. . . . . .
<br /> ..; . . , ,} �1_ ,.' � . - .. . . - _.� , ... ' . ir , � .
<br /> .,
<br /> , . • _ '_ • .. . . _ � � _a ' ' .. .. . . . � '. �• `+ � _ .. ' _ , . . ' ._ . .. . ..... � .� . . �- - , . . .
<br />