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<br />.- ' GNA Cace tJa. ��-r.
<br />- � ��� o�c�o��as�+ DEED AF TRUST 327-�oa� a- —;�.
<br /> , . , o ��
<br /> ;.� . ��'°�-
<br /> , � `.�.
<br /> 7HIS OFFD OF TRUST(°Security InatramenY)Is madz an Octo68r tBtfi • ���. �-
<br /> �'.s� �ti�trustor ts�handa Jo Hiltrnan artal Ksvin Katth Hiiimao Wiie and HunR�att�9. Aa J�to �oteertn ���`".
<br /> � s . ('�orcower'►. Gi�T::e':_:.
<br /> .�., ��, ihe wsK.:e is Commercial Fed r i Ban A Federal Sa a Bsak ��Tn,stee•). _____
<br /> �'� . � The ben�fct�y�s The Ovartartd Na4t�nal Banla of Qrand Island - , �� "
<br /> .. . wh[ch is organ¢�d and exlsUn9 under the Iawa ot Tha United States of America . end whosa adOress Is �� '
<br /> . '�t..:,_.:
<br /> -:.=��-;
<br /> 304 West Third Streat @Jrarsd(sl�qd NE 68801 --� (°lender)• �4hr:�,_.
<br /> Borrower owes Lender the principal sum of Twen Five Thousand Two Hundrad aa� AO/9�SQ � _
<br /> . Doltars(U.S. $26.2�0.00_�•Thts debs�a vri�miced by eorraweia aote _ ___ _
<br /> � dated the same date as thts Security fnsuument ('Note').which provtdes tor monthty paymentu. w;th tha ittL dcbt. (1 not p�id =�=��
<br /> ' earfier,due and payabte on�I�vamifer 1.2026 .Thts Security instrument secuoos to Lendun.{t�tho cepaymem
<br /> .,_
<br /> o?the debt evidenced by the Note,with interes�and afl renevists.extensions and maditicatton�ot thu Nutfr, (h1:the payment ot +`
<br /> ' ; .', �IF otfier sums, with interest, advanced under paragraph 8 to protect tha security o1 thls SeLVdly InxttutAgnL and (C) lho '�'� �•
<br /> ,��r�rarmance ot Bortower's cavenants and agreements under thls 3ecurity insuument an0 tho Hoie.far thi,purpa�e. 8onower —
<br /> � (rrevocabfy g:�sqs and conveys to Trustee, In trust, wtth power of seto, the toltow:np dosmibed property Iocalad In - -
<br /> � ''�'�, Hap County: Nebrastta �.-;.
<br /> � Tha NortE���y Forty-fo+�r Faet(44') of the Southerly Eigh4y-Eight Feot (a8') of Lo4�Stx(8� and
<br /> S�ven (7j, in �loc6c Etr��ry-Eight (88), in Wheeler and�enneri'e Four4h A�dit2un Bo 4@rp Cft�07 �:� --
<br /> ' Grand tsland,Halt Co�r+ty, NaBraska --�
<br /> . • ��,
<br /> . �
<br /> . �
<br />, ;:,�=f . . �:'•.:
<br />- ,.;��i. �.'-.
<br /> whlch has the add�rt:.�-w��"'�Jorth Locust St Qrarad leland.
<br /> (SVaeq L�Y11• _-._
<br /> ' , Nebraska - • 88801 ('Propxty Addrasa'): �•
<br /> . r��r,i. Iso coanJ
<br /> , IOOE�FI$�'t;`f�'rs} �5;se improvements now or hera3Rer erected on tha properiy, and alf oasemeats, appuRettancm�, and _
<br /> • • tt�aures now or l7ereafter a�pan of the property. All replacemenls and edditions shafl bo caveced by thi�Securiry�nshumenl.All
<br /> � � o!the foregoing is referred to in this Sewrlty Instrument as the'Property°. �t_-
<br /> � ��, ;,, _ BORRQ'1,+.,�� COVENANTS that Bottower Is lawfulfy seized ot the estate hereby convayad and hns tho Npht to ptant end �"'•
<br /> ` convey the�'Pr��eRy and that the Properry Is unencumbereQ, except for encumbr�ncos o1 record. BoROwer wut�nta end wIH
<br /> ��:�'`�� defond ger.uraN�,/the title to the Property agalnst ail ctalms and demands,subJect to any cneumbrances o1 reeord. `._'
<br /> • � ' THI�S SEi.UAITY t1tiS?�IiJMEM combinos wiform covenants for natlonal use an� non-un(torm covenants wNh Ilmited !".
<br /> �. � •u�riation�by iu'sdlcUon to conslitute o unitorm securiry instrument covedng reat property. [�'""`
<br /> �•
<br /> "'r'.�t Borrcu:��,�n�Lender covenant end sr,ree as foitows: ,..
<br /> „ �5 _.,
<br /> Ii;'��'p' UNIFd'(��si C�YEMANTS. �±
<br /> ' i..i�,., ��<•---
<br /> ' 1.Paytrsent ati Pa���4�8l. Intere�t artd Late Charge. Bortower sha11 DaY when duo tho principal Ot.�tn0 Inlere3t
<br /> oa�,the debZ ev'.denced D�the Note end late charges due under tho Note. ---
<br /> �--_
<br /> ' � ,`;p� 2. M�-ai7�ly Payment af Taxa�, [r�surance, and Other Chargas. eorto�ver shall tnctude In each monthty
<br /> ,�.R
<br /> payment,tog�tl�:er with the p►incipal and tnterest es set torth In the Note end any lata chargos, a sum tot(a) tyce9 and opecMl
<br /> . ' assessments tevi¢d or to be levied agatnsl the Properry, (b) leasehold payments or ground rant3 on tho PropeAy, and (o) f-.�-
<br /> ' premiums tor Insurance required under Paragraph 4. In any year in whlch the LendEr must pay s mortg�ge insunnce prMrlium to �-
<br /> � the Seaetary ot Housing and Urban Development('Secretary"),or in any year In which such premlum would have baen requlred �-
<br />� '. H Lender stilf held ihe Security Instrument. each monthy pt�yment shall atso include alther. (� a sum tor the ennusl moAgago ; --
<br /> insuranco ptmnium to be puld by Lender to the Secretary. or p�a monthry cAargo Inslead o1 A mort41age Insurenco premlum it '
<br /> - � this Secufl:y 1nsUument �s held by the Secretary, in a reasonabie amount to ba detartninad by tha Setrotnry. Except tor tho �� "
<br /> � monthry charge by the Sscretary. these ltems are called "Escrow Items' and the sums pald to Londer are caitad 'Escrovi =_=
<br /> Funds.'
<br /> �.•���
<br /> • -. F5y13.LtA0 f9/96) Pagr 1 of 5 -
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