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<br /> - periads thut Lcncler requires. The insurance corricr providing�he insurunce xhall be choren by Borrowar subJxt to L.cndcrk
<br /> : . approvul which rholl not be unreasonably withheld. if Borrower feils to maintain coverngo described above.Lender tnay,w
<br /> - - � Lenderk option.abtain coverage to protect Lender x dghls in�he Pmperty in tkcordance wlth paragr�ph 7.
<br /> 'a All ineu%nce poUcies and rcnewals ahall be ucaptable �o L.en�er and shail include u xu�ndard mortgage cluuae. L.ende�
<br /> -• shall heve 1he�ight to hald tho policies and renewals. If I.ender requi�ea,Borrower shull promptly give to L.ender all receipts
<br /> : af puiA premiurns and renewul notices. In tha event af loss,Barrower Ahall give prvmpt nutice ro the Inrunuke curfor and
<br /> L.ender. L.cnder rtwy mulco proof af lasa if nat mude prompA y by Horrower.
<br /> d= U�lesg Lender cind Borrower otherwire agree in wdting,insurance praceedR Fhull be�pplied�o rectorntion ar repair of
<br /> =- the Pn►prrty dumuged, if dic rextoration or repuir is ecunumicully fcusibic und L�:nd�:rh ac:curiry ix nut Icssencd. If the -
<br /> -1— nestoretian or repair is nw ecanomicallly feusible or L.enderk recu�ily would be les�;ened, Iha inaurw�ce praeeda shall be
<br /> - --- - applied to the sumg sccuad by this Security Instrument, whether or na�hen due,with nny excess puid to Borrower. !f
<br /> Borrower ubandons the Property,or dces not onswer within 30 day� n notice frnm L.ender thut the insurance carcier has
<br /> — otTercd ta renie u claim.ihen Lender may collect the incurAnce proceeds. Lender muy usa the procceds to repair or�estore
<br /> � ����q�;�• the Property ar to puy sums secu►ed by this Securiry Instrument,whelher or not then due. The 30-day periad will6egin when
<br /> - the notice is given.
<br /> � -����*`� Unless Leader aid Borrower�iherwise agree in writing.any applicution of proceeJx to principul shuil not extend or
<br /> postpnnc thc due date af the monthly puyments►eferred to in parographs I und 2 or change the amount of thc payments. If
<br /> under parugrnph 21 the Property Is acyuired by Lender,Be�rrower's�ight to any insumnce policies und praceeds result�ng
<br /> ', �° from damage to the Property prior to the acquisition ahall pass to L.ender to the extent of the sums secur+ed by this Securiry
<br /> w� lnstrununt immedietely pdor to the acquisition.
<br /> � � 6. Occupancy. Preservation, Nlointenance aad Protection ot the Prope�Ky; Borrower's I.oAn AppUcation;
<br /> � + Leaseholda. Borrower shall occupy,establish,and use�he Propeny as Borrower R principAl residence within sixty duys after
<br /> r.
<br /> _____-_ _ _ the esecution of this Security lnsuument und shall cor�tinue to accupy the Property a.4 Botrowerh pdncipal residence for at _
<br /> �"`" least one ear ufter the date of cecu anc unless Lender athenvise u reeg in writin which consent shall not be
<br /> _�°: Y P Y• B 8•
<br /> �'��'y.��� ' unreasonably wi�hheld,or unless extenua�ing circumetances exist which ore beyond Borrower�control. Borrawer shall not
<br /> �;—==--_ . destroy,damage or impair the Properry,ullow Ihe PropeAy to deteriorute,or commit wa4te on�he Property. Borrower shall
<br /> _ �y,� y�:: be in default if any Fodeiture action or prceeeding,whether civil orcriminal,is begun that in Lender's goad faith judgment
<br /> , ,� could result in forfciture of the Property or otherwise materially impair thc lien created by thls Securlty Inswment or
<br /> _ —������� �'� Lender's security intemst. Borrower mny cure such n defAUlt and reinstate,w;provided in parugruph 18,by causing the action
<br /> __ � •..�n •��.
<br /> ,�����..�!<4;�i�`'.;�� or proceeding to be dismissed wlth u ruling that,in l.ender's good feith determination.precludes forfeiture of the Borrower�a
<br /> --� •�Y- x - ,r� . lnterest in the Property or other material impninnent of the lien created by this Security Instrument or Lender's security
<br /> --'� `�'"��� ' interest. Borrower shall also be !n default if Bortower, during the loan upplication prceess, gnve materially false or
<br /> , ..�?1�+��+'y'N.., inaccurate informatian or slatements to Lender(or fniled to provide l.ender with any mat�rial lnformution)in connection with
<br /> — � "'� � the loan evidenced by the Note, including, but not limited to, repnesentntions concerning Borrower's accupancy of the
<br /> " °'`��'�`"��. Property as a principAl residence. If this Security Instrument is on u kasehald,Borrower shull comply with all 1he provisions
<br /> - _ - of the lease. !f 9orrou�er acqulres fee sitle to the Property,the kasehol�end tht ft�title sha!!c�ot mtrge unless Lender egrees
<br /> �`' to the merger in writing.
<br /> :�• . _
<br /> �"�y�.� • � 7. Protection of Lender's Rights in the Property. If Bortower fails to perform the covenants and agreements
<br /> -- ;: ,;: ... v., , ..
<br /> -Y— 1i4. ,��` contained in this Securfty Inswment, or ihere is a legul praceeding that mny significuntly uffect Lender�s rights in the
<br /> --�' ` � Property(such as A proceeding in bunkruptcy.probnte, for condemnation or forfeiture or to enforce laws or regulutions),then
<br /> y:.:� � ;.`:a;z.%��:{� L.ender muy do and puy far whutever is necesaury to pro�ect the vnlue of the Property and Lender's rights in the Property.
<br /> z r±� � � : �:�� � Lenderc actionx may include puying nny sums secured by u lien which ha.priority over�his Security Instrument.nppearing _
<br /> --:_�� Y" �,'�� M +� in court,puying reu�onuble �+ttorncys'fees und cntering on the Property to make mpairs.Although Lender may takc action
<br />- ;�• � "�` under this parugraph 7,Lender dces not have to do so.
<br /> _— °}"��� My Amounts disbursed by Lender under this pnragrnph 7 shnll become nddi�ional debt of Bomnwer secured by�his
<br /> �''�'' ' Secur�ty Instrument. Unlexs Borrower and Lender agree to other tertns of payment,these umounts shnll benr interest from the
<br /> '' � '� date of disbu�sement ul the Nate rutc and shull be n able, with intere+t,u n notice from Lender to Bomower uestin
<br /> `�_�; J'�;.�, ;y� :�� P Y P° �1 B _
<br /> ,r.z.�, ;:�.-:, . .,�,"f` payment. _
<br /> -, `�'!` �'�" `, 8. Mortgage InsurAnce. If Lende�required mortgage insurance a4 a rnndition of making the loun secured by this _
<br /> , ��'+ `�`rM.'^ Security Imtrurnem, Barrawer sh�ll pay the premium�required �o muintuin ihe mortguge insurunce in effect, If,for any
<br /> - —•S•;,.�.�.• . ���r.
<br /> °�:�• � reason, Ihe mortguge insurnnce coverAge ��eyuired by Lender lupses or ceases to be in effect, Borrower shall pay the
<br /> �_ %��-;�x� '„ ' prcmiums requimd to obtnin covernge subs�amiully equivulent to �he monFuge insurnnce previously in effect, at a cost
<br /> s,�'^' substnntially equivulent ta the cost ta 8ormwer of�he mortgu�e insurunce previously in effect,from un altemate mongage -
<br /> i•��:•T ' °�'� insurer approved by Lender. If substuntiully eyuivulent mongu�e imurance covernge is not avuilable.Borrower shull puy to
<br />-•°�� , �� ~� ' � Lendcr ench month u sum eyuul to one-twelf�h of the yenrly mortguge insur.�nce premium being paid by Borrower when the
<br /> - " � ':�r+^�.-�, insurunce coverage lapsed or ceased�o lx�in cffect. LenJer will uccept,use and re�uin the,e payments u,n loss reserve in lieu °
<br /> �• � of mongage insurnnce. Loss reserve paymen�s may no longer be reyuired, ut the option of Lender,if mortgage insumnce
<br />��• � � `�`••�-' � coverage(in the wnount nnd for the period thut Lender require.)provided by an insurer approved by Lender ngain becomes
<br /> --s�� �;+.• -
<br />-,A� � uvuilnble und is obtained.Borrower shull pay the premium.rcyuircd tn maintain monFage intiurance in effect,or to provide A -
<br /> ,}='�: '�'....;�4�; loss reserve,until the requirement tor mortgagr insurance endx in urcordance wi�h any written agreement between Borrower �
<br />--�.� ° --�::r�.` , and Lcnder or upplicuble law. _
<br /> .
<br />�,:.x,? � .. . 9. Inspection. Lender or its•rgent ma5�mukc reaumablc rntrie,upim und inxprctionr of�he Properly. L.ender shull
<br /> ` � ` �• ;• give Borrower notice ut the time of or prior to un in+pectinn tipecifying reasanablr cau+c li�r the in+pertion.
<br /> .. 10. Condemnatbn. The pa�ceeds nf airv aw;uJ or rl:iim fur damuge.,Jircct ar can.rquentiul,in ronneciion with vny -
<br /> ' Singlc F,unily--Frnnle�foe/FYeddk lfac I�M1ItI1R!N INtiTRII�fE\T--Uminrm Cnacnumti 9/9p ��u,•.f,�fn�.p�s� �
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