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<br /> 1�r.:,�.X.: �. � a
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<br />��'��,�;� �Ia' :. Numb�r of 1Monthly lwtala»nv�. Fiaal Iruulmmt Dw Dab Ju 1 v 5 ,lP�. \�
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<br /> ; " THIB DReD OF TRU6T m�d�thb 29 a.r ot JUNE , ty 92 ..
<br /> ,,,'`;. �""�`� "# R CHRIS A �NGEL ,ql�p CAROL J ENGEL. HUSBAND AN� WIFE
<br /> -:,���� ;, '�„_.�: Me�v�n '
<br /> '`� ,r-�''�'`�--- 17'15 FREEDOM DR GRAND ISUAND. NE 68803
<br />-• • �:' wiww mdUo��ddrw b �
<br /> - �• T W TI LE INSUR CE C
<br /> � '�"��. �: � °T"��0"' BLVD OVERLAND PARK KS 66211 `
<br /> �..,��' ,� - who..m.iNn��adew i. N WEBB RO �
<br /> ky..y .� �u Tru�w.wd NorwMt Rimnel�l Neb Inc., who�e mailfn sddrwr b
<br /> � PO BOX�y3 GRAND IS�.AND NE 68802 ,�,��.n��.�,
<br /> ., � �., ... � �:e'• W[TDT6,89ETN.7'nuton hmby irtsvocablY.�aaR barQ�in.�eU.and aonv�y w Trwta�in tru�l.wfth powe�of wb.fh�followinQ da
<br /> „ ;:.x ��pb��,i� HALL County,N�bnuk�:
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<br /> • . „ Togdher wiN tan�a�nta, h�r�difAmanW,and appurt�runca�thQrounW balonainQ or in anywiw�ppertalninQ Rnd th�rmb,i�nw�nd
<br /> "" ' pmfitslh�evof.
<br /> - ..�..�` � 17►l�coavsyu�oe i�intanded foe the purpo�e of�ecuring the psyaaent w Ben�ficiary of Tru�tors'promirwry note of even daU in th�
<br /> . , emount�tated�bove w"Total of Paymanta'.3aid'Total of Paym�nb"i�rop�pable in the number of monehly fn�talmeat��t�d�bov�.
<br /> '� � ;��t!��� Tho amount ot the irutalment payment�due on e�id loen ie ste�ted above.The 0rrt and linal inrtalment due datea on reW loan�n�tated `
<br /> ' ��� " • �• e6ove,paymeat m�y be med�in edvenee in sny amount�t any timo. Defiult in mel�ing any payment�hell,a!the AeneNciary'�opdon
<br /> ' .""""'"" ' `'�`"".� �nd withouf nadce or dertund,ronder the entire unpeW belanca of eald loen at onca du�and peyable,ka any requfced robab o[chr�.
<br /> �'` � To protect tM Ncurfty otlhi�Deed oPTrwt,TrwWr oovenanh and egrear.
<br /> �A ..o ...�.,+
<br /> • •` ' 1,'ib kesp the propeRy in qood rnndfNon end rep�ir;W permit no weeu ehereof;W complete any building,etructuro or improveaMnt
<br /> " "'`?"" ,,• belag bullt or ebout to be buflt theraon;to rcswre promptly eny building,etrueturo or fmprovement thereon which may b�dam�d or �
<br /> � "'°"`� 3• ' dMtrnyad;and to rnmply with dl law�,ordinance�,regulation�,coven�nts,rnndition�and reurietion�alTscting the property. .
<br /> �} �•�' ' t 2,To p�y Mfore dd{nquent ell lawful tas�a snd a�eeeements upon the property;to keep the property fiwo and el�ar ot�II other chv�, ��'
<br /> ���' li�n�or oncurnbranoa impu�fng tho security of this Qeed of Tru�t.
<br /> ...,.rM.' '. " 3. 'lb I�e�p ol buildiagr now or hareoR.e�erected on the propeKy deuribed herein rnntinuouely insured ageinst lone by firo or other
<br /> hasaed� in ��unount not leu then the Wtal debt�ecured by thi�Deed of Tru�t. All polieiee ahaU 6e held by the Benelici�ry,�ad be
<br /> , in such oompmfes a�the Beneliciary may epprove and have lo�e payeble firot W the Bene6ciery oe ib intere�t mey oppe�r and then �.,
<br /> � "'• " . � W the Tru�tor.The emount aollacted under any fneurance policy m�y be applied upon eny fndehtedneaa hereby aecured in auch order u
<br /> ?�..� tlu Banellci�ry�h�ll dttermine. Sueh application by the Fieneliciery sl�all not tauee dixontinuence oP eny proceedinge W foreclae thir �a,
<br /> '' Dxd of 1�wt or cure or w�ive eny default or notice oidefault or imalidate any aet done pureuent to euch noHce.In the event of foncloauro, �"'-�
<br /> �t..,: � all righte ofth�T�wWr in InruroncQ policfes then in force ehall paee W the purchaeer ut the forecloeure eale. -
<br /> F �'t � -
<br /> - -. .. . 4.To obtain the wrftten ooneent of Benoflcl�ry bUO�fi�ellinQ,oqnWying or otherwiee traneferrinq the propeKy or any part thenof and
<br /> ' • � �, any ouch wle,eonveynnce o�tranePer wfthout th�F1R�kQaiMry'i�►vritten�oneent shell conetitute a default under the terme hereof. ��[ "
<br /> F r".
<br /> � ,�; 6.To defend�ny aMfon or praceedfng purpoT��hg to e�'!c!'fSle 1)rciirity hereof or the riRhGi or powerx af Rrneliciery or Truetee.
<br /> , � � 8. Should Teustor f4il W pay when due any w:ee,esae�ementa,insurance premiume,I�ene,eneumbrances or other chergee nga�nst the �
<br /> proQPrty harofo�bove deurfbed Benaficfary mey pay the eame,and the emount eo paid, with intereet at the rate oet forth fn the notR �
<br /> ti
<br /> � wcured heraby,�hell be added to nnd bemme e pert otthe debt eeeund in thie Deed of Truet ae permitted by law. Y
<br /> ' '�� � 1. In the event eny portion of the property ie wken or damoQed �n nn eminent domu�n proceeding, the entire amount of the awerd �
<br /> f ` � or eueh portfon therooP e�may be necee±ary W fully eatisl�the oMiRat�on herured hereby,ehell be paid w Beneliclery W be opplied w
<br /> wid obligotfon.
<br /> �. � ' '" 2. By accepUnR paymant of nny eum xecured hereby nRer�G�due date,Henefieinry dcee not waive ite right to require prompt payment •
<br /> ;e ' ., when due of all other eume Mo eecured or to declore defuult for failure to i+o puy
<br /> 3. The Truetee ehell reconvey all or eny part of the pmperty corerecl by th�e I)eed of Truet to the pereon ent�tled thereto,on wntten
<br /> �. tequeet of lhe Truetor and the HeneBcinry,nr upon enhe(uct�nn ot thi� obl�gnt�on ee�ured und wruten requeet for reconveyance mede bp
<br /> - � �'�-��-�-- the Benefici�ryor the penon ent�tled thereto.
<br /> 9Y1 COl(NE)
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