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<br />� '• X•'�t�c',._'
<br />'� B. All future advances from Lender to Grantar or other future obligations of Grantor to lxnder ender any promissory �~`�.°�;'�•;���" ._,:
<br /> • aote.contract,guaranty,or other evidence of debt eaecuted by Grantor in favor of Lendcr executed after this �''�:',�—
<br /> Secarity Instrument�vhethe�or not this Security Instrument is sp�cifrcally referenced if�nore than one person , �`� ._'�`�
<br /> signs this Security Instrunient,eaeh Grantor ag�ees that this Security Instrument will s�c�.�re alt future advances and , .�� .:.r:t=;? '. �-
<br /> ' . future ob5gations that are given to or inrurred by any one or more Grantor,ar any on�or more Grantor aud � n -`'�•-
<br /> :_?�,�;-.:-.f--
<br /> • others.All futun adr�anees and other future obtigations are secured hy this Security Instrumes►t even thoug[i all or � ' " 5�--_
<br /> ` part may not yet be advanced�hiture advances and other future�btigauons are s,ecured as if mads on the date ` � ' " ; ;:.�
<br /> .' of this Security[nstrumen�.Nothing in this Security Instnunent shall oonstitute a oom�nitment to make addi4ional � •�`r' ' '`�°
<br /> . . . .=4••
<br /> .r�s>tN!.�.�"'.
<br />=_,_,.:,- or future loans or advances in any amount.Any sach commitment must be agreed to in a separate wridng. - .-•,.•.;i;i;.-•`„j,.�. l...
<br /> -- -- C. All obligations Grantar owes to Lender,whic6 may later arise,to the extent not prahibited by Ear.+,tncludi�tg,but ==;�-'�t;;;;;;�;=_;,—; �
<br /> :. not limited to,liabilities for overdrafts relating to any deposit accaune agreement benNeen Grantor and Lender. .�.�• _. , Y'' -
<br /> � ` � D. All additional sums advanced and expenses incurred by Lender for insaring,preserving or othernise protecting :��'_=�=;-;�:�==: :'--
<br /> ,,,•__..._...:��,;.�
<br /> ` the Prop�rty and its value and any other sums advanced and expenses uicurred by Lender uader the terms af �.-c;��rt�»,, -�-•�-_-_
<br /> � ':� this Security lastrumeat 'T`
<br /> • This Seciuity Instnunent will noi secure any other debt if Lender fails to give any required notice of the right of rescission. ;�;;'W',;`����;
<br /> � . 5. PAYMENTS.Grantor agrees that all payments under We Secured Deht will be paid when due and in accordance ' • ���`''�'°s' ��
<br /> " aritb the tertns of the Secured Debt znd this Security Instrument = - =`-��'�`
<br /> 6. WARRANTY OF 7T['LE.Grantor warrants that Grantor is or will be lawfully seized of the estate casrveyed by this —��•�s u. -:�u��,�`
<br /> ''��w. ,r
<br /> Security Instrumeat and has the right to irrevorabty grant,convey,and sell the Property to Tnutee,in trust,�vith - � � '
<br /> �'<:=.` power of sate.Grantor aiso crarrants that the Property is uuencumbered,except for encumbrances of record. � .��' ' ^��� ����-�
<br /> rF%`.;.'.'i, 7. pRIOR SECURii'Y�17'ERES°i'S.fNith regazd to any other martgage,deed of tnasi,security agreement or other lien '::�s{�,= � �� ,. �
<br /> , � document that created a prior security interest or eacumbrance on the Property,Grantor a�ees: � `:' '`�"�•��-�'"`_
<br /> �`� A. To make alt payments�vhen due aed to perform or comply with all covenants. ��:�-;��--
<br />- " • B. To promptly deliver to I.ender a:ny��3�.�that Grantor receives from the FnoGder. �:: .,:�: ;�__�,.��':.'�'r'�=;'
<br /> �. Not to allow any modifi�zion or e�t-�aon oE,anr to request any future advanc.es under any noie or a��ni l��`. ,�
<br /> - srwr�t by ihe tien dacuatcat a�itfe�x�,nder's prios i�tien consent. �;�°�r��----�- '
<br /> �_ 8. C3.AIMS AGAINSa T[TLE.Grantor vn:T�ay all taxes,assessments,liens,encum8rauces,lease payments,ground • `:�� � �
<br /> �:,,...t J.•.
<br /> ' � � rents,utilides,and other charges relating to t�e Property when due.Leader may require Grantor to provide to Lender '��� •.r.
<br /> `" �• copies of all notices that such amouats are due and the receipts evidencing Grantor's payment Grantor will defend " ���� � �
<br />•<j�;,e;'�.;:� riUe to the Property against any claims that would impair the lien of this Security Iasitrument Grantor agrees to assign � �- ��,- •�,�.
<br />'�r<-��r to Lender,as requested by Lender,any rights,claims or defenses Grantor may ha�e�.gainst parties who supply labor � �=- 't� ��:'�-�.;: `;,;,;
<br />: , �-. • : • ..
<br />�;r��a��.•.,•.� or materials to maintain or improve the Property. . •.. � :: . .
<br /> ':.
<br /> '' S: 9. D1JE ON SALE OR ENCUMBIBANCE.f._.:ader may,at its option,�a-'.�are tlae ea�tire balance�the Secured Debt to ' .'. . .: k: ��;`,_�;�
<br /> be immediately due and payabte upon t�e cr�tion o�or contract for tte crearion at,zny liea,.tiy.-rtmbrance.transfer '•`�;,�z \� Y,.
<br /> :�,�;�r�'�,��3� or sale of the Property.7Yus right is subje�_�the restr:�ns imposed by federal la..•(12 C.F.Et.��1),as agglicable. > ,,.,; y„r;`�'�`"
<br /> `%��t�l�;;, This covenant shall run with the Property and shall r�:�ia in effect until the Sea�-�d Debt i,paid in f�"i�md this ���,-�`�� �i0�'�
<br />>�:r';y,,., �. ,f, �:;?.:.. .�. .
<br />;.•yf,3,::;' Socus�ity Instrument is released. < 'y', ' ;�,�_.: ._
<br />" . F�..
<br /> 10. PR�PER'd'Y tANDITION, ALTERAT'IONS M'&b�1SPECTiON.Grantor will keep the Property in good
<br />'- condition a�d m:ske all repairs that aze reasonably necessary. Grantor shall not commit or allow any waste, ;�:�,=��
<br /> impaarmer=t,or d�:terioration of the Property. Granto*will keep the Prop�rty free of nomous weeds and grasses. ;�, ,
<br />';,_.;;:• � Grattr,cr 2-�;�:�raat the nature of the occupancy and u..sr_�.�1 not substantially change without Lender's prior written �'--`°'
<br />�'ir.� Con:.��s'-,.rtar will not permit any change in any licer.�e,resuictive covenant or��sement without Lender's prior s��_�;-
<br /> written corr.�er,.L Grantor will notify Lender of all demar_�s,proceedings.claims.�n,f actions against Grantor.and of , •���'s�-
<br /> any loss or da�ra,�e w the Property. __ � _ • - ��
<br /> �, .. Lender or Ler�fi:r's agents may.at Lender's op6on,enter the Property at any reasonable time for the purpose of ��' `-`'•'
<br /> inspecting the Property.Lender shall give Grantor r_n�ice at the time of or before an inspection specifying a � � ,!`''�
<br />�:;.�� reasonable purpose for the inspection. Any inspectier.��f the Property shall be entirely for Lender's beaa�t and s+.:' �'�� �:'"'"
<br />�:�'�'� Grantor will in no way rely on Lender's inspection. ���� ';''�
<br /> . �T�„�,xl„
<br /> , 1L AUTHOYtITY TO P�RFORM.If Grantet fails to�erform any a1;.4}+or any o�che covena7�s contained in this •`��r�...;;,s;;�;���_
<br /> Security Instrument.Lender may,without�s�zt;ce,perform or cause t���a^�to be performed.Grarcflr appoints Lender � �-�••a::.-;;;�;�.,:�;
<br /> '' '" as attome in fact to si Grantar's name c. a an amount nc:.ess����For erformance.Len�"er's ri t to erEorm ior ��• %^��^''•����V°••
<br /> Y � "P Y Y P P� P _ "` t;•. �,
<br /> ' Grantor shall not create an ai�ligadon to p$rform,an�Lender's failure to perfor�wiU not preclude L.ender from •;Y`,"�:��•:
<br /> ' exercising any of Lender's other rights under the law or t,'�is Secvrity Ir.strumen�If r�:;�construction on the Property is �`��'` � �" '• •
<br /> _„ __... :,..�A.,�,. •:. :��:t� • .
<br /> � discontinued or not carried on in a reascr3ble mannt°r. Lender mar eake all steps necessary to protect Lender's :���•��•r r.;��'•'
<br /> ��. �� .o�r�c��,;
<br /> . ' security interest in the Praperiy,includin�v;ur,,,letion af the consL�ur.���c. �. ���,�4;��
<br /> I2. ASSIGNMENT OF LEASFS AND REN'C�r'urantor i.*r�vacably��*s,conveys and sells to'Y'�stee,in trust for the � �s�ir'
<br /> i, ' be�efit of Lender,as additional security all the righ�att�e znd intese<_�:�and to any and all existing or future leases. ,ii�;a�<:�>
<br /> "•;��' sub[eases,and any other written or verbal agreemert���;r the use�:,d occupaacy of any portion of the Pn�y�erty. '•�.�•• "_
<br />"��s';.;3�•.;` inclading any extensions,renewats,modifications or su5s:srutions of suct3 agreeinecz�s(all referred to as"Leascs"j and � _
<br /> • . rents,issues aR�f�rofits(all refened to as "�ients").Grantor wiU prvmptly prov;de Lendc�:u�':h true and correct ___.
<br /> ' � , copies of all existing and future l.eases.Gra�.tus may collec�receive.er.�oy and use the Rents�:��.��g as Grantor is not _ ";�-
<br /> in default under tti,a terms vf this Sccurity Lnst�vment. *'�`�-
<br />'. 1.4.' . ' N` �.... -.
<br /> .,;�� Grantor acknowledges that this assignment�perfected upon the recording ot this Deed of�n_:,,•:and that Lender is �j,�•� • •.' - -
<br /> �""�''��' �: endtted to noti an of Grantor's tenants to make a ment of Rents due or to become due to Lender. However, .;, `'`''��� '-��
<br />.,;,,,.. . fY Y P Y , :r'::�<;:�:.�• . ��:.
<br /> ��:: � Lender agrees that only on default will Len�er notify Grantor and Grantor's tenants and mas�w:mand that all future �"..-''�'�".L�,;�:---
<br /> , .•'�.;;��;;-_�
<br /> • •., Rents be paid direct.y to Lender.On recr-i.�:ing notice of default,Grantor will endorse aad d�liver to Lender any ,�., ;,zz.�y�:,
<br /> payment of Rents in Grantor's possession and will reccive any Rents in trust for Lender and.r.,Ti not commingle the —
<br /> Rents with any other fi�nds.Any amounts wllected will be applied as provided in this Security Instrument.Grantor `",�, ^_�°
<br />.;,��'�.,. ;� ; wazrants that nv defavit exis�s under the Leases or any applicable laadlord/tenant lu�v.Grantor also agees to msuntsin '.�-
<br /> and require any tenant to comply with the terms of the Leases and applipblc law. �..�;.: � . - -
<br />- � ' ��` 13. LEASEH�'s.DU;CONDOMINIl1M�;PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMEN'i'S.Gramor a�ees to comply with the ,...�--""'°�'�
<br /> �--
<br /> � provisions of any tease if this Sectmty Instrument is on a lraseh:,ld.If the Property includes a unit in a condominium ' '
<br /> - or a planned unit development,Grantor will perform all of Grantor's duties under thc covenants, bylaws,or =;;#..;,+:�,�#,��.:>•:,_
<br /> . '' regulations of the condominium or planned unit development. � �•=�� �-+_:��r�
<br /> • 14. DEFAQJLT.Grantor will bc in default if any party ohligated on the Secured Debt fails to make payment when due. ��r��4 . —
<br /> �� _ Grantor will be in default if a breach accurs under the terms of this Security Instrument or any other document �. �: ;;,�,;;-�;�;��. —
<br /> lPa9e 2 al4) • � �
<br /> -- -— -- —
<br /> • 0199.t6silcmeS�rsivmr.lrc.SI l'�oud.6SY 11�800�.�7�23611 FormFE-DT-NE&891 - �
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