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<br /> any par� thsr�o!, in ttuir scl� di�a�c�tion, to th� �u�s du� at
<br /> hsl�na� �bov tlu esount dw r�usd�r payabl� !o thi TAUBTOA
<br /> � K. Tho BENEFICIl�RIEB, th�ir agusts or r�pr��antativ��, ar� h�rib=
<br /> aut.twriasd to �nt�r, at any r�s�:��l�insp�ctinqnthi sw end
<br /> th� �rust prop�rty tor th� purpo o! th� aat.� thsy �r�
<br /> !or th� puz'pcso o! porfos�in9 �Y
<br /> auttLOrisod to porlorm undor th� tsras o! this D��d o! Trust
<br /> -= and oth�r aaaoApanyinq doaua�nts• '
<br />-------.---- L. This D4sd o! Trw� and all aaaong3nying doawwnts as� subjoct -
<br /> � to, aonatruata8 and govsrnad by the laws ot th� Stats o!
<br /> Nabraaka for aii purposes.
<br /> K, =n th� ovont any ona or mora of the pravisicn4 aont�ir►�d in
<br /> ._ �hhis Msd of Trust, Trust Daed Notea, or any othor imstrut�nt
<br /> � qiven in aoruioction with this tranaaction, ahall !or anY
<br /> :-'�� roason bs hsid to bs invalid, ilieqal or unontora�ab�.� in anY
<br />-`-�"F�-- reopsct, suah invalidity, illeqality, or wn�torcaa�bility
<br />:��;�s�;,e�,=�:�'i„,
<br />-��--..�,�---�,�'�:=,. shaii, at ths option o� tlze BENEFiCI11RIE8, not af=oct �y
<br />-- � ,�t,��' othor provisions o! thia Dsed ot Tru�t or Trust D�ad Nota, but •
<br /> -�'�=-'s�'T��tt,�`.' thia Dead o! Truat and Tru�t Deed Note shsll be aonstrusd a4
<br />.:I��an4 t7'M��.'.;Y,1y_-',
<br /> �;���;,�;�:: r i! suah invalid, illeqal or unengorceable provi�ion had nevar
<br />-- }j�---'-� baon aontainad therain, it baing ttia intantion o! tha pa�."'tioa
<br /> r"'��° � that the provisione of this Daed o! Trust ar4 daalar�d to bs
<br /> --^owr�'a1t(iL1�14��b ,
<br /> ___-_—____...A� BBVOrab1B•
<br />.;__-.._--�::�:��:;�
<br />�;����;�Y.�
<br />.;;:C;T,�,�a�,� -.�n x:=.,,;�„�:= N. This Bsed of '�!�,at shall inure to a�nd binei th� haira, .
<br /> °,���,�;� deviaees, personal repreaentatives, suaaeaeora and arsie+u� �+
<br /> the artios hereto.
<br />`''�3 b�,�_;:.�,e� P
<br /> ��:: -
<br /> � � '°"� '~ 1 The TRUSTOR requeatB that a aopy of any Notiae of Def ault and
<br /> °� _ �` c! any Notiae oP Sale hereunder bs mai lad to them a=ot ia�:��sa
<br /> .M4.t „
<br /> hsrein set lorth, or such other address as they may P
<br /> TIttJBT$E and BENEFICIARiEB. TRUSTOR furthar states tY►at sha has
<br /> given tho STNSFiCZAR�EB a writtan Aaknowisdqmant whiah stateo that
<br /> '-��,':,-.>; aa Tttu$�'�oR, sho undo�stands that the docusent that aha ia ax4cuting
<br /> •°''.'!"' `- •��% �� t�rein ia a Dead of Trust and not a mortgaqe, and that tha powor o!
<br />..,—2Y:-'T�.�a ''w�u..
<br /> ��+� ;, aale provided Por in this Deed of Truat provides �ubatantially
<br /> .:�,��.:,=.
<br /> T��y;;,�, di!lsrent righta And obliqatione than a mortga9e and in an ov�nt o
<br /> dafault or breaah of the obligations sat forth h�rein, the TRUSTSB
<br /> ��,,''�""R,_;�^'� �d �e gENEgICIAittES may take suah aation as herain provided,
<br /> �° #.�,�� . inaluding tt►e axerciae of the power of sala, and tha pas�tiea aqrao
<br /> ���'.� that said Aaknowledgment above roferred to has been exeauted prior
<br /> -' s��=� � �o the exeaution of this Deed of Trust and ebail be reaorded prior
<br /> Y �f Yra
<br /> ,.G;�....:.,.;. .. to the recordation of thic Daod of Tru�t.
<br /> �--:,�,��,..
<br /> . _, .., �. gXECi)Tgp the date firet above written. .
<br /> : � ., ,
<br /> D RAH L. S , Trustee
<br /> ST11TE OF NEBRASKJ► )
<br /> ti�:;�:,. ) S8.
<br /> COUNTY OF HALL ) �
<br /> � NOW ON this � day of �L�C , 1992, personally
<br /> ° appeared betore me, the unders3gned Notary Public in and for ths
<br /> • County of Hall and State of Nebraeka, DBBORAH L. SHRINSR, J► Single
<br /> ' person, to me known to be the identical perscn who exeauted the
<br /> s:�-�w�� � E . �_Y...,�,... n�� nf Trust. and acknowledged the execution theroof to
<br /> ---- -- av�oy..�..7 �--- -- �
<br /> be hor voluntary act and deed.
<br /> - . IN WITNFSS WHEREOF, I havs hereunto affixed, hand and seal
<br /> „ - tho day and year first above wri te . �/ .
<br /> iE11E1W MOi�llr-
<br /> ',, YYI 1 C
<br /> w c..�.
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