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<br /> `,,.'� r jG'.gd], 'ffi�`=`z"r,"�r �•r:...:
<br /> . � Rscoansn, rzanss �ru�z� so: �Yy nn,,,cnn Assistant , � ,
<br />. :'�: � xi�.� �x /�, '�.���-
<br /> 1650 Faxnam Street ��. -�.��.;�.-.,.-_:.. .,r..
<br /> _ .'.. Qnaha, I�LE 68102 �\ � ~°"'�`��°`�°"""
<br /> j+:,�,—
<br /> O� =�"'��:--'.�, �
<br /> '�°�`. --
<br /> a `-�'`-'�':
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<br /> nstt-�� OP DBBD QP TI�IIS'1�' -.�:�r
<br /> , � ,'r'�"�,.`�.a�,
<br /> � �_ _ . -- .,._ _, --
<br /> - - Fcrr value received, vatied of o�saha Lige Iasnraac0 Coapanp, a I�Teb�ssb:� �°�- ._
<br /> - - cospo�e�a.oa, hereby c,�rants, assigns aad transfers to �uara�stee Mutnal 3�i�C�n �..�,,.,���;'••
<br /> �
<br /> Campa�g•, a Hebraska corporation, all bsasficial iatorest under lhat certaia 31e�d ;.�.;;�-
<br /> . og �rust an8 Secarity Agteem�at �Se� Jnne 30. 1995, �ecuted bp Vs�Se ' �'�' .;;��.st�;::y'-
<br /> . . iavestmaa�, Ltd. 2V, a Hebsaska 2ata��ed partnersHip, as "BOrso9rar," to �L��� �' .,�;�;,;•, .�.t�i:L. ��'
<br /> ais 't` ;;?Ih��:.:.t; j:;.
<br /> � Polack, Esquire, Trustee, and IIaited of Omaha Life Iasusaace Com7Aa�£e :�: ; �,,,,,•, '�•• �
<br />�- :;`� Beneficiarq, recorded oa ��� 30, 1995, as Instrumeat 2Io. 95-1�D4380, ia tba ',;y::�p,.,�;; :
<br />...�� :��' Offica nf the Register cE ID�s=ds qE 8a11 Couaty, Nebraska, eonstz�ntfag a lia�m: ,�.`"j
<br /> , upoa �he followiac�� d�scsi�r�c reaZ �aLes .
<br /> } ,. •.,. _
<br /> .. A braat of land cc�.:isiag �E.� of Lotas Oae (1), 2�ao (2) aad tlie ',;�:,.' .
<br /> , . Tina�erly ten (10.6�i j} �eet of 3�see (3 h,: Bloak Saveateen (1T); the ,,;'
<br /> � W�erly forty-four �84.Od) £eat o8 Lc° Toao (2), end all mf I.oLs �A� rT �_-
<br /> Thsea (3) aad Fowr (4), S1ccD� Eighteoa (18), all a.a Rernohau a� �'�� . J,��, ,j
<br /> •. . Decknr AdBition to the CiLy a� araad 2sland, ffiall Couaty, Hebraska� s, .,�_— ,';,;�, ':
<br /> also that part o� vacated Monroe Strnet ly#ag betoceon 81ock -
<br /> . " Seveatesa (i?) and Slock Eigl�teea (18), Keraohsn aad Decker A88ftfoa �-T��'�` � �
<br /> � to !he Gity of arand Islend, 8a11 Couaty, Hebraslca, lpiaq Ztorth og _�'``--
<br /> ' . the a^outherly alley riqht-of-wap lino oY said Slocks 8eveateea (17) _° ._....-
<br /> . aa$ 8ightQSa (18), iCarnohaa aad Deoker Ad�ition to the Citp of tiraud _,, ,,_; _
<br /> � . Island, 8a1i Conaty. Nebraska,
<br /> ' k!:-W;:, ` '`d=_s,
<br /> • � t.�agat�er with those easemeat rights art,rr�ug from the Decla�«�ion of - -
<br /> � Easemeats aad ILestricticna eatered iato as of the ist da� cr� June,
<br /> . . . 1995, by end batcreea Village iavestmeat, btd., a HESbra�ka li.tited �'�"'��1�'�`?=
<br /> �:Y^..�,.,..--:.�:-=-.: _.:.
<br /> ; partaesaDip, as "Owner," aad Villaga lavostment, Ltd. ItI, a l2ebraska ---
<br /> • <<��� limfted partaership, as "ciraatee," over, upon aatl across the �i<��. "_
<br /> ,�;,r�—.
<br /> � 4�oliominq tsact of land: �� •. _
<br /> hi_—..
<br /> �• � ' The Wes�a:��y fiftp-si.$ (5G.Q�1�) feat of 7�oL Thsee (3D aad all of Lo� ���,�;� __
<br /> • � pour (6,�„ �F31 in Block Seveat�ea (17), Rernohsa aad Decker Additioa --
<br /> . '�� . : 3.� the atp ot tiraad Islaad, Hall Countg, Hebsaska, sac4ptina �' `��Ji�..-
<br /> •,� ��ref�r.t� a triaagv3.3s tract of lan8 iocated in 'bhe Izorthooest aosuer r '� x::
<br /> , .;«'.�' ,f„
<br /> • •�n,�? cP said .:�x Banr F�Z• a:cd mora parlicula.slp �oscribed as follows: �^�;-:'`_���^;r3�'ti;��' -
<br /> �c,��,� ���v:;:: ,•., .'3}E:%. .
<br /> , � �.�1: ,�1.' ..
<br /> " `h • 8ec�i�Sag at the Horthwest coraer of sai8 La� Four (4), thoncs �3�' .
<br /> :•;:„1;.
<br /> .: ;,y'..P�; runn3.nq Scut�erip along the Westerly liae of sa�d Lot Fcur
<br /> • . `�t':`.� (4), a dna�a.n.ee of toaeatp-fiv� t35.0) Feet; th�c� zunaia9 -
<br /> tiorth�a�n'te.:ilT ta a Pais►t on tlto horthesly line c� sai.d I�t
<br /> . Fosss (4); mhfch is t�irtp-five (35.0) �ete: Eastorly of t1�o _ ;• �'
<br /> .' Nm�tout corner of safd LoL Foeas t4). t11.+'� sunniug Ytestesly ;��`.; '�.
<br /> • along f.ho Northerly line of aafd I�ot Fous (4), a distance of �"`-'�°"r�' :`�-
<br /> " ,...,..___
<br /> - thirtiy-five (35.00) feet to the poiat of begfnai.a�, ''
<br /> ;r�,,,�'�^-�x��
<br /> >�;�..:=._>,�
<br /> recorded Juno 1, 1995, as Inst. Lio. 95-103634 in thc: office of tho , '��
<br /> � Resgister of Deeds of 8a11 Conntp, Hebraska, "_+ �- _ `~��"
<br /> .. • ' :�,,•1. .. —.a.,p�
<br /> , together with the itote Lherein described or rofersed to, the moaey due an$ •tm � �4 �°"�•:'�;�
<br /> ' beaome dne tIIereon ooith interest aad all rights accrued or to accrue under safd : ��
<br /> Deed oY TsusL tsnd Securitp Agreemeat. ;� �►•-" � '�
<br /> _.�.:_.�.
<br /> t_.._:. 4�
<br /> - -
<br /> _- ----=°- - -
<br /> .. r u.
<br /> ' . �'i
<br />' • i ai
<br /> ' .. � �r' ,�� ��.� .
<br /> f�t�vC.4�'t^T1�' . .�.�,y,rl.5.�,�h"�..�I. . � ',��. . '. � . ! � • � • t Y� �, �� 11
<br /> -..-s�.. ��},}k -- . . ��' � .. .. � . .. � . • . . . � . .. • - ..5� � ... .• . _ . . .3 .� . . - •. .. '���,u � .
<br /> •�;�I.
<br />