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' ! � .:� � � <br /> �� � <br /> �...u� �..:.�.....:�..n..� � 1 � r7 '� I^ ...__ <br /> . �54L�'7fc:'lti�vr�� �. � � , � ?I (`1 v' � —_ <br /> -� .. � � ��_ rr <br /> �, �aIV_.i.r�r•_ � L <br /> �` � l . ; l p <br /> �.:�,.. .,:::. � . <br /> ���.�?��,,��� .: . <br />�=--.a�. s_.'''�:.: .� Q N�BRA9BA DEED OF T1tU8T <br />� -=:-��-*:�� (Witb Powee oi 8�1e) <br />�';,`;.a;�°�,>:_..',°,r � Aviaint af Flnt Amount of Oth�r Inaalmant4� 92 ' G - - <br />'�' ��°j����L AUgust \ <br />�{ . ;; �.�... Tow or r.y.n.nta{ � 120 ���°�1°c nw n.a Ju lY 1 ���2002 <br /> Num6�saf DNoaLhly[a�laMnb Ffaal imWmwt Dut Dw <br />��:t�. ,, � . •, � <br /> ' ��'�'.". ��, -.: . TRIS DE�D OF TRUST msd� thi��a.,y ot .]LnL , 19�, <br /> < ���������� DAVID L �INDLEY ND JANNE R FINOLEY, HUSBAND AND WIFE , — <br /> • �: .,:.+�.: E.s.nn -- -_ <br /> ,aa,�. 922 LAMBERT ST GRAND ISLANO NE b8801 , � <br />�'�. ��,� TRI�TITLE INSURAN E OMPAN <br />�"'-": � ' � Wt�o�m„i�i��„�.,�. 6800 COLLEGE BLVD OVERLAND PARK KS 66211 <br />° � u Trust«, aod Narwrt FYa�ncld N�bsa�lce Inc. whor rtuiUn �ddrw� 2 �9 N WEBB RD � <br />������ ' ° " PO B(�X 1373 GRA(� ISLAND NE 68802 <br /> ,a�B�u�Qciuy� <br />.�' : <br /> U a� <br /> �':'!'"�. � �'jvjr$.g'�'j�J,'1Y�ukon Fwnby irnvocablY��llf���At M���Wld OOqWyi W�IYtM GI LTWLr�f�f pOMK Ot q�.�}II�O��Oi�llj�� _ <br />�;� • �yd �,� I1ALL Cauittq.N�bnuikr <br />�1:. . . _ .. . <br /> a:: ",, � ' LOT 1, FRACTIONAL LOT 2 IN FRACTIONAL BLOCK 36 IN JOHN W LAMBERT'S ADDITION <br /> E ; . TO THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND� HALL COUNTY. NEBRAS!CA. <br />� . <br /> . TegetMr with f�nom�nb,heredit�nwnb� and appurtenana�thonunW MlonQinQ a in anywiw�ppertainina aad fh�rmb�isrur�ad <br /> �� �, pevl{b tMee�eot. <br /> ' �' �y ' 11�is anveyanoe is intended for the purpae of�ecurfng the payutent to Beneiiciuy ot'1tiwWn'promis�ory nob of wen dab in th� <br /> •rnount datd a6ove u"7'otel of Payments".$aid"i'otd of P�ymonb"i� rop�y�ble in th�number ot moothlq i�uhlm�nh�tatad abow• <br /> �.. _ =:�� - T!u rmamC of the itutalaxnt paymenb due on wid loeo is�tatd above.Tha tird ond fintl in�alment due d�on�aid loaa an rt�Gd <br /> abore. Piyrn�nt auy be m�de in advanee in eny amoun!at sny time.Defnult in msking eny p�ym�nt�hdl,�t th�B�n�Bciaryr�opHoa ---- <br /> � <br /> "" aad roithout aotiee or d�m�nd,ronder the entira unpaid b�lnnce of�aid loan at ona due and psy�ble.leM aay wquired nbat�otchar�s�. <br /> 7b pevbct tha rcuricy of thi�Deed of 7�u�t,Truotor oovenanh and�Qneo: <br /> � " 1.To keep!he property in good eondiNon�nd reprir;to permit no wast�thereof;to complete any buflding,Rruetuee or impmveaua! <br />' ' � beiog bulit or ebout to be buflt thereon:fn reetmr pmmptly any buildfng,rtructure or improvem�nt the►eon whkh m�y he dam��ed or <br /> y�, dat�oyed;ead W oomply with all laws,ordinanee�,regulatiom,eoven�nta,condition��nd re�trictions afl'�cting the prop�rty. <br />,ti n 2 To pay beforo delinquent all lawful ta�cee and a�eee�menfa upon the property:to k�ep the propeRy Ma ond el�u ot dl oth�r eh�r��, <br />�� .' �. li�m or mcumbrance�Impairing the security oithfr Deed of 74�wt. <br />�, • 3.To keop pll buildfnge now or hereafte�erected on the property deecdbed herein continuowly fmurcd againet losr by 6n or other <br /> • hwrds in an emount not les�than the total debt�ecured by thio Deed of Trun. All polieie��hell be held by the B�nefieiRry,�nd b� <br /> ' ' in�uch rompnnies as the BeneBciary may approve end heve lose payeble 6rot w the AeneBcfery as iv intereat mey�ppe� �nd then - <br /> � ' to fLe 7Yuator.The emoun!collaeted undee any ineurancQ policy m�y be epplied upon any indebtednese here6y aeeured in�uch ordQr u . <br />;? :�� ' th�Beneficiuy rhall d�termine. 9uch appllcetion by the BeneBciary ehnll not nure diecontinuence of any proceading�to forecloee thf� *• ' <br /> Deed of Trutt or ture or waive eny default or notice of default or invelidste eny act done pureuant w euch notice.ln tlw ewnt of tonclwun, � <br /> all righ�of tho 7�u�Wr in iniurence policfe�then in foree shell pwe to tho purche�er at the forecloeure eale. <br /> f . <br /> 1.To obfaln the writtem m�eent of Benefltiery befora eelling,conwyinR or otherwiie trenefercing the property or eny pert theroof and �-__ <br /> ' nny�uch wl�,conveyonce or tra�sfer without the BeneficfaryY.wrttten rnneont ehall conetitutc e default under the ttrnu hereot �� <br /> " 6.To defend any sctfon or proceeding purporting to alTaei tlro�eaurity h�reof or the righte or powe►e of Benelicfary or Twtee. � <br /> ' 8.3hould ltiwtor f�il to pay when due eny ta�cea,aeeeeemenW, ineurence premiume, liene,encumbrnnce� or other ch�rge�aReinet the <br /> • • praperl.y herefne6ove deecribed, Beneliciery may pay the aeme,and the amount eo psid,w�th intereat et the rote eet forth in the note � <br /> wcured hereby,ehell be added to end become a{►arc of the debt eecured in th�e Deed of Truet ae perm�tted by law. <br /> IT IS M[.J7'CJALLY AGREF.D THAT� <br /> � • L In the event any portfon oP the propeKy �e teken or demaged m en em�nent dommn proceedinq,the entKe emount of the�w�ed <br /> or�uch portion th�reof a�may be neceswry w fully eat�ety the obligation eecured hereby, �hall be pald to Beneflciory W be applied w <br /> �ald oblf{atfon. <br /> Z.By eccepting payment of eny eum xeeured hereby ufter Ua due dete. &nefleiery doe�not wa�ve ite right co require prompt peyment <br /> when due of all other eums�o iecured or to declere defnull for fe�lure to so pay. <br />' �.T'h�Truetee ehall reconvey all or ony part of the property covered by th�e Ueed of Truet to the peroon entitled thereto,on wntten <br /> requ�st of the Teuetor and the Renefic�nry, nr upon auuefncnun uf the obhgebon eecured and wrrtten requeet for reconveyonce made by <br /> — the&tnetici�ry or the pen�on ent�tl�d thcrcto <br /> 991 C�1 IN EI <br /> 1 <br /> t <br /> 1 <br /> , � <br /> . i�' � __ _ _ <br />