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<br /> • (Syace Above tNs Un9 FoT RetotSng D3la) «°'�T.;� �� ..�.�.-
<br /> ' ��I���TF$QD� BENEFICIARY � - -_�� �
<br /> '. � �=. r...
<br /> ` AWCO FINANCIAL SERVICES \ ` f , ;:.�--
<br /> ' C7 ,
<br /> ;�. emoss�reur,t�+ II�1'I'ERAIATIOIVAL,IPYG � � ;.��;_
<br /> _'''%,^:.� (3IdA�S���2(Sr 957�5478 P.O. Box 536 �� _ . .
<br /> y' — �_--- --
<br /> ..�.-'. -
<br /> ''' u�sirs�c cun a�nra usTeuus cc�r c�,u. usse�.) _'��?�4
<br /> ��, J�� p. Sr�ith� V. Gloria 1Z33 L� 41ebb Rd., Ste 120 'Y�;��� r� �� '
<br />'�+t�4}i{yi,,J '. .
<br /> ' 'f SfRE A�CODE �fr"� r+' E-V,�-,'.MIi��
<br /> IWW6AOQREt3 RiT II• . .
<br /> .. •wSiiY�`" _.i.= .
<br /> � • 4021 Roth Ra�d� (�and Island. NE 68803 Grand island. NE .H��, ',E.,��:�;;,; . .:.:`.:.
<br /> ::'��` THIS DEED OF'1'RUSF.3'�s?e[Eis 18th day of October . i9 96 ,betweea7ames P. Smith & V Gloria ��f �`�����`.��,-
<br /> F.`���
<br /> � ��+�snaftn plled TRUS�Q�2.wYs9e tc�e.4s is 4021 ROth ROdc] ► 18 W E .;i�i�,r;a-•
<br /> <..
<br /> �� Mici�aQl B. Pia�a�].c.� .henina4taq1iedlRUSI'EE.svhosz�3dressis 12127 Pacific St.. Oraha� N� . .'� , ,°_
<br /> �:�.��'� and AVCO FII�IAPTGIL�IG�tVIC�SS�"TERNATIONAL,INC..a NebragEa corpe�on.hereinafter called HENYlEL�CIARY.whose addcess i� ,,-,���;� ' ,.,��
<br /> ;�.[� �233 N ��TE�'D K� , Ste I�, C+raItC7 I81�1RC7� NE _ _ _.3r•,,;. +sa�y
<br /> ��` ' V�1�- �",EIH:t�at T�'.�(iItANT''s,.�NYSYS.SFI.d„S AND wAF1�.AN'!'S'1�0 iRUStEB.1N 7RUST.WY1H POFVFR OF St�sils fc�laa.� ,� fF,:�_"=__
<br />� ' desaft�rsopaty,sitcaLd ta 8all Caunry Nab�slce: , �r -��.- �_
<br />., s` - • ,:�`S`" i..�y`".'
<br /> � ' . �;�� . + :;�_;,
<br /> Lot 9 �ota.s�ti :�.::�ir��n. City of Granal Ialand. Hall Countyr P]ebraska f•���•' .'��.;.�"
<br /> .. ;x z��<� ''� •�: .
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<br /> .. � tngetLer with aD baitdi�u�d impmvemeats aoa or hrssftter esecced theienn and aib�seas,awain8t.sLades.uarm ass6 and bliads.unA heaU�,. ��'��'
<br /> �ten -�` °��:::
<br /> . lipAtin�.p(um6ing,8zs.r,�rxuic.venWuiag.nfrlYeradag�nd�ir-eondi8onin�eqaipm°.riaaedinconntctiontLenwith.�llotw83eA.foitLepa:pcse� �, :�.� �
<br /> � tLis Deed of Tiase,sDttt Le Qeemb�.��res aed tnb�ax to the ifen hereo��aa the heiediuments�nd aDD��Pa����DTa➢�*�9��s . ' � `.-.
<br /> - desaiDed.and aU streets.laaes.�2eq�.�usigw.waye.waten.water tonrses.rlghu.li6erties and Drlvlle�es.aLataoevrr�ennw beloa�II ar ia ,�t.�,t, � . .
<br /> ' �ay�rlse appaainia�ta4 0e revens.��ud remHaAers.aD oi wh3cb is refeired w herelazfter as the"premiaw". t;j��"'� ': :'• ', : ,'
<br /> p an u �
<br /> 'PD HAYB AND 1�0II'f.�I33 the a6ovo�desecibrA pnmis�es.with tLe apynctea�aces ar.�l fix�res.cnw tIIe said BeneIIduy.iu�AUeuars�ad�ssigvx;, .. �v����•:��r.}ll�r:�.�''�:�:..
<br /> ax•
<br /> , focave�tor t6e pmpa.�a�d nses hsreia set forta.fra firsw tll dsDu aad beaeflta��d by vhrse of eny Hoacsa�Bxemytton 4ws of the Sr�r2 ` �';}:..��'�"�,��;,
<br /> otNdrss'rs pl�icb m�y�Oa enuu4 wDtch eai0 d�tus an�beneIItu th:rs�l�Tiastm Eoe��aeby�y�xx2�r zeieasssard!�vea. �3'•:. ��, a
<br /> . FOR'l�ZiPURPOSB OF SHCURIIK(3:(i)Performaace of eaeh a�emrasr.cf7Yastor eontilaed n�C2)Papmeat of the psiaWpal snm wIth iatec�at, �°�`,.;....,-....._ ;r.
<br /> as psoviQed ia tCCO r C a nCe aitb the te�s anA provifions of�Ycomi r s c ry Note/Loaa A�e ement(h�elnaftucefeaeA to u"pmmissoq nuta'7 da9e� �� � -" '
<br /> �.�.'�i��,.:.
<br /> ck,*.,har 18. 7�?6 .hesemitb execated by 7Yn�tcr Ead payabte W ILe orQa oYBeneficiuy.fn ma Piiaelpif saa.at' �
<br /> S �z300_22 -aaG 6aving tha data of its tirr,•I�enyment daa on 10/18/fl6 ,or o extead�c,�i1. '•"`��
<br /> Qefeaedorresc�ed�lr.l.L^yrenevv�lornIIaanca:(3)Paymentof�ayoQGittanalaQva�m,��latrrattbaieonasmayhae�fterDe losaedbqBeaetfeis�• �!a�..:
<br /> ' w'[tattorinamut�masamotS 9ti�95.60 •ciiIIL�lSyeuafmmtDeEtteoftLisDeeAofT�as�' — _ -.;•,_-
<br /> � ha�veve�lLla pura�z�;b daa nat cont8tuu a tommiomeat dy Benetic2ary to make fntdce advazs�:q4)7ae payment of�ng moaey tl�at msy ba - •'-._
<br /> �dv�aced 6y tLe�amcl�aty to Ttustot toe aoy ieaso0 os W tLttd p�rtiES.�vitD inteces4 t3treon.whese the amonnt��re advanced to groteot tLe sesottty . ,.,; .�
<br /> , insccordaacexctlk�aasrsaaauofQ�sDeWof?:ns�(S)Any�eaepal.reflnuicla8aaca7aaatonofsat8ymmtssorysote.oraayotaera�nesmenetogzy „
<br /> "�*-'.
<br /> phieb msy 6e a¢6tti�m¢+t:Henfor. '�'
<br /> . �,,. .
<br /> , A�addt�tans3 a�c.-i�j 7lrascarhaeby glvet to aad eoofers opon Beadir.icry tAe dgIl4 Po�er,and sn�lmr:sy.dnrinf the eontiauanee clthese 7irusts.to �,�:�.
<br /> .t
<br /> � collece�8��izmra.an�DroIIts ot satd mperty�aseivinj aato 13mUrr r�e rlgh4 II�os to any Q�tpy 7Yn�wr in psyment oY tat��deDtedness 'r"'�
<br /> sectuedt�.:�byorin�r�erm�nee of any+�e�c�-ntbenander.to colIea vut ntain sneb renla.issn�.tmL pro�ita u they 6eeome Cne amcf p�abIa[ipoa :;,• ,,,;,,!!.�...•:,_
<br /> aoq saeh defaalt.�ienr.tiafarymay at�ny tlme.ei�herin penon,by�n4 or ay a raei�.r�w be appoinaed by a eoust.aad wit8oacre�:w�e adeqas�es'
<br /> • of aIIy secari for Qur fAdrbtrAness Ee[eby atcun.�.entctapoa and Uke possessien df.�id property or ony yari tIIereot.in b1s own aame sue f6r ar � f '>�ti
<br /> otIla�vlse co`�ax arc�r�,issoes,ana�ona,taetnGiag thoss pest dae end anpJei:ead aqply the same,lesa costs aad eapensea of opa�ation msd `����'
<br /> r ? '��ft:.!:
<br /> eollecUan.incfaNn=ee�soe�Dte attomaqs'fea,cosq.�adeapeasa.if sTmtaeO by Iaw.apon aay inGsDuQaes�cecared hereby.aa0 in aacb order m r:,`�,� �;;.,,,-:-N,a.;�;; ,
<br /> pe s p
<br /> : , Beneflciary m�y detumiaa TDe entering nyon an4 uklaganpossession ot aa4d ptoDerty.the colleedon ot snes ients.iasaes.an0 pmlits and tIle apylfca- �4�j��� . . .
<br /> tlan tDareoi u afaresaid,aEiU aot enre or w�iva�ay def It or noslx o!defanit hennadec oi invtl�dau any aci doae pnrsaaat to aacL aoHce. ,�`�r,���,;''.';�:-�;,: ; ;.
<br /> .. f�,_}�.,.�..„c.�. .
<br /> ..e-.+``'4: -
<br /> Al1.Daqments made by Tiustot on tha ob/iYaflon tecureA Dy td9a DeeA of Truat s6a11 be aDplied in the foltowing order: .�..,:.:_�...:,::' .
<br /> FIItS7:'[b the payment of taxes and assessmenb t�t may Ee levied aaA usesacd agalnst sald�emiaes.insuraace preminm9.npairs.nnd all atfics , ' ...�
<br /> . c�uges anA e:pnnsea agreem w C�paid�y the 7tostor. .. .
<br /> , � SECOND:To tbe piyment ot int�cest Eae an tald loan.
<br /> �. T'wRD:To the payment of pzincipaL . � �
<br /> �,.'Ib PR07ECf TEIE SEGJATPY HEREOR 7'RUSPOR(S)COVENAN7'S AND ACiREES:p)To icetp aat4 premlSW iasanA qq�inst lnss by IIre anA other . .
<br /> -�vacds.psn�ry and eondageacies ay to the fnll v�tue of all imyrovemats for tbe qrotattoa oi BeuetlMary ln aacD manaer.in ane�smonnu.naA ia •
<br /> � „ aaeh eompinies as Bentflsury may fio�tlme to tEme ayprove.an0 U�1 loss pmaeds(las ea�pense of ooitatloa)�1l,u Beneflclary'a opdon,be •
<br /> 6i�DDU��said inQeDteQness,wIlether aae ar not or to the restaratton of said impmvemnnu.In eveat of toss Tmstor witl give immedlate noilee by mall ' � �
<br /> . to tIle Bmetiduy.wLo maq miYe proof of los�it not mide pmmpUy by Tiasmr.aad eacD insuranee eompaay conamed ia hereby a¢thmited aad .
<br /> � m Ye .
<br /> �'�fiIrecteA to meYe payment far ancD tos�Eirectly to tEe BeneIIcluy instes0 otw the 7'mstor.(2)To pay alY tues and apecial asussments of any Idad thu
<br /> hsve ban or maq be levted or assesse0 apon taia premises.ana to Qellvu w Beaefitlasy,upoa reqntst oi tLe Beeeflcluy.the offtoi�l recelpt aDowing
<br /> -•. _ _ Oayment of aU accb t�es aad assessmeats.(3)in tIle aveatof detanttDy Troswr oa0es Pnra�apLs 1 ar 2 above,�ensiieiary,u Us epttaa.may(a)pltu � � ,.
<br /> �ad kxp suc�insuraaee above psoatded for in forcE tLrongto�t 1He tife of tLis B�eO of Tmst aa0 pay the re�sonnDte preml�s aao eCurgea�Erefor:(b) -- -- . �
<br /> I pay all aaid�axes and assessmzats witLant Getetmining tLe valtd�ity tIlereaf:an0(c)ysy sneA liens aud all suem flisbnraement��s shall�e Qsemed a part
<br /> � af the indebtednxs9 secared Dy this Dud of?m9t an0 shail�a immedlueiq dae aad payaD�e by'hoator to Beneticlary.(4)To Qay ahen dne any lten on
<br /> � the property wIlteh is seator to tIIs t3ea of Benefidary and.notwithstaadLog any right ar op@on grnnted by any sonlor tiea or by any senlor tienholAer to
<br /> pamit the prinNpal Euaaee of sacA senior llen to iaaeysw Tmstvr will coi pamit the yrindpal balence of any senfor Iten to increasa above the Dalaaee � .
<br /> _! 28-0474(REV.6-94)NE-tiENERAL.USUAY LAW . '
<br /> •r
<br /> .�� �. , _ � ._ � .� ,. . . �.'_ • �. • ' � . `�. .. • . , .. ... ' . . .. , .
<br />