.. ;. . � �.:�.�:��. _:3::::�:�..�.r_. .�..�:....��� ' _�. �_.. ____ —�
<br /> . •��' --� �-
<br /> � x �
<br /> � 9p��A� ' r
<br /> c� /� �g �t '����c,'` —
<br /> � a�70.77�/i�� 1 f
<br /> `pro�a�ds'�tn connectton vrith condemrtailan or atAsr taJcirtg of the P�arty or part theraof,or tor convsyance in lieu o!carsderts�aa�^. --- =-=-___ ,'.
<br /> Leadar shaU he entitted et its option to commer�.apAaar in end psassaita in iis o:m n�ms arry ac�an or proce2�n�s,an�sJ�� ' ..( . _ .
<br />' ba entii�o�t w rt�lcs any oompromise or settlament in oonna�tlon wkh surfi�.�dng ar damaga.in the evani any por�on o!4ts�Pisn�p.��sty t� }: . -
<br />� so taksn or damagQd.L�rtBer shail Rava tha ay2ton in its sots end absolu4e dLscreiton.to aAAh all such pr�e°d�, a,`Y3r 6� �,:.,`.{: ,`: ,. --
<br /> tlserefrom al cosTS end ex¢anse�incuired Dy it in oonnedlen with suc4�Proceeds.upon anY tndahiedn�s sae�rad h��e4y�A Er�ses:la :,,v , ._
<br /> o�r as Lenr�r may dotarmino.ar to e9DjY aft sach Pcoceeds.af4ar sueh de�uc?tons,to the r�sioratton o4 the Prag,°rYy uDan�dr.�- `` � `. � � '.� �:
<br /> ` diUons as Lender may d8tsrmine.AnY apALca�n oi�t�f�dsbte6ness shai!nat ext�nd or postpone th�du�da?s�ot a�ry p�� `..� . . ::_ �.
<br /> meni9 under t�t�o2e.or curo any dstautt th3reunder or hereundsr.My unagplled tuntls s�all be p a t d to T r u s t nr. . ,. �--
<br /> g.Rstto►ma1s�by L�ndar.Upon the occurtetsoe of an E+rent of Defauit heeeunQsr,or N any act Is ta.ken or[�B�P�� . � :•;, :, -
<br /> cam�et�d wrilctf matertalsy affects Lc�ndsrs interast in tha P�aFs�Y.Lender may in ib own dscretiore.but wiitaa�t o��3:�a ta d0 so. ' ;�...;,• ;" .. •
<br /> and writt�t naYl�to or damand cEpan Tnistor an+d wiMout teteas?ng Tastor trom any abfiga�on.do arry e�t e�h Yiu..=tor h���r�A . �{�.,: �' .
<br /> but failed to do and may atsa do any ather aci ft deems rtecessary to proted the security hereat.Trusto��J,i�nm�iti3►�� ;,� ' ` •�`` _ "
<br /> - �d thsretor by Lender.paY fn Lender eli oos2s al:d expenses inaerred and sums expande�by Lender in oonn2ctioa+��t�'•h�ew�r• � � '• � ..
<br /> . dse by Lender ot the toregoh�8 cfBMs.together w3th interest tt�erQnn at the det3iatt rate provided in the t�tote.xii:r��'1 be a�'cd� !�r`-�:.;_•,�,---: :_._ -
<br /> ths indebtedness secured hereby.Lendet shall no4 inatr any Gab�7ityl beCause of snything it may do or ornit to da h9teunf�a�t. ,
<br /> 9.!{uareous Ilat��.Trustor shall kesp the Property in oomptiance with 81)appticabte laws.ond9rk.n�ar�d reg� : r . `
<br /> � - relufing to industrfal hygIe�a or enviranmenffiI Gtoto^�iaa(cat2�Sy retErred to hstein es'Environmenffi!l,�ws'-Yrus�r aS�E b9� --.. , � -
<br /> - the Prcperty frae irom 911 substsnces dEemad to be hazardous or to�dc under any Environmentat l�vsrs(QOII�y re48nasi to hora'r+ • ,
<br /> " as 9iareNous Mateda►s'�.Trustor hereby warrants and represents to Lender that there are no Hazardnu�M&ifsr'�3 un or unttar th� - .. , . .
<br /> Property.Tn►stor heceby ag�ees to indemnity and hoid harm4ass Lendsr.its direcmrs.offi��s.emptoyees ansi ag�nts.and a�P sr�orr� . . --_�`. .;'�=�.
<br /> y` ` r .. .
<br /> sors t�LendePs InieresC from and against any and all daims.damasas�Iosses and iia6i!'�ies arising in conre�croon v►;t�the pr�-or�ta�a, - -
<br /> � use.�posal ar trar►-�oK ot arry Hazacdoua Mater',sts on.ur►�er.4ram ar abaut t1�Propert�t.TNE fORE609N(3 WA7RASEt7�3 ANSI ,, •
<br /> ._. �.:,,'�'
<br /> � RECaAIVEYAIt10E OF THfS DEED OF TRUST. f�ifr.nn a�rJ ;,�`'�
<br /> 10.Assignmenb o!Ren.s.Tvstor hE eby assi�ns�o Lender.and granis Lender a security inisrast tn.a��L ,� . .,�
<br /> . after arisinQ.rents.issues and proffts of the PmPertY:prov�de�that Tr,.Kor shall.until the occurrense o�an�v�t M ae`E�1d��Om�►�.m�`7. �f ::�:.. ;.��:,,:..,:�;.���;-.
<br /> �.llaOR Ed13 OL'{iilf�iD�CS1371{ctUllt Oi : �:�.;:r,;�:�r�'`'%•'�•�-`•�y5'"..
<br /> have fhr�s�t to cottect and retain such[ertts.issaes and profits es they beoome due and payab �.•";�;�` �t.'_�J�...s;��`�
<br /> < Qefeut�,�.-fdar tr�y.e'rther i�persan or by sgent,wfth ar wittwut bringU►9 anY acdon ar p�ceedmg,or by a ra�':v���fp�'xrksd by a , •,'�y���•,-.r�,s,_
<br /> � oourt and witlwat regard to the adequa�y of its securfry.enter upon end fake possesslon of the Property.o�a;rf¢�t���i.in iis own . . �°�:.{�r��±:4�'.
<br /> � name ar in tt►e name of the Trustee.and do any s�s vfitch ti deems nac�sa�!or desirabla to preseeva fh�vtl�7.maAcetabL�ity a► _ � ` r _
<br /> _ rer��Tity af the PropertY,or any part thereof or interest therein.or to increass the tnooma tharetrom or prmtQt4 Y3�a securily hereof and, ��. ., . ..�'";4°°:`-=_
<br /> ..` on o!L�i�roperty.sue tor or oiherwise coltect the resiis.tssues and prafits thereot.�ri9 Ue6se Desi w_:. _ .`•.;. `'
<br /> witA or withovi takin9 Passesst Ue6se
<br />' r- less oosts and e�ens' '�"�:'::- '.".
<br /> dua end unpaid�bY noi�Yin9 tenants trs make payments to I.ender.Lertder may aDPh►�rds.tssues and pmfiLg. -_
<br /> es of operafton end coltactIOn indu�ng attomeys tees.to any indebtedness secured hereb�.all in such order as Lendar may deter- _ -�'� . �'��,:,
<br /> $ : ,.
<br /> . mine.7Te sntsrirtg upon a�d taldn9 Dossession ot U�e Properry�the ooUedion of such rents.issues end profits.an9 the app3�catEOr► -
<br /> ' thereot es aforesaid shall noi cur+a or watve any►defauit or notioe of defauft hereunder or invalldate any act done in response to suct� . , . �'��;�F�..
<br /> detauft er�pursudarn to such notice of defsuft and,notwithstand(ng the oon�nuance in paasassion of the Property or the ooitecKan. °'�''�°`:: '�''�'��>'u`'.
<br /> � • - ��„�:,�;
<br /> receipt c�xt eppl3caUon o?rents,tssuc�s ar proftis.Trustee and Lec+�ar shall be entiUed w ewsrce,�e every dght pravtQed fas in arry of the �,��i;��}��;; • f �,`•
<br /> •., �:, Lcan�n,,er►is ar by!aw upon aa�;r�n�ce of arry Evern of De�f.a..�it includ'ing without I[mt�Fujs�.te cigtit tn exer�tse the povrer at saSe. ``u� �•`,•�•t:�� '
<br /> . F u rt h e r,�.e n�a t s d�'��d remediss irnder this�eragraph shalt bre cumuiative wiU�.and in no icsy a Iimitati�n an.Lenders rights and �;.� .,;:�s: �-'
<br /> �emedies under any�atgnment of leasss and��scordad against the Property.Lender.Trustee and the receivar shall be Ilable to : `: :; _����u_._�
<br /> accaunt only for ttase r�zts actuaSly teceived. f,�,�� . ';�::_::_
<br /> 11.Events M OeiYaulL The toltowtng shait constimte an Event of Qetauit under thls Deed at Yrus� .� r,,�j`:<r._
<br /> ' (a)Fatluco W paY any Ir�tlment o!pdncipal or intereat of acry other sum secured he�y when duo: r..� ,`a�.�, : -
<br /> • - (b)A braach of or datautt unsler arry provtston oorrtained in ihe Nots.this Deed ot Tr[�,any oi the Loan inshuma�►'.s.or enY �,-_• • i�f�`;.:
<br /> other I'�en or encambrance upon the Property; --`'��= •�
<br /> (c)A writ ot executlon or atffichment or arry slmitar precess shall be entered a9sinst Trustor whfoh shal�become a Gsn on ,:��-�
<br /> 1�1�P���Y 0��Y POttI0I1 th0i80f Oi Uft9f8St U18161T1: r�;�'`aL`,`
<br /> (�There shall de filed by or agaInst Trustor or Bortawer an actfon under any Present or future i�a:af state or ather sffitute. -' --.----,
<br /> faw or reguiatIan c+�tatin9 to baniQUpt�y.insaNency or other relief for debtors:or tt�ere sha11 be appoG�fed any trustee.raoetver or �'tiI' .,-=��_:
<br /> �u�uklator af 1'nrstnr or Barrovrer or of all or eny part of the Property.or tt�a renis,issues or profits fhereof,or Tnistor or Barruwer , > . .,t:.. .
<br /> .. �i. .�c.iL'-.".
<br /> ' ��a0 rtkyce er�y�ane�al assignmsnt for the beneTd of cred�to�
<br /> �.'.:�z_-.-.-� °��acnr..
<br /> (e)The m�.martster,�ase.assi�nr�er.�.oomayance ot fuRher c�mxrtbrgtice af ell ot any pa*C af a any intecest in the _ _�u�,
<br /> pr�,�eny.e�`�a.r oret�n9afity er[ri.�tuntsriq:�without 1he e�rsss writtan Ci+a�ent a!Lender,prati�ided that Tn�stor shatl Ds parmit ��'�""_•-
<br /> r��R�•�°_
<br /> tta6 ta execufe a�ase af 4`��(�DsRy that does not oor�atn en opU°�t°p�rcl�ase asui�rie temn of whkh does nat au�eed ane
<br /> � ��.
<br /> (Q Abandonmont ot the�pBr�►:c* - ':
<br /> .� (g)ii Tna.MOr is not an�d.�,idual,tho issuar►ce.sate,transfer,asslgcimerA.corneyance or encumbrance af mae than(d a �
<br /> � aorporation)a ttutal of N/A parcer►t ot iffi Issuad end outsfsnding stock.or('d a partnership)a tofal 07 N/A _per- �7l�'�,,,� -
<br /> 1
<br /> ' cent of partn�t'�l�lnteresis,or(d a tlmited IiabUily oumpanY)a toffif ot N/A peroant of Me fimited liahil'siy oompa- ,•``''�'��:�,��•,,,�°,
<br /> tX�a
<br /> � rry interest9 orwiing aghffi��g the period Ws Oeed of Tnrst remains a lien on fhe,�perty. - ,. .,�._..
<br /> • �g,�;��arafl¢cs[i�f�orf�'1uu14.in the event of any Event of Detauit LeraCWr may.without noUce except as required .
<br /> .. l bU law.dectara all in62b2e�ess s2wred hereby to ba due and payab{e and the same sl�ap thereupan beoorne due end payabie wiUt- ' ..:.�.
<br /> • out any presenimen�dia:^.+.and,pratest or notice at any Wnd Theieatter Lender r;��: -`�':�
<br /> �:
<br />. . (e)pemartC:;4`�t Tn�.stee e��e 1he P�YYER OF SAiE grar►ted 6�r.,and Trustea shall thar�aRer�aase Tn�.stora inter- .,���.,:; .
<br /> .. est in the Pra�t�j to be 6afd��d the proceeds to 6e dlstfiduted.all in Uhe rnannor provided in the Nebrastta Tnist Oeeds Ack _ '��"-''-*-'`-':
<br /> Uh �p�a,.-
<br /> � (b)Experclse any an0 ait uqhtn provlded for In eny of the Loan Ins6uments ar Isy►aw upon occurren�o ot any Event of �•_•=.�r�•,.;,r;:
<br /> ... ��""� t�i.�V.�,'l��y. =.�..:
<br /> (c)Commer�sn 2,aicr,•tz:'oreciasa thts Deed of Trust as a martgago.apDetnz a r�miver.or specifkalry er�torca nny►of tha
<br /> :` oov6nanb hatmr� ��_�=-.;—�T'-
<br /> � (�tO remedy heretn acr,ttYa�d ipon ar resarve�to Y�e or Lendor is intended te iso exct�ive of afi►other remedy herein.in the Lo�n � � �,
<br /> ;.�1 t� r.
<br /> Insbuments ar by taw piavlded or aenri�tted,but each sQaU bo cumWa�tve,shail be in ad�rion to every ott�or rom�r givan hareu�fer. •..,,►�_.
<br /> ' in the t.�an In,��Uumonts or now ar h$�aftor existlng at taw or in equily or by statute,and may be exe�ised concnrrerrthl.���A��Y �-
<br /> �
<br /> � ' ' or suocestvaIy. '�
<br /> � 13.Tntst�s.The Yiu..�toa m�yr resign at asry ttm�witNaul cau�e.and Lender may aY arry time and wittwat cause appoirrt a suo- '��""•` a�.,,•�
<br /> aossar or substiM�TrusCOa.Tnistoe shall not bo Ila�e to anY Darty inctudirig without licni�on Lerader.Borrower.Tn�stor ur arty 6�ur• ..�� • . �_,.
<br />� �fiasor of the PropertY.tor arry foss ar damago untass duo to reciQess or wiiri`u1 m3aond+icl.and shail not be required to mke alry aclJon .. _-
<br /> ' in conrtecti�on witi�Yhe entoro�mart of thi3 Oeed ot Tnrst untess indemnifled.in writU�g.for all oost�'�,oomPensatlon or e�ensea whicb - �-�,+ .{: . --'�, -
<br /> e oro m •
<br /> � may�e associated tberawitt�.tn addiUon.T�ustee may become a purci�aser at arry sat�of th�ProPartS►Qu�daf or undar the power oi ., ,�,,,. .,•r, {.
<br /> � �t�.�. . �
<br /> ' sale granted horetn);pcstyone the sale of all or any poNon of the Properly.as provided by t�yr,or se0 the Properly es a wtioie.ar in . ..
<br /> . Separate parcets or 16ts at Tn�stee's d i s C r e U o n. . ,�,....• {
<br /> � 14.Faef and Hspon�s.!n the evertt Tn�stos sotls the Property by oxerdse of power o1 sale.T�ustee shall Ee entitted w apRty - - •
<br /> ,� . any s a l e p r o o e e d g fi r s 4 t o p a y m e n t o 9 a D o o s t s e n�o�n s e s o f e x e rt�s l rt g p o�aret o1 sals.inctudin g all Tnrtaes feas,anA Lendere�md . , .
<br /> Trustee s attotno}/s te6s. actuaIIy lncumed to ext�rri permitied bY$PPticab:e taw.In the evem Borroxer or Tnistnr exercises an�right
<br /> ' pravid�by ta�u to cure an Evon4 of�afaul�Londvr sh�Jl bo entittsd to reoovor from Trustor atl oosta and er,penses actuaity incurted a9
<br /> a rosu7 0}Tn�stnfs dotaul�tnctuding w3thout 1(mimti�n ail Trustee's and attomeys tees,to the extent pertnit2ed by appGrabie►aw• .
<br /> �� 15.FttL�to Qdvanc�s.Upon tequest of BorraHer,l.ender may,at iLs opL'on.mako additional and tuturo aduanoes and read- • . .
<br /> ._- --- •!�s!o��o-�et.S�v_��noes and readvar�oos.wtth intarest therean,sh�:tl Da seeured by this Dead of Tnisi.At rto Ume shai)ifie � . .
<br /> '. .�. . •' .:
<br /> � -- --•-- - -T -.___�.• . . -- . .. . ._•_"_'—'Y"�'s'T_. �, . ' ' 'i-
<br /> �-•_____. , . . . . .. .
<br /> .s . J.:.-.---• ,_ . , . . . ',,, ,. ... ^ . ... . -,.- - - ----� . •� ' ' �s,�•
<br /> " .+- � I' �+'. . • " , , � r. .. � � . � , � ' ' . . . . � �. ' .
<br /> . . . .
<br /> - � , . . �� .. . � . � � . . . � - ' .� . . . . . . � , � ' . � . .. t • ' .. ... '. +� ,n. .. . - . . _ ' . • .._ .
<br />