'_ ,. �� � . . ` . 1__�� ' ._r��_�._.� .� .�+.-t'�''. -�K
<br />. . - -� - -,'y�`;� '_
<br /> P/1��� .i.�..u... .`a��'^`h�.tY'_�.. .
<br /> ._'L � O f �/ � - •j �.�.-5i�i_:. . .-.
<br /> \.� �.t. ' �•�kWt?r(TF��1_'
<br /> � S� :f � ', �dRi��:
<br /> . 9�� , ; ;,s: :.�:v�. ;:.. -_
<br /> � 4��' �����
<br /> � 16.fdiccelleneoue Rrovieions � :'`''�.::':��' :-
<br /> (�)Ber�aurc.i Ldot Rcle�.Extencion of the time tor payman4 ot modification af tho sums sawrpd by this O��of��ed �:.. . ` _ _
<br /> _ �:
<br /> by I.ender to arty�uceeuar in u+tarest ot Borrowv�1u��not aDerata to ralaaso,in anY manner,the IiebTity o!the oripinsl Qortower
<br /> and Borrowsr'��LE��t�¢��intarest.6ende�afiali not ba required to commenee proc�aedmp�aqa�st aueh�ueeeswr or ro4use to �' ', �4 �,-°�
<br />�` ' extend tune fer�iy�'len2 or othervvi:o modify amor2izatian o4 the eurne s-eurod�y thes Deed of Trust by�easan of any demanda � , _ ; ,
<br /> made by the orlyc+a)Bonower and Bonower's suacesaoro'vi mter6at. �; � ;ti ":r � �
<br /> � �y)��nd�fe Fmyws,yUttheut effeotitip the Iiabifity of eny other penon 1is61e fof the payment of eny obGqation harcin mentiortod. .}�,,:,:.K '
<br /> and without aHactmp the lien or charpe of this D�ed of Trust upon any portian of the Property not then or therataforo rolseced as • t; �
<br /> � ¢eeurity for the full amount of all unDaid ebtipstions,Lendar may,tram time to time and without�otiee fl raieaao sny Denan eo �• �� '`
<br />� I'seble.(id eMend 4fio maturity or aiter any of the terms o4 any sucF+obliQatiart�.(ii7 9mnt othar indutpanoes.('rvl ratuxo er recor►vey. . • ` _. .
<br /> or cau�o to be ret�a3ad or reconveyad at tny 4ims nt lender'�option eny pareel,portion or ell of the Proparty.(v!take or relesse anY � _
<br /> other additional security tor eny obkIIstion herain mrntiar+cd.or Ivi! rreake eomyooitions or othar amnpomce+to witfi dob4ore in _ • _ .r
<br /> �F
<br /> relatiort thoreto. � ' �3' --
<br />� (e)FotbMrar�a by L+ottdor![ot s WaEvK.AnY foi6e�nrtes bY Lendet in exereis'sn9 cny riptat or rcmedy hareundor, o►othervviso •• ; J-
<br /> effardad by eppliceble lsw,fhaU not 6e e wai+►er of or prxtude the exorci�s of entl wch Rpht or remedy.The Procurement of �: �..'-t;i :' •�'.;,;��.�... _
<br /> inaur�ee or tho paYmffnt ot taxaa or othei 6eau or chugaa by Lander shaU not be a waiver of Lender'o riphi to accaJarote the _•-=�"' ,; -;
<br /> �.;� maturity of tho indo6tednes��ecured by this Qead ot Tncst :;%,_"; ;-`E`�`"+A;:�'._
<br /> ld)Suacoaeots and Aiahn�Bo�md:d°T^!�nd S��ua1 LFa6i�h'�U°na.The covenanU and ayreemento herain wnteined afiall '•���� f--
<br /> � �' bind, and the riyhts he�eunder�a�l muro to. ffie recpective euecessora and nssi�na of Lender and Trustor. All eovsnants and , .� _ �''�j"'
<br /> ayraamente of Truator shall 6o joint and eaveral. The caytions end headinas of the paraQrephs ot th+e Doed of Trust are tor ''.,_�_,_;.-: - --
<br />� . convenienee onty and aro not to ba usod to interpret or dofine the provision9 hemof. of� notieo of ' ,,.�;,.�r��'=
<br /> (e)R�qwsC far Notle��.The partiae haroby raquest that a eopy of any notiee of dtifauk hereunder and a�oyy Y � _ �• =—_
<br /> �ala heramder be mailad to eech paRy to thia Daed of Trust at the eddress set foRh ohove b�tho mnnner proacrbad by eppliwb!e •���`t�"_��-�.
<br /> • ''�' --
<br /> ' taw,6ceept for�y other�otice requited under applicabte lew to bs piven in enother mannet,any notice providad for in this Dead of _ '�"
<br /> Trust rhall be pivan bt�mnilir�p cud►notice by certi#ied mml eddre�aJ to the other partiea, et the addrau eet fortfi abova Any ._, ' __•_-_
<br /> rtotiae provided for a�this Qced of Tncst cha11 bs ettcotiva upon maTmp in the manner dasiyr+ated hereT.if Trustor ia moro tfian ana ;�;�,:��°������_
<br /> Qarsw�:notice aent to the e�irma�et foRh above ahnU de natice to all auch percor�s. ' �,��, .
<br /> (fl In�p�e2ion.Lend�cmey make or cauae to be rmo�reasonable entrias upon c,cr�t�apeetiens of the Fropae�y7e�^avided that .�
<br />';�J;�`; Lsnder shtD p�e 7rustor natiee prior to mry such inapa�""�sPeeitYinO reasonabSs cs�..^aa therato�rolatad to Land�'�a�tuest'v�the _.'''�;_ _�..�' �� .:
<br /> t?�i. Ptoyelty. �
<br /> P�.. .�r ,_�
<br /> -� (o)R�paxa.Upon DaVment of oll suma eeourad by shis�'�sd of Tnut. Lender ehafl re,¢aast Trustae to reeonvay � l
<br /> Proparty and shall suReRr'.:sr this Dead of Trwt end a:l notes evider.c'c.� indebtad�sas teCU�md 6iP�'c�s Deed of Trust to Trttstee. `� - �';�
<br /> Trostts,��0 raeonvay t?:�7rYoperty without watranty and without dtnr�a to tfie p��or persons lapally entiGr.ed:fiareto.Trustor ' s - � -��; .�.: ��
<br />'c+4`�.,. �l+all p�y�11 casts of taeer.zla.ion,if aTly. y'.'. • " �•'"'�_'
<br />'j�,'�� (h1 py�sonY ptup�rty;S�awity f�rwne+L M additionnl saarity f�ti�paYmant of the Note.T�stor hareby par:�Lender undsr Yr� .. � ..�-,4;.
<br /> ,.�f •• the NebrRSlcs Un'rform Commercial Code a sacurity a�terast'v�all fnctu�t e4uipment,end other psrsonal prop�rty usad'v�connaetbsce - .��'�!' .�; -�.,�
<br /> with the real estato or'vnDrav�mto loeaced thereon,snd not oth�ars�dedered or dcemed to ba a paR ot tha real aatate s�.^s3 �.'�i..;�.s�. ::-: __
<br /> hsreDy.This a�drum�nt s4�all be eonstru�d�s s SeeuictY Apreernm:i..'�der aid Code.and ths Lan3�r d�sll have e114hs riqht��nd -�r , .�.:tf,i;:,� �;.,;
<br /> .,c}.�.:
<br /> ranadies of s aeaersd party undor aid Code m addit�a:�tn 8:s riph4s and remedies creatad under ar►d accord¢d tho Lende►purcuant ` ,. ,� � ;��;''
<br /> r. �'� to this Deed ot Tnist:Provided that Lender's rtahts m��-u++edies sr+der this parapnph rh�ii b�eumulativ�witl+.�d in no wsy• ''''..�.��','�-f� �:,"-
<br /> �" r:,;.
<br /> 11 Cen'riatie:�orr,.LundaYo dph4�and remodiea undor eny o'"m:se�+rc:Y dv.`�ement dan�bY BoROwar or Tnuto►. ; � i+,;.i.:s���i;_'•
<br /> .::,�. /,� s r�...,.�..
<br /> :},,.'.� l� �vr�t��.�toum;yr�oy. Truato�horo6y �varranta and cs�a;oaznto thsc thero is no dafeu7 under�,o p�riaton�ot e�V .�+s�: .. � .:.,: d;,�;%�r�;:�•
<br /> r '4j7 �r},��,!
<br /> mortQaae,d�ed o!tnut,lasts or purchett►eontmat ds�eribinp a0 oi any paR of ths Property, ea c�s+r e�.�^'.:eGt. inst�urtar-Z or �;.> •a +.._
<br /> s, �'�����•-.�za ..
<br />�'�"„�"�'�-� apreament eonstitutinp�liao or s�eumbranes�p�mst a0 or sny Part ot the ProparN(eolleclive.'�xr.i�..�¢a of L'�e date of _ ,+.;. �;•:�1 _'.:,t.�.
<br /> � thi�Qs�d of Yru.t, and that enY ond oll oxistmg L'+ene remain unmodified exeept u disdosa9 aa �=� ���rsator's W�Lan 5°fJ�.•�i;'•
<br /> . {
<br /> dieclowro of lians and encumbranees provided for t-erein. Tru�tor �hall trtnely D�o:m ail of Tsu:a�a oai��:c.c.r�, euvenentv.
<br /> . raprosant�tion��nd wamntie�undsr�ny�nd eU exisct'vip and tuturo Liene,aheO promp_!y forward:o�adar cap;ar of all notieao of ,F�.c.�;�-.
<br /> � _ .
<br /> �'.•�• defwtt�ent 6�conneatton with�nY and afl existinp or futuro Uem,end�hall not withcut Len3a'`m��or written con�ant in any ,'
<br /> mannar modity th�pravisions of o�ellow ar+1t futur��dvance�under any exiit�f9 or tutura Liens. ��
<br /> � (� App�odlon o9 Paryrtw►ta. Unlosa ottsemise requimd by law, �ums pdd to I.anda hsreurr3sr.. �cludin0 without I'anitation
<br /> � • Psym�nts of prineipd�nd intarost,inaurence proaeadn.candamrtatron prouado and ronta nnd profits,dn0 be e�alisd by landnr to ,;�"��
<br /> th�vnaun't�dw�nd owinp from Trustor�nd borroa�r.��ueh order�o Lender b�it�sole d'naratton deems d�ts. � r:
<br /> (K) S�w�ity. 14 mry Dravision of thi� De�d �a? Tnut car�fGa� with applicabi+4w or i� deefand i.�-z+caittd ot ofhsrwiae ' � . ti
<br /> ' unw+toresgh4e,wch eonfliet ar invalidity cP�all not etfect the othsr proviatons aT thi�M�d o4 Trust or ths Note whiel�csn be piv�n „�,,,,,;;��,Y;_ _
<br /> �ff�et without the eonfl'�etinp provision, and to thi�end th� provi�iom of tht�Dwd of Trust and th�Not�at�dselued to bs =
<br /> . sovenble. -- -- __=
<br /> (q?�.The terms`Ttustor'and'Sonower'�ha11 a�e!ud�both�inpufa and plual,�nd when tfis Trustor�nd Bortowef sre the -
<br /> � same pstwnt�).�+a�+tsrm�as u�ed�thts�s�d of Truat�h�l bs interchanqabfe. _ �;
<br /> •' (m)Qoywninp 1aw,Thi�paed of Truat�ha116e powm�d by tha lawa of the St�te o�Neb�uka. ,_,,,��,_ -_
<br /> . -:�� -•
<br /> , �. .
<br /> ,..,. • Trusto sd thio Desd of Tnut ao of ths d+►te writtsn�bove. +M.�•�__�
<br /> ,�..
<br /> ' ' . .t�:��-'�`
<br /> �';�,8;.���
<br /> � �Z$ W 7rustor Trustoi �s�i"F�"+�c^-=;—
<br /> dF.�
<br /> • ���
<br /> �:i,. Trustor �,��''
<br /> ONDA S DAY Trustor ---_--
<br /> . �.�=— - -
<br /> . -.-:�
<br /> ' Tru�tor r
<br /> :�.�; Ttustor ' F;......-
<br /> . �,�"�a t J� �I.�.*
<br /> �r.•_� '�•
<br /> .. ��---` " ,.�,•_
<br /> �y.:�� —
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<br /> . • �l
<br /> !�'
<br /> II�s"
<br /> . �4.d;_
<br /> �� NBC 3467C(�lonepdeutturel0eed)Rev.@!0b . . -
<br /> 1980 f�aUoael Bank of Comrr�ma Truat end Sevinps Aowciation.Llneoln,NoDroaka . �� .��a,
<br /> j,.::-.-_-.
<br />- _ -n�.-^^-,.__ . - _.. -'—'..' - ' � ..._... .,,_ - ' --- - - . � ' � � - .
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