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�I �id�.l{6t.�.�'I�'.�7�+�2`.''_n a et��4"fl�"I �//-.;�.r�;^.P.rwil�,i.r �_ . _ <br /> � <br /> Y(3� r <br /> _•�� -- - _ . . -°vrm_ �_r_.� <br /> ..���� .,�i�ri I. •--.. .r._. � �. , ..:- <br /> . • ,.���w� •+�nr <br /> � � .,,,,i.�i� ... �. _. <br /> � _ _._�.�....��..._s. <br /> __ <br /> ' • - • ' _—_- _-_-._-.� - . _ --. . <br /> � � <br /> . _� 9l._n nr.Yl:"'1•� �� . <br /> �t_r��t:�'��;� . , 9Z"'� i�a~1 <br /> •��-�^°-�8�..�.� peri�Klx�hut l.cncicr rcquireA. T1�e ingumnco carricr providing Ihc inxurAnce Rhall be choscn by Borrower xubJect ta Lendcrk <br /> �,� - == u�p►mval whiwh�hu11 not bo unn wu�nuhly wilhhcid. If��xrowcr fnils to muimuin cavc�ugc Jc�c�ihe�ubove.l.w�der may.+�t <br /> - ---- ��; Lender's�(►tion,ol+inin cavom�e.ta pm�ect Lendcr'r ri�h�e�in�ha Pn+peRy in uccurduncc wbb purugmph 7. <br /> ��r ,.�,Y.�:,,yf; �- All inaurunce pc�Nci�x anJ rcn�:walY ahull he acce�uble la Lender r�nd shall incluJe a s�unJunA m�rtgiige cluuae. Lender <br /> _� : .x:,- „ ,,,..t ahull huve iha righl ln huld tha p,►liciea und renewulx. It Lendr.r rc�ufrcs,Bartower xhall pn�m�tly give ta I.ender oll receipta <br /> ` , ' '�.!i�," of�udd pre�niw�i�u�ul reixswul nwirc.r. In tho evcnt aP I��rx,[��uwer shull�ivc prnmpl notico �o Uw in�+urance cortier and <br /> .`'�., .�-• -.:..,,.'�;� - - lx�uler. l.uukr muy mukc pnxif ot'li��.r iP nnt mude pnxnpUy by Hnrrower. !T� <br /> - � - , Unlc�s l.cnder und kiomiwcr�Niwrwiw�uyrcw In wriling. intiuruncc pr��cccds shull he Applicd to restarntion or rcpair oi <br /> � Ihe 1'mperty damuged, if �he roxtarutian o�repuir is economically feaafble unJ l.endcrk secu�hy is no� lessened. If ihe <br /> �a" -� "'- mxtarutiun or rcpuir is not ecannmicnlly feasible or I.en�r'x secu�ity wwdd be Iesicned. �ho ineurance proceeda shall be <br /> _;,�=,����.P, . �• a�lied�o�he xuma xecured by thin Secu�ity Insin�ment,whether ar nM �hen duc, with aoy excecw puid Io Fi�rrower. If <br /> Y:�z��,y:. ,� Burrower ubun�Mn9 �hc Ym�hy.�r d��ex nn� unrwer wilhin :�U duys u notice from 4ender Ihul �hc lnsurunro corrier hav <br /> — offercd la scltle n cluim,�hen Lender mny collect�he insurunce praceeds. l.ender muy use�he pmeceda lo repuir or restore <br /> " - �' - `4'"• �~ 1hc Propeny or to�y sums securcd by ihis Sccurl�y ImNrument,whether or not 1h�n due. The 30-duy pariod will begin when <br /> .r. <br /> ` =�.si�-�.t�`�:'1� Ihe notice ix given. <br /> +.��'�:�`�`�% ,�°°'"'� Unless Lender und Borrower atherwise ngree in wri�ing,nny upplicalion of proceeds ta principul shull not axtend ar <br /> "`'"'����'��^ '�• posip��he due dute c►f Iha mamhly puymenls referred 1a In purugruphs I und 2 or chunge tha umouni of Iha puymen�s. If <br /> ';`:;.���,;„�1 .� under pAmgrnpb 21 tfw Propeny is ucquired by Lender. Bornnwer� �ight to any insu�unce policies und praceeds rcsulting <br /> ° ' , .�, : from dumage ta the Propeny prior�a�he acquisitioq siwll pass to l.ender lo ihe ex�ent of the suma xecured by�his Secu�ly <br /> ''-.���'• ' s 4 Inslrument immediulcly priar ro�he uc uisftian. <br /> ..,...:•_.�: :.r� - <br /> '- •`+�• �.••• � • 6. Occupslncy, Preservatio�. aiatenpnce aad Pratecl(on of the Properfy; Ror�awer's 4oan Appllcs�tion; <br /> ' •' ���_�.._ I.euseholde. Borrowe�shull occupy.eslublish,unJ use ihe Property us BoROwer�princfpal residence wilhin sixty duys ofter <br />- - <br /> ''` �`� � "� �• � �° Ihe execu�ian of this Securlry Ins�n�ment und shall caminue to occupy ihe Propeny us tiorrower�principnl residence or a� - <br /> r��.., <br /> �����'�� leost one yenr uher Ihe date of accupancy, unless Lender athenvise ugrees in wriling, which consent ,hnll not be <br /> --�� unmasnnohly wilblxld,or unle�s ex�enuiuing circuins�ancex exix� which urc hcyond B��rrowcrk contml. Horn�wer�Bull nm <br />�`�'i�" � deziroy,dumuge ur impuir�hu Pn��xrty,ulluw thc Nroperty�u detcrio�utc,or cumniit wusi��m ihu Pru�xny. liurrower sh:dl <br /> be in default if any forf�iture aclion ar proceeding. whethe�civll or criminal,is begun that in Lender:�goal fuith judsmen� <br /> '°�i��s• , could result in farfciwre of the Propeny or alherwise mnterfully impai� �he lien creuted by �his Secu�ity Insirum�nt a� _�� <br /> ---�, � . l.ender�s xecuriry interes�. Borrower muy cure s�kh u defs�uh und reins� pmvided in parugruph 18,by causing the uction <br /> --- c <br /> --���� • " ��� or proceeding to be dismissed with a nding�hut,in Lendcrs gewd fui�h determinution,precluJes furfeiwre of�he BarowcrY __ <br /> ;����� �� ����°, . interest in �he Pmpeny ar mher muterinl impnirment of�he lien crented by �his Securi�y Inztrument or Lender�securiry _ <br /> — • �• � imeres�. Borrawer ,hu l t u lso h e M �f u u l� i f S o r m w e r,d t u i n g I he loun u p plicu�ion prncetis, guve mi�lerlull y Wlse or <br /> :s,;l.`==,1 .:; . , inuccunuc inliirn�u�fon ur x�u�cm�ms�o Lcndrr lor li�ilcd�o�vvkl�l.rn�k�r wiih any mu�criul inlimns��iun)in c�Nmcclion wi�h <br /> Ihe loun evidenced by thc Not�, including, hu� not Ibnited Iu, repR.semu�inns ronrerning Burrowe�� �xcupuncy c�F U�e <br /> ~-,;�'�•..'. ;��-.._-�- .- prt,�py nc a princilud rexiJenee. If Ihis Security Instmment is an u leusehold.Borrower shull ec�mply with uU the prov isians _ <br /> :� . '" �' �' : ',� of thc leaxe. If Rormwcr ucquires fee�itle to�he Propeny.�he leaxehold und the Pee Iitle xhull nnt mergc unlexs Lender ugrees <br />' - ,:��,. %'',�' �a�he merger in wriling. <br /> • 7, Protectlnn af I.ender's Rights in Ihe Nroperly. II' Bormwer fuils �o perforn� Uic covenuntx und ugreemenis <br /> =,'� .. - contuined in �his Securily Inslr�mem,or ihere is u Ie�ul p�aceecling ihut muy signif icunNy uffect Lenderi rights in Ihe <br /> ' , Pn►�x:hy lxuch ux u pnxceding in hnnkrup��Mu�c,f��r ron�knmiuiun or forlcilurc or to enlirrcr luwx or regulinkms),then <br /> � ,� Lender muy do und �wy li►r whnlevrr is ncccsxury �o prinect Ui� vulu�ul'Ihc 1'�u�x;r�y und I.cndcr's righls in Ihc Pru�xrty. <br /> Lendcr'�ucliunx muy include puying uny sums�ecureJ by u licn wl►ich hu,priarity uver thix Sccurily In��n�mca�,up�xuring �.____. <br /> °� • „ •.�' in rnun,paying rcusanuble uuonicys'1'ees und eMering un Uu Proprrty�o muke rcpnirs.Al�hough Leiuler muy luke suliun - _ <br /> Y T , . under�his p+�rngruph 7,Lender dcm�nrn have tu d�i�u. � ' <br /> , • ' Any umoun�x dixhuned by I.en�kr under this �;�������rn� �IUIII I1t1170111C U�I/IIU�NIiI�dcM uf Burmwer secured by �bi� �!� <br /> - Securily Ins�rumrm. Uulc+x B��rn►wcr und Lender u�rce to oihrr��m�,ol'pirymen�,thc.c��moun�x.h�dl txur inicrc�t frum the ` �`. <br /> .� ,.,,.� <br /> , dule of dishuruement m the N��tc rute und shall he puyuhlc,wiih imercxl, u�xm uotirr t'nim l.cncler�0 8orrowcr reyues�ing <br /> �''' <br />;_:;1 • ; Pnymcnt. j <br /> 8. MoMk��{�c In�nrunre. II'Lrndrr rcqniR�l mnngotic imorunrc+i.+�r��ndiiiun of malinE d�c I�ian.crwrd hy Ihiti -- <br /> ,— - . SCC1Uily IIiMP110iC111. lion•u�vcr r•hal) pay Ihc prrmitnn, requi�ed 1u+n:iinlnin Ihr m��rtgnpr in,��runcr in rlli•c1. II,li�r�my "�--` <br /> ' rcuson. Ilic wrnlgnbc 'tn,uamcr covrr.igc rri�uirr�l hy l.cnilrr I+�p�cti ��r rrn.r� lu I►r in �II'�rl. Hurruwcr �ItnU pt�y Ihe ��:, <br /> _ ° premiums requin:d t�►ubluin ciwcragc sub.r�umiully cquivakut lo�hc mongugr imurunrc prt�viou,ly in rfl'�c�, ut :�ro,l �.: <br /> � subti�unliully equi�•alem�u�hr r�►s�tu Horrower of�he monEuge in�ur:mcc previuu+ly in rl'Icc�. frum an altemute morigage C = <br />. . imurcr approve.l by I.cndcr. II'�,ub+i�mti:dly rquivi� 1111111�!il�!l• IINUp10l'l'l'IIVI'Ii1�C M IIIH ilYilllahlc,l�mn►wcr+hnll pay k� <br /> . Lender euch mnmh a sum ryual I�i unr-twcllih uf�he ycarly murtgug� imunmcr pmmiim�Ixin�paid by Hurn�wer when�he -_ <br /> - . insurrnce covcra�e lu�nrd or rru,�rl tu Ix in rlfrrt. l.en�ier witl uccep�.u�e and rrlain Ihr.e paymenl�uti u lo.�rr,rrve in li�u �_4 <br /> .; . ' of mongage in+urance. [.as�re�rrvc puymen�.m�y�x� I�x►�rr tx�hr upli�ai�d l.�od�r.if murl�tugc insurunre ;�... <br /> ; . � - covemge lin Ilx amcwn�i�nJ for the�ri�xl Ihat l.en�kr rcyuirr�l pmvided hy un in,urcr iippnw�J hy Lender uguin hecomex `�-� <br />' ' • uvailable und is uA1:�incJ.Born►wrr�hall pay thr prcmiurn,Rqwrcd tu main�:iin m��r�ga��in+urunce in etl'rrl.ur lo pn�vide�� ��i <br /> � loss reservc.unlil tl�e rcyuinmrnl li�r mungu�c insur�uk�► arrarJ;mrr w•illi any ��rincu+�E�tenknl hrlwcrn Born►wcr 4. <br /> und Lender or appliruhlc luw. <br /> 9. Inspertion. Lcnder oi it+agcnt muy m:�{.e Ru��ax�hlc rnlrirs u�,n and in,�xrtium nt'�he Pmprrty. Lender zha0 r. <br /> . . give Bormwer niwi�e al�hr lime��t��r prior�o an iu.rxttiun+�x�.iiying rci�+onaMr rautir li�r�h�in,�xr�ion. � <br /> .. 10. Conde�pnntlun. Th�pr�keeJ.uf:�ny aa•ard ar rl:iim ti�r dam:��r�.Jiirrt ur:umri� runn�Ylion wilh a�ny � <br /> , � <br /> � , SmEklaouly..FynnieJl�ciFredJ{rMir•UNIFOR�IINti1'RI��Ih:NI'..Vml.�m�t'u�.urut. v'4D ��s�ert.,��,�t�e�•�� ! <br /> 1q al L11�s_{YY�F�1+Y I�w � <br />. M1�itJ�r Wk I��i/41�!KI�1�i i�a��u.�rn-i i n <br /> • <br /> ' .,•.� , <br /> � � <br /> .-1_ _ <br /> ' ' - _ <br />