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<br /> . . . . � .� .. . " � � . . F ,. � ' . . .• . .. ' . - .
<br /> � `_ � , i' -.2. �- _' ' ' ' . �v_�.__..._.�._.. �,,__"""_� `--�—} •` • ���,� � .
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<br /> _ "-.�t
<br /> �, � 96� 10�2�'� � � � � .�; � _ � =
<br /> . l3.Noike�My notice to Bauav�er provaded for in rbis Security In�suuraeat shall be given by deliveau�g it or by ' ' `� . _
<br /> ' m�ing it by frrst class mzu'1 unl�applicable law reqnire,s use of another method.lhe norice sh�lt be directed to the = - -, .
<br /> Fm�ty Addre�ar aay ather adthess Borrowea desip�ates hy nosica eo L,euder.My aoti�ce ta Lendea s�ail t��en by - . --
<br /> fi��rsst class ma� to Leusier's address stated berein or any address Lender designates by notice to Boirowa Any natice . •, • • :
<br /> prov'sa12d far in d�is Seauity lnstrument shall be deemed w have be2n g;ven w Bomuwer or Lender whc�given as •� , ; ` �
<br /> pmvi�ied'm this pa�aph. �_ . ':;�..,`�.. . .� '
<br /> ' 14.Cr�v�ing I.aw;SeverabWty.This Secusiry Insutmre�t shaII bs goveaned by Fedc�al taw and ihe law of the �•��:h``�""'-`:.
<br /> =, ,.�:•
<br /> �isdiaran in�vhitU�he Pin�ty is la�ied.In ihe evc�t that any gnavision or cY�..°e of�is Se�riiy Insuumeat ar dte �,.,����;:c`._�;.-��,�,r.
<br /> �+Ia�s caafl3as witb appFa�b�laN.sucb c�nflics sh�Ii aot s�ff�x otha grovi�flns af d�s Securin►Insuament oz r�a Note ,..,,
<br /> ���-
<br /> whitai qn be givea effea withflnt tha conflicting pmvisioa To this end the prwi�ans of thls Seraaity Tnso�u�eai aad ::`-..,�,i�:"_.
<br /> , r, ,�_: -.�__..
<br /> • �l�.�te a�e d�clared Lo be sev�able. ��s�.}Y:�`---.:�.
<br /> � 35.Barrosver's Copy.Boaower�6e given one�nformed copy of the Not�and of Wis Seaudty Ins�ament :��,:�:,,� -=`-=-
<br /> s sto ai release of <,.`•�.�;�•�
<br /> . 15. A�rdous 3nbstances. B�ower sha.1�t�ar geimit dte pres�aTZ,u�e,d�sgosal. �a8e, ;.�.,.�._. -
<br />, �%' atti},Hazardons Sabst�ces on ar m the Ptopeaty.��r shall nat do,nor z�cu.sisyone else to do.anythmg affe�ing �•-�..Y°�-���",:s�_:-_
<br /> ,...�_,_; _—_--_
<br /> • , tfra Frop��t4�at is in vnolarion of eny Fn�ironme�ml��. 1Ha g:. ' �cA�caaeuces sbatl not apply tn the preseaee, . : -- _-
<br /> ,5 use, or sctusge on �e Propeity of�?1 qu�ntities of Ha7ar�¢s Su�s� d►ai are BegeaallY ieca�ized oo �e . .�'.l�_v�
<br /> ,.��.- ��e anmormal re,ddearial�ses aad to mainteaance af die Arcr�t�ry. ::'�{' `p:�.:,:
<br /> ' Boaoaza sLall grompPiy�ve I.eade,r wriuen aotice of�y uivestiganion,�m.demand.lawsuit os ott�ar acti�,n 6y `,�,�,:...,`.'�j,, �,•`.,..
<br /> .� any govemmearal or regnlatary ageacy or prlva�party mvoiving tha P�p�ty and any Hazardons Saltslaace or .����,.< �. .. •
<br /> :, �viroamental Law of which Bmmwer das actaal lmowledge. I€Borrowed tea�or is aotified by any gavemmeutal or � .,•� 'i•�..r;:y
<br /> � •��-•`•1���4`�'.. ..
<br /> � regalata�a¢tihoriry. tLat aay nanoval or other remed'rarion of a_ny Ha7ardflas Substances a£�cxting the Pmperty is ;, p,:,,�,. �r'
<br /> . , necessary,Bo�wer sua)i�romp8y w�ke aII necessary remedial a�r�s�sccordance wlth Envho�meuml Iaw. �,: .
<br />. As used in this paragr�ph 16. "Ha�ardous Substances" are those sabshanr,e,s defined as toAic or 6a7arduus � �,. ..::..�a. � '.,
<br /> • anbsta�ces by Fi►vironmeatal Iaw and the followm,g sabst�nc�s:gatoline,kems�z.othei flammal�le or to��oSeam `r ,�.. ;, ':;;.` .
<br /> � pmductc. wx�c pcsticides and herbicides. vols� sc+�sents. marrrials c�g ashestos or formair3a'n�a, and , ;�t , .; �,�'2 r
<br /> - tadioa�E�atriia2s. As used m this �aia�h �b. "�nr-�nam�i Iaw° �eans federal laws and taws of d�e `�`� �.
<br /> . ju�cisdiara�9dn�a the Praperty is lax�d ula�re�:°to�xa1l�,s�my vr�vimnme�atal pmtectian. 'F�'•� ,
<br /> . � ;��,, ,
<br /> ' ' NOlOT-UNII�RM COVPNAI�PIS.Botrowet8ud i�.ntl�f�uthea Coveuant and agees a9 foltows: ':� �.� r,'�': .:
<br /> � iT.A�sgignmeat oi I3eats.Borm�ver nncond��t�1y a5signs nnsl transfeas to LeQder aU the rents and ravenaes of :;�;.�;'l.-...
<br /> n •,�,,.ti;
<br /> � t�.°Property.Soimwer anthrnixe.v I.ender m I.eiWer's sgents to oollact We re�ts a�d reveatues and ber+eby dlreas each �4;.::;
<br /> ��� tea2at of the Prope�ty w pay the muts w Lemded oi Leader's agenr�.Hativever,fifor to Lender's notioe to B�rawer of "��'�� ,�
<br /> Bamower's breacb of any cavc�aat ar a�eement in ttse Secauity Ins�ament,Bottowea sball wLoct and nceive all.rents - -��'.:-
<br /> and reve.nues of the Prapepty as trastee for the brr�st�f LenQ�and Bormwe,r.This�.ssignment of nea�cun�tutes an .._ �.�••�-
<br /> � Pbsol�e a�ignrnent�d Erat an assignme,�t for ad�v�at s�sity on1y. �y1�l�.:. � "��
<br /> . If g�pves aa�+ce of hs�.h tn Boaawec R+�ail remts�Qdved try Bamnarr sLa11 bo 6eld by B�m+�s ag "��•-"r_.`- .-.�"�=-
<br /> ,;.�r`� uus�e Cc�C�.6tof Leader only.m�+e apptieed w dce swns�d by the Sec�uity Iasutunen�N)Lender s?caTl be �', �;=-= .
<br /> .:��r•�� eadtkd to co]Lect�ad ceceive ell of tL�n�of the Fmperty;��fx.)�ach teazat of tt�Pmpeity s6aIl pay all rents due �, _'•---�,_.:��__�_�
<br /> . _ 9ad�npaid to�..eada ar Leade's ageat�on Len�'s wrive.n demaa9 w the tenaauG �::.,_ `.�f --' ' _
<br /> t _�=..:�.
<br /> , '.�� Banower bas aat execateA any yri�nr assignment of the reats and das aoe�n3 wi11 not p�f�m any act tisat wwild � '`�;; � _;<;,�(---- -
<br /> ��... '•-.:
<br /> . ��; prevent Lender fmm exe�cisin�its ri�unda this para�aph 17. � ���'_'
<br /> ! Leader shall not be reqnired w eR.��uyon,mlte cantrol of aT m�sintain the Propeity before or atter gtving norice of "''��
<br /> breacb to Borrawer.Hawever.Leisder or a judiciallY aPPointed c�aiwer may do so at any tIme tl�ere is a breach.Any . .�.:.
<br /> • eppDicadon of reats sball not aue or waive any�feaIt or inva�idate any other right or rwiedy of Leader. 'itiiv �`'
<br /> ' asslgn�neut of rents of tRe Praperry shall teaminate�i�a�e debt secured by the Sec�ity Insuum�t is paid in�rll. 'yyti,,�.�=-.,�;:�,
<br /> �••�
<br /> . • ,.
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