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<br /> under Lhe tollowing Oeed of Trust tc be entered into among Trustors,tAttepd R. Baack, Attornev_at-I.�rtv. P. O. Box 1
<br /> - �,-i: ; ,
<br /> T90 Grand Islsnd Nebraska 688m2 -�; � � ���-�T �'
<br /> _ .('Ttustea'j. f'` �., � _.
<br /> andTfQa Ovorland Na�tonal Bar�k ot Orand tsland :ry`�� ��<. -'-"
<br /> ' � �
<br /> ('Beneficiar�)covering ffie p�pe�ty descnbed befow herEby admowledge tfiat it is urtsttslood tl�1(u��tt�8 Q'e�d of Trust to be :�;.�,;F•,. ' ;
<br /> er b rs
<br /> executed by Trustor is a trnst deed and not a mortqage�d(b)the power of sale provlded tor in the Qer.�d at Trust prmrides i,::... ��.` . .;
<br /> .t�;'-.. ,�
<br /> •� :; substantialJy drfterent dghts and obGgations to the Tn�tor than a moRgsge tn the event o1 defa�,'.t or ba63.tti of oA�g-at'ron. �'�' ?�`��_ � � � ..
<br /> - ,�;.:„ ��,.,�
<br /> .`• Trustor admowledges that this Actmowtedgment was made prior to the exec�rtEon of the Or�a9 Truat. ��„_. �,.,��-��
<br /> `•f+rt.' 'J'�--._ e. .�r r- -_
<br /> Executed and de.'ivered this 17tP1 day ot�t:eodssr . 1SS6 ��v �
<br />., id- . --._ ,;-vm:
<br /> ' �.. _....
<br /> r �{;,.• :i _
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<br /> �IL �'� ,l, .,'.,�> .. .,_,
<br />� r�„�,o� Tr�StOr ponna L Bowers �`�:' : '',i'•• ,s•{ ;r,:�,�
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<br /> D�� OF TRUST f;� ��� ..�; �`� ;�,-
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<br /> THIS OEED OF 1AUST(•Security InsirumenY)is made on October 17th iBBfi '' �'��`•}.` �
<br /> The trustor Is Veldan D.Bowers and Donna 1.. Bowers. Husband and Wtfe .A� bi��'finna� � � ''���_
<br /> {•Borrow�r').
<br /> � The trustee is Mend H Baack,Attornev at Law P O Baar 7 0 Grand Island. [�teb�lt�(iHH02 �
<br /> ("Tnuii�'��Tho bene�dary ts .�;,�—'-.
<br /> � The Overland Plailonal Ban at��and tstand whtct��is a�g�ri�and eo6stn� �, : -' ..,.:_
<br /> ' under the laws W The United States of AmerE� ,and whose��ress is 304 vJnttt�7'QtBc�d'�ire�t '� ';�:• ` • � '
<br /> ;� S ,:i:
<br /> • Grart tslated NE 68501 ("�d�''1• t •:��=�- ' —
<br /> . s�; . `��i��,?,`��___�:
<br /> eorrower owas Lender the prtr►dpal sum ot Nine ouss.��and�0 100 s�.�. ��^�Z'.��':' _
<br /> ', 'i�u. OoL'ars(U.S.a 59.Q0(y.fl� l. This debt i��dE�serl�trr:8o�rov�cr's note ,,;:.:r'����'�eA�t� ;_{
<br /> dated the same date as this Securtty Instrument ('Note'). wMch prv�itlQS br monlhfy paymants, wilA tha tu:l c9lit: i4 na1 p�td . i�"•��n;�r, --__
<br /> `� eazlie�, due and payaDle on November 1.2001 . j��,` .. ` ' �.=
<br /> This Securfry lasbument securea to Lender. (a) repayment of the debt evldenced b;�2he Note, vritA tnUxc�st�and a!i rmerrals. �",' ` ����_ �'!'
<br /> e�Rensions and mod'fications o1 the Note; @) tl�e payment of ail other sums, h�'� interes�t. advanced u��tr parac,paph 7 to �'.
<br /> ' protect dtc security o?this Securiry �nu.7ument; end (c) the pe�fortnance of 8orrowds covenants er+fl�a�temx.ts. For thi� �''�'"'-�•'`� ,'`�""'�'
<br /> purposnl. 15r_rrower irtevocabiy grcr::n and conveys to Tnistee. In trust, Kith power of sate, the ittir,r�.{n����ctcr7b�d prope�t�f -�,�, t=,=-�,:�•y
<br /> torateQ;�r�ri811 Caunty. Nehraska: „ ..w
<br /> • �� � •' .
<br /> . � tr�act of land crryrr�rrfrat:� a parQ of Lo4s Twonty Three 4�.�� and Twenty• Ffnuv ��4)� Gflor t,��,'� ;- - .:-": ---
<br /> � S�diviston. in ti�e �"�,� o� arand Island. Neb►aska. more particutarly desarFU�d, a:s follo�vo: �,,,,,,,,�r,w;;,,,,,�;.,,�,
<br /> ` f3sri�redng at the lntersectton of the southerly ►ight ot way Urte ot 20t►y �xaee2 and�tho waQ3erhf • .
<br /> ' Qine�'rur�d i.o!Twenty Faur(24);thence runn(ng easte�riy abng the sou2�'hr�,�f�r Nght�oi,wtry Iine a� : • ;� �:a;,..
<br /> 20t1: �sYrn►�t, a di52ance o! Elghty Two and Twenty Elgh� Hundredths (@2.�t&D feo1,,ta�a�polnt pn� . �_:•ati�� .. �__
<br /> �r» ����:t��riy right of way Iine o! Ilpnols Avenue; thence ru�nnfng south�0y aton��8he tvou?o�t ' .: .• - . �.;�.
<br /> P�fn� rt' way lirte o! Ipinofa Avenue, a dlstanee W One Hur�dredSeventean and,�tiw�rn4y Eiflh� : t,i�:�.,:��;;,;�:�__='
<br /> .,�.-,...�,�_-- -.
<br /> ' B��rmJ�E►,lis (11T.�ffi) feet; thence running westerfy a dis4u�nce of Eighiy 71nr+a �ma! Sovon -�+��
<br />� ��' fffuitr!#�ri�i�'�s (F12A7�'� 4oet, to a poit�t on the westerty Une of saiJ� Lfl! Twrenty Four• (L4j; thonco �`•�•�*-��- ��.
<br /> ry o¢�Rain�� in�athoriy� along the westorty line of satd Lot Twentti �� t��s�, a di.aMnoo ot tir�o � ��;--
<br /> Hvrtdru�i��ightesn and Eic�ht Hundredths (118.08)foot. to the�oi�Q� ���r�t�ing. __:_�� �
<br />, : �4�'•���, -
<br /> _ _ ,_vti'ai.
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<br /> . r n:ltltl .K�"'''.�.`�r.. �`
<br />. . --__ J:��i �.w_ _
<br /> . wmcn nas tne adaress ot 535 East 20th Stree� . Grartd Is9ansf �;'.`'r•�':;�"`�''-
<br /> ' Nebraska 68801 ("Property Address')•�P" �� , �. .'S��
<br />. • '• , C� oaep // . �_. .... -
<br /> � • � Fprrn iU`e8 i50 hEBfU$iJi 5•nqe Fum�y Frytit�FHWC U�iIFCRM i45TRl,7fEti:7 /1L'�/`� � - � � . _-_
<br />- � �' F'3'6 LMG r35n1 �a4•� • f 5 , ���LLL]Y,...t ' ,' _ . .4 .
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