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<br /> ��1���:1�-�,::.:;�� ABJUSTABLE ItATE RIDER ,/ ,� /�
<br /> �u"z:,� si=�"a� a (1 YearT►naury Ind�x•N�toC�) ��� iQ�if�
<br /> ':�t�r.�4.����� � ' , • �
<br /> ��i""'r'�-'�'�':� TH19�ADJUSTABLII RM'E RID6R i�m�de thls�TlL d�y at_ ��— �19-�---�
<br /> --==� �nd Ic i�orponi�d Imo rMf�h�ll be deemad to ama►d�nd wppkm�n��he Mon�w.Deed ot Tru�t,a 5ecuri�y ded pha"Securlty laprument")of
<br /> �����_� t6e wne d�tt�iv�n by tht widerd4ned lthe"Bonower"1 lo saure Bortower•r Ad)up�bk R�N Nott(tht"Not�"1�o
<br /> s� �Y} , _ �Q(th�"I.w�dw••)of tM ww dau�nd rnveria�tIN praputy dac�ib�d la tht SKwkY laprumsnt�nd locaud wt
<br /> .�0,,.�. .
<br /> -.�:�. •,-
<br /> � 't:' ,.'��.� �= -.�� . 1709 S_HARRISON. GRAND ISLAND NE 68801 _
<br /> = wn� i.,.:
<br /> (Propmy Addrcu)
<br /> �;;�%,�� --::�:`" riM wle ewt�lr pro�Won dlowi� for cMw�Iw �y Uteral nMe �M �7 roalMy'
<br /> �.r� -'-`➢"19. r p.rwe�a.Trl,w�.dw u.du�M.uaw��.��■taia ea c.N cw.p a..y ai.u..�M
<br /> 'S?Lr�^�"�S�!� . ,.� �O I�C�Yr Y�IYf�1�1f��Y��Ry.
<br /> ��'.:'�::e•_.
<br /> r'��:.�lII�On�:•-
<br /> •s'�%��• ADDITIONAL COVENANTS.la addilbn to tMe covmantt aad airamenu m�do In 1he Security In�trummt,Banowa�od L�ender
<br />��;:>�:��,f Wrther cavwnt aad yree u tollowa:
<br />�O�j�,xtie�..;�A�._ :
<br />��� •° .' ; � A. IN7FilE�'7'RATE AND MONTHLY PAYMF•NT CHANCFS
<br />�-; •-�' ' � Tha Note provlda tor m in(dal interat rate of 8.0 �lb.yectioa 4 of the Nae pravida fo�chm4a ia the intaat nte�ad Nie
<br />�t���`itia:,�.�r� moathlY WY�u•as foUorvs:
<br />�i� ,._�
<br /> R�Mx�,n9�,.y
<br />��"' --- '='� 1, /MER�ST RATE AND MONTNLY PAYMBMCHAN08S _
<br />�a�..,�:..`_�.�sv. :.
<br />,�r . IA1 CIU�DQM
<br /> i`.:;y ��dY�,^J�.�:, • 77a intaat tale 1 will pay maY clun�e on the fint G�Y of .il R.Y ,19�_,�nd oo UW d�Y ave�Y
<br /> . t� momhs thereaUer.Each date on whicb�ny Interea�ate rnuW ch�nQe is called a"Ci�n4e Da�e.••
<br />� . � �� TM��
<br />}�:`� Be�inain�wfth the fint ChonQe D�te.my interest rate wfll be based on an ladex.The"Index"is the weekly averoQe yietd on United Suta
<br />�.t �„+.c�i-';ai;+.:++�. Trcasury cecurttia adjusted to a rnnsune maluriiy of 1 yesu.as made�vai4ble by the Pe+deral Resme Board.Tha mat tecent Indac fl�urc
<br />�'�� ' �'�' � '� awWbk as of Ihe date 45 d�ya before ach ChanQe Date b callal the"Current Indeu."
<br /> ..._x .�..�.
<br />�;`,� � If the Index i:no lonaer�vailabk,the Note Holder wUl choose o nqv Indac which is baied upon comparabk informaUon.Tbe Note
<br />��",� �^' ' HoWer will�ive me notioe of this choia.
<br />�iw ,r � • -
<br />�9d�� �,�� (C► Cak�tlo�otClw�a THREE AND ONE—HALF
<br /> '�'+� gsjpn q�Cl�Clu�sfyt Qe�•,�he[d�we Hn1Aer will�akulate my new interat rate by addinp_ percentYae
<br /> r ' � b � p��u� 3.S �)to the Curtent Inden and rounding to the nearat 1/&h of 1 qi,aubJect�o the Ilmiu:aud in Secdon I(D)below.
<br />�'.• ., -
<br />'"•° ° This rounded�mount wlll be my new interat rate undl the ne�t Chan�e D�te.
<br /> �r r � The Note Holder wfll then determint the amount of Ihe monthly payipe�t�hat would Ix sufrictent to repay in full the princfpal 1 am
<br />;��,•, ^ enpectod to owe on�hat C�wnQe Date in substantially eqwl pnyments by the awturlly date ot my aew Interat rpte.The rault of thfs cateulotion _
<br />{;;;' ; � o wW be the new amount oP my monthly payment.
<br />•Yr-..• . . � . ID� �d��A���R�k'���
<br /> � The inlerat rate 1 am required to pay at the fint Changc Dale will not be greater than 10•� qi or�s�than
<br /> ' � ' ' � 6-00 ni.Thercafter,my interesl rate will never be increased or dcereased on any sinale Chaage Date by more than
<br /> "`f' ^��* (?-nq� from thc ratc of intcresi I heve been paying P�x the preceding twdvc months.The minimum Interat rate on this loon will never be
<br /> },.
<br /> +- , �� 6.00 �i and the m�cimum interest rate will never be grpt¢r Ihan 1�.00 �q�.
<br />� �
<br /> • • • IEI Elkeqvt Mte of Clau��es
<br />" � , � My new Imerat r�te will become effecti�•e on each Change Date.1 will p�y the amount of my new monthly payment be0inning on Ihe f rst
<br /> ' -__----. r,wntl,ly paymeni daie olter the(:hanQe Dat¢unt11 I he amoun�ot my montF�iy paymen�chnnycs ay�in.
<br />�;_'" ,. ..
<br />�:t' '. (Fl Notic�oiCh��a
<br /> t�:, � 'Cbe Note Holder will mail or deliver to me a noUce beforc each Chon�e Data The notice wiU adviu me of:
<br />,
<br /> t „ . •'. (i) the new interat rate on my loan as of the Change Date;
<br />"" qq the amount of my monthly payment following the Change D�te;
<br />, (ilq u+y additional matten which the Note Holder is required todlsclose;and
<br /> ` � �fv) the addras of�he assocfation you could coMact reQardlna any quations about the adjustmmt noNoe.
<br />�
<br /> ` � 8. CHARCESt LIENS
<br /> � Uniform Covmant 4 ot the Security Instrument is amended to read as follows:
<br /> ' 1, Cbu�es;Ller.Bortower sh�ll pay all taxes,assessments,and other char4es,fin�s,ond impositions attributable to the Propeny which may
<br /> ' sttafn a ptiority over this Security Instrument,and lasehold payments of ground rents,if any,in the manner provided under para�raph 2 hereof
<br /> or,if not paid in auch manner,by Borrower mokin�paymen�,when due,dirally to the paya thereof.Borcower shaN promptly furnfsh l.ender
<br /> , all notices of amounts due under this pua�raph,and in the event Borrower shall mate paymem dircctly,Borrower shall promptly furnish to
<br /> Lender reaipts evidenc�ng such paymen�s. Borrower shall promptly disclwrge any Ifen which has priori�y over this Security Instrumem; '
<br /> • however, Bonower sholl not be required to diuhargc�ny such licn so lona as Borrower: la1 shall agra fn writing�o the payment of thc
<br /> , obli�ation secured by such Ifen in Ihe manner acceplable�o l.ender;lb►shall m goad faith contest such lien by,or de(end ag�inst enforcement of
<br /> _ such lim in,kgal pro��eedings which in ihe opinion of Lmder operaie;o pre�ent the enforcement of the I+en or forfeiwre of the Property or any
<br /> , �� pan thereof;or(c)shall secure from�he holder of such lien�n agreemem In a form satfafnetory�o Lender subordfna�fng such Ilen to thls
<br /> ' Seeu�iiy Instrument.
<br /> If Lender determine�that all or any part oF�he Prupen� n+ub�at toa lien which muy attain u priority o�er this Security In�trumeni, ,
<br /> Lrnder shnll a���e Borrower a notice identifvin¢such lien. Borrower shall tiaiisfY wch lien or take one or more ut the actions at forlh above
<br /> wi�hin�en days of�he 4ivina of the notia.
<br /> • C. NOTICE
<br /> , � Uniform Covenam 14 ot Ihe Secunty Inurumrnt�c�mended ro nad ati fol lows:
<br /> 11. Ndlee.Except for any notice reqwred under applicable law�o tx giveo in anoiher manner,la1 any nolire to 8orrower pn��ided for in�his
<br /> , � Security Instroment shall Ix gi�en by deli�ermg rt or b}•mailing it by�tir�t cl�es mail�o Borroxer a�the F'roperty AdJre�ti or al wrh o�hrr addrn�
<br /> u Borrower may designate by no�ice�u Lender a�pro�ided herem,anJ 1 h1 any no�ice to Lander�hall be g��en hp tin�tla��ma�l io I ender'�
<br /> addrecs stued herein or to+uch Whcr�ddre�s as Lender ma>de+ignate M nou.c ta Hurrowcr a.pro�idcJ hernn-An>n.�t��c pro�idcd fur m�hi.
<br /> Secutity Insvument chall be Jeemed�o ha�e lxrn gnm to Borrower�ir lender x hen Ki�tn in thc manncr de�igna�eJ herem.
<br /> . y'
<br />