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<br /> `�""'��'�'�'_�'_*=� TO(lETHElt WITN all�he improvements now or hereaftcr crccted on thc property,and all easementa.pp�wrtenwkcn,
<br /> -- ___�-�.-�69 And fiztureo now or hercaftcr� put of�he propeny. All rcplocements and �dditians shall�I�uu be covencd by thi�Socurity
<br /> -_-� ---- Inurument. All of!he forcQdng i�tefemcd to in this Security Inswmeot+w the"Piqxny."
<br /> ��--�'-�`�` BORROWER COVENANTS thut Barowcr ia lawfully sei�ai of 1he estate hercby convcyc�wid h�thc�ight to�rant
<br /> '-'����r'�` wul convcy�hc Property and that�he Pruperty is unencumbercd,except for encumbrances of record. Barrower warrantr and �
<br /> , +: • , will defend genemlly thc dtic to the PrapeRy against all claims nnd demwids.cubJect�o any encumbtwiccs oi racord. ��
<br /> �.'�. � _
<br /> -- �!`.� THIS SECURITY INSTRUMBNT comWneg unifam covenantr for natiawl u�c and non•uniform cuvet�rnt� wflh
<br /> r�''" ` ~�'�-^�-� �� � ' limited vnrietion9 by jurisdictian to conslitute a uniPorm secudty inswment covering real propeAy. _ _
<br /> �"`'� UNIFORM COVBNANTS. Borrower and Lendrr covenaat and agree as foilows: -
<br /> : =--"�"��°.�� l. Pay�nent of Principal w�d Intereal;Prepalment and l.ate Cbwr�es. Ba�mwer shall promptlY paY when due the -
<br /> �_
<br /> �'M.���'�� princfpa1 of and interest on the debt evidenced by the Note und any prepaymem and(ate charges due under the Note.
<br /> ;,�r.a.,,,�.r:,�;�-
<br /> s 2. Flundr far 71ues Aad Irowraace. Subject to applicable luw or to n writtcn wul�er by Lende�,Burrower shall pay to
<br /> n � � � ' ' l.ender on the dny mon�hiy payments sue due under thc Note. until the Note is p�id in full,a sum l"Funds")for:(a)yearly
<br /> •=}�-�'��"`'.� twces nnd assessmenls which mny atwin pdority over this Security Inswment as a lien on the Prapeny;(b)yeuly leasehold
<br /> - - �. `�" °: ,-• paymnus rn' ground rents on the Property, if any: (c) yearly huzard or propeny in�uronce premiums: (d) yearly tlood
<br /> _�.x�ri}�,'��', insuronce premiums. if any;(c)yearly martguge insurance premiums,if any; and (� Any sums payable by Borrower to
<br /> "� Lender, in uccordunce with the provisions of parngraph S.in lieu of the payment of moAgage insurnnce pr+emiums. These
<br /> �� `�=-="`''`'°�°�° items ane called"�scrow Items." l.ender muy.ut nny time.coliect and hold Punds in an amount not to eacced the maximum
<br /> 1��`"��',� omount a lender far a federally related mortgage loan moy requi� for Bottowerlc escrow uccount under the federal Real -
<br /> "�'`'"a{ "?"«�' � Estsde Senlement Procedunes Act of 1474 as umended from tlme to time,l2 U.S.C.$2601 et seq.("RESPA").unless�uwther
<br />- '� e �� ;•��,„.:� luw Uwt applies to 1he P1mds Re[s u lesser�nount. If so.Lender may.at any time,collxt and hold Fundc in an amount not to
<br /> -�-. '�-:.:f'�! . eaceed the lesser amount. Lender may estimatc the amount of i�unds duc on thc basia of cument data and rr.aaot�bb
<br /> . .�,. �_ _
<br /> . ;� ° `a~�' .� ectimates of expenditures of future Escrow Items or othenvise in accordance with�pplicuble law.
<br /> - - ; , � .. The H1mds ahall be held in an institution whose deposits are insured by a federal egency. instrumentality,or entity
<br /> P
<br /> � •�' (including I.ender,if Lender is such nn fostitutian)or in any Federal Home L.onn Bank. l.ender shall appiy the PWnd�to p�Y
<br /> ; �� `` ' the Escrow Items. Lender may r.ot charge Borrower for holding nnd opplying ihe Funds, annually analyzing ihe escrow •
<br /> _ � � . , , account. or verifying the Escrow Items.uniess l.ender puys Borrower interest on Ihe Punds and applicable aw pennits
<br /> . .�:..,. . Lender to mnke such u charge. However,Lender may require BoROwer to pay a one-time charge for on indepa�dait rcal
<br /> � estate tax repoding service used by Lender in connection with this loan,unlesa applicuble law provldes dherwise. Un!sss an
<br /> • agreement is made or upplicuble law requires intcrest to 6e paid,Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest or
<br /> '. ' „ earnings an Ihe Funds. Borrnwer and Lender may ngree in writing,however,lhat interest sholl be paid on the Funds. l.ender
<br /> a�;.;,,.,. shall give to Botrower,without charge,an annual accounting of the Funds.showing credUs and debits w the Funds and the
<br /> �.;,..;;;:' , purpose for which estch debit to the Funds was made. The FUnds sve pledged as additional security for all sums sxurod by
<br />- this Security lnstrument.
<br /> � •�= •-�-' If the FundA hPid hy Ixnder ezceed the nmounts permitted to be held by applicable law, Lender shnll account w
<br /> ' ,_ -�
<br /> '� a:� Borrower for the excess Funds in Accordnnce with the reqwrements of applicabk law. If the artwunt of the MLnds hetG by
<br />, , �� Lender et any time is not sufficicnt to pay the Escrow Items when duc,L.ender may so notify Horrower in writing.end,in
<br /> ` , such cnse Borrower sholl pay to Lender the umaunt necessury�o make up the deficiency. Sorrower sholl moke up the
<br /> :: �• deficiency in no more than twelve monthly payments,at Lender's sole discretion.
<br /> � Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument,Lender shAll promptly refund to Barower any
<br /> Funds held by l.ender. If, under paragr.�ph 21,Lendcr shnll+�cquire or sell�he Property.Lender,prfor to the acquisitlon or
<br /> o „i; salc of the Propeuy. shall apply any Funds held by Lender at the timc of ucquisition or sale as a credit agaiast the sums
<br /> '° secured by this Security Inslrument.
<br /> 3. ApplicAlion oP Payments. Unless applicable luw provides otherwise, all payments received by Lender under
<br /> �:" paragraphs I nnd 2 shall be applied:�rst,to any prepayment charges due under Ihe Note;second.to amounts payable under �
<br /> , -,; " paragraph 2; third,to interest due;founh.io principul due;and lost,to uny lute charges due under the Note.
<br /> �� � 4. Charges; Liens. Borrower shall pay all taxes, assessments,churges, fines and impositions uttribumble to the
<br /> Property which may attain priority over t�is Security Instrument,und leasehold payments ar ground rents,if nny. BoROwer
<br /> _ ' ' shall pay these obligutions in the manner prnvided in pnrngrnph 2,or if not puid in thot mnnner,Borrower shall pay them on _
<br /> , w �a�"���' time directly to the person owed payment. Borrower whall promply inrni.h w i..rudei ufi�iuticcs of amounis to b..paid nnder
<br /> this h. If Borrower makex these A ments directl Borrower shall rom N furnish to Lender recei ts evidencin �--
<br /> P�R�P P Y Y, P P Y P B
<br /> ''�,;�;. . the payments. —
<br /> ' � Borrower shull promptly discharse any lien whirh has priority over this Security Ins�rument unless Borrower:(al ugrees `'''
<br /> ' in writing to the payment of the obligation sccured by the lien in n manner acceptable to Lender,lb)contests in good faith the
<br /> "� , lien by,or defends against enforcement of the lien in,Iegal proceedings which in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the ��
<br /> ' �,, .;� enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures from the holder of thc lien un agreement sntisfactory to Lender subordinating the licn [�-
<br /> '�'� ' � to this Security Instrument. If Lender determines thnt uny part of the Propeny is subject to u lien which mAy uttuin priority
<br /> E• -
<br /> � over this Security Instrument.Lender muy give Borcower u noticc idcntifying the lien. Borrowcr shnll satisfy the licn or W:e
<br /> '' '" one or more of the actions set fonh ubove within 10 duys of the giving of noticc.
<br /> S. Hazwrd or Property Insurance. Borrowcr shull keep thc improvemems now cxisting ar hereafter crected on thc �'�
<br /> G� Property insured against loss by fire,huzards included within the tern�"extended mverage"and any o�her hazards,including �
<br /> � '� floods or flooding, for which I.ender requires insurance. This insurance shall be muintained in �he amounts and for the t
<br /> . ` `` • , �
<br /> "a,:• i Form J028 9/9D 1►wRe 2 nJb�kes 1
<br /> • �
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