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<br /> - -- o��le,rad the s�lacludla$the psya�eat of the 71'ustee'z tees�ctudly iacun�ed,aot to exceed 2.0 �� �
<br /> -- th�priacip�l�mowt af th�nW�d I6e tirpe ot tbe declarAtlon at det�ulf.and resconabM attorneyn'�ea�sp�a itted
<br /> _- b�I�wi(b)W dl amt iecured by tbl�Security Imtrumeati sad(c)�ay��tca�!o fM penon or perao��M�IIy aUtlyd
<br /> �_.�� a u.
<br /> ,�,� 22. RRCOnvey� Upon p�yment of�II�ums �uxurcd by�hi� Securfty In6wmcnt,Lender ihall roquest 7tustoe �o
<br /> _ '_''� reconvey the Property�nd th�ll rumender thi�Secudty Inowment ond�ll notes evider�cin�debt cccured by thl�r Secud�y
<br /> _ - - lnswment ta 7iuttee. 7Fustee �h�ll ra�nnvey the Properry wUhout warnnty�nd wlthout charae w Ihe percon or peuons
<br /> - - _ ----�� , le�vly enNtled to it. Such penon or pe�ons�h�ll p�y any rccadation coit�. -
<br />.. -� - t3. SubtlWte'Irurtea Lcnder,�t its aption.m�y from�fa�e to time remove 7tu�tea md appoint a succeswr uuuee to
<br /> _� � - �ny 7tuqec appoimed hernundcr by m imwmant �ecordod in the counry in which this Secudty Inatrumem is recorded.
<br /> �':'� Withaut conveyu�ce oi the Property.the wccwot tru:tee alull wccetld to all the title.power and dutie:canferred upon
<br /> 'ttu:tee hereio and by applicable law.
<br /> _---�;�_ � Z4. Request far Notica. Borrower requests tlwt coples of the notkes of defAUlt wid sale be sent to Borrower�Add�+eu �
<br /> --��•,_�.•�:� a which ir the I'roperty Addr+ess.
<br /> -- " 2S. Ridera to lhh Security la4trumeaf. If one or mon ridere are oxecuted by Borrower w�d recorded together with _
<br /> ==���'�°� this Securiry lnswment,the covenants end agroemrnts of each such rider shall be incorporated into and shall amend and
<br /> ��"':� supplement the covenants and a�recmcnts of this Securiry Insuument as if the tider(e)were A part of thi:Securlty In:wmrn�
<br /> �"�'�"++r��y��+�,�., , [Chcck applicable box(a))
<br /> �lt_�.s'i luliSld�i.�y'n'.
<br /> °��;.'s�x;•'•;'�'�:_:'` �AdjusWble Rue Rider �Condominium Rider �1-4 Funily Rider
<br /> _ _;°"`����S-- �(iraduated Payment Etider �Plonned Unit Development Rider �8iwalcly Payment Rider _
<br /> ;;,:;:,^ '#�.,-
<br /> --°;,t.;o.e.:4:_.r..
<br /> —•::.:.�• ; �._•; . �Balloon Rider �Rate Improvement Rider �Sceaad Home Rider
<br /> ;i�c�;t-v4.�:a•
<br /> -� ::j.:•�: •� " �Other(s)IePaifYl
<br />--- �-'�-�1�e,
<br /> ! ,��,�"r�,,'�e• BY SIC3NINti BELOW,Sorrower uccepts and agrees to the t�rms and covrnants oonteined in thic Securiry Instrument
<br /> - °=: '�t'�;'. i'�' and in any rideKs)eaecuted by Hoimwer and recorded wlth i� .
<br /> - .;�ti�-•.:,,,::x+:;L...y�� .
<br /> :;�:.,��;�.I . �d1G�4Ci: '
<br /> , � :.,�
<br /> - --��,���- . ..�'1����C/.�� �S�> .
<br /> - �', :~ 'ra?�, oy ri e 508 08 0606 -e«��
<br />_ _ . �.�;_��, Sooial Security Number
<br />�� . fSeap
<br />,F��- „ :' -e«rower
<br /> --,� .. .,r�-w Sacial Security Number
<br /> � ,
<br /> .'�_�� STATE OF NEBRASKA, Hell Counry ss: _
<br />..6 J.� , �.. ` _.
<br /> -�-;�: . . On this lst day of July� 1992 ,before me,the undersigned,a Notary Pub)ic
<br /> �'�'�� , � . ' duly commissioned and qualified for said county,personally came E loy H. Uribe, en unmerried person
<br /> .°-�� ,to me known to be the
<br /> o�••�•-;T,.�� idendcal persons(s)whosc namc(s) are subscribcd to thc foregoing instrument�nd ackno�ti�ledged the execuuon thenof ro •
<br /> �� N�R-'':•�"��-`. � his voluntary act and deed. �
<br /> y.,, _r•. �_:
<br /> �i��'.�+,`-j'":'�-..°• , Wimess my hand,�nd notarial seal at Grand Islen � ebreske in said county.the
<br /> �='_� " � date aforesaid l
<br /> _=�� � ..°: •,. _.
<br /> _;.**�. . • My Commission expires: /�- �' �-�
<br /> Y . �� .I
<br />_?;i� :.r� „�. .,. NoWyPublk •
<br /> _. � .1.:,.: '
<br /> -;� � , �(��,���� RHQUEST FOR RECONVEYANCE
<br /> - .��;�..
<br />����t ..i.:�:�rc�.:;s.� TO BHE�u
<br />;;�t},�; • �:,; _ • hN�Yt� � t note or notes secund by this Deed of'iivst. Said note or notes,together wGh all _
<br /> -�"^' , other indebtedness f Tn�st,have been p�id in full. You are hereby directed to cancel said note or notes =
<br />., . ,. and this Deed of 7iust,which are de we ed hereby,und to reconvey,without w•rrr:uny,all the es[ate now held by you under .
<br /> this Deed of'Itust to tNe person or persons legally entided thereto. =
<br /> ,' ;�; --
<br /> ' Date:
<br /> - Fo�m�028 9/90 1/wR�6 njA paRetl �'
<br /> ... . .. . :'
<br />--_ --. --- --?-�_ _--.--_ --- -, ._..
<br /> s.
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<br /> ' � . �
<br /> , � ( , .
<br /> . �1 _ _ _
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