<br />11IIOS7999
<br />those interests, including, but not limit2d to, the right to foreclbse and sell tlie l and to taks any action reqnired of
<br />I:ender including, but �aot limited to, releasin� and caucelin� this Se�rity Instrument.
<br />BORROWER COVENANTS t�at Borrower is Iawfnlly seised of the esta�te hereby conveyed and has the right to graa�
<br />and convey the Property aad that the Properly is u�enc�er�d, except for e�CUtnbranc�s of reoord. Boaowe�r wartants and
<br />will defeafl generallp #he title to the Property against alt claims aud d�mands, srtbject to any encnmbraaces of record.
<br />THIS SECURITY INSTRIJMENT combiaes unifoim covenants for national use and non-�anifonm covenants with
<br />Limited variati,bns b.y juri„sdiction to constituta � uniform se�uzity instrument eoveriag reaI propecty.
<br />IJNIF'ORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Le►�der cov�nant and agree as follows:
<br />1. Pa�ment of P�inratpal, Interest, Eserow Items� Prepay�ment Charges, and Late Chaxges. Borrorover shall pay
<br />when dne the principal o� and interest o�, t�a debt evidenced by the �Vote and an� prepaymeat chatges sud late charges due
<br />u�nder �he Note. Borrotiver slLall atso pay funds for Escrow Items pursua�.t to Sectian 3. Payments due imder t]�e Note and this
<br />Security' Insixvment shall be made in U.S. cuttes�cy. Fiowevez, iF aay check oz othez' instrtunent received by Lender as �payment
<br />uader the No�e or �his Se�urity Iastn�ent is xeturned to Len,dez unpe.id, Lenfler may reqtiure tha.t any or all subsequent
<br />payiinents dtie va�.er tlie 1*Tote aad r.his Seeurity Instrwm� be made in one ox more of the following fozms, as seiected by
<br />Lender. (aj casb; {b) money oXde,r (c) certified check, banlc check, ire2.surer's check or cashie�'s checic, provided any sueh
<br />c3ieck is daaw�n upon an i�stitution whose cteposits are ins�ted hy a federal agencq, instr�smentality, or entity; or (dj Electrrnv,c
<br />Funds Transfer.
<br />i'syments are deemed received by T..ender w�iem received at the location d�signated iti the Note or at such othez
<br />locatian as ffia.y be designated by Lender in accordance with tlae noti�e provisions in Section 15. Lender nnay reXum aay
<br />payment or paxtial payment if th$ payment or paztial gayments are ins�rfficient to bring the I,oan cmreat Lender may accept
<br />any paymextt or partial �ay��ti,t insufficient tb bring the Loat► cwrtent, wiYhc>7xt waiver o� any sig?ats hereunder or prejutlice to
<br />its rights to refuse suc1� payment or p�rkiat payments in the future, but Lender is not obli�ated to apply suc� payments at the
<br />time such paysments aze accepted. If each Periodic Paymefl.t is applied as of zts scheduled dn� daxe, thea Lender �eed not pay
<br />in,terest an unapplied fu�,ds: Lender may hold such unapplied funds unti.l BorroweT makes payment to bring the Loan current If
<br />Boirower does not do so within a reasonable pe�iod of time, Lendez shall either app�y� such fands or �etum 1�em to �orrqwer. If
<br />not applied eatlier, such funds w��Il be applied to tiie outstandiag princi�al b�.ia�ce uader 13ie Note i�mediately prior to
<br />fozeclosure. No offset or claim which Borro'wer might lia've now 6r in the fn'lure against Lsnder shall relieve Borrower from
<br />making pay,ments due under th.e Note and this Sec�ttitty Insm�ment ox �erfqrming the coven��s and agreements secured. by this
<br />Security Ins4�men�
<br />2. App�ieation of Payrite�d.ts or Proceeds. Except as otheawise descnbed in this 3ectibn 2, all pa.yments accepted and
<br />applied by Lender s1�a11 be applied i� t7�e �ollowi�ng ozder of priority: (a) raterest due n,nder the Note; (b) principal due imci�rr the
<br />Note; (c) amounts due under Section �. Such• payments shall be applied to each �'eriodic Payment in the order in wluch it
<br />beeame dne. Any , p , • , A;�;+�g suio�nts sF►ail be a�plied first to Iate c3larges, secogd to auy ot�er amounts due �under this Security
<br />Instrument, and then to reduee the principal balence of tb.e Note.
<br />If Lenfler receives a payment from Borrower �or a del�c�uent Periodic PaymenY which includes a sufficient amount to
<br />pay any late cha�rge due, the paymen# may be applied to the delinques�t payment and the Iate chatge. If more than one Periodic
<br />Payment is outstanding, Lendes may apply any payment received from Boaower to the repa.}mzent o� �Cbe Periodio Payments i�
<br />and to 'the extent thaf, each payment can be paid in fu1L To the extent that any excess esists after the payn5.ent is applied to the
<br />full paymant of one or more Peziodic Paym.ents, such excess may be applied to any late charges due. Voluntary prepayments
<br />shall be applied fizst to any prepaymeat charges and then as descn"bed in the Note.
<br />�Y aPP�atiou ofpayinents, insuxauce proceeds, or IVI'iscellaueous Proceeds to princiPal d�e under the Note shall not
<br />extend or posipone the due date, or change �,e autount, of �khe P�ioda.c Pay�naents.
<br />• 3. Funds for Escrow Items. Borrower shall pay to Le�der on the day Periodic Payffienrts are due under the Note, tmtil
<br />ti�e Note is paid in fi�ll, a s� (the "Funds") to provide for payment of amounts due for: (a) taxes aad assessments and other
<br />il�ems which can attain priority over this Se�urity Instrament as � lien or encmnbzance on the Progert3; (b) leasehold payments
<br />or ground renxs on the �roP�Y. ��Y� ��) Premiums for auy and all insurance required by Lender �under �ection 5; and (d)
<br />Mortgage Iastitrap.ce premiums, if �.ny, or any sums payable by Boztower to Lender in lieu of the payaieat ofMortgage
<br />ATEBRASKA—Sin�le Family—Fanaie MaelFreddie Mac IINIFORIVI INS 1TiIIME1�Pr
<br />� 3382 k'a�e 3 of 12 Form 3028 LOl
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