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<br />, . � prtn�paf amaa.�t at the indsbtedness sscured Gy thb QQad o4 YNSt.nq�t;��n��uns 8 whisheverpis ��Se�ur,ry M�l76,zd of �`
<br /> � Tnrst.oxceed the adgfna!pr�r►�pa1 arrwun4 sCa42d herein,or 5 9�- ��,
<br /> 16.�A3sCaiUt�eotui F'�+�Y�sios�. —
<br /> .. (a)Barra�ar Koi Rei�ss�.E�densian o7 the tims for payment or mcdificsticn ot amortipation ot tt�e sums se�t�6rj tts�'s �
<br /> Qeed of Tct45t gtantsd by dender to any suxessor in interest of�Bcrcower sltell rto!operate ta reiease.in ar�y ma�ut�,tt�a�i2b91I-
<br /> ty ot tha od�nal6arrorrer and 6ormwers suc�essoia(n intere5t Lend3r shall not be requlred to oommancs Pra�rtBs '�'
<br /> • agaIs�st such suocessor w retuse to exter.d time f�r paymsrR or otRemise modiiy amoNzaUon of th�sums sea��i br��his �;=
<br /> • Qeed of T�ust by reason o1 any demands made by tt�e origlnal Barrower and Boreowers sucoe�sors in irtterest _
<br /> - • �p)L,�n��'a p8yrere,yVithout affecUng the Itability oi any aUser person tiaCte tor tho paymas►t ot arry ob�tgation t�tro mea- �..
<br /> • tloned,and without a�ec�n8 tt�a lien or charga at Ws Oeed of Trust u�n any poRian ot ths Pro�Ry rtot than ar 4nw'.c�ore �:
<br /> � �eteased as securiiy tor the tuil asnount of a!1 unp�id obUg�tians,Lsnder may,from Ume to tima art�witfaout rza�ce()��se
<br /> any petson so fiable.(i��xtend the manuity or elter any of the t�rms af enp such abfIg�tiona.(it0 9rant ather ind��3.(iv) �' :
<br />_��� ' retoase cr convay, or cause to bs reteassd or recomeyad at any Sma at Lender's apiton any Q�1,por�n o�r a�.t o7 tho �_
<br /> p�p�riy,(v)m'r.e or rel�s any othsr or add'Nonal security or re+mmreyed at any time at Lender's aytlon any para37,gr,y�on or
<br /> • • al�of Wa pmpercy�(v�taks or r8ieasa any other or ad�iUonal ssaarity tor any ob�cgation herein menti�ad,or(�'i)�cam�- �
<br /> sitions of othsr artangemerts wdt�h debtata in refa6on thereto.
<br /> i C)FO?iYLa7II1ICfl�jf�Sttl:7 N�t 0{.YflIv�J.Amt for6ea�by Lender in exercts'sng any righ4 or remedy heraucr,�r'�r,or oth- �..
<br /> � '• er�u.ae a.�rarded by appiicabta taw,�hai!not be a waivar of�s prerdude the exentse o!any such rignt or reme�t.Tiso psacure- �;
<br /> ` ''� rrr2.�c4 6lsurar�c�ar ttra payrttent oi raxsa or other iiens or ch�rges by Lender shall not be a waJvsr cr Le�efs rigS�R Um a�ceist "°
<br /> t
<br /> �t�a ttr�htrily��e Indebtsdness secured tr!�this Deed of Trust The covenants an�agreern�fr�in oon- �'`
<br /> e.,� i�l Stttxa�sRrs attd�1ssEgtr,��eurt�3:�ri�te ar.d Sevarsi I.I�11itY:CapUai+s•
<br />``':a;`' �ined sRall bInd.and tl►e rt�s fi�s si�i!irtuse fa.Phe respecWe suoc�ssors a�d assi�of L.n�er ar�d 7iustar.A!I
<br /> -- - • c��ants and aQreements¢tr T9�ustor�ha?�zstin!a�d�.ar�at.The captions and he�cfizr�o!the paragrdp?ds oi+ffs Basd of i
<br />�-`�":` Tn,�tsra tor com+enience onSy snri er�a�'tr,�a used to i�pret or define the pravisiore�!h�a4. --
<br /> (e)Kegue�f�r Notiees.The parCe�'Tarab�'ecNest that a copy of any notico ot defa�.ae hersur�,dee ar.�a ca�y c�i arry nattea
<br /> �' o f s a l e h e�e�a's tr�r�e m a i l a d f o each p�,�p��s Qeed of Trust at the address set forti�ahove f2 tEra manrter pr�scxibed by
<br /> ' �,`" applicabte Iaw.�cept for any other nolice�uuned under spplicabte law Ln be given in another manss7-.�arry natIce pravidg�far �
<br /> t��ts Deed ot Trust sha11 be given by mailir�such noUoa by cerUfied ma31 addressed to tt�e ather partEes.at ti�e�idress set
<br /> Uoa
<br /> � tc�abDVe.My notioe provided tor in tfiis Deed af Tnist shall be eftec4lve upon ma�in9 in the mamier�herein t! �'
<br /> � Tnrsror is more than ona persan,noticce sent to tha adrtress sst forth abave stiail be notke to a11 suc�persons. -- -
<br /> o e
<br /> (ty fnspedi�n.Lender may make or cause ta be made reasonahfe emries upon and inspe�tioas ot tt►e Praperty,provided �.
<br /> thaR Lender sha!!give TrusWr notice pr[or w�y such tnspec6an sp�cdyi.�g reasonaDte cause theref�rr maated Lo Lereders ir►�er- _
<br /> .• .. est in th�Property. f�: :
<br /> (9)�Y��uPo�DaYment of eli�u?ns•�umt�Y this De2d of Tn�st.LencO¢c chalt�aiustee to recomrey the _
<br /> Property and shaJl surrender this Deed of Trust a.d a1L .r,�tes evidencing tndebtc�r�s secured by this Deed ot Trust to _
<br />;.;'', :� '• Trustee.Tnistee sha0�ecomrey the pcapeRy,withaut wasr�aty and wittwut charge to the person legaliy er�ified ihsreio.Tn�MOr �
<br /> .. " sha11 PaY aH oas�arrecordatlan.ttany. �'
<br /> ' (h)penontl p�opesty;gecurity Agreemard.As addiUonal security tor the payment af U►e Hcf�e.Trustor hereby granis �--
<br /> � Londer under the Nebraska Unf.*o[m Commeretal Cade a&eairfg►interest in eU fixh�ms.etiut,�men1.c-�9 as�er peraonal Property►
<br /> '�` used in oonr�ectlon with the real estate or improvements tr�te�therean.ar►d noi othenNise decla�aa�zieemed to ba a paR of
<br /> �,�real est�te secuced heneby_Th;s instrument sAall bQ aatis�rued as a Security Agreement under said Cafe.and ihe Lender
<br /> , ��11 have ell tltie rights and renme�s of a secwred p�r�mnder said Code(n addiiton to the r(ghts and�r:ndet Ws _
<br /> - ;,,� D�9��shall ba cumu6ativ��a�ith,and in no way a iimi�on on,LendePs dghts and ramedies under any other sa�cifty sgrea- ,:
<br />-;:r�' �' mefll 51�118d by BO�fOW@f Oi YtC�tGt.
<br /> �'+!��� � � ()Lisns and�ncu�ranc�..,tT,�!nraseby warrants and represents that tttare ls no defauft under ihe pmvisluns at am/
<br />` ��'���`�., mortgage.deed of trust,lease+��pu��as�anUsct describing all or ar►y part of the PropeRy.or other oonbact.ir�sVtunent or
<br />`;�?�':4W; a��eert�eni constituVng a Uen oTtsnavmDrance agairt�st atl or any Dart of the Properi}f:�c�ttecUvetY.'Lten�'1.euis6rt8 as o!tRa =..
<br /> 4da e ot ti�is�eed ot Trust.an��ihat a�►y and aR existing Liens remain unmot60ed exce�3��isciosed to Lender in Tn�or's writ .
<br /> , . a
<br /> tsn disctosuro ot liens and encumbrances provtded far herein.Ycustar shall timery pedorm atl ot�T��fs�rgaU�� �
<br /> covenanb.represenmti�ons and warranUes under any ar�d a0 existing end tuture uens.sha�l D�P�'d
<br /> n
<br /> . ot afi�tices o!Qatault sent in connecdan witb any and ail ex(sting or futsue 1lerbs,and sha11 rwt v[�thsr�!Lendefs prbr wriCen
<br /> cnnsent Ui eny manner mo�fy the provistons of or attow any tature advarwoa under eny existing ar h.�Aens.
<br /> .+:.�. G?Ma����UNess othe�iwtse requirad by taw.sums paid to Lender here�u�der.indudax,�wfUrout�ta- __-
<br /> � • Can paymertts of principal end tnterest.i�rer�ce proceeBs.oondemnabton praceeds en�rertta cand prafib.shaH!s�epp�ed bll
<br /> • . . Lander to the emour►ts due and owirtg irom Tn�swr and bartower in sut�ordet as Londer in Ns solo�saetion cfk�:ecrrs desir• _
<br /> abi�9. �
<br /> . (kI Se�a6AiE+/•B enY Dmvision ot this Desd af Yrust conflicts�apptk�te taw a is decfared irtvalid or othsryWse�en-
<br /> � brcaebte.sucb ooMkt w invaf�dtty stia!!nat aNect the other pravistoas of Ws Qeed af Tmst ar ttie tVate wt�icti c2n be gtven �
<br /> • eft�eCt w�hoot ine confBdtng provisbn.and to ttds end the provlsions of Ws Oeed W Trust and ihe��a:e Q��tarcd to ba s.,^w
<br /> . `.
<br /> ���• ; . �'�.rms.rne te�s Rn�wr ena�orrower snan�r�aude bom s�arana�tur�.and Kfi�tAe Tnistot et�d Bnrtawerere [�
<br /> the eame person!�j.t�¢so terms as usedlce this Oeed of Trust sNall be interct�angeable. –
<br /> . ,, �m)povN�iY,ar�Ya�v.Yhis Deed of Trust shall ba govemed by the taws at tha Sta�of Nebraske. —
<br /> ,:,. • �.
<br /> :�;:;;
<br /> 1�- _
<br /> :,;� :
<br /> _;rlr.�Fi'`�`�.
<br /> `'';r�'.,I:t�• Ttus�Gp:'�s oxocut�d this Qoed o1 Tr�s:�r:.t`•tCr��wtitien abova.
<br /> ';,.,;�;-
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<br /> —�vixvibYi�l � �nnn�nvn_o`__��,�,m� -
<br /> rus r Tnmtar
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