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<br /> TF�19 DEE�OF YRUST.Is made es at tha i5th day of Gct .r9 45.by ari8 amon� .,�`��,=___
<br /> the Trustcr,
<br /> VIRGINIA L lIOR'PEliSEH . s9.ngle ��ssa�. . � • I y �
<br /> • 2212 aEST 1S7' S7'REE'i t��lrl+�t� iSL�!ID '� 6b803 G�`�I'
<br /> � ��. wtwse mat{Ing address Is i�.�''�c��f�r,v�rh�irier one or rt[Qes). \ ���'';:
<br /> • theYrustee Five Pointa 8an&. e Hebraeke Car¢+:��Ria=.: ��-�i�'_
<br /> ��. _
<br /> ° whase maiting add�ess i3 P.0. Box iS07 �rand Ieland. i� 688� �r�����.� ��
<br /> �✓� ' .
<br />. ,. the Beneficlary. Fiva Painte Bank ��'� ., _'
<br /> �..�_ ._
<br /> � ZO1S N. Broadvell Grand Is1oA�, �. �6�BGc-3507 �n��'} �..,;�--
<br /> whose mait?n�eddre�a is
<br /> t;�,��;=;�:_
<br /> ' FOR VALUI1�i.E CONSIDEFiATtON.including Lendars extensIon ot txoz���u�a�'��I�ra�nein� '�;•��'�' '��
<br /> :. : �;.�•_�
<br /> �,�.�- -
<br /> (herein`Barrowsr,°wtEatt►�t�r�Q a-rr+nrs3�nfl aha�:TSrafi craated.ttis rece�t �.�,��;;;-
<br /> ' af which is hereDy acknotvledged.Tntstor h0reby irtevw•.abty grants,han�,•�s,.�arru�Y�ar+d.assigns 2a Ti�tee C.^d TRUST.WIYH .a �,.���.<�:
<br /> K n ��-.
<br /> • POWER OF SALE.tor the Eenefl4 mc�d II�cuQry ot I.ender.under end su0ject to ti�s t�s��1�acw*,�t�a'�h�es%�-.'�r�m forth,the real ,,�� .
<br /> . ��0�.������8��,��i BLQCtt �EVENTEEH 137), BAKER'S ADDI'PI��D '1nG1 Ti�tE �ZiY �?� .::=:,;;
<br /> ' ��.
<br /> �--
<br /> � ' Togstfier vritb eli buildtnss.impravements,tlxtures.etreeffi.alleya.Dassa8ewa3►�.e�s��:�,*�-''�.2�'"+���eOPurtc�nances r�,:..,�.:.;r.
<br /> . tocated the:eon or tn anywise PeRelninp theroto,and ttie ronti.issues end Drotits.re�xs�.�si�.-'misdars�d.end such per-
<br /> � sonat Property that Is attact�ed to the improvertten+.s so aa to consUtuie a fi�ccwro.indud'i.�r�-f�it�^�'F�:nitad 7a,l�ea�r�and 000iirg equt�
<br /> menx arid together wtth the homeatead or marltal interests.tf any.which inLe�s are tr���ie"'��amrl vralv2Q ai�of which.inc(ud ",-�:: .-
<br /> ��. �'. In�reptacements and addiUons there:Q,is hereby deciared to be a paR o1 tP�a reaf es��e-�+.,ired�y'dt►e Usn af this Deed at Trust ei►d �.�,,;.-_
<br /> .�r "� ail of ti�e toragoing being referred to hoc�'.n en tPw"Property'.
<br /> :.�t;.�' Thia DsEd o4 Trust sha11 seeur�(a�tP�o payment o!tho pdncl�l sum and in:srest t�d,��rrce.��r.�a���s�..�9'��r c r�t a�e e- `,.
<br /> • � msnt dat�cL n�«�ti�� 9� A�995 .having a maturlry da2�d;--���s'�p�. ._.;._.
<br /> . . �,.--_
<br /> • in the artgina!pdnclpal amount ot S_ 6.035.50 ,a�ti arry and�1!��It�1"r,,m='...�"�c"�ns end� .�{'-
<br /> thereot or thereto er�d eny and a{I tuture aMacgCes artd ro3dvnnces to Earrower(or any oi�rn i�r��tthan�l heteundex pu�an�
<br /> W ona ar more promissory notea or credit aqreemanta(rierein ealted'tVote'}:(b)Up Dag•'��f�ttmr�su�,a�t��a�d by l.ender tb �_-_
<br /> protect the sacudty ot tfie Note:(o)the Rartortnance ol a11 aovanants artd esreements ot Tr,us��t J�ttti�::�1r��rtl<.,�all ptesent and _-
<br /> . {uture indeptedr�ess and abligatlons ot Bortower(or any o1 tt�em It mare Uian one)to lsrsdor rrthD�r,�r.ali�"r.�r ur�„�luta or ccrtt:n- - ,
<br /> ., . Bent and whether adsfing by note,guaranty,overdtaft or o2hotwiso.7T�e Note.this Deed ot Tns�:�+3 a��/���2 aL`mr�iocuments that ����.
<br /> aecure the Nota or otherwise executed in connecUon thsrowilh.Inctuding wlthout UmitaUon��.yr�nte�a� s�:rl>;agreemen!s c�nd =-
<br /> � essignments of teases and renb,shall be reterred to heroin as the'Loan tnstrument�'. �_�.s��c:
<br /> ` Trustor oovenants end agrees with Lender as tolbwa:
<br /> 1. Payment ot tndebUdMSS.All indebt8dne6a secure0 horoby shaU be paid when du4. �:�'��
<br /> � 2. Y l t t e.Tcustor is the owner o!the P�operty.hae the d�t end�uthority to comrey tho Property.�n��ra���i!u��e lien crea! —
<br /> � ed hereby is e flrst and prior Ilen on the Propsrty.excopi br lions en�encumbrances sot foR�by�'e.rat::s in�e^iU.�y�a.�A delive:yd Yo �-��,�":',
<br /> Lender betore execWon o!thla Doe�of Trust.end the exeCUtion and delNrery o1 thia Oeed of Tast Gtms�r�.ar uia�tg any cant'�or � �'. -:.
<br /> ��
<br /> other obligatbn to wht�h Trustor ia BubJacl. Y.��.�
<br /> 3.Tix�Ast�manti.To pr�y i�icro d�linquency ell t�xa��cpccial a�.,�;,smente and all ottie�ro�a��•���t tha Pr��y►
<br /> � now or hereafter tevled. � �R
<br /> 4.in�unnc�.To keep the Proporty Inuursd ayainsf damstpo Cy 11re.hazatds Inciuded within the¢er�"crl��btU eY�vera�°.and rL.:�___
<br /> such hamr+ds es Lander may�equlro,tn amaunt�and wtU►oom�enies ecceptabte to I.endor,naming tcrrS�s�a.:�L?i+a"�E mr�r,zd �ra���--
<br /> insured,wlth tass payable to the Lender.In casv o1 tos3 under suct�poilcie9,tRe Lender i�suthori��d i•rx�u��L���s�ma�c,� _-.
<br />' mise.a�l ctalma therovnder and ahall havu thA optto+�of apDN<<W ail or part o1 tho insuranco proceed.>(i��t:��r�acrfl�ntto:.��..�:x�auc�u9 ��_-�.
<br /> • hereby end In such ordar as Lsnder may delermtne,t�j)to ths Trustar to be u�ed tor the re�atr or restarL�s��t u5s�r�rs,r cR(���;E�► t�+�+�+�'�;
<br /> . any oJ�cr purpase or object saUstactory to len�er wtthaul aflectl trie ilsn o1 tt�IS QoQd of Trust for the:}�,L<.,rn�:r��:a��;z��.��bY f� '� �� -�'�
<br /> b s for a su c h p a y m e n t e v e r t o a k p i a c e.M y a p p l l c a i t a n s o t p r o c e e d 9 t o I n d e b t a d n e s s s h a f l n c t o x t ond or M�� een��!`���,s���f�y �-'� T���
<br /> �"^'� ' C'.�_�.-`-
<br /> paymense under the Note,or cure any defauB thereunder ot hstauntkr. --
<br /> S.Eecr�w.Upon vrdtten demartd by Lender.Tnisteo ahatl pay to Lender.In sur.h manrser as Lender rrto^;r n�ignz'�,�uttfi�isrs: R�,;_�,:
<br /> sums fi onabie Lender to pay as they bocome sSue ans or mace ot tAs toliawir�:(i)sti texes,8SE8ss�ft911t9 8T14 417'�Sr,�Y��rs a�in�a �^-,-
<br /> :. . , .,�: �,.
<br /> - the Pr � .
<br /> operty.pQ the promium3 on the propotiy Insurence nqulred hereunder,(fii)the premluma on eny mortgage i�:�,rnra����:�W� }"�:�._
<br /> l.enQsr. . :: T��-..:
<br /> e.Malnt+enance,R�paln�nd Camplt�nco witt�Law�. Trumtor ehxil keep the PropeRy In gaod condiC�+�rd c��^�:.r.:m�i� �;... .,:.- _
<br />� �'i�' prompSy repalr,or reptace a�}r Impravement wh�h may bs damaqe0 or destroycd;6AIIi)ROt COmmit ol pOmlit any rr�G�dfdl�t7�Gr�- :+�'_T'...'. .
<br /> Uon of the Property:shatl no!removo.d6molfah or suD�tnntlefry altor any of lho improvamonta on the Property;shail�.��arrn�s;it.s-�1%r� .
<br /> ��. ar permit any acl to be dane In or upon the Property In v l o ta t l 4n u 1 any tuw,o t d(n a n c o,o r r e g u f a U o a:a n d s h n l l p�;r r�n d;r_z^��t�,�� _
<br /> ' charge at Trustofa oost nn0 o�enso nll Nens,encumb�unces t�nd cn�rga�lovtad,imposgd or accessed agalnsi Utra Drape:^,�c.�+My - �'�=�
<br /> -� paRthereol. ,T���':�
<br /> — _- 7.�r;�3aa+'�:�.+.-r:�a.i.sr�or��l�.Cr.^.�f s°�.s.�E2!!���t4�t�tt. nwnrrl�,damagm�nnd ather payments os ivltr•�f li'�'rrrafdlar _ . .. --
<br /> ��:,�sros�+��oee�w►�.rr� . g.
<br /> 6�aee r�umesa aeo'm�ornmw sm�v��oamn.�.►ron�aitrrma L.'
<br /> , i
<br /> _ . ' . u(�o . � i.0 " . _ - • ' - . , r, t�'y�,4,3� ����{,�a.�. � .
<br /> � 1 � . �r - � .. , , yR�t�l/)�(i ti�l�i , � .
<br /> �^'7'ivh�.+Y'1'RMr-�iw...e-�.�r ' '' � •. " " "�' ��',Jt(, '+� 7q.,�
<br /> Lr�..�. ... ._. . .. . '..i'lk�l.� �:' . ,. �. ��'li''i3{ii. . . . , � .. . .. . , . • .. . ri�.� . �--��f�5:1`t�tlx��l,Sll��������<:•.::. �. . ' .
<br />