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201103761 <br />D. The Banking Powers. To make, receive and endorse <br />checks and drafts, deposit and withdraw funds, acquire <br />and redeem Certificates of Deposit in banks, savings <br />and loan associations and other institutions, execute <br />or release such Deeds of Trust or other security <br />agreements as may be necessary or proper in the <br />exercise of the rights and powers herein granted and to <br />endorse in my name Social Security checks. <br />E. Motor Vehicles. To apply for Certificates of Title, to <br />endorse and transfer title, for any automobile, truck, <br />pickup, van, or other motor vehicle, and to represent <br />in such transfer assignment that title to said motor <br />vehicle is free and clear of all liens and encumbrances <br />except those specifically set forth in such transfer <br />assignment. <br />F. Business Interests. To conduct or participate in any <br />lawful business of whatever nature for me and in my <br />name; to carry out the provisions of any agreement for <br />the sale of any business interest or stock therein; and <br />exercise voting rights with respect to stock or stocks, <br />either in person or by proxy, and to exercise stock <br />options. <br />G. Tax Powers. To prepare, sign and file joint or <br />separate income tax returns or declarations of <br />estimated tax for any year or years; to prepare, sign <br />and file gift tax returns with respect to gifts made by <br />me for any year or years; to prepare, sign and file any <br />claims for refund of any tax; and to represent me <br />before the Internal Revenue Service on all tax matters, <br />including all types of tax for all years or periods <br />involved, and to receive and inspect confidential tax <br />information and to perform any and all acts that I <br />could perform with respect to the tax matters, <br />including but not limited to the authority to sign <br />agreements, consents or other documents in connection <br />with any tax matter for any past or future years. <br />H. Safe Deposit Box. To have access at any time or times <br />to any safe deposit box rented by me, wherever located, <br />and to remove all or any part of the contents thereof, <br />and to surrender or relinquish said safe deposit box, <br />in any institution in which any safe deposit box may be <br />located shall not incur any liability to me or my <br />estate as a result of permitting my Attorney in Fact to <br />exercise this power. <br />-2- <br />