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u r�l # S,`�� : .��t � I � <br />Vt I ! �ia�.u.�,_� <br />E%HIBIT ° A • ' <br />7171 S Alda <br />A TW1CT OF LFihlU CQh1�RISINv A PART OF THE tJOt2T1 I 1 IALF QF TI IE NflR'iHEA57 UUARTEFi (P11Yd NC1;d'• <br />QF SECTIpN 'i'I-I1RTY (30), 70bV�JSH�P 'f'EN {1Q) NONTH, RAP7Gfi TF.N (ta) V'lEST UP 'fYIL 67'H P.61„ tIP.LI <br />CQIINTY, NEFiRASKA, RPlD h10HE F�RRCICULARLY DCSCRIF3[D AS FOLLOMV: BEGIM17�dtplG A7 7HE: <br />NORTHVYF�T GQRN[ft Of� TH`r_ MOf2TH[AS'r QUAFtTER OF T�I� P1UR'(FIFAa f �UAR CER OF Pii9D SFC710N <br />7H(127Y (30}, THENCE RUNNING EAuTER�Y, �lIOPiG l�ND UPpN THE NqP.'I H UtJ� UF SAtD PIOR7}i FIAIF Ur <br />TNG fJORTHEAuT QUP,(tTEK {N1(7, fdF,lld), A OISTANGE U� F'OUF{ HL'NUI4CU 7'V�1GN'fY PIVE ANU FURtY SIX <br />�IUNURcOTHi (47.5.F6) FEF_T; 11�lEMCL DcFLtCTINO RlGtit' 87 UCGRL't5 27' 49" /�NU 1'LUMPlJN3 <br />SOUTNcRLY, A DIS7ANGE OF TN10 HUNDR6U SL'VENtY fD�/0 ANU ONE HUP1U�tECTW5 (272.4t; PE[T; <br />THEhiCc' DEPLc?CTING RIGkT �JO UEGREE5 00' 00' AVD RUNNIYG �MESTEFtI.'!, A U(STANCG Of� 7HI(2TY FIVE <br />(35.D) FEET; TI IF.P:CE DEFLECTi�lG LEPT 80 UF.GfiG[S 00' 00" t\P1D RUNn71NG SqUTHCRI`i, A piS'I'Ar:Cc O'•' <br />7FURTY (3�.0) FEE-: THENCE UEFLECTINCi LEFT 90 �6GREE3 QU' Oi" AP7D rtur�ruric GASTEF:,7. P. <br />�ISTANCE O� THIR"I"( FP/E {�S.Oj FGET; 71iHhCE DEFLECl'�PJa KIGHT 99 DLGkL'ES �7 00' A�iD R+JNNiflG <br />SO�J7HERLY, A DtSTANCE OF TWO HUN6RH0 FOI2TY tidD SE�lL:NT'f NJO Fi;:NURk�THS (2.0.i2) PEf:T; <br />TNENCE DEFLECTIMG I.SFT 07 DEGREES 23' 10" AMD RUPINING SOU7NERLY, A DISTMJCE qF 7HREE <br />I IUNDRBO SFVEN7Y EIC;H'I' AXC) SIXTY SiX HUMDREDTFfS (370.�) FE[T; Tb1EP�CG DGPL[CTIdJG RlGt17 C9 <br />OGGR:ES 55' S1" RND RUNMI4G Vt'[ST,ERLY,.PARALLEL NATH THH PJGttTH UNC UF 3AlCi IJORTII HALF O� <br />TNE NORTHEAST QUARTFR (Ni12 KE?fdJ, q DISTA�ICE OF FOUR FIlIP7Df1cD FlFTY 7HHGE H�lD 6IGhiT <br />HUPlDRFDTHS {n53.G8; FEE7 THENCE DFFLCCTINr RICFIT 87 D�GREI:S 4� 08" At�G Rtira�llN:i <br />NORTII�RLY. A DISTANCE OF FIrHT HUN�ftEU FIFT'f Fi�/c A�tU TitEiJTY T'•fJC7 FIUNDREOTFIS ;855.�2'; <br />FCE'f TO A RORdT OPl THB SOUTI•fERIY Htr;tiT OF 9VAY LlNE pF SCHU:i.' ROAU: THF.fiCc O'cFLECTIP:G <br />RIC3IIF 9 i DGG�-tEES GG' !T RNC� tiUNP��`G EASTEIi;.`r', ALOtiG �1`.13 UPON SAip SOUTHE'r2LY KOi�U RIGH7 <br />Or .JAY tlNc, f� 6187'AP10E OF QNE HUVpRCD FIFiY NipIE AMD FOi2TV rV�1N HUNDft�UTF15 (15� 4•:} fEt'i; <br />TIIEiJCE DEFLECTING IE�T 08 D"cGREES 28' OQ" P.NO riUP7PlIFlG B�WTEItLY, ALOty�3 AAiD LPQN 5�11C7 <br />SUU'iHEkLY ROA6 RtGH7 CzF `t�AY UN6, A DISTANCE OF ON6 HUtdt7R-� FU=IY GGHT AND 7HRGE <br />TCIJtHS (1583G} PFET TO A PUIVT OD1 SMD SOU771[fiLY KbAD RIGHT U(•' Y'W.Y LINC, SAIU PUINT BLING <br />THIRTY TFi!'2EE {33.0� FEET SOV7H CF (M17EASURED Y[RPEN�lCULAR T6) Til� NOR7FI LINE OF uAID <br />NORThI tIt1LF OI" THE P;OR'CHcnS7 C2Ui�RTER (N1�2 P�[t14); TH_NCE U�F:.EC71NG LEf'! t7�i DGGR[ES Z8' <br />21" AtJfJ RUDININ6 44F.STERL'(, ALCP7C3 f�VD U('O�J 5AtD SOUT}�IER'..Y hORD fi�GH'r Of'PihY U�JL•, 4`frIICH <br />IS. FARAl1.EL V'Aitl f.NO T}{;RTY THfiEE (31.0) F[E7 S!�UTH 9H ��1EASUREO PF.RPGP�(iICU:.AH l:7} l'HC <br />N6RTH Lt:dE OF SAIO P+ORTH HAI.F 0= THr NCR7rEAST QUAIN.TC-.R (M1/2 NE114) h QISTAP�. OF OP;F. <br />HUDI(]f:GO EIGUTY FOJR Atip SIX T[NTHS (134.60) FEEI' TO A F'O1PIi UN,Ti-IL- Y1[ST UNE OF TtIE <br />MOP.THEAS'I' UVAR7@R OF 1'HE NOR'iFl[AST QIIARTER (N�9IC hlEil4} OF ShID SCC'ilOtl THInTY (J�): <br />THENCE UEFLEC7IMG RIC3HT' �JO DCGt2cES ?2' 12' r1PJ7 RUNNI.VG NOF'ftiCftLY, I.LOhIG HPID UPl7N TYE <br />�;JGST ilt�lc Of- TfiE NOftTHEAST QUi�RT[P. OP 7Nfl NOK'CHEAS � C1JARiL ;i.Ltl. \[t14), A GISTAPiCE OF <br />TFII^nTY TNRcE ;73.Oj FEE7 "O THE FOINT OF Fi�GiNNING <br />SE Qtr 30�i0=10 ` ' . � � <br />201103728 <br />� part of the Southeast qUarter in 5ection 30, Township 10 North, Range 10 West of the 6th P.M., in Hall <br />County, Nebraska, more particularly described as follows: With reference to the Southeast corner of the <br />North haif of tPie�North hatf crf said Southeast quarter; thence running S DO° 97' 32" W on the East line of <br />said Southeast quarter for a distance of '1 i.y8 feet to the actual pohit of �eginning; thance.cantinuing S 00° <br />1�' 32" W on the East line of said 5outheast quarter for 800.89 feet to a point on•the Northerly right-of-way <br />lir'te of interstafe 80; thence S 70° `17' 36" W'on the Northerly right-of-way line of said Ftighway for 2784.66 <br />feet to a poirit on the Wesl line _of said Southeas[ quaner, thence running on an assumed bearing of N 00° <br />00' 00" E on the West line of said Southeast quarter for 1731.57 feet to a point '12.88 feet South oF the <br />Southwest carner of said North half of the North hatt' of the Southeast quarter; thence N 89° 43' 10" E for <br />2623.94 feet to the POI� OF BEGINNING. • <br />NE Qtr 30-10-10 <br />A tract of land cumprising a part of the North hatf of the Northeast quarter in Section 30,:7ownship 10 North, <br />Range 10 West of the 6th P.M., Hall County Nebraska, . and more particularly described as follows: <br />Beginning at a point on the West line of said North haff of the Northeast quarter, said point being 33.0 feet <br />South of the Northwest corner of said North hatF of the Nartheast quarter, said point also befng on the <br />Southerly right af way line of Schu}tr Road; thence running Southerly alor�g and upon the Wesf line of said <br />Nor#h haff of the Northeast quarter, a distance af 730.90 feet; thence deflecting left 9D° 0�1' 09" and running <br />Easterfy, parallel with the North line•of said North half of the Northeast quarler, a distance of 1,216.64 feat; <br />thence d,eflecting left 92° 10' S2" 2nd'running Northeriy, a distance of 70220 feet to a point on said <br />Southerly road right of way line; thence deflecting ieft f38° 53' 47" and running Westerly, along and upon said <br />Southerly road right of way line, a distance af 148.76 feet; thence�cieflecting right 18° 49' 26" and running <br />Northwester•ly, along ar+d•upon said Southedy road right of way Mine, a distance of 104.98 feet to a point <br />which }s 33.0 feet South of (measured perpendicular to) the Norfh line of said North half of the Northeast <br />quarter; thence deflecting left 17° 44' 47" and running Westerly, a(ong and upon said Southerly road right of <br />way line, and also being parallel wrth and 33.0 feet South of (measured perpendicular to) the. North-line� of <br />said North half of the Northeast quarter, a distance of 940.32 feet to the point oF beginning and containing <br />20.03Z acres, more or less. <br />