�� C•'," —�_ . y " '_..�._�._...._._._�...r.�._.. _ . . ..
<br /> . s�- g���� . � -
<br /> ' ' . � .,Af'. .. .
<br /> . 4. lNSURAIYCE. Trustar.at�s�xpen3s,wi9 mrSn'k�.b weA tnsurere npprov�i by Bsn�fidary.Insuraneo vr�rt�peet ta th0 ' .. , ,,
<br /> . ' Im�rovam�nta and p�rtonal propsrty.eonttRuL'r�p U+e Prapsrty.asainat lo6s Dy fira.tiq{�tr;nQ.t�ma4o.and othv aor[��nd he:arda . . . • ,� . �.. ,� .,.
<br /> eawrad by aUsc�dud uRtnd�d murraQ��ndonamanL in an rsmount cqua!to+�st t�aat ono hunQrcd per�ni of tha t��rap'.sesrrzant . -
<br /> va.tis Ih�r�o1 and tnsumnc�age�ast aueh ottur hezards end In tudf amowrte as!o aiatomarffy eeurtsd Dy awnsn and cp�rato�s at . ,:.b� ;- r. '�,''• -
<br /> s.milar propart:�a ar aa B�nsP,slary may►cqutre tar fte p:oUeeti�.Tnistar wi�xmpty m�euds othsr nqutnm�n�as Banai�.".ary ngay , , �;��:-
<br /> a
<br /> . from timo tD timm rx�yseat tar W�protecGmn Ey inauranas af tho InttreaLS oi tiss ro�etivs pa�4ias.A']insurarta po�s mcin�lnod .. �,.,..
<br /> putsuani to de�Q�sd af Trust sAr.�nem�Tricstor and Btnsf.einry em instarcd�,ma thaSr reapsctn�s tritteresb rt:+�Y t�A�a►.ar.+!provids . . .��:
<br /> e
<br /> ` tTut th�ro shaD be na ccrsoo�tian or ma d rf:e a t i on w i t�out no!�sa than IS da y s ptiar wr3hn rat�on to Trusteo aad B�nstieiary.in � � �`�"`r�"'E':
<br /> tA�av�nt atry poUry Ft�nund�r b nat renmred on ar bes'tan 9S days pdcr to its mcptration Qat�.Trusw ar B�nof,eiary may praase , ' ' '�`
<br /> ary '
<br /> ., saeh Maurart�tn axos4ana wdh tRs pmvlatan�ot parasraph A8 here�Tw�'rar chaD Qafcwr to Banofr�ry the oriyinel poGds.a of . s.= '
<br /> • bisurancs and nnwra'�thesoof or m�mo eaptaa ot such poDeisa and r�n�vrais thacot Feiure to fumish euM k�euranp by Trustor, f . . - -
<br /> or wnwvaf�es rsquirsd t��nundar ahell,at the op5an a?Banefselnry.eon�iiate e da4w�. � ,
<br /> ---.�- S. 7A�9.ASSEL8NlE[dT8 A!�!fl C�iARQE3.Tnastrsv ohsll pay efl texes.a�mards and othar ehargea,inetadin8.w3hout -- ---- -'rl`.
<br /> � �� L•mit�tion.5nsa rsd �npas�n9 attr�butnb�i to tJ�s Property.end(easahold paymentt or Qround rante, if mry, b�fore the semo - .
<br /> bocome d��nquent Tnta:at ohn8 promptty fumkh to Hertefklary e11 natio�s ai nmounte dus undor thb paragtnpFe.and Fn ttt�svent
<br /> . . Yrustur atra0 cnako paymen2 dlrad�y.Tr�Yar clr..9 P�F�Y tumisle to Eer!3f.�s�y receigt�evS3onung auch paymaMs.TQUamr el�a.7 = _--__- -__--
<br /> pay n9 4ncu anA ass�mssmsnta►vhk�may b�hvEcd upan BsnefsSen/s mteraEt hers(n ar upoe�thEa C�ad of Truat w�out ngard to `�- . y � _
<br /> . nt►y law tttat may bs�nac�ad i7npostn�PaY+��nt a!the whole ar arry pett tha»o4 upan tfn Bmafidsry. _-_ -. .r..:s��;'"
<br /> 8. ADDtTIQNAL LIEN3 AND PROTECYION OF�EiVEFiC1AHY'S BECURIIY.Trustar aha0 maY.o a0 paymo�of 6rt�rsst ar�d .- _ .,':;;,_i:` „ �..
<br /> pr6►ctpd nW paymsnts af srry otfi�r eh�rQs�,teos aM�pon:�contrcGad to 6s paid ta nny ex�p i�n hstd�rs a priw �;,'�•^.Y"':�-p��—
<br /> . . DenafldarNs und�r at►y►pr�ar dEad o!uust or mortQapo beforo tha date thay er�d�Enquent end PromPnY PaY���Q��Y+�4 '�.`. ;���•� �±-�`�°-` .—
<br /> e9 athrr Sans.etaim�a eharg�s whi�m�►jaopard¢o ths aeeut@y grarted harein.lf Trustor tade to maka arry c�psymen!ar taJa .; . `-,�, _
<br /> ,. to�rtarm nny o4 ths ar�onanta er�aQr�manb��d in thl�Da�d ot Ttuot ar in airy ps�tor mortgage or daod ot tr�cr d eury . '.�_-,+��++. •:r._.,,�.
<br /> t
<br /> • adioa►a P��9�aomm�nc�d wtrk'h rtu�rfaIIy attads Brn�fietn�/c intenst in tho Propsrty.indudinp.but not CanR+d to. ,.��,��_
<br /> ? �min�at domain ptc�aadiaq�.w p�asd'a�ps tnwMn�e dtc�d�rR or Cf Trusmr f�s 4u pay Tnwtore dubto Qonotutly as thoy 6ceomo �,: .• . _
<br /> dur,itun BensSdnry,at Bsn�B�atys op�on and w�hout noti�s to ar demand upon Ttuetcr and wfihout mlensfny Truamr trom anyl • •Y;��'•
<br /> . obGSaUon Aenund�r. may mek�sueh appearaneQS. d'�abuna sueh wms and talco cu..-!�action as is n�nsssiy to Pmte�t � . 4: �' •.: ,- .
<br /> , BenaSdaryre i�t�r�aL mdudinp, Eut nat GmiDad tv.da6u�sn�nt of nesonabi�ettomc�'�tacr.Paymont Pur�has0.eorrtest or .... .._ •,.�__:. •
<br /> ' -'� ao romfsa ot arry eneumbrar�eo.c'h r or 6en.and en upon ttu Pro tn matn n tK�w��t tl�ai Trusmt efiaD ttul W t : •�
<br /> mP � t+Y PertY F� _;:�:�•��,�?,:� �
<br />:;r.•'�`- rocura U�urena or to �4 Y P Y� rior Gan haldars ot -c�:�,_:' �A, ..�, �,'`_`:
<br /> N,.�r�;�. P PaY t��,ascastmants�a any othor eA aa w ta make ar► a rib Oo a�,.r.Grastln�P
<br />�.���� ,{ benefi�Isr�s.Bene�iary►may procuro such insurance and meica sucn paymarR Arry amourts distrwzvcC tv�Bonafutary pursumit to _:3:_a,;,�"' ` ��'.?,,.
<br /> �+`�� th�FaragrspN A8 shd!6000m�ndd�Sonnl inde6mdn�ss of Trusmr c�eurad Dy ihta�od o!TnuL �u�t amounb� �t�a9 bs paytaLle __<<,�,--�:! � ��;.,_r_
<br /> upon notiMa from B�naflelery tn Tnistor nquasUnp paymarrt iharoaf,and ahaD b�ar fitaroat irom U+3 dato of�sbuteomon4 a3 the � '` ��� � �.
<br /> o st * '--"
<br /> nQe Fayabl�fiom Hm�tn Um�on outstandin8 P�Pai under tfi�Note unbaa payment of�r���sueh n�wouid b�oonbary ta .:,�eut�� -- - - _
<br /> . r�pGr�bia{aw.In yvh��v�nt surfi aaeounts shaA beer intnro5t at tfi� tat raU parmlasIDt�vnd�r app6eobN laa,c Noth(rtp - +�': . `
<br /> �+ ::�L:', s.i.-.- --
<br /> � � �` oo:t��im tfii�Paragraph AB sha�raqufrs Banefietary to incur arry expsnse ar teke any nWon her6under. t,,-
<br /> �`,.'�p•`,' S �R3MUTU/W.YAGREEDTHAT: �� . .'-;�`=�� •gi:�
<br /> :�;��nr ..:�-3�c:-�.,�,;
<br /> �'f 9. �S.;ItiNMBYY 0�RENTS.B�n�fiGary sheA haw th�rtyht p�r mtd authorPiy dufmg th�e��anp of ffib Doad of TrusR • ' ;�}i`� �
<br /> Lo eolsd th�tRnb.issuaa and pmf�lo oi th�Ptoparly and of any parannd property��tatao�s af2h er w�ltout�p pessoalon . . . " c ;•f, __
<br /> :�H;' of ffie pmperty aftaatad haroby.and Tn�tor hacoDy absalu2ey artd uncanddianatlyy osz�crs eD�,�R re�rts.bsun and pcofim tn -:'!' .-!'V-�
<br /> a , -':
<br /> ;�<<rf�f�. .
<br /> yr, Benefi�rr;s.Banaf�rdat�r,howovor.horoby wnsnntn to the Tntsior's eo�eMian and nta�aa of su�.h rae�.�auea and profib as they �j�..;; �r?
<br /> .'!'•i.Y�( '.�{��. . _.
<br /> „:•. aarue¢�hosoma payabl�w Wnp as 7ruatar te no�at ouch teno,in daffeu@ w3h rtsapsxt to paymortt�t wry indo�dn�e�wnd �'`y�r�,A�'•_, ;.::;
<br /> c
<br /> �� Aereby.or in tno porformanoa of mry agreomom h9roundot.Upor►eury cueh detnu9,B4rt�.�y r.uy�anytim�.�r tn psraore.by ,-,� � ,:
<br /> m
<br /> wc.rr �- •3: �•... _---.,
<br /> �:_ ,;` a4en�ar ey a ne.iwr eo b.appairtmd by a owrL wr�,ouc notloo ena wahaut tn�srr oRa.aaquacy m any s.ar�yr�or Q,. +}�.,..: .,� .. �
<br /> • inEoLtsdnasa har�by eaeure0.(e)oe�tor uyon nnd�ice posso�n of the Praperty or u�ry76�!�'�roaL Fmd In c'a a�m nc�m�cnco tar ar ' ;�'`:: _
<br /> _ � othetwla oo&�such nrt�,8�sas��nd profib.indud�y thos�past du�and unpatd.��apply 1fi�wna.t�w eosb�nd�otp�nas ��•''�.'_�-
<br /> 8s
<br />�. o!opstatiort�nd ea7�etion.ine�din�r�onaUt�aitom�yr�tNS.upo�a�t tnd�btsdnan wa�r�d henby.and h sueh ordrr es ��
<br /> � Beneflelary msy Qat�rmYw�(D)WRortn su�:h asts of npaU or protoetio�cA r.may 03 neoa�nry a prop�r ta oonwrv�th�vetw af fha ,
<br /> Prop�rty;(o)bw t�sam�a arry Part ifi�naf tor such nr�l,t�rm.aer.�:pon auafi wndibns as b judpm�nt may dideb or ';��� _
<br /> brmirud�,or adjuat th�t�rma end cond'Hi ons a!�xictinp Hns�a.Unles�TrssLOr and Ec�r�6�rY thorao!a�rw otMrwiW On wrilnp. .. �:x.�':_ ':._..-.__
<br /> . � arry�pp�tion of�nb.itaun a ptofits to�ny indalstadnors sacured h�r�5y thaC�+�t�tmnd or posi�one tlio Qu� dely of tlt� s�;Y-�-... .,.,;�;;i.t,°: .�
<br /> . Y+atairn�nt paymmts u pravld�d in said pmmtnory nato or ehans� C�s �uaounL c3 maCti Intta(Itn�rds.7TN �nt�r�q upon�nd '•1� : • ,. `
<br /> ,-,r:_.; ._.' +,;�,� _;�•' �� ., ,-�::
<br /> •, C,� tsWn�pasQaa�ian of th�Pcoy�rty�tl»wE�Gicn M such ronta iaoua�4.�(��K4�b an3 tt.o app�tion fhsnot�a atomaaid.sha9 not . .
<br /> `:�`',��, wahe ar aivrs arry dafau@ or notio�of d�tnult heroundut or(rrval'�dats ur,�mct�on�purwarrt to auh r�mticv.Tnt�ar�fw assiDn�m •� ,,i 4����.�•;t r��fv
<br /> vrs
<br /> � k;����?., B�n�fk�aup,�ns turtfiar saiwrity tor th��msanca o!the obfiy�nt(ons a�..ir4si h�roby.�I prapNd raasm enC a0 mon�s whiQ�may ;: '*��>i .. ,
<br /> � - '):�+cc, ._.r,��.�.. �.:' � .
<br /> hav�D�m cr may h�roalbr b�d�pos�J Wth catd Ym.�,ror by�rry fusN o!th�Proyarty.to s�ua th�paym�nt a!�rry nra a `�11�,'..s;,='a.:��•"-'."."-�...�..
<br /> demspag ar Goon d�'a:iis!n th�p�r(ortnana ot ar�y�t ch�provi�bns honM.Trustor�to d�Yu�r stuA nrfi�nd Q�pottb fo :.-.
<br /> '' Ben�fi�3,�.dyaTn�ry a,°w,r�n no�+of B�n�ficlery/a c�n.�ks o1 th��hb qronbd h�.to artiy bnant ocwpytnp said pnmius ... • ._ �°
<br /> .`;s,�4t5i�. shalbocailli�nttotaquiroaaldtannr.tnxpaynnttoth�9�n�flcieryun471urth�rnat}a. �,
<br /> �.;�,.. _�.—',.�:::.::�---�-
<br /> 7i�,�,, �.-:-.-�=�
<br /> 2 m�7di77EMNATION.I1 titN to arry Fart of ih�Ptop�Ry shall b�ty:cr+L�cond�mnetion proa�d�s,lsy rlpht a!�min�nt dom�
<br /> or atmier�dlon,or shaY b�wid undv thne!ot eond�r..:�ation.aii awards.ctamaQc�arti G��ds w h�r�by asstprnd�nd d+d b�
<br /> pald to B�nrAciery�uho ofieA sAP�S►aucfi avrard�,Qamr�ma and proaads ta th�tum s�ad by thb DMd of TrutR wNfi th��xa�s, -- _-Y���_
<br /> k an. fo Tn�r.H TrwOot noNvr�an notic�o�c'tho intormatlon r�Qardin a�:h adions or Trustor th�Y qiw • r-,
<br /> .,. ..; y � y 9 P��D�• ' v,�?v...:
<br /> ...,�r,�t,"� prompt wn�n notla th�nof to Ban�flelery.6ensfletary shatl ba�nL'No0.at tta opUon,to eomrrNna.aCP�u tn and pm:�tn 8s . -
<br /> �ii,;;��� � own nem�anyr�uch�tion or proaNd'r.��and sha0 ba�nt3Ja4 to mrl.v mr�y compromis�ar setSemont in aonnoctlon�anyr auoh ���x ' -
<br /> uah � �,
<br /> , ;����, . adbn arP►acMEinqi. �!#lr�l��''' -
<br />°;j.�i.f•`i .,� '�jivta�-�:_-
<br /> �� .� s. FUTURE ADVANCEB.Upon nquest o1 Trusta�.Reneflclery at B�nefletery's o�ti prior to noomrsyanca of ffie Propaty to y;a�y�,•��, �.:,,. __ .=.
<br /> Trustor,may mak�11�".urar advancaa to TNS2or.Suc?���:":ro aQvanoo3,vrith intoro:�tt,armon.sha9 bo socurad by thio Trust Ged %�'`;��,��e,.���,�
<br /> , � whm�viQ�naad Oy prcu�vm�ry notea atattnp thnt�atd natos ar�saurod henby,provW.a9�.�at et no Hms aha9 tno wcurod pMdpal, �,r:��„H.��;��,"° ���
<br /> -.,• IUWro e..^�:tne»s.rtat��:,".�q a�ar»cC�:aed to proteet Ifi�ueurity,ebsaed Two FQundrsd p�ro�nt�0096)o!the oriyfiat ptineipal '�`�r:s���'�1:4 �� ' �•,..
<br /> ;�' . .:i �4. �:��
<br /> �,F��;�� ama�c�mu�uraonero�,+. :. ,;�,�<�1y.,,,;1;s�v ,
<br /> 1;� , "t:»*;;5lkyib',itib�y;.:
<br /> ' 1. f:�YlE7IES OJ'.GC Cl(CLU5IUE Tru�and Bensfldery. an�a�f o1 ihem�ehaD D�r�S C��ntor�a paymont and � .T,..;.s:rR,:,��:(lc;�;''
<br /> peAonnanes o?nny o-r3a�:ea0nssi or obJpntbns eaeu:e�horaby and to ox�reh�e3 ry�s�s�nd pow�rs c�C�r fhb Wa�of Truat ar ` �'•';;.:�.:_',.�;?;{}`..' ,
<br /> f:: �
<br /> • und�t any olh��aprewz+a�s!exacu�ed in conneetion hu�v��or arry inwe now or hers�4tm��forc�,natwi�".sttr.Qtt.�trrnm or�0 vf th� >��::....�•� .��•�. -
<br /> rc
<br /> suef�in6�bbdnK�and obliQaibr+s s�wred h�nby may now or h�naf.er��oth�rvuk�sr.ur�d,wh�t?�r.i�,t,r:o..�a:'aad of truet . �..,�•�;',::4;y;µ'.-;-•�-`_
<br /> Nd fi�n,ap mrnt or oth�rYVi�fi�a3hu ths aa� tanc�of tRia Qaa�d at Trua4 nor�a ontorram�st:vr�n�ihar cauR aotion or '''r��'• • ^'.�
<br />� ' P �. � p � '��.:�..:,�. .
<br /> � punuant to tfi�powa af�nt�a o�3m�we»hen(n contninad,aha.g pcy�dice or im m�y mann�r afte�TrusW'�or B�n�flderf�o ••!;�;!`'+�� �`>�;
<br /> ,. ,�.. .
<br /> tigtit to naGz�upon a enforeo eny othar caeurity now or heraaftar hetd by Trustoa w GrnnoRdruy,it Onlnp eyre�d that Truste�and �;-:;;��E':..'. ,�
<br /> ' Bens}kiary, nnd eaeN o!them,ahal be entiUed to entoree thW Qeed of Trust er�ms�v other newrityt nor+or horonRor hold by �
<br /> B�n�tiefary or Trust�a In such order end mannar as�thoy or either o!them may in L�v eDsolut�disu�tbn E�tortnina.(Yo rama6y � ' ��
<br /> h�nin�rt�d upon or nsarv�d tn Tructao or Bonofteknry b Intondod to bo oxe(u�Na ot any other ramsdy horeln ar Dy taw • •',�sa;,•�
<br /> . provld�d or psrmdhd.but�eeh shell b�cumulativ�and shnU E�tn addilion to svery other romady ptwn harau►�dor or naw w .. `
<br /> huenfUr axiating a!Iaw or in et1uity or by atntute.Ewry power or romedy provtded hsreunder thi�Oeod ot Trust bo Truateo or . '• �
<br /> B�nefielnry or to which�ither of them mny be otherwise entilted,may b��xarGaed,cancurterttty or tndrpmderrt�y.trom tirtn to tim�
<br /> • and as othn as mny ba d3emad expodsenl by Trustee or Bemfidary and either oi thom mey pursue incorulaterd romediea Nothiny • . "`'v�`• •'
<br /> � hora'.n ehaD bo construed an prohib3mg BonafiGary iram soaking n dofrdeney{udgmont ngnin:t ti�o Tru�tor to tho oxtcnt cu.eh a�tlon r�--
<br /> ,,-.- -:.-
<br /> i�pertn�d by Iew. •__""-�•'—
<br /> co�en ro�er.�t. oms�m = . . ..
<br /> . .' � .�
<br /> . ' .. . . •' . �A.,.u.
<br /> -- . —- �.r'�-m'—�. '.„ '.' -- . - " ; � ' � . .
<br /> K. � � ' • � � �, , � .' . � • .
<br /> �� . • . ... ' .. - , � '� • . " . .. . .. • . .. . . • .. .. ».�. . � ..
<br />