. . =� ,. _ . . .. . . . . ... . - . ' ..- . .V . ._ , . _:f:.: - l• . ..
<br /> . . . .. . . a . - . '. � _ -- _ . (9. - )
<br /> � < 1 ' � { c���3 ` ,c h ^ k` . �,.
<br /> . -.�� ,'c . .v . � �,�s•.�`A:. L 1 �R` � -- 4yi=��;:
<br /> • �c � �k,p��y Y• . - _ ...._.. „.•_�'i - ..._._.
<br /> ''�.. �'c �'w c `4 'j -¢�� �F .
<br /> .��� , .
<br /> ����a�.��; =�`
<br /> 5. Hsiaard or Etvperty lnsvraac�e. Bflrro�ver shall keep che improvectienu now existir� or hereafter ceect on [he �;:�;�
<br /> Property errsured against toss by fire. harards inciwded within the term"extendai coverage"aied any other hazards. incfuding �` ;�
<br /> 8oads or flooding, far which L.ender requires insairance•'['his insur.utce shall be mainrained in tt:e amounts and for thc periads �4^'`,
<br /> � that ixader requires. 7'he insurance carrier providing the imuran�: shall 6e etiosen by Bo�roH-er subject to L,ender'+approval - -
<br /> { wtri�:h sftal! not b�unteasonably �vithh:!d. If Borrower faits[o miintain covera�e described aboe'e. Lender m:iy.at I.ender's
<br /> ; oPtian,obtain coverage to protect Lender's righu in the Property in accordance�vith para;;raph 7. �'�._�.
<br /> Alt iczs��mnce poticies and reage�+�al�shall be acceprable to I�der ansi sh�ll ���►�a`�'`�� moc[gage etause. Lender �_
<br /> shalt have the right to hotd the[solicies and renewals.If Leeder�equires.Sorrower shall promptly�i�•e to Leader all reoeipu of �i,�_=�;
<br /> � ui es
<br /> paid premiums and c�ne�val notices.In ehe event of l�ss.�arcower shall P,ive prompt natice to ih�insurancr carrier and 1xr.der. �"�'°'-_:
<br /> ; Lender may ront:e proof of toss if aot m3de promptly by Borrower. �'�""
<br /> ,� Untess Leitder and Borrower othe�vvise agrae in writing.itisutactce proceeds slutll6e apptied to rescotai'sott ot repait oY ds –���..;r
<br /> r.; �
<br /> ,,; prop�rtyr dunwged,if the�estoration or repair is economically feasible and Lender's security is not lesaened.If tke restorarion or –
<br /> - repair is aat ecottumically fias�ie or Leader's securiry woWd be lessened,the ins�ara�sce p�oceeds skail be aPPlied to the sums i_�-_
<br />, ;�. secured by this Security Insuument. whether or not tMn due. with arny excess paid to Bono�n+er. If Barrawer abandons t1�e � -r
<br />:;`n�' prop¢rty,or does nat answer within 30 days a norice frnm L.eader that dic icesurance carriec h.:�s offe�zd to settle a claim, �:en � �__
<br />` :',i or to pay sums a:a,;%::%
<br /> Lender may mllect the insurance procceds. Lender mny use the proceeds to repair ar r�tar�e t�ie Pro�ercy .Y
<br /> secured by this Securiry Iashvment,wheiher or nat[hen due.The 30-day periad wiU begin when the notice is gi�en_ ';�:F�r"_
<br /> . Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agcee in writing. ar►Y aPP�lcarion af proceeds to principal shall cot exteud or ���;,.,.
<br />. �i_
<br /> : :� postpone the due date of the monthly pay[nents referr�to in paiagraphs 1 and 2 or change the amaunt of t�:e paymeats•If �.,�{�r-:
<br /> . -��;�f,�;
<br />� nnder paragraph 21 the Property is acquired by Lender.Bursower's right to any insurance Pnlicies and prooe�fs resWU�; �°� ,.,; ;.
<br /> a> i damage ro the Propercy�dar w the ac9uis�aon shali pass to I.endec u�the ex[ent af the sums secured by chis Security Inn.��-"s , ,.,.i:
<br /> � immodiately prior to thc acquisitian. � '
<br /> ;a 6,Oocitpancy,Pr�servation,Maintenaace an�Ptater�t£a�af the Property;Borro«er's Loan Applic���;Leasehotds. �+��•�:.'
<br /> ' Borrower shall occupy.esiublish.and use ihe P�ogerty as Eorrov+Ea"s principal residence within sizty days aGy:r d3e exeartion of �';:-_'
<br /> �' ` this Se�urity Inslrument and shall cantinue to occupy the Pcoperty as Borrower s principal residence for ac t�-[one year aRer = -
<br /> � the date of occupancy.unless Lender otherwise agrees in writing,which consent shall not be unreasonably Kithheld.or unless ----.-
<br /> extenttating circumstances exisi which are beyond Borrower's conuol. Borrawer shaSl not destroy, � '�e or impair the
<br /> ., ` propeny, ailow the Property to detereorate.or commit waue on the Property. Borrower shall be in def,a�yils if any forfeiture �"�
<br /> : I` _�
<br /> ? adion or proceeding.whether civil or crimiml.is beg�sn that in Lender s good fait6 judgment rot4�+ nw:rle ia forfeitute of the
<br /> '°��! propeety or otherwise materiallY imPair the lien created by this Security Instrument or Lendcs s s�cur.cy iaterESt.Borrower may
<br /> ��_,'r:.
<br /> aue such a default and reinslate,as pimvided in paragrnph 18.bL c�sing the action or proceed'nig to�e dismissed with a�t:ling
<br /> '���£I that. in Lender's guad Qtaiffi determinatian, preclnd�:forfeiwre of the Borraaer's interest in the Propers� or other�r�lt�iul
<br /> tai
<br /> �,;;;_
<br /> impairrt�nt of tha lien c��d by ihis Securiry I��stu�nnent or I.ender's sgcurity interest. Borro�ver shnit ai1.�o be in d�""�.'.�t if ,_—.
<br /> ��'^� Borrocver.durin�ttee loan application process,guve materialty false or inaccurate inforniation or statemeQts to ixnder(Q��:°!ed °�'^"""
<br /> ,, � � :-_-=..
<br /> �•' -;� to provide I.ender with any material information)in cannECtion with the loan evidenced by the Note.includin�,but rtot I�ted
<br /> .. _ ta�repressntations conceming Borrower's occupancy of the Property as a principal residence.if this Security Instrument is on a •_•-
<br /> � I�u�ehofd, Barro�ver shall comply with all the pm�risions of the l8ase. If Borrower acquires fee tide to t�e Praperty.the ��
<br /> . �� laa�ehold and tho fee title shull not merge unless Lender agrees to the merger in writing.
<br />:�;1c�`�
<br /> 7.Pmtadfon oP I.ender's Righta tn the Property.If Borroiver fails to pedorm the cavenants and a�a�ni.ats containod in
<br /> `, ,,, this Se�nuug,Insttument. or there is s!ugal proceeding that may significandy affect Lender's ri{ghts in the ProPectY(sach as a
<br />:•;,i:s,:•:
<br /> • pr+oceediP�.in bankruptcy.probate,�r��-uandemnation or forfeiwr.y or to enfnrce laws or regu�t�ons).then Lender may�o aud �
<br /> � �.'� paY for vvbatever is necessazy to gzrnrr:.t the value of the Pro�er:��and LendePs righu in the Properry. Leader's actct��may
<br /> -�� f:'. include paying any su� secured :.�y a lien whc,:'r �h�s pricr,r�+ �ver this Sewrity Instnunent, appearing in oouit, ;aying �--,�,'_.
<br /> . reasonable atto�ys'fees and entea�s.a�an the Pre,�.�.tq to r�::+�airs•�►lthougti Lender may take action un�der this paragraph �---
<br /> •. 7,L,ender 4ces no2 have to do so. _
<br /> �: .i, Aay siuiounts disbursed by L�in;u.z under this Far.�,.^^,.,�ia= "' shall become additional debt of Borrower secuied{t�a this ,r-
<br /> � Security L�istrument.Unless Bonowrr and I.ender agr°ao ot{��terms of payment.these amnunts shaU bear inierest f��:n the
<br /> .. :l dat��05�isburscment at the Note rate and shall Qx�:yable, with interest. upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting
<br /> .:f, pa�:}.��.
<br /> ` �`�� '�»��ort Eag
<br /> �:;�,.;+ + �Insurance,.If Lender required mort e iryiuti�snce as a condition of makia�the loan secured by this Serunty
<br /> 1�_�:°
<br />.� •�� Instru��at,fl�orrower shall pay the�iums required to r.,tc�:�:^n the martgage insur��v:e :� effect. if. for any reason, the �_
<br /> { mortgage insurance caverage raquire;3�y[.ender lapses or ceases to be in effect.Botrowrr J�II pay the premiums re�uired to ,_
<br /> I� abtain oovetage substantialiy equivalent to the��age insurence previonsly in effect,at a cost substantially equivaleni to the _,
<br /> : �' wst to BuTrotiver af the mortgage insurtut9e prea3BUSly in effect. from an attemate mortgage insurer approved by Len+der. If (�-'
<br /> substamiFill)�equivFSlent mortgage i �n��r�a:,e cavemge is not available.l3orrower shall pay to Lender each month a sum equal to
<br /> on�-twelfth of the yearly mort$age ins��.ra:nce premiwn being paid by Borrower when the in,usance ooverage lapsed or ccased to �
<br /> be in effect.Lender will accept.use an�i retain these payments as a loss reserve in lieu of Mre-�rtgage insurance. I.ass �serve
<br /> ��.
<br /> j� Fortn 302H 9/90
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